Qing Dynasty Secret History

Chapter 16 Bestowing a Golden Crown on a Widow

Chapter 16 Bestowing a Golden Crown on a Widow
But it is said that Liu Sanji slammed into the pillar of the palace, and Mantu's brains burst.How did you know that there was someone hugging behind you, and you only heard: "Don't do this soon! Don't do this soon!"

It was the voice of an old woman.The three seasons big dance, the trumpet can't stop dancing, the cloud bun is scattered, and the thousands of strands of black hair are dragged to the ground.The fragrant hair of the three seasons, originally grown to more than ten feet, scattered on the ground, like dark clouds.Seeing that she was as clean as snow and as bright as spring flowers, Duoduo already loved her very much, but now seeing this strange appearance with long hair, he couldn't help but feel more pity and more love.Then he said to the old lady in charge: "Help her back to the room, and persuade her well for me. Don't make her sad and ruin her body. Just answer me whatever you want. If there is a short or long, I will not obey."

The old grandma agreed, and accompanied San Ji to a very elegant room, and persuaded her with kind words.

Doduo sent four more maids to serve, and ordered the kitchen to cook extremely delicate dishes and send them.San Ji fought to die, weeping all day long, neither eating nor sleeping, looking at his unshakable determination, he was almost as powerful as Mr. Hong, the Minister of Economics and Strategy of the Ming Dynasty who was captured by the Taizong Dynasty.

The old lady panicked and asked Mrs. Zhang privately.Mrs. Zhang said: "Our grandma loves Miss Zhen the most. When I was in Songjiang, I heard that Li Bing plundered Zhitang. It has been almost a month now, and there is no news at all. I don't know if Miss Zhen is alive or dead? Is it An? Dangerous? I was thinking about it for a moment. If I want to make her happy now, I have to send someone directly to the pond to inquire about Miss Zhen for her. The heart disease needs to be treated with heart medicine. Or she will change her mind because of this, it is unknown."

The old lady said: "I don't dare to preside over this, I must ask the prince to show me.

"Going back to Duo Duo, Duo Duo agreed, and the grandmother told San Ji about it. After hearing this, San Ji burst into tears and said with a smile: "This sentence can still be heard. "

Immediately wrote a letter and handed it to the old lady.The old lady persuaded her to eat and drink at her convenience, and Sanji did not refuse.

That letter was sent to Zhitang by special messenger.Not a day later, the messenger came back and submitted a reply letter.Granny was transferred to three seasons.One is from Zhaozhou, and I have no time to read it.

Open the letter first, and see that it is indeed Zhen'er's handwriting. There are not many words, only the words "children and mothers live together, when the mother is born, the son will live, and when the mother dies, the son will die".Coincidentally, when the Beijing obituary arrived, the Fujin Hula clan in Yudi had died of a sudden illness in Fengtian's hometown on the 01th of last month.Duoduo issued a decree to set up a spiritual seat in the main hall of the mansion, and all women in the banner must wear plain clothes and cry.Sanji is the head of the house, so he has to change into filial piety clothes and mourn with the class.Doduo saw that she didn't wear makeup, her eyebrows were lightly brushed, and she was all dressed in onyx. Her charming and charming figure was more charming than usual, so she felt dumbfounded.The old lady in charge got up and asked for dinner before she woke up.Duoduo said: "Isn't this beauty a long-haired girl? Please take care of me. It's 30:[-] wrong. I just want to ask you to talk."

The old lady hurriedly responded with a few "yes."

Since then, Dodo has been rewarded a lot every day, either jewelry or clothes.Three seasons didn't even look at it, and it was called to leave it when it was delivered.The old lady knelt down and said: "It's a rule in the mansion that the prince should kowtow to thank you for rewarding things. Isn't grandma breaking the rules by doing this?"

San Ji said: "Who is used to being a slave? I don't know how to do it."

After finishing speaking, he simply went to bed in anger and went to sleep.The old lady returned to Duo Duo, and Duo Duo said: "Let her alone, who wants you to talk too much."

A few days later, Duoduo called three seasons to serve him.San Ji cried loudly: "I am a difficult woman, and I am absolutely unwilling to be a concubine. If you want me to be a concubine, I would rather die!"

Talking and crying.The old lady said: "Fu Jin is gone. The prince prefers grandma, not a concubine. Don't misunderstand grandma."

San Ji said: "If you ask me to serve the bed, what is it if you are not a concubine or a concubine? Husband and wife are enemies, who has seen Fujin serve the prince?"

Knowing that the three seasons are not willing to let things go, the old lady returns to Duoduo.Duoduo laughed and said, "It was originally my fault."

The next day, the inner supervisor was sent to guard the red gold phoenix crown, and the first-rank order was given to three seasons.Although San Ji didn't say anything, he personally received the phoenix crown.Seeing that she was quite happy, Dodo was relieved.Just this night, putting on lanterns and having fun became a great gift.So three seasons suddenly changed Yu Wang Fujin.

This time the story, Wen Cheng [-], told Zhijun and Jun Zhijun was amazed.

The two were talking, when suddenly the soft curtain moved, and a family member raised his head, Wen Cheng asked, "Who is it?"

The family raised the curtain and came in with a smile and replied: "Because I saw the master talking to Mr. Jin, my family dared not come in."

Wen Cheng said, "Is there something wrong?"

The family said: "It's nothing. I heard that a person was killed in the Tai Hospital. The superiors will send someone to investigate."

Wen Cheng said: "Isn't the imperial hospital where Ming envoy Zuo Maodi lived?

Who killed someone again? "

The family said: "I heard that people were killed just to shave their heads according to the order. The murderer seems to be surnamed Zuo, and the family members are not very careful."

As he spoke, he handed over his business card at the door, and said that he had just come to pay respects at the middle hall.Wen Cheng came out in a hurry, and Zhijun asked the family, "Who did the superiors send to investigate?"

The family said: "I'm afraid it's Prince Yu."

The family got the news from Prince Yu's Mansion. When Zhijun wanted to ask again, there was a sound of boots, and Wen Cheng and Gang Lin came in hand in hand.Zhijun stood up.

Gang Lin said: "Hey, Qi Fan is here too!"

So everyone sat down and only heard Wen Cheng say: "The empress dowager and the regent are on good terms again, that's really a gratifying thing."

Gang Lin said: "You are also a veteran of several generations of this dynasty, are you still so ignorant? The two of them quarreled once when they were unhappy, and once they were happy. When they were happy, they quarreled again. Well, it’s all about the two of them, so why not do anything else.”

Wen Cheng said: "I'm really worried about it. If the old man is shaken, it will be very dangerous for the country."

Gang Lin laughed and said, "You're stupid again! The empress dowager is so wise, how can she really be shaken? She just said something out of anger."

Wen Cheng said, "What's wrong with Song Huixiang?"

Gang Lin said: "Maybe you have appreciated the Yingdi."

Speaking of this, he suddenly said: "Don't mention this, let's talk about serious things. Lao Fan, Zuo Maodi is really ambitious, and he refused to bend his integrity at first. Now that Hongguang has captured him, he still refuses to bend his integrity. Think about it, Jiangnan If you don’t have peace, maybe you have other desires. At this moment, what do you still desire for ideas?
He still has an old temper. The day before yesterday, when he got the news that Nanjing was lost, he almost died crying.

When his brother Maotai surrendered, he did not recognize him as a brother.He said to his subordinates: "I was born as a minister of the Ming Dynasty and died as a ghost of the Ming Dynasty."After the decree was issued, his deputy, Ai Daxuan, was the first to shave his hair according to the order. He dared to kill Ai Daxuan.You think of him as a person, respectable or not!If people in the Ming Dynasty are like him, how can we enter the customs? "

Zhijun said: "Let's not be a good official, but go to seek death. There are few such fools."

Ganglin said: "The bigger the official, the more heartless he is. The king of Yu told me that during the Pingjiang River period, none of the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty, such as Zhao Zhilong, Xu Yunjue, Qian Qianyi, etc., surrendered. On the contrary, Yan Yingyuan, the official historian of Jiangyin, The gentlemen from Songjiang, Chen Zhilong, Xia Yunyi, and Lu Qingzhen, are the kind of humble people who tried their best to resist. The strangest thing is that there is a son in Nanjing called Feng Xiaodang, who even wrote poetry to seek death."

Zhijun didn't believe it, Wen Cheng said: "This is the truth, I still remember that poem, and read it: In the past 300 years of raising scholars, no matter how civil and military they escaped.

Gang often stays in Beitianyuan, and the beggar is ashamed to survive.

After hearing this, Jin Zhijun blushed and remained silent.Gang Lin said: "The regent Ming'er personally interrogated Zuo Maodi, and all the scholars and ministers have to come. Can you make it?"

Wen Cheng said: "That will always come."

After talking a few other words, Ganglin resigned, and Zhijun also left.

On the next day, Wen Cheng, wearing a gown and fully dressed, rushed to the Prince Regent's Mansion, where all the officials had arrived.For a while, Dorgon came to sit in the hall, and all the officials had seen him.The court issued an order to propose the crime of Zuo Maodi in the prison of the Ministry of punishment.When Zuo Maodi saw Dorgon, he stood upright and did not kneel.Dorgon asked him why he didn't kneel, Zuo Maodi said: "I am the envoy of the Celestial Dynasty, and you are the regent of Fanbang. They are not related to each other. Why do you kneel?"

Dorgon said: "The decree of this dynasty requires all subjects to shave their heads. You are the only one who resists and refuses to obey. What are you thinking?"

Zuo Maodi said: "If you want to find a break, you can, but if you want me to cut off my hair, I can't."

Dorgon said: "It's fine if you don't shave yourself. Vice General Ai shaved his hair according to the order, but you killed him. What's the reason?"

Zuo Maodi said: "Ai Daxuan was brought by me. He violated my rules, and I have my own law. Those who kill me have nothing to do with you."

Seeing Maodi's unyielding eloquence, Dorgon admired him very much.Ask all the officials back: "You look at this person, how should we deal with it?"

One person came out of the crowd: "Zuo Maodi came for Hongguang, it seems that there is no forgiveness."

What everyone sees is Chen Mingxia, Huiyuan of the first dynasty.Maodi said: "You are Huiyuan of the first court, how can you be here?"

Jin Zhijun then said: "Why are you so ignorant, sir?"

Maodi shouted, "Why are you so shameless!"

Dorgon nodded and said: "Good Zuo Maodi, let me fulfill your ambition!

" Push it out with the call, and order Chen Mingxia to go out to supervise the beheading. For a while, Mingxia came in with tears to return. Dorgon asked him why he was crying. Chen Mingxia said: "Zuo Maodi died because of his generosity. I can't help but feel sad.Before he died, he also wrote a fatal poem, which said: "The desert yellow sand and the few geese pass by, what happened under the cloud."

Dan Chen's green blood is hard to disappear, and the cold smoke will never wear off.

Dorgon said: "The courtiers of the Ming Dynasty are all so loyal. It seems that the world is not easy to unify. Then the king of Tang is also called the emperor in Fujian. What is the year name of the establishment of Longwu? This Longwu is incomparable. Hongguang, I heard that he is very wise. He also has Zheng Zhilong, Zheng Hongkui, Huang Daozhou, Su Guansheng, Zhang Kentang, He Wuzou and other civil and military personnel to help him with his affairs. If things go on like this, in one or two years, he will not see a peaceful situation. Woolen cloth."

Wen Cheng said: "From the old minister's point of view, there is nothing to worry about. Zheng Zhilong was originally a pirate, as long as he is allowed to be rich in ideas, he will be recruited. Huang Daozhou and others are all nerds, what will they do? Long Wu is indeed a Xianjun, it's a pity that you have grown your ambition, but you don't have the ability to grow. What can you do? Besides, the king of Lu claimed to be the supervisor of the country in Zhejiang, and he didn't listen to the orders of central Fujian. Yide, what a prosperous scene!"

Dorgon said: "I heard that Longwu lived in Fujian with clothes and vegetables. He didn't control wine and meat, and he didn't have any concubines in the palace. He always discussed with courtiers about salary raising, military training, and revenge. He is even more powerful than Chongzhen. Think about it, do you hate such a master in Central Fujian? If Jiangnan establishes him, we will forget about the places south of the Yellow River."

Jin Zhijun said: "As soon as the sun comes out, how can there be any light from fireflies? Our country is destined to be a family, and it will house all nations. How stubborn and powerful he is, he will be wiped out with a finger of Tian Ge. If the master is wise, the country will be destroyed. If there is no death, how did Chongzhen perish?"

Dorgon said: "You can only talk empty words, and there is no one to share my worries. Yesterday Hong Chengchou came to report and said that Huang Daozhou recruited soldiers and salaries in Jiangxi, which meant that he was an internal criminal. How can he be Where's the nerd?"

Yu Wang Duoduo said: "When I returned to Beijing, I left Boluo there and asked him to help Mr. Hong Heng and deal with the aftermath. I see that this boy Boluo has made a lot of progress recently. Can I ask for God's grace? The next one In the imperial edict, he was appointed as the Great General of Conquering the South. For the affairs of the two kings of Tang and Lu, he was simply instructed to handle it alone."

Dorgon said: "He is a child's family, such a big event, can he handle it?"

Duoduo looked at Wen Cheng, Wen Cheng understood, and then said: "As a general, Bo Jianle has been resourceful and decisive since he was a child. What's more, he has been dispatched troops with Prince Yu in the past few years, and he has become more experienced and mature. Tang and Lu Er Wang, although he is said to be a concubine of the Ming Dynasty, his subordinates are all mobs after all, the old minister seems to be very good."

Dorgon nodded.So on the one hand, he issued an edict to seal beileboluo as the general who conquered the south; on the other hand, he ordered Zuo Maodi's body to be buried in a coffin.Everyone dispersed before leaving the mansion. Gang Lin held onto Wen Cheng's sleeve and said, "Old Fan, let me ask you something, but the superior didn't ask you just now. Why did you help King Yu and recommend Bobelle? ?”

Wen Cheng said: "Prince Yu is newly married, and he is reluctant to go on a business trip. He is afraid that his superiors will send him an early recommendation. Shall I help him?"

Gang Lin laughed and said, "I knew you two were playing tricks."

Just smile and walk away.

Wen Cheng returned home to arrange some home affairs, had lunch, reclined on the kang to rest his mind, and suddenly reported that Eunuch Niu had arrived.Wen Cheng got up quickly, and the eunuch Niu had already come in.Wen Cheng smiled and offered to sit down, but Eunuch Niu didn't sit down, so he took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to Wen Cheng.Seeing the dragon-snake-like characters on it, Wen Cheng recognized Dorgon's handwriting, and panicked: "It turned out to be the handwriting of the prince."

Eunuch Niu hurriedly stopped and said: "Please take a look at Zhongtang quietly, and we will go into the mansion together."

Seeing that he was so confidential, Wen Cheng knew that he was always very serious about things.I took it apart and saw that there were only two words "come quickly" written on it, which made me very suspicious.He hurriedly changed his clothes and went to the mansion with the eunuch Niu.

Seeing that Dorgon was not as happy as usual, his face was blank as if he had something on his mind.Wen Cheng greeted him, and stood with his hands down, not daring to ask.Dorgon told Eunuch Niu to go outside, then closed the door, pointed to the chair, "Sit down, let's talk."

Wen Cheng sat down, only to see Dorgon sighing, "I'm getting more and more miserable here. I act loyally, and people only treat me as a thief."

Wen Cheng couldn't figure it out, he didn't dare to answer, and he didn't dare to answer, so he had to say "yes" vaguely.Dorgon said: "Someone is plotting against me, do you know that?"

Wen Cheng said: "Afraid of rumors. Who is so bold?"

Dorgon said: "Who else is, of course our family members. You know how I treat this boy Hao Ge. How do you know that he has no good intentions and wants to murder me. This is knowing people and faces." I don't know."

Wen Cheng said: "My lord treats Prince Su with the utmost benevolence and righteousness. I thought that lord Su was only a Baylor, but now he is on the throne, and the lord thought about his little work in the battle, so he and the generals of the Han army were crowned king together. Now Kong, Geng, The four kings Shang and Wu are all grateful for the report. Lord Su is a close branch of the imperial family, so he has a bad heart. This news is not accurate. If it is true, what kind of person is Lord Su?"

Dorgon said: "There is no truth, Lao Fan, do you know where I got the news, this is what his wife told me.

Think about it, is this fake? "

Wen Cheng said: "As expected, even if the prince is merciful, God will not tolerate it!"

Dorgon said: "How do you think of a way to manipulate him?"

Wen Cheng pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Zhang Xianzhong is the most powerful rogue, and it's not an end if he is entrenched in Sichuan. Now that we have sent Bobelle for the southeast affairs, why not ask Prince Su to handle Zhang Xianzhong's affairs. It is the best thing to be killed by a thief. If you lose the battle, there are laws of the country. If Zhang Xianzhong is wiped out by him, it will also save the court from a great harm. Let's think of other ways slowly. .

"Dorgon said: "The military power is in your hands, what happens when you turn it around?" "

Wen Cheng said: "Send Wu Sangui to follow, then he can be imprisoned."

Dorgon nodded, got up and opened the door, the eunuch Niu brought in tea, Dorgon took a sip, frowned and said, "I'm making this again! Make me two bowls of the Zhejiang tribute tea that the queen mother gave me." Come in and give Fan Ge a taste."

Eunuch Niu put away his cup and poured in two bowls of new tea.Dorgon said: "This is Wulin tea brought in by Zhang Cunren, the governor of Zhejiang Province. How about you try it?"

Wen Cheng came to sip it, only to feel the fresh fragrance in his nose, and repeatedly praised "good tea! Good tea!"

Dorgon said: "Zhang Cunren handed over a buckle seal yesterday, saying that the people's hearts were frightened under the order to shave their hair. Ann Fan. Do you think it is feasible?"

Wen Cheng said: "It's okay."

Dorgon said: "Then I will leave it to you."

Wen Cheng said: "The chief examiners in each province must respectfully invite the emperor to appoint them."

Dorgon said: "What do you want? We have never done that kind of thing. You can call whoever you want to go.

I know a little bit better than garrisoning the Eight Banners. "

Wen Cheng smiled and answered a few "Yes.

"Retreat now.

The next day, the imperial edict came down, ordering Prince Su Hauge as General Jingyuan, together with Pingxi King Wu Sangui and others, to go to Sichuan on the same day.Another edict sent several Han officials to various provinces to open courses to obtain scholars.A few hours later, Bei Leboluo, the general who conquered the South, and Hong Chengchou, a scholar of the cabinet of economics and strategy from the five provinces, arrived in Beijing successively.It was reported that Huang Daozhou had been captured, and Zheng Zhilong had agreed to surrender.Shaoxing, Jinhua, Quzhou, Jianning, and Yanping have all been broken, and Lu Jianguo's whereabouts are unknown. Some say they fled to Xiamen, and some say they fled to Nan'ao.Longwu ran away in a hurry. He heard that he had fled to Tingzhou, so he sent troops to chase him.Then it was reported that Tingzhou was breached, Emperor Longwu and Empress Zeng were shot to death by random arrows, and Fujian was purged.Dorgon said to his subordinates: "Boluo is a good kid after all. It's just Hauge, it's too bad.

According to the ancestral military law, I can't be lenient. "

If you want to know whether Hauge was punished or not, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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