Chapter 37 Let Me Be Your Man

"I'm just speaking my heart, who else is qualified to teach me except you!" Mo Qixuan's domineering, arrogant appearance at that moment, like the different moonlight tonight, deeply penetrated into Hua Qingling's heart. The feeling of being remembered and pampered by others is very good!
"It's so cold! Ling'er, let's go back to the room and sleep!" Hua Qingling, who hadn't been touched for three seconds, felt like being struck by lightning. Sure enough, this was his true face. Fortunately, she was so touched!
"I said you came here to sleep with me? Are you shameless?" Hua Qingling said angrily after pushing Mo Qixuan away.

"Why do you want a face! I only want you!" The ghost emperor who has lived for hundreds of years doesn't know what a face is!What else is more important than Hua Qingling in front of me!

Hua Qingling, who was inexplicably electrocuted, looked at Mo Qixuan shyly and said, "Really? But there are other people in my room! It's inconvenient for you to come!" Mo Qixuan's thoughts were instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water .

"You can only let me in your room, wait for me to clean up your room right away." Went straight to Hua Qingling's room, carried the sleeping two people out, threw them directly in the corridor at the door, and hugged each other. The stunned Hua Qingling entered the room.

"It's not good for you to leave them outside like this?" Hua Qingling, who was sitting on the bed, asked after realizing it.

"You still have time to worry about others! You can't live in this room, pack your things and go out with me!" Mo Qixuan entered the room and found something evil in the room, but he couldn't find it for a while?Don't worry if Hua Qingling continues to live here, I can only wait for him to check it out first.

I didn't understand what Mo Qixuan said, but looking at him with a serious expression, he didn't seem to be joking. Hua Qingling tugged at his sleeve and asked, "Why? I've lived here quite well during this period of time!"

Hearing Hua Qingling's question, Mo Qixuan didn't know how to explain it for a moment. He hugged her and slept on the bed and explained, "The conditions here are too bad. I'm afraid you won't get used to it! Since you said it's fine, then Don't leave, go to sleep now!"

With the moonlight shining in, Qingling's almond eyes looked straight at Mo Qixuan who was holding her. For some reason, she felt very at ease in his arms!As if the sky is falling, as long as she has him by her side, she is not afraid of anything!
"Can't sleep! Do you want to do some exercise before going to bed for your health!" Hua Qingling, who was always affectionate with the soft jade in her arms, made Mo Qixuan's blood swell, and the longing of the past few days urgently needed an outlet at this moment.

"What kind of exercise is exercise before going to bed? Why haven't I heard of it?" Hua Qingling, who looked like a curious baby, widened her big eyes and asked in puzzlement.

Seeing such a cute and cute Hua Qingling, Mo Qixuan personally explained her doubts without saying a word. The moment Hua Qingling was pressed under her, she was really going to cry. Why did she ask this question?It's just that she doesn't know that even if she doesn't ask this question, she still can't escape Mo Qixuan's gentle trap. When everything is in harmony with each other, everything is unimportant, the cool breeze is blowing, and the shadows of the trees are whirling. The warmth of embracing and sleeping!After Hua Qingling cried and begged for mercy, Mo Qixuan had no choice but to do things hastily. He had no choice but to surrender if anyone made her frown easily.

People who woke up in the morning found the two sleeping in the corridor.

"Wake up! Are you all right?" The actors in the same crew shook Yang Xue's body lightly.

"Ah! Why are you all here? Who told you to come in?" Li Qingqing shouted when she heard the voice and woke up. He was so scared that he quickly covered his face.

"Miss Qingqing, you can see clearly that we didn't come in but you came out. If you don't sleep in a good room, you have to sleep in the corridor. Who can't see it!" Many people are dissatisfied with Yili Qingqing's style, After hearing what she said, it was even worse.

Looking around, I found that they were really sleeping in the corridor and there was a mocking look in everyone's eyes. Li Qingqing, who had always been proud and arrogant, couldn't help it immediately, and kicked Yang Xue on the body, but she was still lying on the bed. She was so motionless on the ground that everyone was frightened.

"Xue'er, wake up!" Seeing Yang Xue who hadn't responded, Li Qingqing squatted down and shook her body vigorously.

"Her breathing is so weak that she has to be rushed to the hospital!" He Ziqi put his hand under Yang Xue's nose, breathing very weakly, and said to the others.

"How could this be? Wasn't she fine last night?" After hearing He Ziqi's words, Li Qingqing shook her head and didn't believe his words. A good person becomes like this after a good night's sleep, not to mention Li Qingqing who was present People are a little bit in disbelief.

"Why did you two sleep in the corridor, where is Qingling?" He Ziqi asked worriedly when he suddenly found that Hua Qingling was not around.

"I don't know? We obviously slept in the room last night. Hua Qingling didn't come back before we went to bed. Who knows where she went!" Hearing that He Ziqi cared about Hua Qingling, Li Qingqing was very upset. He said unhappily, since coming here, everyone has paid less and less attention to her, which makes Li Qingqing, who has always had the halo of the protagonist, very angry!
Before he finished listening to Li Qingqing's words, He Ziqi knocked on the door of Hua Qingling's room and shouted anxiously, "Qingling, are you in there?"

Mo Qixuan, who had woken up early in the room, blocked Hua Qingling's ears when he heard the commotion outside. At this moment, when he heard a man calling her name, the look in his eyes was like a dark sea, and the corner of his mouth was full of tears. With a charming smile, "Hmph! I can't even sleep well! But Ling'er, you really have a lot of peach blossoms! Hehe———It just so happens that I like to destroy flowers with hot hands!" The index finger lightly aimed at the sleeping Huaqing With her beautiful silhouette, her eyes immediately turned into her pampering and tenderness.

"Qingling, are you in the room?" He Ziqi yelled again when no one answered in the room.

"Hmm! It's so noisy! What's going on outside?" Hua Qingling woke up because the filming period was at this time. When she woke up, she heard voices from outside. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked the people in the room. .

"It's still early, why don't you sleep more?" Mo Qixuan asked in a hoarse voice as he wrapped Hua Qingling in his arms from behind and put his chin on her fragrant shoulder.

"You—why are you here?" Looking back at Mo Qixuan who was suddenly hugging her, Hua Qingling asked before her brain had recovered.

Mo Qixuan answered Hua Qingling's question in his own way, turned around her body, leaned over to kiss that small mouth, attacked her mouth with his domineering, hooked the fragrant lilac The small tongues danced together, and for a moment, the flavor of Mo Qixuan bloomed in Hua Qingling's mouth, and gradually the oxygen in her mouth decreased, and she could only hug his neck tightly until she was exhausted due to lack of oxygen. His face was a little red, and he reluctantly let her go.

"Ling'er, can you let me be your man?" Mo Qixuan used the seriousness he had never felt before, and the tension in his eyes deeply touched Hua Qingling's heart. , the strong him, the domineering him, the infinite pampering him, each scene is like a movie fragments put together to form a complete him, he is so good like this!Can she really have him?
(End of this chapter)

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