Miss Nine

Chapter 196 Gu Jiuli VS Mu Xie

Chapter 196 Gu Jiuli VS Mu Xie (Part [-])
"Fifth match, Gu Jiuli vs. Bai Zhi!"

Concentrated, Gu Jiuli jumped onto the ring.

"You are Gu Jiuli? You just used the light attribute?" The woman on the opposite side looked at Gu Jiuli critically and critically. She was wearing a soft light blue dress, but she was wearing an invisible The meaning of arrogance and tenderness.

Gu Jiuli raised his eyebrows, why did she tell her?
"Let's fight." Gu Jiuli said very directly, in no mood to waste time now.

The woman choked, with an angry look on her face.

"The brilliance!" The power of thousands of rays of light shot at Gu Jiuli from all directions.

With a wave of Gu Jiuli's hand, a purple-black fire curtain appeared, blocking all attacks within one foot of Gu Jiuli, unable to advance any further.

"Light print!"

"Flame Triple Punch!"

"Bright India Day!"

"Nirvana Phantom Feather!"

"Shield of Light Blessing!"


The two of them came back and forth constantly releasing their profound skills, the bright and white light profound power collided with the deep purple black deep flame power, and Bai Zhi also gradually changed from being proactive at the beginning to being passive. defense.

Bai Zhi felt annoyed, Gu Jiuli's strength was really stronger than hers, and she couldn't force out the strength just now!
"Stop!" Bai Zhi suddenly stopped, even ignoring the oncoming attack!
Gu Jiuli had no intention of hurting her, seeing this, he could only deflect the attack he had already made to the side.

"I said Miss Bai Da, what do you want to do?" Gu Jiuli rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

"I can't beat you, as long as you tell me whether it is the light attribute just now, I will admit defeat when I know the answer." Bai Zhi said confidently.

Gu Jiuli couldn't help but laugh. Is this problem so important?
"Yes." Gu Jiuli shrugged and replied indifferently. Although she insisted that no one could do anything to her, since it was all exposed, then let it be. Besides... as long as you fight that Muxie , which cannot be concealed no matter what.

"Okay, Miss Ben admits defeat!" Bai Zhi gave Gu Jiuli a haughty look, she really surrendered directly and readily, turned around and left.

Gu Jiuli shook his head amusedly. The girl looked arrogant, but she wasn't so annoying.

But in this way, the top five rankings were determined, namely Gu Qingyi, Gu Jiuli, Yuan Jue, Dong Wenmo and Na Muxie.

Tomorrow there will still be four battles to determine the top three of the top five and the top three of the bottom five. Of course, the focus is naturally on the battle for the top three.

On the second day, all seven members of the Heaven Killing Squad arrived at the scene. At this time, Lou Xiaobei seemed to be fine, but obviously he was not in a good mood.

In fact, even she herself didn't figure out what was going on yesterday. When the countless water blades attacked, she realized that she had to hide, but her body seemed to be restrained, and she couldn't even move a little bit, so she also He was beaten by that move!

Gu Jiuli's eyes lightly passed over Mu Xie who was alone in the dark corner, extreme coldness flashed in the dark and deep eyes, I hope she can meet this person today...

But soon Gu Jiuli was disappointed. The result of the lottery was that Gu Jiuli was against Gu Qingyi, Dong Wenmo was against Yuan Jue, and Mu Xie had a lucky bye.

"Brother, we haven't competed for a long time." Standing on the ring, Gu Jiuli tilted his head and said with a smile.

There was a light smile in those icy white pupils, like a frosty flower that blooms suddenly when it is warm and cold, it is clear and translucent, instantly dizzying the eyes of countless people.

"Don't people with the surname Gu look particularly good-looking?" Someone looked at the two people on the stage and murmured in a daze.

"Senior Sister, Junior Brother, I think what you said is very reasonable. For example, I am Gu Xiaoming." A skinny man with dark skin and bumps all over his face stepped forward and nodded in agreement.


The woman was speechless, well, she was wrong.

The purple-black flame armor gradually built up outside Gu Jiuli's body, fully revealing her perfect figure in everyone's sight, and on the opposite side of her, a suit of frost armor has completely wiped out Gu Jiuli's body. Gu Qingyi wrapped it inside.

Hook, kick, bump, poke...

The two of them had no intention of holding back their moves at all, and each move was extremely ruthless, as if the people facing them were not brothers and sisters who lived with each other day and night, but enemies with deep hatred!
This melee combat scene was really exciting, which made those brothers and sisters shout even more crazily!

"Bang!" sounded, and Gu Qingyi was accidentally thrown to the ground.

Standing up from the ground, Gu Qingyi showed a helpless smile on his face. When it comes to melee combat, although he has made great progress under Gu Jiuli's "destruction" over the years, but in the end There is still no way to get benefits from Gu Jiuli.

"Ice spin kill!" Sharp ice cones formed in Gu Qingyi's hands one after another, and an array of ice cones spun frantically towards Gu Jiuli, blocking all directions except her back!
As for her back, it is naturally under the ring.

The corners of Gu Jiuli's lips curled into a smile. Sure enough, my brother's use of this mysterious skill has reached the point of proficiency, and he was able to release such a large number of ice cones at the same time.

"Thousands of arrows!" But Gu Qingyi still did not relax in the slightest, and added a more powerful profound technique after the ice cone array, and the huge arena was completely flooded with countless ice cones and ice arrows.


At this time, five figures suddenly appeared in all directions of the arena.

As the ice arrow passed by, those figures were constantly broken and reshaped. Whenever everyone thought that the arrow was bound to hit, what the ice arrow hit was still just a phantom.

One ice arrow shoots out, the second, the third...

Five ice arrows shot out from the Frost Bow one after another, and shot towards five directions at slightly different speeds.

Gu Jiuli's eyes flashed, she knew that it was impossible for her to continue relying on the amazing step to win, these five bows and arrows would shoot at all her figures at the same time, no matter which phantom position her main body appeared in. Can no longer escape!
And not only...

After these five Frostbolts, there were five more, and then five more, and the Frostbolt attacks appeared one after another!
"Three thousand flames!"

The four phantoms finally dissipated, and there was only one real Gu Jiuli left on the ring, and then a spear made of purple-black flames took shape in Gu Jiuli's hands, and was thrown violently by her out!
The tip of the arrow and the tip of the spear collided with each other, and then melted each other from the tip. The terrifying power of the sky fire and the power of the black ice were on par for a while!
"Boom boom boom!" Several roars sounded one after another, and the water mist covered the entire arena.

"I admit defeat." At this time, a clear man's voice came out of the mist, but it was Gu Qingyi who took the initiative to admit defeat.

The strength of the two of them is almost the same, if it is not for the battle until all the hole cards are revealed, it is absolutely impossible to really tell the winner, and obviously, the two will not do such a stupid thing.

This time Gu Jiuli didn't have any objections, because there was another Muxie, and it was best for her to face that Muxie.

Judging from Gu Jiuli's estimate yesterday, the strength of this Muxie should not only be the second star of Xuanzong, but probably reach the level of three or even four stars of Xuanzong. Of course, the most important thing is that the strange power of dark water can only be used It is most suitable for her to fight with the power of the holy light.

"Next match, Dong Wenmo will face Yuan Jue." The host came to the stage and said loudly after the battle had been decided.

After speaking, even he himself couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. This individual competition was really interesting. Seven out of ten people belonged to the same team. Every time they either abstained or surrendered.


"I abstain." A hoarse voice sounded in the soft cuteness, Yuan Jue abstained directly, and today's competition is over again.

"Hmph, I want to take revenge, but I won't let it go!" Everyone walked towards the outside of the Martial arts arena. Yuan Jue looked at Dong Wenmo and blinked triumphantly. Brother Wen will definitely take revenge on him, hum, he doesn't want to seek abuse!
Gu Jiuli turned his head to look with a broken smile, but he made some unexpected discoveries. He didn't know when it started. The boy's baby face with baby fat gradually lost weight, and the facial features became more distinct. When he got up, the soft and cute voice before had also taken on the hoarseness of a teenager.

Before you know it, everyone has grown up...

While walking in the direction of the dormitory, Gu Jiuli's thoughts slowly drifted away. After careful calculation, Gu Jiuli realized that she was already dead. Since Diyan and Shi Tianjue left that day, she has not been aware of it. Eight months have passed, and I don't know what kind of place the ancient forbidden peak is. Will they be in danger?
And at this time, what are the two of Di Yan doing?
Halfway up a huge mountain soaring so high that it pierced into the sky, two peerless and handsome men were walking towards the mountaintop step by step with difficulty but steadily.

Diyan's eyes were full of intense darkness, but when he saw the fragile flower swaying in the wind through the layers of clouds, all the chaotic emotions and strength were completely suppressed by him. Only the girl in red was left in his mind, his Jiu'er, is he alright?

No matter how confident he is and how absolute he is, how can he really let go?
Jiu'er, wait a little longer, there are still four months until the ancient world reopens...


"Gu Jiuli vs. Mu Xie!" On the third day of the finals, Gu Jiuli finally met Mu Xie as he wished.

"Gu Jiuli...the smell of fresh blood on your body is really tempting..." Mu Xie took a deep breath and said intoxicated.

"It's natural, after all, anyone can't be more clean and pure than a pervert like you." Gu Jiuli twitched the corner of his mouth as a matter of course.

"Hehehehe... What you said seems quite reasonable." Mu Xie nodded in agreement.

"Hammer of Holy Light!" Gu Jiuli rolled his eyes speechlessly, and directly sacrificed the mysterious technique!

There is nothing to say to this kind of person!Fighting is the truth!
"Bite of Dark Water!" Mu Xie clasped five fingers, and a dark vortex appeared in front of Hammer of Holy Light.

The black water vortex was constantly rotating, pulling the huge Hammer of Light deeper into the depths bit by bit.

But obviously, he underestimated the power of the Holy Light, and also underestimated the strength of Gu Jiuli.


The white fingers clasped tightly, and with the sound of falling, the golden light hammer burst with a "peng", instantly shattering the black water vortex, while the remaining power continued to impact towards Mu Xie !
Mu Xie raised his eyebrows in surprise, his dark body twisted, and the next moment Mu Xie appeared a few feet away.

"Holy Light...is really unimaginably powerful!" Mu Xie murmured in a daze as he looked at a large area of ​​burned skin on his body.

It is not only the power of the holy light itself that is powerful, but also Gu Jiuli. The power of the holy light in her body seems to be even better than the legend!

Just now, his dodge was definitely timely enough, but even so, just a little bit hit by this residual force actually caused such serious consequences.

The dark water waves slowly flowed over the wound, finally covering those traces.

"Huh?" Gu Jiuli suddenly raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked down. A series of transparent water waves like water snakes climbed to her ankles when she was completely unaware.

Gu Jiuli's eyes showed a look of surprise. That day she would have noticed something was wrong in advance because she noticed Lou Xiaobei's body stiffened at that moment, but she never wanted to understand what was going on, but now she finally knows up.

This dark water is indeed quite hidden, and even she didn't notice the abnormality until now.

With a flash of golden light, the water waves trying to climb up Gu Jiuli's body were instantly shaken away.

"Even aware of this, it seems that you are not only strong enough, but also have a good sense of vigilance." Mu Xie praised.

"Tiantian Palm!" Gu Jiuli had no desire to communicate with him at all, and threw out a mysterious technique again.

A small golden palm print slowly appeared on Gu Jiuli's palm, and as she pushed forward, she moved towards Mu Xie with a slow but unstoppable force!

But this palm couldn't be avoided, Mu Xie clearly felt the locking force on his body!

"Dark Water Curtain!" Another black water curtain appeared in front of Mu Xie, constantly fluctuating softly.

However, the small palm print passed through silently, except for a hole of the same size, the dark water curtain remained unchanged.

Gu Jiuli hooked his lips and sneered. This curtain of dark water can indeed block and remove most of the power, but the most terrifying thing about Tianchang Palm is the penetrating power that ignores everything!
Mu Xie was shocked, but at this moment, the palm of the sky was only about ten feet away from him!
"Boom!" Endless darkness suddenly rolled over the arena. Almost instantly, the entire arena was occupied by Mu Xie's powerful aura, and Gu Jiuli was forced to retreat to a corner.

Gu Jiuli's eyes darkened, she expected it to be right, this Muxie was the fourth star of Xuanzong!It is two levels higher than the strength he showed!

The instructors and students around were also shocked. I thought that Gu Qingyi, who was Xuanzong's three-star student, was already the highest-ranked existence among all the freshmen of the three major academies this year, but I didn't expect that Mu Xie was even better!
But Gu Jiuli is not concerned about these things at the moment.

Gu Jiuli looked down and saw that the entire arena was completely covered by black water, even her feet were no exception.

The continuous sucking and devouring power came from under her feet. Although the black water could not really swallow the strength in Gu Jiuli's body, it greatly hindered her actions. At least her body skills were useless.

Mu Xie's dark red lips evoked a slight arc, which was naturally what he planned early on.

He has watched every battle of Gu Jiuli since this period of time. Although she didn't reveal too much, there is one thing that is very obvious - her body skills are quite Fantastic and powerful.

"You think you can deal with me?" Gu Jiuli raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not, but it's enough to limit you one or two times." Mu Xie shook his head and said.

After only thinking for a blink of an eye, a purple-black flame swept out again, covering the realm of black water with a layer of skyfire realm again.

A large amount of smoke rose from the ground. Dark water, after all, is still water. There is no water on this continent that cannot be restrained by sky fire!
Quickly clearing a place to stay under his feet, Gu Jiuli swept towards the center of the ring.

"Obliterate and kill again!"

The power of the holy light turned into a huge lightsaber and forcibly opened a path in the darkness, cutting towards Mu Xie with an extremely sharp breath.

"Sword to the sky!"

In the passage opened by the Sword of Holy Light, the pitch-black sword light with even more powerful and powerful power followed closely behind, and it seemed that it was bound to kill Mu Xie here!

 The change is in a hurry, if there is a problem, I will change it tomorrow

  (already edited)

(End of this chapter)

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