Indestructible Mad Zun

Chapter 874 Breaking the God Chapter

Chapter 874 Breaking the Myth
"Stop! If you don't hold me anymore... I'll kill myself... You have to know what the consequences will be if you force a Dibang disciple to death!" Zhao Jian, who broke out again, no longer had the chicness he had before.

The clothes all over his body were already tattered, leaving only strips of cloth, and his face had become extremely pale due to the excessive consumption of spiritual power, and even the right hand shaking hands couldn't stop shaking.

At this time, he just wanted to quickly end the nightmare in front of him, at least whether he would be ridiculed by his classmates in the future is no longer what he needs to consider now.

He was absolutely unwilling to continue this kind of exhausting battle with no hope in sight.

"You..." Looking at Zhao Jian's extremely embarrassed appearance, Jin Siyan was not worried that he really had the courage to commit suicide, but worried that Zhao Jian would really be unable to resist, and that she couldn't control the formation as she wanted, and accidentally It's really troublesome to kill him.

In desperation, Jin Siyan had no choice but to draw the formation formula, and took the formation seal back into her palm, "Senior brother, you still want to stop us with such little skill?"

On normal days, even if Zhao Jian was defeated, he would at least confess a few words on the scene, but today he just woke up from a nightmare, looking at the shining formation mark in Jin Siyan's hand, Zhao Jian just let out a cold snort. Turn around and leave.

It's a loss of face, and you can't beat it again and again, so what's the point of staying here.

"Senior brothers, do you still want to test whether we have the ability to enter Lingyi Peak?" Seeing Zhao Jian leaving just like that, Jin Siyan immediately turned her attention to the other disciples on the list.

After fighting against Zhao Jian, Jin Siyan realized that the most suitable people for the test were not the outer city disciples, but the group of local disciples in front of her. Even Jin Siyan regretted that she had spent all her time and energy in the outer city As for the disciples, if they had entered Qingyun Peak earlier, with the companionship of these disciples from the top list, maybe their attainments in the array would have been even higher.

Originally expected to ask Zhao Jian to deal with Li Yichen and his group, but now Zhao Jian couldn't even deal with Jin Siyan who was the first to appear, and in the end even threatened Jin Siyan to stop by committing suicide, and at the same time witnessed the whole battle process At this time, who would dare to call out to challenge Jin Siyan.

He was even afraid that if he said a few words on the scene and was picked out by Jin Siyan, and then threw the formation seal in her hand, the consequences would be unimaginable. No one present was willing to personally experience Zhao Jian's previous feelings.

All the disciples of the local list left one after another, and in a blink of an eye, only Li Yichen and the others were left under Lingyi Peak.

"Senior Sister Jin is mighty!" Seeing Jin Siyan's victory in the first battle, Qi Jiuxiao immediately praised with a smile.

"Actually, I don't think it's necessary for us to complete this challenge task so quickly. Maybe there will be stronger disciples coming to stop us!" But full of excitement.

"You have to wait by yourself, I don't have the time to waste time here!" Li Yichen counted the time, and it was almost the time agreed with the disciples of Yunfengmen, although Qi Jiuxiao had made some arrangements before entering Qingyun Peak , but Li Yichen was still a little uneasy after seeing the method of placing Yinzi in the Hall of Reincarnation.

"Li Yichen, you ungrateful bastard, thanks to the fact that I have never left you after knowing your situation, now I want you to stay a little longer and let me try more formations, you don't have the time to spare..." Jin Siyan jumped up immediately.

She knew very well that if Li Yichen wanted to leave, Qi Jiuxiao would naturally want to leave, and once Qi Jiuxiao left, Qin Hao and the others would definitely not stay.

In today's environment, she doesn't have the confidence to go to the disciples of the Dibang for a test. Although she shouted, but seeing that Li Yichen and the others had already set off, Jin Siyan had no choice but to follow closely.

However, people followed, but Jin Siyan never stopped talking about all kinds of thoughts along the way. Obviously, she was still very upset that Li Yichen didn't want to wait for her.

"Actually, your control over Yin just now was still somewhat insufficient..." Finally, Li Yichen couldn't stand Jin Siyan's nagging, so he had to interrupt it.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Yichen mentioned the question of formation, a sly look flashed in Jin Siyan's eyes, and she immediately asked a few questions that she was confused in the previous battle. It was obvious that her real purpose was here from the beginning.

Although Li Yichen had already seen Jin Siyan's thoughts, but thinking of her chattering, at this moment, he had no choice but to patiently explain the formation to her, in exchange for a sliver of peace.

Li Yichen had been watching the battle, so he was very clear about Jin Siyan's shortcomings, not only answered Jin Siyan's doubts one by one, Li Yichen also talked about some problems that Jin Siyan himself hadn't discovered.

There was no harassment from the disciples of the ground list along the way. Although some spirit beasts were occasionally encountered, there were no too powerful spirit beasts in the places selected for the three mission points. Naturally, it was impossible to pose too much threat to the six people. .

Two days later, when the third mission was completed, the jade charms collected by the six people for the three missions suddenly fell out of thin air, and condensed into six purple brilliance in midair, covering the six people at the same time.

The bodies of the six people caught in the purple light trembled involuntarily, and then they felt that their brains seemed to become much clearer all of a sudden.

Especially Jin Siyan, who was still thinking about Li Yichen's guidance along the way, found that the next few questions that were puzzling her and incomprehensible suddenly became easier.

Similarly, Li Yichen also felt the clarity of Mingtai, and he immediately guessed that this was the benefit of completing the challenge of the land list, and immediately shouted, "Pursuing your own martial arts with your heart, now you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yichen's legs crossed and he started practicing on his own. After all, Li Yichen didn't know how long this purple light would last, so he didn't want to waste any time at this time.

But this time Li Yichen didn't try to comprehend anything else, but seriously cultivated the true understanding of immortality!

The True Solution of Immortality is a skill beyond the understanding of the sword spirit, and it is also a skill that can be appreciated by the sword spirit. In his eyes, at most, he was just passable.

At the same time, the True Solution of Immortality is a technique that can cultivate the power of heaven. The longer he lives in the sanctuary, the more Li Yichen can understand that the gap between power of heaven and spiritual power is definitely not just a difference in the level of power gap.

Of course, one more important point is that the True Solution of Immortality includes the Immortal Dragon Elephant Art, the Immortal Soul Art, and the Immortal Overlord Body Art, and these three art can be practiced at the same time, and they can complement each other.

If you want to get all the improvements in a limited time, this is undoubtedly the best choice.

Although Li Yichen has been practicing the True Understanding of Immortality since he was reborn in this life, and even Li Yichen felt that his understanding of the True Understanding of Immortality had reached a considerable height, but this time Li Yichen turned the merits very slowly, even slower than his The first practice of this tactic is even slower.

The cultivation experience of the two lifetimes made Li Yichen understand a truth, the more one can comprehend the details in the practice of kung fu, the higher and farther one can go.

Sure enough, with the slow operation of the exercises, some details that were ignored before began to emerge before Li Yichen, but Li Yichen only needed to think a little to understand the essence.

You must know that Li Yichen has tried this slow cultivation method for so many years, but if he wants to make new discoveries, he must practice quietly for at least a month before he can gain anything. That takes more time.

But at this time under the shroud of purple light, everything became simpler and clearer. At this time, Li Yichen didn't have the heart to admire how terrifying the sub-holy rank formation that enveloped Qingyun Peak was. insufficient.

Not only Li Yichen, but even the faces of the others showed some joy from time to time. Obviously, under the shroud of purple light, they all also felt something.

"Someone has challenged the leaderboard!"

"See Mingwu Ziguang, Six Paths!"

But when Li Yichen and the others were contemplating each other with their hearts, the outer city of Qingyun had already boiled. At this moment, on the top of Qingyun Peak, six purple rays of light pierced through bursts of gray and white, straight to the sky, looking extremely mysterious.

But this kind of phenomenon is not unfamiliar to any Qingyun disciple, even to foreign warriors living in Qingyun City.

At this time, everyone was discussing in private which team of disciples had completed the challenge, but this time everyone's opinions were almost unanimous.

They all thought it was Li Yichen's team!
After all, although there are quite a few disciples who have entered Qingyun Peak during this period of time, in terms of overall strength, Li Yichen and his team are stronger. At the same time, some time ago, many disciples failed and were eliminated, but no one thought that Li Yichen and his team were so powerful. A trace of the team.

During the discussion, everyone was envious and jealous, and of course more people were excited.

It is impossible to succeed in the ground list experience challenge. The myths in recent years have finally been broken at this moment, and the broken myths will no longer be myths, so this also means that other disciples also have the opportunity to continue to complete the experience challenges.

At this time, in a certain corner of Qingyun City, there were also four foreign warriors discussing carefully. If Li Yichen was present at this time, he would definitely recognize that these four people were none other than Luo Hao, the lord of Yunfeng City. Lu Yuanyuan, the first person the world knew, his parents Lu Tianhua, and Luo Xiuping, the only alchemist in Yunfeng City.

At the beginning, Yunfeng City was destroyed by the Hall of Reincarnation, and everyone broke out. In order to avoid being chased by the Hall of Reincarnation, they had to break it up into pieces and flee if they scattered.

At that time, these four people were all together, and now they have sneaked into Qingyun City according to the agreement, but Li Yichen has not appeared for a long time, just when they were distressed by the daily expenses, Luo Xiuping brought back a piece of news that made them feel mixed .

"The young master has already passed the Qingyun city's land list challenge..." Luo Xiuping said to the three of them excitedly as soon as he came back to the inn.

(End of this chapter)

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