Qing Dynasty Secret History

Chapter 29 A gust of wind caused the new commander-in-chief to kill the old general

Chapter 29
It is said that when Wang Hanchun returned home, the mountains and rivers were still the same, and the scenery was completely different. It was suspected to be a dream.His wife said: "Since you went, people have come to renovate our houses and buy land for us; they have also sent many old mothers and young maids to my family to order me; and they have sent money and clothes every month. I also sent money and clothes every month. I can't bear to use it, I can't bear to wear it. Later, when I saw Yueyue sent it, I had accumulated a lot, and it was a pity to let it go for nothing, so I used it to wear it for a while!
"Han Chun said: "Who is so close to us, have you ever asked him?" "

The wife said: "Why didn't you ask, what kind of senior general is he, who said he was your boss!"

Han Chun said: "General Nian? It's really strange that such generous treatment has never been mentioned in person."

His wife said: "Maybe the general knows that you are honest, and he explained it. He is afraid that he will refuse, so he deliberately keeps it secret. It is also true."

Han Chun said: "You don't know, General Wei Fu is very unpredictable."

Then he told his wife about the feast.His wife was also surprised.Han Chun said: "After three years of being frightened, there will be such a day, which is absolutely unexpected."

His wife said: "You said that the general will be unpredictable, whether it is a disaster or a blessing, it is still uncertain."

Han Chun said: "Don't care whether he is a blessing or a disaster, let's have fun in front of our eyes for a while."

The current husband and wife, reunited after a long absence, are intimate and loving, so naturally there is no need to elaborate.Those relatives, old and old, heard that Dao Hanchun was proud to go home, and they all came to inquire about it.

This night was the third day after Hanchun came home, the night was dark, the sky was already drumming, and suddenly there was a loud noise outside the door.Hanchun and his wife woke up from the dream, Hanchun put on some clothes, opened the door and went out to have a look.Just after stepping out of the door, I saw two family members rushing in to report, saying: "Two beggars came outside, one man and one woman, one old and one young, insisting on breaking in. We can't stop it, that beggar She has white hair and a white beard all over her face, and she looks about 70 to [-] years old; she is only a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl."

Han Chun said: "How can there be Huazi at midnight?"

The family said: "We don't have it on weekdays. Today, this beggar is very strange. He knocked on the door and asked to open the door. He also asked to see the master by name. He said that he and the master are very good friends."

Han Chun said in surprise, "I have never had a friend who is a beggar in my life."

Before he finished speaking, another family member reported: "The two beggars have rushed into the study room, claiming that if the master does not go out, they will come in."

Hanchun didn't have time to button the button, walked to the study, and looked under the light, the two Huazi looked very kind, but they couldn't remember.When the old man saw Han Chun, he didn't say a word, he just grabbed the little girl, grabbed his sleeve, and showed his tender arm like a tender lotus root, and brought it directly to Han Chun for a look.

Seeing a ruby-like scar on the cloud skin, he unconsciously said: "Hey, aren't you young man! Why do you look like this?"

The old man hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Master whispered softly, the mechanism is preventing leaks."

Hanchun understood, so he asked his family members to retreat, closed the door with his own hands, and quietly asked: "Is the general okay?"

The man said: "There is nothing wrong now, it's just that the news is not very good. It is always said that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, not to mention that today is the world's first multi-hearted person. Inside, I was very jealous, and the general was very chilled. Because the master is honest and reliable, he changed his mind, secretly asked the old servant to send my brother here, and begged the master to take pity on the general, and treat our brother as his own son. I can’t thank you enough for your kindness. If nothing happens in the future, the general will repay you generously; if anything happens, our brother will never forget it.”

Said master and servant both knelt down on the ground.Hanchun returned the courtesy and said: "The old housekeeper, Mr. Nian, get up quickly! I, Wang, have received great kindness from the general, and this is my duty. If I don't protect it wholeheartedly, the sky will not forgive me."

From then on, Young Master Nian and Lao Cangtou stayed at Wang Hanchun's house. Hanchun stayed with Young Master, lovingly cared for him, and he was just like his own son.

One night, the sky was quiet among the clouds, the moon was as bright as water, Han Chun drank wine facing the moon in the study, but asked Mr. Nian to sit beside him in the composition class, and the old man stood by with his hands down.Suddenly a gust of wind blew out the lights on the table, and even the piece of paper in the composition class was blown out of the room.The old man fell to the ground in fright, tremblingly said: "Blood drop! Blood drop!"

Hanchun lit the candle, next year the son picked up the paper, and when he looked back at the old man, he saw his face was pale and his body was trembling unsteadily.Han Chun said: "Why are you like this?"

The old man shook his head and said: "The blood drop is very scared!"

While supporting him, Han Chun asked, "What blood drop?

I don't understand. "

The old Cangtou regained his composure, and then said: "Master, don't blame me, I am a frightened bird, I was frightened."

Han Chun said: "A gust of wind is normal, what are you afraid of?"

The old man said: "This gust of wind and a piece of paper, the old servant passed by that year, and almost lost his life. Have you ever heard about blood drops?"

Han Chun said: "What kind of blood drop, I have never heard of it."

The old Cangtou said: "Our great general and today's emperors and ministers are actually sworn brothers."

Han Chun said: "It's very strange, I haven't heard of it before."

The old Cangtou said: "Don't talk about the master, we are too old, and we have never known about it. Except for the old slave, I am afraid that few people know about it. The old slave has been in the general's house for more than 30 years. The general's matter from childhood to adulthood , Others don't know, but the old slave knows it all.

When the general was young, he liked to make friends with heroes in the world.I remember that year, when I went out with the general, it happened that it was snowing, and the wind was violent and the snow was heavy.The two of us rode horses and ran on the Yangchang Mountain Road, surrounded by mountains and cliffs.Suddenly there was a whistle, more than 30 horses galloped out from the woods, all of them were riding tall men with weapons in their hands, and the old slave was terrified.Who knew that when a group of people saw the general, they jumped off their horses in a hurry, regardless of the snow and wind, they knelt down and kowtowed, inviting us to stay up the mountain.After drinking for two days, I gave away many things before leaving.From then on, all the swordsmen and swordsmen I met along the way, all the heroes of the rivers and mountains, there is no one who is not close to our general.After the general's announcement, guests in fresh clothes and angry horses often come to the Yamen to pay their respects. Master, who do you think this group is? "

Han Chun said: "Who is it?"

The old man said, "It's the North-South Association."

Han Chun said: "Nowadays, why are you married to the General?"

The old Cangtou said: "Nowadays we are usually very dissolute, the former emperor didn't take it seriously. The former emperor hurt the second elder brother, followed by the eighth elder brother, ninth elder brother, and fourteenth elder brother. At that time, he was thinking hard about it, and it was all over the Ministry of Communications. At that time, the ministers such as Ertai and Zhang Tingyu were very helpful. But E and Zhang were civil servants and were not very effective. Now we know that the general is the leader in the Jianghu. He was very reliable, so he became a brother of life and death. At that time, every day when we came to our house, the old slave was used to seeing the wide forehead, wide cheeks, deep dragon eyes, curved eagle nose, wearing Wearing black clothes, with an oriental bead the size of a longan nailed on his hat, he always went straight to the general's bedroom when he came, without waiting for his family to notify him.

After all, our general Mu has trained a team of blood drops for today. "

Han Chun asked Xue Dizi again, and the old man explained the advantages and disadvantages of Xue Dizi clearly.Han Chun said: "What do you want this blood drop to do today?"

The old Cangtou said: "Didn't I say that the former emperor didn't love the present, but the second elder brother, the eighth elder brother, the ninth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother are all loved. Today, I make friends with great generals, weave blood drops, The meaning of fate is nothing more than that. I remember that ten years ago, the general was serving in Beijing. At that time, the first emperor went out to hunt Rehe, and it happened that the eighth elder brother fell ill. Now that he advocates returning to the capital, all the elder brothers don’t say anything, only the second elder brother Brother refused, so the former emperor asked the present to accompany the patient. After the eighth elder brother recovered from his illness, the second elder brother was eventually deposed. This was the result of the secret conspiracy of the general, Ertai, and Zhang Tingyu. At that time, it was sometimes inconvenient When I go out, I discuss it with the general in handwriting. This kind of honor and honor is in the hands of the general. Now that I have ascended the throne, because the handle falls on our family, I am very afraid of the general; the general is also afraid of listening to slander. , Don’t think about the previous love, and also hide it and refuse to return it. For this reason, there is a heartbreak between the monarch and his ministers.” Hanchun said: “It has always been said that the minister who doubts the monarch will die. The general is very dangerous!”

The old Cangtou said: "That's not it! The general sacked Qinghai, and the squadron returned to Beijing. Today, he went out of the city to greet him personally, and gave a banquet to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. It was just in the middle of summer, and the soldiers, wearing helmets and armour, stood in Danchi It was so hot that I was sweating. Now when I saw it, I issued an edict and said: "The weather is so hot that the generals don't need to be polite for the time being, just take off all the armor." All the soldiers stood still, as if they didn't hear. Today it was announced three times in a row, but all the soldiers just ignored it. Now I said to the general: "The general tells them to take off their armor."

The general just glanced at his head, and immediately removed his armor like a mountain.Today, I asked all the soldiers: "Why don't you listen to my edict?" All the soldiers replied: "People in the military camp only know the general's military orders, but not the emperor's Shangyu." 'Although I praise him today, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart, and I am afraid that I will be domineering and disobedient.In fact, the general is extremely loyal. He usually talks about ancient things, Shi Kefa, Wu Sangui and others, and always laughs at them for not knowing the destiny. How can he rebel? "

Han Chun said: "The general's military law is too powerful. I heard that during the march, he has punished five or seven general admirals in a row, and all of them were for trivial things. That's too much."

The old Cangtou said: "My master, I can't tell you. Not to mention the subordinates, even his favorite aunt, who is usually a treasure, has been killed. I don't know how many times! The matter is really fair. No matter how good people are, they have never been pardoned for breaking the law. Those aunts were all punished for interceding for their subordinates. The general once said that I broke the law myself, and I would never agree to it. Forgive yourself lightly. Everyone in the battalion, from the commander to the soldier, must abide by the military law.

"Hanchun said: "It can be regarded as the law is heavy and the order is enforced, and the prestige is low. "

The old Cangtou said: "I remember that year when the general moved his camp, it happened to be a snowy day. The soldiers pushing the grain carts had an inch of snow on their fingers, and they walked by themselves. The general was quite sympathetic. Said to them: "Go and point!" Unexpectedly, the soldiers misunderstood, one by one took out their sabers, and cut off their own fingers. Just this one, we can see the pros and cons of the general's military order. Therefore, the general's soldiers are invincible, Invincible."

Han Chun said: "The military law is so strict, there will never be anyone who violates the order."

The old Cangtou said: "That's not the case. One night, the general embraced his beloved concubine, and was very proud of himself while composing poems and drinking in the camp. Suddenly he heard the sound of horns, and the sound was very solemn. The general smiled at his beloved concubine and said:' Who is blowing the trumpet?' Chong Ji didn't know. The general said, "He's also a first-rank official in the imperial court!" Because he boasted: "A certain scholar can make the admiral's gate blow the horn to watch the night, and among the scholars, he can finally do it." The beloved concubine laughed and said, "Master, don't boast. I'm afraid that the army will be happy with his sweetheart at this moment. How can there be time to blow the horn?" The general said, "Who dares to disobey my military order?" Take the arrow of the order, Call the trumpet blower. Sure enough, it is not a military sect, but a general. Immediately ordered that the admiral and general be beheaded for public display."

Han Chun said: "The general is serious in his work, and there are always many people who hold grievances. Why don't you retreat bravely and be a Han Shizhong riding a donkey on the lake, screaming proud of the haze? I'm afraid he can live the rest of his life safely."

The old Cangtou said: "The old slave also tried to persuade me, but the general refused to listen. I was really scared when I thought of the weird incident in the Yamen last year."

Han Chun said: "What's the matter again? The old man said: "The general has a gold-painted double dragon worship box, and all the things hidden in it are the present hand Yu Chenhan.We don't know where this worship box is placed, it was all handled by the general himself.One day, when the court mail arrived, he suddenly ordered all the decrees of the imperial pen to be sealed and submitted, and the general followed the decree to seal them in.Unexpectedly, when the approved copy came back, it was greatly reprimanded.That night, the general's study room was stolen, and a lot of other things were stolen, except for the gold-painted double dragon worship box and the sword that the general often wears.The windows and doors are closed, the rafters and tiles are not moving, and it is not known where the thief came in.He Shu Huang Ran, busy to check.The general forbade him to say, "Don't make trouble!"Make it public so that people outside know it.

People in the yamen would never steal these two things, and it would be useless to steal them. '" Hanchun said: "This thief is really brave, he dared to steal things from the general's yamen.

"The old man said: "My master, who is a thief? This thief is probably a drop of blood who comes and goes. "

Han Chun said: "Shut up. Isn't the blood droplet under the command of the general? Why are you stealing from the general again?"

The old Cangtou said: "Xuedizitou was originally under the command of the general. The general was away on business, and now he is in charge of himself. Later, there was suspicion between the monarch and his ministers, and now the villain Xuedizi came to spy on the general. Actually There is nothing left in this worship box, and all the Zhuyu have been sealed and submitted. After this incident, the general knew that sooner or later something unexpected would happen, so he ordered his confidants to take precautions, and the government office Surrounded by soldiers in military uniform, they patrolled back and forth all night long. One night, the general held a candle alone, and persisted in drawing up a manuscript. Beside, there is only one Goshha and I. This Goshha is also the confidant of the general.

Seeing the general's sad face, the two of us were so frightened that we didn't dare to move, we listened to the ringing of the bell outside the wall, and we communicated constantly.The advocacy at the gate stopped, and the transmission point was just reported for the third watch. Geshha and I focused on the general, and the general focused on the manuscript.Suddenly there was a strange howl behind him, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw Geshha's body lying on the ground, his head had been lost, the candle was extinguished by the wind, and the general's manuscript was also taken away by the strange wind.The general shouted that there were thieves, and the soldiers would rush to gather in the wind and rain, and search for them in all directions. "

Han Chun said: "What's the idea of ​​Blood Droplet killing Goshha? I really don't understand."

The old Cangtou said: "That's nothing more than killing chickens to scare monkeys and the general. The ones that are called back by the general today were originally from the hidden mansion. They are extremely confidential and important things.

The general only sealed the ordinary Zhu Bian into the submission, so he doesn't agree to it today. "

Han Chun said: "The general is a smart man, why is he so stubborn."

The old Cangtou sighed: "If something unexpected happens, the monk's words will be accepted."

Hanchun: "What did the monk say?"

Daocangtou said: "Once upon a time, there was a monk who met our great general, who said that he was born differently from others, had a different destiny from others, and received blessings differently from others.

The first two sentences have already been answered.Now that I am like this, I am afraid that I will have to respond to the last sentence! "

Han Chun said: "The fate is different, so that's all. The birth is always the same as everyone else, how can it be different?"

The old Cangtou said: "Master didn't know that our general was born with a strange omen. Our old lady was very powerful when she was young, and she controlled us very well. Therefore, even though the Grand Master was in charge, he never I have never accepted a concubine. This year, the old lady's natal family had something to do, and she went back for more than a month. The grand master took advantage of this time to steal hands with the girl in the room. The old lady didn't notice it when she came back.

Unexpectedly, once there was a spring breeze, the bead tire was darkened, and the girl was pregnant, and her belly was swollen day by day.At first she thought it was a disease, but later the old lady saw that she was not like a patient when she talked about her diet, so she ordered her to deal with it according to the family law.The girl was so frightened that she confessed directly, and the old lady was so angry that she ordered her to hang up a hundred canes and send them out to be married.Unexpectedly, after the girl was whipped, she gave birth to a child that night, and the cry was very loud.The old lady was not allowed to keep her, so she ordered to take her to her and bury her alive.At that time, Lao Nu's elder brother, who was in charge of the door in the mansion, carried the child to the back garden and threw him in the pigsty.Unexpectedly, the sows in the pen would breastfeed their children.Lao Nu's elder brother knew that the child was not young, so he secretly took him home and hired a nanny to take care of him.

Master, do you know who this child is?It is now the well-known first-class general Fuyuan, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu. "

Han Chun said: "That's really the same as Yin Ziwen in the Spring and Autumn Period."

The old man said: "When the general was six or seven years old, he lived with my brother in the concierge. This year, a monk came to meet the face. The old man called him a good friend. He said that the old man is a great seal, and he is not as expensive as sending someone. The master is at the first level. The old master took out the second master. The monk said, "I am also a first-rank official in the court, but not enough to be this." The monk said: "I saw a child around the gate. He has a good appearance. In the future, he will be an extremely powerful minister. He will be in power at the age of 30. He is more expensive than the princes and kings. Isn't he a son?" Enter the general. The monk pointed to it and said, "This child is very expensive, but he is not a son, but it is strange." The master asked my brother, and my brother had to answer the ticket straight, so that the general and his son could get together. The general He is very intelligent, but he is just too mischievous. He even beat off five or seven masters, and after all he hired a famous teacher who taught him to be an all-rounder in civil and military affairs. Less than [-] out of [-] is called 'the phoenix comes out of the old crow's nest'."

Han Chun said: "It turns out there was such an accident, how would I know? Xi Yao is on the way, but the General is not, but what happened to the General's biological mother?"

The old Cangtou said: "Where is the matching person? I don't know if it is in the north of Haibei or in the south of the mountain. After the general got angry, he also searched for it. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's just a waste of time."

Speaking of the wind blowing the trees in the garden, there was a rustling sound, and the shadow of the moon moved westward, and it was already midnight.Looking back at Mr. Nian, he was already lying on the table and stopped dozing off.The old Cangtou said: "Oh, we need to talk urgently, my brother is already fast asleep."

Han Chun said: "Sure enough, it's getting late, let's go back to our rooms.

"There is nothing to say at the moment.

Mr. Nian stayed at Hanchun's house for more than a year, and General Nian broke things. The money he committed was greed, reckless, unruly, and almost rebellious. Dao Yushi jointly participated in the performance.Shizong was furious and ordered to ask questions.

Overnight, they were demoted to [-] levels in a row, and the remote provinces were recharged, and they were fined to watch the city gate.Finally, the emperor's kindness is mighty, and he will be saved from death if he thinks about his little work.Nothing like this young general, his country is easy to change, his nature is hard to change, although his position is humble, his strengths remain the same.His old man is on the gate of the city, and every time the city is closed and locked, he will punish you, Mr. Wang and grandson, and he will not be able to cry.When it comes to law-abiding and public service, he is really selfless and stern.However, there are many people who hold grudges.This year, there was a new general soldier, who was originally from General Nian's old department. He went to the city for some business.The old man also tolerated it without hesitation, but his enemy insisted on taking advantage of him, so he took another copy.Shizong was afraid that he would come back from the ashes, so when he saw Shenzhe, he issued an imperial edict ordering him to commit suicide.If you want to know what happened next, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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