Chapter 25
It is said that the sage patriarch of the Qing Dynasty conquered Taiwan in the south and conquered Mongolia in the north. Haiyu clarified that the country was fine.Two more rounds of erudite Hongci special subjects were opened, and all the veterans of the former dynasty, the Yimin of the prosperous age, were collected. They cooked classics and history, and sold them with military spirit as the sun and the moon.The princes, Baylor, etc., saw that the ancestors were like this, so they also misguided elegance and competed to recruit scholars.There is no need to elaborate on the various ministers of Han University scholars, etc.In a short time, it became a habit to learn from each other, and the old customs of generous and elegiac songs were all changed.

At that time, among the literati, there was a Zhejiang native named Gao Mingshiqi, who was the most favored by the holy ancestor.

Because of Gao Shiqi's natural intelligence, he knows how to steer the rudder according to the wind and cater to the will of the Holy Ancestor.All the eunuchs around Shengzu didn't make friends with him, joking and talking, they were very kind, and he didn't have the habit of being unflattering among scholars nowadays.The holy ancestor liked him for his honesty and kindness, and he was specially awarded the middle school by Baiyi.In less than three years, he was rewarded according to the merits of the Imperial Academy, and he was promoted to a bachelor of the Imperial Academy.According to a special decree, he was promoted to be a minister.The literati are glorious, which can be regarded as the same for a while.One day, when I was in the South Study Room, the Holy Ancestor talked about poetry with him, because the words in the late Ming Dynasty were still passionate and impassioned, which was a harbinger of the country's subjugation. It can be seen that the words "clumsy" in writing poems and essays can be ignored. But I can't help but pay attention.Shi Qi said with a smile: "This kind of thing, the situation is also limited by the number of people. People like now, just call out that kind of writing, look and feel, and try to imitate the time of writing in the late Ming Dynasty. When you do it successfully, show it to others, it is graceful and elegant. , it can be seen at a glance that it is the voice of the prosperous age. It can be seen that the style of the article cannot be achieved by manpower."

Shengzu said: "You have the same meaning as Zhu Yizun. Yizun also said that late Ming poetry is the best. It's just a few chapters of death-defying poems with clear voices. Even if you are a good player, it is difficult to imitate him.

"Speaking, he asked the little eunuch to take a new copy of Ming Chen's Jue Ming Ci from the shelf, and handed it to Shi Qi. When Shi Qi opened it, he saw the words "sing immediately" written on it, and placed his bet. Zheng Yunjin, the magistrate of Hengzhou in the Ming Dynasty, was captured when he was captured. He thought to himself: the title is fresh. Because he saw it: the governor of the dynasty came out to meet the guests yesterday, and he ordered the army book in the city on horseback. Wandering alone, Yiyi leaning against the frost and white. The eggplant blows and the two worry, and the voice urges the camp to cook. Help me get on the horse and walk, and the clusters support me without gaps.

The vastness of heaven and earth cannot be measured, and it cannot be stretched at this time.The dense hills wiped across the waist of the city, and the brow was frowned in the misty mist.The north wind blows and bullies the face, the ancient trees perch and the birds startle, and the lonely minister immediately whistles, Xiaoshan loses his face like ink.Looking back, the road is long and narrow, and our army's wounds are so messy.I still like that everyone doesn't raise their eyebrows, and everyone scolds the captive son Xiongzha.The imperial court has been raising it for 300 years, and although it has lost its ambition, it is not sluggish.The river is lingering and the horses are late, and the envy is cold and green.The sound of birds calls up and down at dusk, and the setting sun sets in the deserted villages of Pupu.Where can I wake up from this night's dream? I'm going through the ancient post with sprinkles of wind and rain.

Shi Qi said: "According to my muddled opinion, this kind of writing that ruins the dynasty cannot be tolerated. It is better to burn it."

The ancestor laughed and said: "Why bother? Jie, dog and Yao are each their own master. People in the Ming Dynasty should speak the words of the Ming Dynasty. Like Hong Chengchou, although he made many contributions in this dynasty, he was an official of the Ming Dynasty. He is a man, speaking of the truth, after all, he is a bit reluctant. An accident happened to him the year before last, and his younger brother issued the certificate for him, and invited all the famous scribes in the world to discuss the draft. It took three days to draft. , is still a blank sheet of paper.”

Shi Qi said: "Why is this?"

The ancestor said: "I became two courtiers for him. In the first half of my life, I did the affairs of the Ming Dynasty, and in the second half of my life, I did the affairs of the current dynasty. The front and back are the opposite. If you say the former is true, the latter will not; What's more, if it's not the first one; and it's inconvenient to lose this half life, just talk about the other half life, don't you think it's difficult?"

Shi Qi said: "Sure enough, it's very rare. Did you succeed in doing it later?"

The holy ancestor said: "Later, a famous scholar from the south of the Yangtze River came and asked him to polish the pen with two thousand silver. He only wrote fourteen characters, and the business was successful."

Shi Qi said: "What are the fourteen characters? If the emperor remembers it, he will give it to his ministers."

The holy ancestor said: "'The one who dies my lord is my enemy, and the one who dies my enemy is my lord', there are only two sentences and fourteen characters, which are used as a pen in the middle. If they get it, the rest will be easy. Done."

Tu Qi said: "Sure enough, it's a shocking sentence. Thanks to him, how could he think of it. Don't tell me Wen Xiang has a spirit, and ordered him to do it in the dark."

The ancestor said: "That's too inexperienced. In short, as a courtier, except for the word 'loyalty', nothing else is valuable. Therefore, Zheng Chenggong and Zhang Huangyan, I have never regarded him as a traitor. Look at it. Although Hong Hengjiu and Wu Meicun are smart, they are worse than Zheng and Zhang."

Shiqi was amazed, because he looked down again and saw that there was a title "A Tour of the Righteous Scholar from the West Mountain", which was also written by Zheng Yunjin: The beast of Tiger and Leopard Mountain, still thinking about his body.The skin and bones are steamed in clouds and mist, and I can endure hunger for seven mornings.Husband and son, loyal and filial to fame.When the number is yang nine, what is the use of the blood body.Don’t you see Su Wu’s 19 years on the sea, the desert gnawing clouds and swallowing felt.I don't see Chang Shan's tongue scolding thieves endlessly; I don't see Wen Shan sitting in a small building for three years, fighting bullfights with righteousness and coldness.The ancients kept their names in the past, but each time and place were different.Xiaoyao crept to Shouyang Mountain, and the righteous men never returned.Only the green weir fern grows with the wind, and no one picks it from Tibet for a long time.I live on the top of the mountain and worship the lonely bamboo, not like fireworks to wash my heart.He does not eat millet for one or two days, and he is generous enough to sing Western Shanqu.He didn't eat millet for three days and four days, and scolded the prison officials for not having a rest.What is the result in five days and six days? Xiao Lai once combed his hair on the temples.Tidying up the crown, arranging clothes, and being hale and hearty, writing poems and writing to the wall.Seven days and eight days withered stomach and intestines, loyal soul until Baiyun Township.The imperial court descended from Zhi, and the dregs passed by the road.Teaching hungry meat to peck kites, how did I ever lose my old self!Since ancient times, no one has died in life. Do you think death is almost enough?
After looking at it, Shi Qi said: "It's a pity that there is a fly in the ointment."

The holy ancestor hurriedly asked why.Shi Qi said: "This kind of posthumous works of loyal ministers and righteous people should always be written in ink. It's a pity that it is already a copy."

The ancestor said with a smile: "I have the ink, and it is stored in the palace. If you want to see it, ask someone to fetch it."

Shiqi was overjoyed.Shengzu then said to the little eunuch: "Go in and deliver an order to Li Fuquan, telling him to fetch the stack of brocade and silk albums from the outer nanmu cabinet.

"The little eunuch went away with the order, and got it in a short time. The holy ancestor ordered him to be placed on the table, and he opened it casually, and said to Tu Qi: "Look, this is Zhang Cangshui ink, I don't know how strong the pen is!"Yajiao is vigorous and vigorous, writing each character like a dragon and snake. "

Shi Qi put one foot on the chair, and when he leaned over to look at it, he saw that there were five fatal poems, signed by the Minister of the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Huangyan.

It has been 20 years since the flag of righteousness has been horizontal, but it is unknown that the leap is in Khotan.Tongjiang attacked Yan Guangdao by air, and Li Ze couldn't return to Fan Zhu's boat.Life is worse than a feather and still bears the country, and death leaves green blood to reach the sky.Loyalty is a matter of solitary officials, dare to look forward to the history of the future.

If the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, there is my teacher at the head of Xizihu.The sun and the moon hang on the tomb of Zi's family, and half of the universe is written by Yue's family.I am ashamed to divide my bare hands into three seats, and borrow one for my loyalty.In the future, the plain car on Dongzhe Road, how can the raging waves be exhausted.

What's the matter that the lonely minister stopped his machine, and Lu Ge was no longer late.In the late festival, I feel ashamed of the pines and cypresses, and here I go to the breeze and laugh at the fern.The temples cannot accommodate the five mountains, and Yifan still returns to Dingzhou.Dieshan dies late, Wenshan dies early, and Qingshi is right and wrong in other years.

There is still a plan to survive the breath of coconut, and it can be discussed together if you swallow carbon and felt.Fu Wangchen prospered Xia Si, and only answered Shang Sun with the emperor's family.The clothes and crowns still have the color of clouds, and the banners still leave traces of the sun and the moon.Win the same fruit as the lonely minister, but also leave the righteousness in the universe.

Unbearable to be dismantled and solo servants, looking at the vastness and nine deaths.The only one who wins the favor is the empty beard, but the Guliu mantis is strong as the wheel.Conspiring with Cao Shefei, there are no ghosts, crying to Zou Ting for someone.But the red sheep has just changed its calamity, and the yellow clouds and white grass have never spring.

Shi Qi said: "Zhang Cangshui is a former minister of Lu Fan in the Ming Dynasty. He led more than 300 disabled soldiers and was stubborn for more than 20 years. Well."

The Holy Ancestor smiled and said: "That's all you think. I am his enemy, and he can't repay my hatred. Do you still hope that he will appreciate it!

Before the words were finished, the little eunuch reported: "The Pearl is here."

Shengzu looked back and saw Mingzhu wearing a cloak, swaying towards him, and asked: "Is it snowing?" The little eunuch replied: "It has been snowing for half a day."

The holy ancestor said: "Let's talk about poetry and essays, and we don't even feel the snow."

Mingzhu saw him, and smiled and said: "I went hunting in the morning and got some wild deer. I didn't dare to taste it first. I asked the slave woman to clean it up. I begged the emperor to give me a face. This is my filial piety. "

After finishing speaking, he exited the door and came in with a food box.The holy ancestor smiled and said: "It's hard for you to be so pious, but we have to try it anyway.

"Speaking, the little eunuch picked up the food box in the morning, took off the cover, and a scent came out, and he saw a big bowl of hot venison, served with eight or nine other dishes, and two pots of boiling water. Bamboo leaf sake. Shengzu said: "Let's sit down and taste something new. "

Mingzhu said: "The emperor is gracious, how dare a slave dare to be presumptuous?"

The holy ancestor said: "Anyway, no one will come, don't stick to the etiquette, have fun. If you stick to the etiquette, I will have no fun alone."

Mingzhu and Shiqi had no choice but to thank En and accept the decree.At that time, the little eunuchs set aside the tables, set aside the cups and chopsticks, the holy ancestor was in the middle, Mingzhu and Shiqi waited on the seats, and they poured their drinks on behalf of them.After drinking five or six cups, the ancestor said: "Let's go outside to see the snow scene.

"So we went to the corridor together, and saw that the tiles on the opposite side of the house were already three inches high, and the sky was still rubbing cotton and cotton wool. Suddenly, the holy ancestor was full of poetry, smiled and said to the two: "This beautiful scene cannot be without poetry.I will chant a song first, and then you two will reunite. "

The two received the decree in unison.The holy ancestor then chanted: "One piece after another, three pieces, four pieces, five or six pieces, seven pieces, eight pieces, ninety pieces, and only three lines were recited, and the fourth line could not be continued. Three or five times, the fourth sentence still didn't come. Although it was a joke, I felt a little ashamed, and sweat burst out of my forehead like pearls. Seeing this, Mingzhu wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, wanted to save but couldn't, While in a dilemma, Gao Shiqi said with a smile: "The Emperor's Snow Poetry has a wonderful ending line, which I didn't read out, but I know it.

Mingzhu said, "You know what?" "

Shi Qi said: "This sentence is called 'flying people can't see the reeds'".Mingzhu said: "Sure enough, a wonderful sentence."

Shengzu smiled and said: "Why is my mind always guessed by him. I don't know what he is doing!"

After joking and talking, the two people's poems will be done well.Seeing the holy ancestor standing, he didn't dare to go in first.

Suddenly seeing the ancestor said: "What do we look like now?"

Mingzhu said: "Three official Bodhisattvas.

Before Shengzu said anything, Shiqi hurriedly knelt down and said: "Gaoming Peitian." "

Mingzhu's face turned red when she was bored, but Shengzu didn't mind.At that moment, Shiqi copied out the imperial inscription Xueshi's poem and the poems about the two people's respectful harmony.The holy ancestor had seen it, and carried Nuanyu to sit back to the palace as ordered.Mingzhu and Shiqi sent Yujia off, and they also returned to their private residences.

When Shiqi returned home, he told the disciples about Gong and Chen Han's proud incident.The doorman said with a smile: "It's strange that Zhu Jianzhi is jealous. It turns out that the master gave such knowledge. In fact, everyone has their own blessings, and Zhu Jianzheng is too small."

Shi Qi hurriedly asked: "Who is jealous of me?"

The doorman said: "Who else? Of course it is Mr. Zhu Yizun.

Shi Qi said: "This is amazing. Why do I suddenly become jealous of me when I don't get along well with him? It's the emperor's grace that I haven't been relocated in the past few years. It has nothing to do with him. Don't you get it wrong. Is it?"

The doorman said: "True and true, there is still evidence under the door.

Shi Qiyinso watched. The doorman said: "Your husband must be annoyed after seeing it."Recently, Zhu Jiankai and a group of people in the Hanlin Academy formed a cold-eliminating society. On the ninth day, they would gather to drink and write poems.In the commune on the ninth day of the ninth day, the poems written by Yi Zun satirized Mr.

"As he said, he handed over a piece of writing paper. When Shiqi looked at it, he saw that it was an epic poem, to the effect that it was about Han Xinkuaiwu's affairs. The doorman said: "Yi Zun thinks that Mr. Yi was not born in a proper way, but he has been promoted so much. quick.This time he passed the second class in the CI test, and he complained about it because he had no future in front of the old reviewer! "

Shi Qi said: "I won't hinder him, but he came looking for me instead.

There is no other way, but he must always repay his kindness and tell him to be on guard. "

Since then, the two have had a rift.

Gao Shiqi is a deep-rooted person, secretly dispatching spies to spy on him secretly.In less than a month, the sky and earth nets have been properly arranged.Poor Zhu Yizun, who is outspoken, is still in a dream.Shengzu Kui'er likes to recite poems and compose Fu most, and shows off his talents in the literati team.

Reluctantly, my stomach was full of wine and meat, and my thoughts were suppressed by the pressure of wine and meat, so it was difficult to adjust for a while, so every time I made something, I always ordered Yi respectfully to draw it up.On this day, Shengzu didn't know what kind of poem he asked Yizun to draw up, and he spent half a day reading it by heart.The next day, it happened that Gao Shiqi was worth a lot. When the ancestor saw him, he said: "I was drinking last night, and I was suddenly moved by poetry. I impromptuly recited a seven-rhythm poem. After reading it myself, it is still passable. It's just that I used to write poems. Thinking is dull, I didn't know how to blurt it out last night, but it was so quick that I didn't want it.

It can be seen that poetry is something that can be done well. "

Shi Qi said: "Can I kindly reward my minister for reading it?"

The holy ancestor said: "I will read it to you."

Just read a sentence.

Shi Qi said: "Don't read it, Your Majesty, all the ministers already know this poem."

After reading the following sentence in one go, he then asked: "Did Wei Chen recite it wrong?"

The Holy Ancestor asked in surprise: "Where have you seen it?"

Shi Qi said: "Yesterday Zhu Yizun read it to my ministers, but I don't know it's an imperial work."

When the holy ancestor saw this, his face turned red with embarrassment.It turned out that Gao Shiqi bribed the eunuch, and any writing submitted by Zhu Yizun must be given to him to read first.Shengzu only said that Yizun leaked the secret, and he was very unhappy.In the end, after finding out if he was wrong, he should be dismissed and returned home.

Since the ancestor came to the throne, he has been rich and honored and lived a peaceful life.Although Wu Sangui and Junggar have fought for several years, the chaos will be calmed down after a while.

I have never eaten ginger and I don't know how spicy it is. It is very easy to see things in the world, so I can't help but indulge in willfulness in all my actions.Among the more than 30 princes of Shengzu, apart from the second prince Yunfeng who was established as the prince, and the fourth prince Yinzhen who has fallen out of favor, the eighth prince Yunsi and the ninth prince Yunyu are the smartest and the most neat.Shengzu treated them a little more than others.In the 47th year of Kangxi, the crown prince offended the holy ancestor for some reason, and immediately ordered him to be abolished and imprisoned in Xian'an Palace.After the kings and ministers begged for favor four times, it took a year or so before they were restored.After all, I kept my opinions, but it didn't work out, and in September 51, the end was still abolished.At that time, seeing that the crown prince had not been established, all the princes coveted each other, so they were extraordinarily courteous and filial in front of the holy ancestor.Knowing the son is not like the father, everyone's intentions have been guessed by the ancestor, and he made up his mind. The matter of setting up the prince was simply put aside without mentioning a word.Everyone tried to spy out, who should stand and who should not stand, how did they ever find out!Ertai, Zhang Tingyu and other ministers were afraid that the foundation of the country would be uncertain and that something would happen, and they would choose the season when no one was there.The Holy Patriarch replied: "What's the point? I've already made up my mind, and I don't need to mention the name of this person right now. I'm afraid of causing trouble. Anyway, everyone will know in the future. It's still early."

When Ertai saw that the ancestor said so, it was inconvenient to ask further.Everyone privately guessed that the holy will belonged to either the Eighth Prince Yunsi or the Ninth Prince Yuntang.When I go home, I talk to my family members.This was originally their private speculation, in case it was overheard by the followers and spread to the ears of other officials, some people rushed to Yunsi and Yunyu's mansion to present the good news.The two of them inquired about the root cause, and found out that it was a letter from E and Zhang. They thought that both E and Zhang were ministers of the imperial court. There would never be any mistakes in this news. To his brothers, he would be arrogant and conceited, and the brothers don't care about him.Press it for now.

However, it was said that this year was the 61st year of Kangxi, and Shengzu suddenly got sick, his heart was stuffy, his mouth was tasteless, and at night, his whole body was burning hot.Several medical officers in the Imperial Hospital took turns asking for the pulse, but they took the medicine, but there was no movement.He also recruited famous doctors from outside Beijing to diagnose and treat them carefully. At the Bailu Festival, asthma and phlegm were added.All the princes are busy.

Shengzu was bored with his illness, so he wanted to move to Changchun Garden to recuperate, and the princes repeatedly advised against him.The holy ancestor said: "If you want me to live, let me move there. When I go there, my heart will be quiet, and the disease will naturally be cured."

The princes had no choice but to let him.Unexpectedly, when moved to the garden, the condition of the illness would be relieved, although not completely cured, the asthma would be better, and the phlegm would not come up, all the princes felt relieved.Shengzu himself said: "This old fate seems to be saved."

Because the winter festival is approaching, several princes were sent to various places in the Taimiao of the imperial mausoleum to perform sacrifices.

On this day, the holy ancestor had just taken the medicine and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Suddenly, he heard the report that Prince Yong, Yin frame, came to invite peace.The holy ancestor said: "Why did he come? What did he come for? Didn't he rush my life? I would like to never see him for the rest of my life."

As he said that, Prince Yong Yinzhen had lifted the curtain and came in. When he saw the ancestor, he knelt down and cried loudly: "I am not filial, I can't ask An Shishan, and now I have no regrets. Seeing my father today, I am willing to serve you." Decoction, to fulfill the duties of the son-in-law a little bit. I hope that the Buddha will bless you, and the servant will be healed, and the son-in-law will be willing to die."

While speaking, while crying, while kowtow.The holy ancestor said unhappily: "I will die somewhere, and I will not die of illness. If you cry like this, I am afraid that I will cry to death."

Yinzhen knelt down and said: "Seeing that my father is so sick, I feel sore in my heart, and I can't make decisions myself."

The holy ancestor said: "You don't have to look like this, if you are sincerely filial, you should follow my words.

I know that my illness is nothing to worry about. If anything happens, I have already taken care of the aftermath. As long as you don't go against my will, you have nothing to worry about. "

When Yinzhen heard about it, he got up, and immediately regarded soup as medicine, handed water and tea, and served him very attentively.All the eunuchs were secretly surprised when they saw that Yinzhen had changed his appearance, changed all his usual stubborn and stubborn behavior, and suddenly became filial.Unexpectedly, at the night of Xu, there was a shocking news in the Changchun Garden, saying that the ancestor emperor dragon controlled the guests, and the edict was passed down to the fourth prince Yinzhen.Later generations have official poems of the Qing Dynasty, chanting about this matter: the new moon is like fishing for night blues, and the imperial doctor will stop the medicine and the furnace will be cold.

The sound of the ax and the shadow of the candle are all suspicious cases, right and wrong to the historian.

On the 61th day of the 71th day of the [-]st year of Kangxi's reign at Xushi, Sheng Xing died in the Changchun Garden Palace at the age of [-].If you want to know what happened next, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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