Chapter 82 Unexpected Surprise

"I'll go! I said that no matter how you eat, you can't stop your mouth! Hurry up and go home after eating and go home, why don't you look at it because you and I don't have any appetite?" Bai Ying couldn't help but throw the tableware directly When it came to the table, if it wasn't for Hua Qingling's face, she would have started it long ago.

"What's the matter? Is it because you are angry at being said?" It is said that only people have prejudices in their hearts, so everything she sees is prejudiced, and she stubbornly insists on her own ideas, and the awl face is obvious It is this kind of person.

"I told you if you have the ability, come out and let's chat, dare you?" Bai Ying was stopped by Hua Qingling just as she was about to stand up. In fact, it's not surprising that Ji Zilian thinks this way. This kind of thing is placed in the entertainment circle. Everyone's first impression after hearing it would definitely be the same, but she couldn't disclose her identity as the wife of the president of the Mo family just because of this, right?I'm afraid there will be more gossip at that time, so she can only hold Bai Ying back.

"Okay! Now that you're full, go home quickly!" Director Zhang didn't want them to cause trouble, so he asked Ai Zilian to leave quickly. In fact, he believed in Hua Qingling's character, and he also believed that since Hua Qingling didn't explain the reason, There must be her reasons.

Awl face didn't want to let it go at first, but when she thought that if she offended Director Zhang, she wouldn't be able to hang out in this circle anymore, so she left with a face.

"Thank you, director." Hua Qingling knew that Director Zhang would only take care of such trivial matters because she was helping her out. In fact, in the entertainment industry, profit has always been at the top of the list. Everyone will use various means to fight for the top position, such as today Things may be trivial in calculation, but Director Zhang didn't need to pay attention to them.

"Have you all finished eating? Let's go quickly after eating!" Director Zhang gave Hua Qingling a understanding look, and in order not to embarrass her again, Director Zhang had to take the lead and leave.

"What? I'm not full yet!" Everyone saw that Director Zhang was about to leave, so they couldn't stay anymore, but it was really torture to see the half-eaten food on the table glowing alluringly to them!

"It's almost enough! Why bother to lose weight after eating so much?" Zhang Dao's light words made the listeners lose their appetite for food in an instant. Weight is an eternal problem in the entertainment industry, so what else to eat?
Soon Hua Qingling, Bai Ying and He Ziqi were left in the originally bustling room.

"I said it's all gone, why are you still eating?" Bai Ying raised her eyebrows and asked He Ziqi who was still savoring carefully. I have to say that he really has the strength! In the tense atmosphere just now, He Ziqi was the only one. It's like being in a different space without any influence at all!
"Ah? What?" He Ziqi, who had been thinking with his head down, raised his head and asked blankly after hearing Bai Ying's words. In fact, he had been thinking about how Hua Qingling could come in since he came here, and even he couldn't come in. How did she do it here?In fact, He Ziqi also knew that Hua Qingling's recent status quo would make it impossible.

"Senior, aren't you full yet?" Hua Qingling asked incredulously. After all, He Ziqi has never been idle and has been eating all the time. I didn't see him eat so much when we were filming together before!
After listening to Hua Qingling's words and looking at her surprised eyes, He Ziqi lowered his head and saw that he had already eaten so much. Judging from this amount, it was exactly his usual daily amount!It was inevitable that Hua Qingling would be surprised, but when he thought of how much sweat he had to pay for this meal, he suddenly felt bad.

"Don't get me wrong! I ate too much without paying attention because I haven't eaten all day. Now I'll send you back!" Although he wanted to scratch the wall with regret in his heart, he was still calm on the face, picked up the tableware After wiping the corners of his mouth calmly with the napkin, he got up and left his seat, looking like a gentleman to send the two of them back.

"No need, senior! We'll just take a taxi and go back later, you'd better go back first!" For some unknown reason, Hua Qingling suddenly resisted He Ziqi's kindness.

"It's okay, how can I let you such a beautiful girl do such a dangerous thing?" He Ziqi was really worried about letting Hua Qingling take a taxi back at night. Now that there are so many cases of missing beauties, it's better for him to send them back himself.

Seeing Hua Qingling and He Ziqi push back and forth, Bai Ying came up dozing off, she yawned and said to the two of them, "I said, have you discussed it? Let him take us back. Don't say no. Otherwise, I'm going to fall asleep." In fact, Bai Ying did this because she wanted to see the reaction of the jealous king Mo Qixuan when he saw his rival in love. He will definitely not get used to it, so it is better to find something for him to do.

"If that's the case, I'll trouble you!" Hua Qingling didn't expect Bai Ying to agree to let He Ziqi give it to her, so it would be a bit artificial if she refused again.

"Wait for me." Walking out the door, He Ziqi suddenly remembered that they hadn't paid the bill yet. After all, he and two girls were left at the end and he didn't have the habit of letting girls pay the bill.

Bai Ying knew what he was going to do at a glance, but He Ziqi was quite a gentleman, but Hua Qingling couldn't guess what He Ziqi was going to do, and asked blankly, "Why is he going in again?"

"Hey! Your brain may be considered clever in acting. Your IQ is really a headache!" Bai Ying tapped Hua Qingling's forehead with her hand. I really don't know how she is entertaining Survived until now?
Hua Qingling pursed her lips and said dissatisfiedly, "Speak well! No personal attacks are allowed!" In fact, her IQ is quite sufficient, but when she meets Bai Ying, she will only be ridiculed. It's really falling in love and killing each other!
"I bet you, senior, you will be thrilled tonight!" Bai Ying's eyes had a look that Hua Qingling couldn't understand, and there was an evil smile on the corner of her mouth. Although she didn't know what she was talking about, Hua Qingling Qing Ling knew that what she said must not be a good thing!

In less than 5 minutes, He Ziqi came out with an expression of disbelief. Bai Ying couldn't hold back her laughter when she saw his appearance, her stomach ached, and then she asked knowingly, "Can I go now?"

"Oh! Let's go!" He Ziqi couldn't believe that when he went to check out just now, the bill showed an amount of hundreds of thousands, and the bill had already been paid, but since it was Hua Qingling's treat, no one else would Not to mention the amount of money that paid the bill, but the remaining three of them obviously came out together, so who did it?

Perhaps He Ziqi would never think that Hua Qingling's meals here are all free of charge.

"I'm going! What are you looking at? You almost ran a red light!" He Ziqi immediately slammed on the brakes with a roar from Bai Ying, and then broke into a sweat all over in shock. There was a heavy truck opposite him. If they didn't brake suddenly, they would all be killed. It was crushed to slag.

"I'm sorry! I'm a little distracted!" He Ziqi turned his head and said to Hua Qingling in the back seat. It was his distraction that almost caused a catastrophe.

"You're only sorry for her when I'm so old?" Bai Ying immediately became unhappy when she heard He Ziqi's words. This man's eyes are full of Hua Qingling. Didn't she know that she was also the one who was almost hurt?

Seeing He Ziqi's apologetic expression, Hua Qingling pulled Bai Ying, who was complaining, with her hand. It was Bai Ying who agreed to He Ziqi's sending them, but now she started to criticize her. It's really faster to turn her face than to turn a book!
For the rest of the journey, He Ziqi worked hard to send them back safely.

"Can we still meet more often after Qingling?" He Ziqi's voice came from behind Hua Qingling and Bai Ying when they got out of the car and took two steps.

"Sure!" What Hua Qingling thought was that since they were both actors, there would inevitably be opportunities to cooperate in the future. Isn't it normal to meet each other?

After listening to Hua Qingling's answer, Bai Ying broke into a cold sweat for her, because she could vaguely feel the wind blowing around her, as if a pair of eyes were staring at them in the dark, needless to say, she knew it was the jealous king Mo Qi Xuan was playing tricks, but she wanted to see how Mo Qixuan would deal with Xiao Xianghua's Qingling.

"Cherry, do you feel like it's suddenly getting cold?" Hua Qingling turned around and walked back after talking to He Ziqi. She didn't know that she felt something was wrong, and suddenly felt that the surroundings suddenly seemed to be more than ten degrees colder.

"Hehe... all I can say is good luck!" Leng?That's for sure!If someone dares to attack you, Mo Qixuan will be damned if he can hold back!The corner of Bai Ying's mouth curled into a subtle smile.

"Why do I feel like you know what's going on?" When Hua Qingling heard Bai Ying's words, she felt that she had something to say, but Bai Ying didn't tell her that this feeling was really tormenting.

"Then what? I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, you go back first!" Bai Ying knew that Hua Qingling would inevitably be tossed after returning home, so she consciously didn't serve them as a light bulb.

"Hey... what's the matter?" Hua Qingling looked at Bai Ying who turned around and left, and shouted loudly, only a few leaves falling behind Bai Ying and the lonely autumn wind answered her.

"It seems that Madam was very happy when I was away!" Mo Qixuan's magnetic voice came from behind Hua Qingling, adding a bit of warmth to the cool night. In fact, Hua Qingling has been very happy these two days. I miss Mo Qixuan, but she also knows that Mo Qixuan has a mission that he must fulfill, so she has been restraining herself. Now that she hears the familiar voice, she suddenly dare not turn back. She is afraid that everything is just her fantasy. She was afraid that she would collapse if she turned around and couldn't see him, and she was afraid that her false pretense would collapse!

"Why don't you recognize my husband's voice if you haven't seen your wife for the past two days?" This voice is more smiling than the first sentence, but if you listen carefully, there is still a small amount of disappointment in it. He almost never closed his eyes just to see the person he was thinking of earlier, but now all this is obviously beyond his expectation!

"Is it really you?" After hearing the second sound, Hua Qingling couldn't hold back and turned around, looking at the familiar figure under the street lamp, which was rendered extraordinarily warm by the yellowish street lamp, the doting eyes in her eyes , the smile on the corner of his mouth, the surprise on his face, all put together into the him she knew and loved to the heart!It was only at this moment that she was sure that this was not her fantasy!

"Ling'er! I miss you!" Mo Qixuan looked at the surprise in Hua Qingling's eyes when she turned around, and then she was sure that he had misunderstood her. At this moment, he didn't think about anything anymore. The only thing he wanted to do was to hug the girl he loved. People of flesh and blood!

(End of this chapter)

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