Tyrant Ghost Emperor: Where does the cute wife run

Chapter 200 Extra I'm afraid I'll be mad at you to death!

Chapter 200 Extra I'm afraid I'll be mad at you to death!
After Hu Bing returned, he was hugged by his parents. Bai Yu looked out of the car window at the family embracing each other, his eyes were full of relief!If something happened to Hu Bing because of him, then he could only spend his life in guilt!

Mo Yu had a panoramic view of Bai Yu's eyes, and teased, "Do you like him?"

Bai Yu smiled when he heard this, "President Mo, you are joking! I only have friendship with her! I clearly know that I don't feel that way when I look at her."

Mo Yu nodded after hearing this. Since he was driving, he had to bring Bai Yu to Bai Ying safely, and only in this way could he complete the task.

Bai Ying who had been waiting at home was restless, and Bai Fengying was still at home, which made her worry, so Bai Ying didn't tell her anything.


The doorbell rang, and Bai Ying immediately ran to open the door like a gust of wind, so frightened that Jin Ke dropped the half-peeled apple in his hand, and hurriedly followed, fearing that she might be in danger.

After opening the door, Mo Yu was surprised to see Jin Ke behind Bai Ying!But looking at Jin Ke's strange eyes, Mo Yu was sure that he had made a mistake!Because He Lianjin's eyes have always been ambitious, when did he have such stability?

Bai Yu lowered his head and shouted, "Sister, brother-in-law, I"...

Bai Ying slapped Bai Yu directly on the head, and said angrily, "Stinky boy! If there is another time, you will be dead!"

Bai Yu immediately covered his painful head and said sincerely, "Don't worry! Sister, I will be obedient in the future!"

On the contrary, Jin Ke looked thoughtful, and directly pulled Bai Ying aside to sit down, and because of business, Mo Yu also left after standing for a while, and Bai Yu went into the room and saw Bai Fengying, and rushed directly When I came to her, I cried bitterly, "Wuuu... Grandma, I almost lost sight of you! Fortunately, it's good to be able to hold you again now!"

Bai Fengying directly pushed Bai Yu's face away with her hands, and said in a very serious manner, "I have something to say, who is saying these nasty words to make me sick?" Didn't she know that Bai Yu usually has something to do with this face?Really can bend and stretch!

Hearing this, Bai Yu immediately let go of Bai Fengying's leg, and said seriously, "Grandma, I want to learn the Bai family's Maoshan technique!"

"Yo! Is your sister playing dumb? Or am I getting old and my ears are not good? You want to learn Maoshan technique?" Bai Fengying exclaimed. When the children of the Bai family were learning Maoshan technique, Who laughed and said feudal superstition?

Bai Yu knew that he didn't look down on Mao Shanshu in the past, and felt that it was just a trick, but everything he experienced last night made him realize how stupid he was before!Therefore, he made up his mind that he must learn Maoshan technique well, and it will not be a problem to use it for self-protection in the future!

"Grandma, sister, I know what I said before, and I know that you don't believe me! But I solemnly declare that I, Bai Yu, want to learn the Baijia Maoshan technique, and please teach me with all your heart, so that we can learn together Guard the Bai family!"

Bai Fengying and Bai Ying looked at each other, confirming that Bai Yu was not acting on a whim, and Bai Ying asked, "What if you give up halfway in the future? How can we trust you?"

Without further ado, Bai Yu took the computer that Jin Ke was playing on, then looked at Jin Ke and said, "Brother-in-law, let me borrow it!"

Jin Ke nodded his head, and Bai Yu just concentrated on typing, and soon Bai Ying got Bai Yu's letter of guarantee, which made him feel a little cruel!Only then did he believe Bai Yu's words.

"Since you have written the guarantee letter! Well, you can stay with me! I will ask Mo Yu to take you out to play at night!" Bai Ying carefully put away Bai Yu's guarantee letter.

It was Bai Yu who asked suspiciously, "Sister, won't you teach me yourself?" He felt that Mo Yu had already saved him, so he didn't want to bother him anymore.

Bai Ying curled her lips when she heard the words, "I'm afraid I'll be mad at you to death! So to be on the safe side, let Mo Yu play with you first, to practice your courage!"

As soon as Bai Yu heard this, he immediately nodded. Bai Ying's temper is probably only Jin Ke can handle, and so far it seems that this is the only way to go!

After Bai Ying went back to the room and told Hua Qingling about this, Mo Qixuan immediately said, Mo Yu can use it as he pleases!When Bai Ying heard this, she immediately nodded happily.

Mo Yu, who had just finished a day's work over there, had no choice but to obediently go to Bai Ying's house after receiving Mo Qixuan's order.

Bai Yu came out with Mo Yu, and seeing Mo Yu's cold face, he asked in a low voice, "President Mo, did I cause you trouble?"

Mo Yu looked sideways at Bai Yu's cautious eyes, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and raised his hand to pat Bai Yu's shoulder, "Don't call me President Mo from now on!"

Bai Yu thought that Mo Yu was unhappy, so he changed his address, "Then can I call you Master? I mean it sincerely!"

Mo Yu looked at Bai Yu's sincere eyes and nodded, "You can only call in private!"

Bai Yu immediately smiled happily when he heard the words, "It's Master!"

While talking, Mo Yu brought Bai Yu to a remote village in the outskirts. As soon as he entered the village, he could hear the sound of suona, which made the listeners feel more and more depressed. This sound was not unfamiliar to Bai Yu, and he often heard it when he was a child.

"Master, is there a funeral going on in this village?"

Mo Yu sneered when he heard the words, "Oh! Your ears are pretty good!"

Mo Yu parked the car at the head of the village, got out of the car and walked with Bai Yu, only then did Bai Yu realize that a white tent had been set up in front of him, it was square and somewhat different from the usual tents, and a vermilion coffin was being put up at the moment. At the door, two people were kneeling in front of the coffin, burning paper money.

Bai Yu asked suspiciously, "Master, why didn't they park the coffin inside the house?"

Mo Yu crossed his arms and looked at the front coldly. Regarding Bai Yu's question, he only said, "It's better for you to figure out these questions yourself!"

Bai Yu nodded when he heard the words, and went straight to the side to see an elderly woman who was busy boiling water for cooking, so she stepped forward to help add water, and asked, "Grandma, our car is out of gas! Can I stay here overnight?"

The old lady looked at the handsome and polite Bai Yu, and praised directly, "Yo! Old lady, it's the first time I've seen such a beautiful boy at my age! If that's the case, let's help grandma! Go to grandma's house and rest!"

Bai Yu immediately nodded in response, "Hey! Thank you grandma! By the way, grandma, why is the coffin parked outside?"

The old lady immediately sighed and said, "Hey! Poor! Why is that girl Jun Lan so pitiful? She was about to get married, and this happened suddenly!"

Seeing the old lady's pity look, Bai Yu couldn't help but become even more curious!Quickly speed up the work at hand, and continued to ask, "Grandma, what happened to her? Don't be surprised! This is the first time I have encountered such a thing, so I am a little curious!"

The old woman saw that Bai Yu didn't look like a wicked child, so she whispered, "Jun Lan is a beautiful child, and many boys in the village want to ask her to be his wife, but she actually had an affair at school. For her boyfriend in the city, her parents at home refused to agree at first, but after the guy came to the door in person, her parents agreed! But within half a month, she drowned in the river behind the village! This is really a white-haired person giving a black-haired person!"

Bai Yu just listened quietly, but the old lady still didn't say why the coffin was parked outside, so she asked, "Grandma, does this have anything to do with the coffin parked outside?"

The old lady looked at Bai Yu who was full of doubts, and said, "Our custom here is that people who lose their temper outside are not allowed to enter the house after death, so we can only put the coffin outside the door!"

Bai Yu scratched his head, this is the first time he heard of this custom, "Then why did you invite a few monks?" Bai Yu noticed that there were several monks in cassocks in the deceased's house, and they looked quite old. , how could it be here?
Hearing the words, the old lady turned her head and took a look inside the room, and then said, "It's because Jun Lan's girl died a little unjustly, and I specially asked them to send her for the last time!"

"Did you die wronged? Who said that?" Bai Yu suddenly grasped the point and asked.

The old lady shook her head, "Hey! Sir said! You should hurry up and help grandma with work! It's time to delay their dinner!"

Bai Yu didn't ask any further questions after hearing the words, and lowered his head to help the old woman with her work, while Mo Yu had been standing under a locust tree in front of the deceased's house, squinting at the vermilion coffin with a thoughtful expression of!

"Ah! My poor daughter! You say it's fine! Why did it happen suddenly? If you know anything underground, you must tell your mother in a dream. Who hurt you?"

The one crying around the coffin was the deceased Jun Lan's mother. The middle-aged woman looked honest and responsible, and the one standing beside her with red eyes was Jun Lan's father. Because he was not good at words, everyone called him stupid all these years When they heard that Junlan had an accident, everyone in the village came to help. It can be seen that the two couples usually behave well!
"Aunt Yu, stop crying! If Lan Lan sees you like this, she will definitely be even more sad!"

"That's right! Since the matter is already like this, Sister Yu, you should let Lan Lan go on the road with peace of mind!"

Junlan's mother usually has a few friends who are persuading her, but for Junlan's mother, there is no hope for her daughter without her. When they were young, because of the poor family conditions, the two couples only had one child, Junlan. In recent years, Junlan has been more competitive than the children in the village. The two couples hold Junlan in their hands and don't let her do any farm work. I didn't expect that they could support themselves, and they were so lost!No one can stand it!

"Auntie, look at sister Junlan woke up!" Suddenly a little girl who usually likes to follow Junlan was lying on the other side of the coffin, and said aloud in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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