Tyrant Ghost Emperor: Where does the cute wife run

Chapter 171 There Are Ghosts With Deep Violence Here

Chapter 171 There Are Ghosts With Deep Violence Here

"Honey, are you done?" The moment the girl received the call from the man, there was a smile on her little face.

The man's voice said very coldly, "You come to the old place tonight, we will meet and talk again."

The girl hung up the phone and began to pick out clothes. In front of outsiders, she might be a nerd who only knows how to study. Only when she meets a man, she will seriously dress herself up, just to make him happy when he sees her.

The girl looked at the time almost every few minutes, and finally looked forward to the evening. She put on high heels to look good. Along the way, men looked back at her from time to time, but she still went to see him with full expectation.

When they arrived at the usual place where they would always go, the girl saw the man pacing back and forth in front of the store, and she trotted all the way and hugged him directly from behind.

"Honey, I miss you so much!"

The man quickly put the girl down, and explained, "Since you are pregnant, don't do such dangerous moves, go in quickly!"

The girl thought that the man cared about her. She was so happy that she never stopped smiling since she saw the man. She took the man's arm and followed him in.

When they went to their exclusive box, the girl realized that it was filled with faces she had never seen before. She was so frightened that she immediately looked at the man beside her, but the man didn't take it seriously.

The man pulled the girl to the position, and the man next to the girl looked at the girl with a smirk on his face. The girl wanted to get up immediately, but unexpectedly the man pushed her down even faster.

"Come on, these are my friends, don't you want to meet them?" The man's words dispelled the girl's worries. She thought that he was willing to bring her to meet his friends, which also recognized her identity. She was naturally delighted.

"Hey, let me tell you, where did you find your girlfriend? She's so beautiful!" The other man sitting on the table asked, his eyes were even more naked, and the girl who looked at it felt very uncomfortable.

The man put his arm around the girl, touched her face with the other, and said proudly, "My vision is naturally right, if you like it, it depends on your performance."

The girl was confused, she whispered to the man, "Husband, what do you mean by that?"

Before the man could answer her, the other men sitting beside him continued, "In addition to the premise I told you before, add five percentage points. Is this enough sincerity?"

The man let go of the girl after hearing this, and then clapped his hands in satisfaction, "Since you have already spoken, then wish us a smooth cooperation!"

At the dinner party that night, the man always asked the girl to drink with other men. The girl didn't want to drink, and the man's face was unhappy. In the end, the girl had to drink first, and then went to the bathroom to induce vomiting. Repeatedly, she was also a little drunk.

At first, the girl thought that there was a man, so she slept peacefully on the sofa in the room. When she woke up again, she was awakened by the pain.

"Ah! You go away! My husband! Where are you, my husband?"

"Little beauty, I advise you to be good. Your husband sold you to me a long time ago. Otherwise, why didn't you answer him!"

The man who was talking was the man who was sitting next to the girl while eating. At this moment, he tied the girl to a chair. The clothes on the girl were also replaced with sexy lingerie, and everyone in the original room also left.

"Impossible! You must be lying to me, right?"

After the girl listened to the man's words, her eyes were instantly filled with moisture, as crystal clear as if washed with water, the man's heart itched unbearably!
The man took out a paper agreement, and the girl clearly saw that she was also used as a bargaining chip in this negotiation, and the name signed by Party A was exactly what she was thinking of, the father of her unborn child, he actually sold her to someone else with his own hands .

"Now you believe it! But don't worry, as long as you are honest and obedient, maybe I can consider keeping you longer!" The man picked the girl's chin, from the moment he saw the girl's picture, he dreamed of this moment !

The girl looked at the man, she suddenly laughed, but from that moment on, her eyes were full of despair!The person who betrayed her, if there is a future, she will make him regret it!
That night, the girl couldn't count how many times she was raped. She only knew that her whole body was getting colder and colder, and a stream of warmth flowed out from her lower body. Then she seemed to hear a loud voice, but her consciousness also began to slow down. Slowly dissipating, but she felt finally relieved!

Afterwards, the girl's child had a miscarriage, and the girl died on the operating table, but the girl's body was directly cremated. Maybe the girl's family members still don't know the girl's whereabouts.

"Sister, wake up! Why are you crying?"

Hua Qingling only woke up when she heard Bai Tong's voice, and then she felt that her face was full of tears. She didn't know why, but she dreamed about those things. She felt sorry for everything that the girl had encountered. I also hate men who hurt girls.

"Sister, are you alright!"

Bai Tong saw that Hua Qingling woke up, but he was absent-minded, he shook Hua Qingling again and asked.

Only then did Hua Qingling come to her senses, seeing Bai Tong's worried expression, she immediately replied, "Tong Tong, I'm fine! It's just a dream, but why is that dream so real?"

"Ah?..." Bai Tong scratched his hair, it turned out that it was because of this that he was so scared that he thought something happened to her.

Hua Qingling glanced out the window, the sky was already light, and she couldn't fall asleep, so she got up and went out, and the servants of the Zhang family were also busy busy at this moment.

Hua Qingling walked to Zhang's back garden and breathed the morning air. It seemed that this family would also enjoy it. This place is far away from the urban area, and the surrounding environment is very good, but why does this place look so familiar?It's her first time here, so why does she have a sense of familiarity?

After Hua Qingling arrived for a while, Mrs. Zhang came over, "Miss Hua, you woke up really early! How did you sleep well last night?"

"Auntie, you can call me Qingling, I slept very well last night!" Hua Qingling felt that Mrs. Zhang was a good person, except for her short temper.

"Hey! Since what happened to my son, I can't sleep all night. I hope your friend can help my son get back to normal. I will be very grateful!"

Mrs. Zhang was originally a strong woman. She worked hard with her husband to achieve her current life. These years, they have rarely participated in her son's education. She will regret that she didn't spend more time with him when her son got rid of this matter. .

When Hua Qingling saw Mrs. Zhang like this, she could only comfort her, "Auntie, I believe your son will recover, so you must take care of yourself!" The dark circles under Mrs. Zhang's eyes were already very obvious.

Soon Hua Qingling's cell phone rang, and only after she connected did she realize that it was a man Bai Ying called, and Mrs. Zhang immediately sent someone to send Hua Qingling to pick him up.

When she arrived at the airport, Hua Qingling saw a monstrous-looking man at the gate of the waiting hall. He was fiddling with his hair in front of the glass mirror. He, but he remains unmoved!
"Hello! Are you Bai Ying's friend?" Hua Qingling covered her face and walked up to the man, asking in a low voice.

"Oh! You are the showman that Bai Ying talked about? What did you do? You made me wait for so long!" The moment the man opened his mouth, that monstrous image instantly dropped to a notch. There is a big contrast in appearance, and I don't know how Bai Ying knows this alternative.

Hua Qingling hurriedly accompanied him, and then pulled the suitcase next to the man, leading the way for him, "I'm sorry! Get in the car with me quickly!" She stood there for a short while, already frozen Shivering, it is conceivable that he is not cold!

"Hmph! If it wasn't for Bai Ying's sake, I wouldn't have come here to suffer from the cold!" The man was still muttering along the way, Hua Qingling could only listen, since she was late, she couldn't say anything up.

After Hua Qingling and the others got into the car, the driver slammed on the accelerator, hoping to rush back immediately. When something like this happened to the owner's house, they naturally hoped that the owner's house could return to normal quickly, so that their work would last for a long time!
While on the road, Hua Qingling only knew that the man's name was Jiyu, and the name sounded quite elegant, but his temper didn't fit the name.

I also know the process of Jiyu and Bai Ying's acquaintance, and Jiyu is obsessed with Taoism and has no love life so far. It seems that he disagrees with the theory of love. His words also made Hua Qingling doubt life.

Rather than entrusting all your emotions to others, it is better to restrain yourself from the beginning, at least keep your original intention, and naturally you will not be affected, let alone get hurt easily. She actually began to agree with this truth up.

They talked and laughed along the way, and soon arrived at Zhang's house, and they frowned as soon as they got out of the car to send messages.

Seeing his unsmiling look, Hua Qingling asked curiously, "What's the matter? Why don't you go in?"

Jiyu turned to look at Hua Qingling, then sighed and said helplessly, "This is much more serious than what Bai Ying said, isn't she cheating on me?"

"What do you mean? There doesn't seem to be anything unusual here!" Hua Qingling was skeptical, at least she didn't feel anything!In the past, she had sensed it beforehand.

After Jiyu rolled his eyes, he opened his mouth to explain, "There is a ghost with a deep anger here, and the formation is set up, and I can only lure the ghost out and negotiate with her to see if she can meet her conditions. There is no other way.”

Hua Qingling took a look, and when there was no one around, she said, "I know there is a female ghost here, do you think it is her?"

"You know! Then why do you still ask me to come?" Jiyu looked at Hua Qingling with a confused face, she could see the female ghost if she dared, so she could negotiate with the female ghost directly, and let him come all the way What are you doing with all your energy?
Hua Qingling knew that he had misunderstood, "I haven't seen a ghost, but I just know, how about it? How about we make a bet and see if I'm right?"

"Tell you, don't provoke me, okay! Just bet!" After finishing the message, he brushed the hair on his forehead, and then walked in very angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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