Tyrant Ghost Emperor: Where does the cute wife run

Chapter 93 The Ghost Emperor's Insidiousness

Chapter 93 The Ghost Emperor's Insidiousness

"Why don't you save them?" Bai Ying, who had already experienced Qin Ya, knew that she would die if she went, but He Lianjin was different, he would save them first, and it would be a matter of minutes.

"Actually, if they can't pass the test in their hearts, even if I save them, then they will become demented due to mental damage, so do you still want to save them?" He Lianjin clasped his hands and narrowed his eyes slightly coldly The attitude gave Bai Ying a headache, after all, what he said was the truth!
"You...why are you here again?" Qin Ya, who appeared suddenly, made Bai Ying stand behind He Lianjin. Her neck was still aching, and of course she would be a little timid when she saw the instigator again.

"I'm sorry!...Now I promise to go with you." After Qin Ya said sorry to Bai Ying, she watched He Lianjin talk about her decision, and heard Quan Jiu miss her and feel guilty for many years. I really feel that I almost made a wrong decision. It turns out that her son has been guilty for so many years because of her death. Knowing that her son also thinks about her every day like her, these few days are enough. Now she can do it without regrets left.

"Hey, what have you said to her, it's strange that she left so happily!" Before, she looked like the whole world owed her, but it took only more than an hour before and after, so the change was a bit too fast!

"Can you solve it here? I'm going to take her to the ghost world before dawn." Obviously He Lianjin didn't want to repeat the previous words again, anyway, it's almost dawn anyway, Bai Ying and the others shouldn't be here. It's dangerous, but Qin Ya is different. The reason why she can stay in the world for so long is supported by resentment, but now that the resentment disappears, if she doesn't go to the ghost world before dawn, she will be ashes when the sun rises Annihilated.

"Oh! Hurry up!" Bai Ying found that Qinya's hostility seemed to have disappeared, and her soul body was also a little weak. It was really not good for her to continue like this, so Bai Ying didn't ask any more questions.

Before leaving, Qin Ya opened the barrier set up around Quan Jiu and the old lady, Quan Jiu has been sitting on the ground without any expression, which made Bai Ying a little worried about him, "Quan Jiu, are you okay?"

Quan Jiu slowly raised his head with tears in his eyes, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world. At this moment, Bai Ying embraced him in a motherly manner. Sometimes a hug can be healed by any language, compared to sweet words Simple companionship seems to be more convincing.

"Do you know how much it hurts me to see Amy's mother become like that? Do you know how sad it is when I know that grandma made my mother like that and I can't do anything about it? From then on, the world really There is no mother, no matter how much I think about her, I don’t know where to look?” In the past, when he thought of his mother, he would look up at the sky. He thought that after his mother left, he would live a happy life in heaven, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he would look up at the sky. It was only when he saw his mother that he realized how wrong he was. It turned out that he had been living in his own imagination. When his mother told him that she was leaving, he really felt as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

"Listen, there are some things that no matter how sad we are, we can't change the outcome. You have to believe that your mother will live happily in the next life. All you have to do is to take up your responsibilities. You are the only one in the Quan family. I hope!" Bai Ying tried to calm down Quan Jiuneng with a peaceful tone, everyone's growth is filled with countless experiences, tribulations, and setbacks, as long as you overcome them, you will have a better tomorrow.

The old lady's emotional ups and downs were too great. Bai Ying and Quan Jiu took her back directly. According to their original wishes, they set up two longevity tablets for the debts owed by the old lady, and Quan Jiu also joined the company because he was quick-witted. It was recognized by the directors of the company and led the Quan family to a better glory.

And He Lianjin hasn't visited Bai Ying since that night. Bai Ying, who has been idle at home, is regarded as the biggest thorn in Mo Qixuan's side, and Hua Qingling who is caught in the middle is really in a dilemma.

"Cherry, let's go shopping!" The atmosphere was really tense, so Hua Qingling took Bai Ying out and hurried out, and the rest of Mo Qixuan hurried back to the ghost world to find He Lianjin.

"Are you planning to tell your family about the two of you on Huajiao?" The two walked away to a somewhat remote coffee shop, looking at the bustling crowd, Bai Ying's words stunned Hua Qingling who was in a good mood, something is not right She can hide without mentioning it, and it is impossible for her not to go home forever, but if her conservative family members know about her and Mo Qixuan, she can't imagine what will happen then.

"Cherry, what do you think I should do? I can't even pass my grandma's test, let alone my parents' test." She left home because of her anger and dreamed of leaving home for so many years without a single phone call from her family. It's easy to have some achievements, but it's nothing compared to what happened between her and Mo Qixuan.

"Actually, there is someone more suitable for this job than you." Bai Ying felt warm as she held the coffee and smelled it. In fact, although she practiced martial arts a bit harshly since she was a child, her family loved her very much and was very open-minded. Maybe this That's why she can live so freely!Compared with Hua Qingling, who has been cautious in dating since she was a child, she also missed a lot of opportunities because of her non-competitive personality. Don't look at her life now, but when she mentions her family, she immediately becomes another person. vice face.

"Who?" Hua Qingling didn't think anyone could convince her family.

Seeing Hua Qingling's nervous look, Bai Ying wanted to tease her, "I'll tell you this when you decide to tell your family."

"Then what's going on with you and He Lianjin?" Hua Qingling, who had such a low EQ, could see the tricks between the two of them, but she wanted to see how Bai Ying would explain it.

"Him? I'm chasing him!" Hua Qingling spewed out Bai Ying's words, and she was still thinking about how she would refute if Bai Ying didn't admit it, but unexpectedly, Bai Ying came directly with such a big slam. I was really caught off guard!
"I have to say that I really envy you!" Bai Ying can live the life she wants, has her own ideas and independent ability, and dares to love, hate, and live with a clear attitude. Dare to do it.

"By the way, I only found out two days ago that I actually have a brother-in-law, and you know who it is, do you want to know who it is?" Hua Qingling always likes to talk to her good friend about everything.

"No way! I don't know when you have a brother-in-law?" Although Bai Ying seldom went to Hua's house these years, she still knew the situation of Hua's house very well, and never knew about Hua Qing's age. Sometimes there is an uncle.

"It's Hanakobai! Don't you think we have something alike?" Hanakobai is three points more delicate than a woman, even Hua Qingling may not be able to compare, the genes of the Hua family are powerful as long as it is the Hua family People like Hua Qingling have been chased by boys since kindergarten, and it seems that they have never stopped in these years, because her beauty is the kind that women don't hate when they see it, but men think about it when they see her. protection, but the only one who succeeded seems to be Mo Qixuan.

"Hearing what you said, it really does look alike. It's really unexpected!" Thinking carefully, Bai Ying realized that there were some similarities between Hua Qingling and Hanako Bai. She told Bai Ying all about her experiences, and after hearing this, Bai Ying really couldn't believe that Hanakobai, who was as cold as an exiled fairy, still had such an unknown side.

Hua Qingling and Bai Ying spent a happy day together. Here Mo Qixuan found He Lianjin when he returned to the ghost world. The little ghosts in the ghost world carefully avoided the ghost emperor's black face. After all, the ghost emperor's anger But no one can bear it!
"Why are you calling me in such a hurry? Don't blame me if you are dissatisfied!" He Lianjin leisurely and at the slowest speed arrived at Mo Qixuan's hall, but when he entered the door, he saw Mo Qixuan's face The ink is dripping out, it's really hard to imagine who else besides Hua Qingling has the ability to make Mo Qixuan so angry.

"Can you take Bai Ying away? I'm afraid that one day I can't help but kill her directly." It seems that no one has ever made him suffer such a big loss except Hua Qingling. If it were someone else, it would probably be early. I went to the ghost world to clean the toilet.

"Ghost Emperor, you are so leisurely! It's out of style for you to care so much about a woman!" He Lianjin shook his head and looked at Mo Qixuan with a disappointed expression, which made Mo Qixuan's face darker. Bai Ying and He Lianjin have paired up like this before, and the skill of this poisonous tongue is really comparable!

"You...forget it! Have you found Yang Kui's whereabouts? Don't think that I didn't know that you let him go." Now, except for Yang Kui, the potential danger, the whole ghost world can be said to be almost peaceful. Heaven, even though He Lianjin has resigned, he will still step forward when he is needed, otherwise Mo Qixuan would not be able to stay so comfortably in the world.

"Since you know all about it, I'll leave it to you to arrest him. After all, there seems to be no one else who can compete with him except you." Thinking about it, he also felt that it was a little thoughtless to let Yang Kui leave, because Yang Kui was not Even if he succeeds in taking the position of Ghost Emperor if he is out of control, then Yang Kui will be his biggest enemy.

"Why do you want me to clean up your sins for you, and give you a chance to bring Bai Ying to find Yang Kui and try to catch him." This is just a way to distract Bai Ying without making Hua Qingling suspicious. Afterwards, Mo Qixuan immediately changed into an appearance of a successful trick, but He Lianjin's face was dark at the moment. It seems that Bai Ying really provoked Mo Qixuan. It's true that he can even think of such a vicious method. Insidious!
"You hate it!" He Lianjin clenched his fists and said with a smile on his face, he had to admit that Mo Qixuan was getting more and more black-bellied, even with him.

The corner of Mo Qixuan's mouth curled into a smile when he was in a better mood. Anyway, his goal has been achieved, it's best that He Lianjin can take this opportunity to take down Bai Ying, so that she won't have to be a light bulb all the time.

"Ah! There are always villains talking bad about me." The happy Bai Ying who was shopping sneezed twice in succession. The woman's intuition told her that there must be someone talking bad about her behind her back, if she guessed right If not, then it is very likely that Mo Qixuan is doing something strange.

(End of this chapter)

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