Chapter 50
"Li Qingqing! It's Li Qingqing!" Hua Qingling called out, but no one in the car could see anything except the driver. Everyone said that Hua Qingling was trying to scare people on purpose.

"Did you see it?" The driver looked back at Hua Qingling and asked. He thought he had made a mistake but when he heard Hua Qingling's words, he knew what he saw was real.

"Hmm! She's right next to the platform." Hua Qingling pointed at Li Qingqing, who had been smiling at her, but no one could see her except the driver, and He Ziqi, who was sitting next to her, reassured her that it was just an illusion. .

"She—she's coming here!" Li Qingqing, who had been standing on the side of the road, suddenly walked in the direction of the bus, and it should have come from floating. Hua Qingling pointed at the window with wide eyes and the driver turned around. Seeing Li Qingqing with a dead face smiling at him, the driver, who wanted to flee, suddenly stood motionless as if his feet had been filled with lead, and watched Li Qingqing's body pass through the glass and enter the car.

"Hehe———I haven't left yet! Do you actually want to leave me behind?" Li Qingqing whispered in the driver's ear, and Hua Qingling in the front seat could hear it clearly.

"Uncle, are you going or not? It's getting dark!" The people in the car shouted impatiently.

"I———" The driver opened his mouth but couldn't say anything at all, but the bloodshot eyes in his eyes filled the whole eyeballs as if they were going to pop out of their sockets. But what is even more strange is that his neck was turned [-] degrees by himself to face everyone, and then even the brains burst, and the hot tofu brain that was just out of the pot flowed down his neck. dirty.

"Ah! Mom! What is he doing?" After all, what everyone saw was the driver's own hands!But why did the brains come out?

"Ugh! I want to go home! Ugh!" the timid girl vomited while crying.

But what Hua Qingling could see clearly was that Li Qingqing grabbed the driver's hand and strangled the driver's neck. She even inserted the driver's head from the top of his head with her hands, and then she sat in the driver's seat Looking at the panicked person with playfulness on his face, Ji kept staring at Hua Qingling and said, "Guess who's next?"

"Stop! They are innocent at all, you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Hua Qingling stopped them.

"Ah! He—call an ambulance!"

"It's strange that my mobile phone has no signal. Do you have any?" The person who just wanted to call the police took out his mobile phone but there was no signal at all. When everyone heard what he said, they took out their mobile phones and found that there was no signal. Dare to say anything.

"Qingling, what are you talking about?" He Ziqi saw Hua Qingling staring at the driver's position and talking, but the driver was obviously dead!So who is she talking to?
"Senior, it was Li Qingqing who killed the driver!" Hua Qingling said firmly. The sincerity in her eyes made He Ziqi feel like she was lying, but what about people who are already dead? Out to kill?

"Hua Qingling, what nonsense are you talking about! I think you wanted to plant it on Sister Qingqing. I didn't expect you to let her go even though she was dead! You are really vicious!" said a supporter of Li Qingqing.

Hua Qingling was really sad to see that everyone didn't believe her words at all. Why did no one believe what she said so clearly?
"Why is it hard to be misunderstood by everyone! But this is just the beginning, and I will let you be witnesses." Li Qingqing smiled and covered her mouth.

"What do you want to do?" Hua Qingling felt that Li Qingqing seemed to have more than simply killing people.

"Qingling, what did you see?" He Ziqi whispered in Hua Qingling's ear. From just now, things seemed abnormal and the driver killed him himself. Who would a normal person do to him?He felt that Hua Qingling could see things that none of them could see.

"Senior, do you believe me?" If He Ziqi didn't believe her, she wouldn't tell him either.

"I believe in your character, can you tell me what you saw?" Even though everyone said that Hua Qingling was playing tricks, He Ziqi was still willing to believe her, just because her clear eyes were full of sincerity, and A deceitful person would not have such clean and pure eyes, so he was willing to believe her.

"Li Qingqing is sitting in the driver's seat now. It looks like she is going to take us somewhere." Hua Qingling told He Ziqi what she saw, and He Ziqi frowned when he heard it. Really, will everyone in their car die here?It's just a matter of time for her to kill a person and a carload of people casually.

"I said Hua Qingling, you have some basis for making up a lie, okay? Then there is nothing but the dead driver?" Everyone only believed what they saw with their own eyes.

But when the bus suddenly moved, everyone dared not speak. The driver was already dead, so why can they still drive steadily? They wanted to call the police, but there was no signal at all!
"Woo! Why is he still able to drive?" The two girls were so scared that they hugged each other and cried silently.

"Now do you believe what I said?" Hua Qingling stood up and looked back at everyone who was trembling. Everyone immediately nodded and replied, have you ever seen this dead man driving?
"Hehe——you all go to a place with me obediently! If you keep arguing, I'll cut off your tongues!" Obviously the driver opened his mouth to say the words, but the voice was a woman's voice. Listening carefully, it was really Li Qing With a clear voice, no matter how much fear and doubts everyone had, they didn't dare to speak out again, and soon a smell of urine filled the entire carriage, which really made matters worse! MD!Can't you just hold back?
"Where are you taking us, Li Qingqing?" Hua Qingling was the only one in the car who dared to speak, and everyone broke into a cold sweat for her.

"Oh! Just sit quietly and talk so much!" The driver's expression seemed a little impatient because of these words, and that ferocious expression could really scare a ghost to death!No, scare me to death!

The car drove at a high speed and the speed did not exceed [-], but the fact is that they were walking on a somewhat desolate mountain road, and Hua Qingling felt that her internal organs were about to be displaced due to the bumps along the way.

Is there no such thing as traffic police in the ghost world?At any rate, let someone take care of it!

During the nearly two-hour journey, the car stopped in front of a barren mountain, surrounded by the cries of owls and crows, which added a touch of weirdness to the desolate mountain, and the driver's body slipped off at the moment of stopping. There was a puddle of blood on the ground, and the air was filled with the sticky smell of blood!

vomit!The people who held back their vomiting just now really vomited into a ball, and no one could hold back seeing such a bloody scene.

"It's really useless, everyone!" Li Qingqing in a bright red dress appeared in the car, and everyone immediately screamed!That cry resounded through the entire barren mountain and reverberated endlessly!
Because of the frequent shooting of horror films, Hua Qingling recognized that Li Qingqing was wearing the same clothes as the ghost bride she wore in the previous film, but why did Li Qingqing bring them here dressed like this? ?
"Are you really Sister Qingqing? Can you let me go?" The man who had been defending Li Qingqing before begged for mercy.

"What do you think?" Li Qingqing's eyes were full of teasing, but the cheeks on both sides of his pale face were painted with blood-red blush, and his lips were as gorgeous as if he had just drunk blood.

Everyone had no choice but to get out of the car, with Hua Qingling and He Ziqi following behind. At this time, only the crooked moon was shining faintly in the sky.

"Qing Ling, why is she dressed like this? Don't you think she looks like a bride who got married in ancient times?" After all, such clothes are still rare nowadays, so it's no wonder that He Ziqi has doubts.

"She's not going to get married, is she?" Apart from this, she really couldn't think of any other reason to dress like this.

After walking for 5 minutes and less than four weeks, there was fog accompanied by gusts of wind, which made people feel hairy!I don’t know if it’s because of my heart. Some people say they heard children’s cries and others said they heard laughter. It’s the same environment but it feels like they’re not in the same space. In fact, the voices everyone hears are the voices in their own hearts. Ghosts may be far less terrifying than demons in people's minds!
"Why didn't I hear anything?" He Ziqi saw that everyone said that he heard all kinds of voices, but he obviously didn't hear anything?
"I didn't hear the sound either!" Hua Qingling was also puzzled. When she saw Li Qingqing looking back at everyone with a smile on her lips, maybe she knew that all of this might be Li Qingqing's doing. the ghost.

"My lady!" There was a muffled thunderous voice from the barren mountain, which made the people unable to breathe!But after Li Qingqing heard the voice, there was a hint of fear in his obvious expression!

Could this be why Li Qingqing brought them here?But why did she become a bride right after she died?
"Help me! Please help me!" Li Qingqing, who was still arrogant, was holding on to Hua Qingling's clothes tightly, her face was full of fear, as if the owner of that voice frightened her.

"Mother! Come here quickly!" The voice sounded closer and closer, but Li Qingqing's body was trembling violently at the moment, and he kept muttering not to come over.

"Who is he?" Hua Qingling didn't know what made Li Qingqing, who had become a ghost, so frightened. She didn't know if it was the reason why she often bumped into ghosts these days, but she didn't seem to be so hard to accept.

"I don't know? When I just left my body, I saw him staring at me. It was he who helped me escape from the hands of black and white. I didn't expect that the price would be that I had to be his wife, but he is really ugly. ! I don't want to marry him!" Li Qingqing said that when he looked at him, the look of disgust on his face was also because of Hua Qingling's drunkenness, and he turned into a ghost and hated his looks!

"They're coming!" Li Qingqing looked at the direction ahead and said with a dead face.

Four men in long gowns and hats in front of us are carrying sedan chairs towards this side, but their faces that are whiter than flour are dotted with two red blush, and their mouths are also grinning. They seem quite happy, if If you don't look at the way they walk, you will really think that they are normal people, but they are bouncing around while carrying the sedan chair, and when you get closer, you find that they look like people made of paper!
"Help me!" Li Qingqing hid behind Hua Qingling's nervous voice trembling, but those who carried the sedan chair just smiled and saw that Li Qingqing was not in a hurry or annoyed!

"Madam, please get on the sedan chair!" A woman wearing a pink button-up dress suddenly appeared and said, with the same pale face and the same dress, but the difference was that her eyes were much sharper, and just one glance at Hua Qingling felt like she was being raped. The poisonous snake has its eyes on Xiang, obviously this female ghost's status is unusual, at least better than these few sedan chair bearers.

"Excuse me, where are you taking her?" Seeing that Li Qingqing couldn't resist them, Hua Qingling got into the sedan chair, and when the sedan chair turned to leave, Hua Qingling boldly asked the woman in pink.

"Can you see us?" Apparently, the woman in pink didn't expect Hua Qingling to see them. When they came out, she used ghosts to hit the wall to separate the crowd. Scared to death alive, in fact, ghosts will not easily take people's lives, everything will be reincarnated if you forcefully ask for it.

(End of this chapter)

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