Qing Dynasty Secret History

Chapter 39 Lin Shuangwen Instigates Heaven and Earth Huichai Daji to Guard Zhuluo City

Chapter 39 Lin Shuangwen Instigates Heaven and Earth Huichai Daji to Guard Zhuluo City
It is said that Hong Zhicun offended the powerful because of Guan Shiming's insincere words, and was worried about him, when he reported that Master Guan was gone, he said in surprise, "You were fine yesterday, what disease did you have?"

The family said: "Is the situation a sudden illness? The young ones are not very careful."

Zhicun sighed: "This is really a change of fortune and misfortune, and the situation is unpredictable."

With that said, the funeral note from the Guanfu also arrived.

Hong Taishi and Guan Shiyu were from the same hometown, and they had a good relationship on weekdays, so they drove there early in the morning to help the manager with the funeral.Guan Shiyu has been an official for half his life, and he has no other family resources except for a few collections of poems and essays written by himself.It was Hong Taishi who got excited and asked for help along the door for him, donated a few taels of silver, and transported his coffin back to the south, which is a later story.

Since Guan Shiming's death in Jingzhong, a few stubborn people in the remonstrance and resistance have gradually disappeared.Killing chickens to scare monkeys, the people of the Manchu Dynasty, seeing this situation, were so frightened that they were speechless. They dare not mention the right and wrong of the government, the gains and losses of talents, and dare not mention a word.Going up and out as usual every day is nothing more than poetry, wine, pottery, piano and chess for entertainment.It's exactly: there is a lot of rain and dew in the holy age, so why do the kings answer the question of peace.

This year is the [-]th birthday of the Empress Dowager. Emperor Gaozong made a decree to celebrate the whole world. All the officials in the Manchu and Han Dynasties inside and outside Beijing suddenly became busy. , all prepared gifts, and everyone kowtowed to congratulate them. Only the Panchen Lama of Tibet came to Beijing to congratulate him in person. In addition, the banners of Annan, Burma, Korea, Ryukyu, Mongolia, and tribes in the Western Regions all sent envoys to express their contributions. Gao Zong asked the Ministry of Rites to set the order of celebrations, and a total of five or seven days were arranged: the first day was the royal family prince Baylor, the second day was Yiqin's relatives, the third day was civil and military in Beijing, the fourth day was civil and military affairs in various provinces, and the fifth day was Outer feudal clans, the sixth day is for all the officials, and the seventh day is for the senior citizens of each province. A special decree was issued to select three classes of nine elders, nine civil servants, nine military officials, and nine official officials. Those who were beyond the [-]s were ordered to give a banquet in Xiangshan. Beizi Hongxuan painted the picture of the nine elders in Xiangshan and presented it to the imperial court. Later, Wanshou in the [-]s was selected as usual. Because Beizi had passed away, the ninth master was called Huayuan Ai Qimeng. The second picture is made, and later generations have a poem saying: "Jiuye Xiangshan has a special gift, and Yaohua's wonderful brush hand-in-hand model rejoices at the eight-rank re-opening banquet, and the painting garden can become the second picture."

When the moon is full, it loses, when the sun is mid-day, it is bright, and the ups and downs are sad and joyful, overlapping each other in a circle.Thousands of officials in the capital are wishing, and thousands of people are singing, and it is very lively and prosperous. Who knows that on a sea island in the southeast corner, there is a bloody storm, and the future is already raging.When Emperor Gaozong heard the news, he hurriedly summoned the ministers to discuss the plan to calm the chaos.It turns out that the island of Taiwan, since the demise of the Zheng family in the 22nd year of Kangxi, was subordinate to the Qing Dynasty and prepared for the emperor's grace.Helplessly, the island is fertile, rich in products, and the name of wealth is well known in Jingguo.People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of getting fat. Once Taiwan became famous, those who are officials will do everything possible to find ways to find ways: "If you want to be an official here, you will be an official for thousands of miles, not to mention that Taiwan is far away overseas." The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Naturally, I will do what I do, and no one dares to ask for a letter. In this way, Taiwan’s politics is naturally self-evident. In the 60th year of Kangxi, the prefect of Taiwan, Wang Zhen, extorted violently, and the people were forced. In seven days, the whole Taiwan fell, and Zhu Yigui called himself the king of Zhongxing, built the name Yonghe, cut his hair and refitted it, and his eyes and eyes were completely new. Unfortunately, he only had a head for more than a month, and the smoke disappeared. There was no result. There was a nursery rhyme at that time: "The head is crowned with a Ming Dynasty crown, and the body is dressed in Qing Dynasty clothes."

It was called Yonghe in May and Kangxi in June.

After the rebellion of Yigui was settled, the holy ancestor decreed that a member of the Manchu and Han censors should be specially appointed to patrol Taiwan and visit the sufferings of the people. Once a year, the superiors thought that they would diligently seek the relief of the people and take care of them in every possible way. What's the benefit to the local people if they spend more money and the people suffer more?Most of the people on Taiwan Island are Hakka people. Among Hakka people, most of them are from Zhang, Quan, Hui, and Chao.The officers and soldiers couldn't hold back their bullets, so they had to cover their ears and steal their bells, and let them enjoy themselves.Therefore, the officers and soldiers of the platform are quite despised by the people.

This year, Yang Jingsu, Futai, Fujian, came up with a new method, which is to cut off the mountains of Taiwan Island from the borders of Fan and Han, and give all the cultivated fields near the mountains to the students. kind.Since the land is outside, it is easy for desperadoes to hide. Among them is a man named Lin Shuangwen, who has outstanding intelligence and courage.The Lin surname was originally a rich family, and Shuangwen was promoted by the He clan as the leader. Under the demarcation order, the surname Xia was also demarcated outside the boundary.Shuangwen raised his arms and said to the crowd: "My brothers, it's a pity that we have become strangers. After all, we are all innocent and good citizens. How do we get along? If you don’t want to, you have to hide in the boundary. Those farms and houses are all worked hard by the ancestors, earned for several lifetimes, once they are thrown away, are you worthy of your ancestors? Sorry for your ancestors! Can live!

"When the people of the tribe heard this, their faces suddenly showed anger. One of them said: "Which one of us offended the government, but we were treated so bitterly. "

Lin Shuangwen said: "The people and the government have no place to judge. There is no crime. It is a crime to be a common people. If the government wants you to do something, it is a crime if you don't want to do it. Don't say that you want us to be strangers, you want us to be cows and horses." Do we dare not to be donkeys? What I am worried about is not about this. Now we are regarded as "students" in the "student world". The government treats us as "students" Even if we are Chinese, we are afraid that we will not be regarded as Chinese, but as Chinese. The Chinese do not know how to farm or weave, and live only by looting. We brothers and sisters all know this. In case the killer comes over, what can we do?"

Everyone said: "It's true, those stories are all barbaric and unreasonable. How can we fight against it?"

One person said: "I have a way. Brothers in the whole family unite as one. When plowing the field, plow the field together; when defending the enemy, defend the enemy together. Then you will not be afraid of him."

Shuangwen said: "The thing of defense is not done by one family and one surname. Fortunately, the Han people in Fanjie are not our family. For the present plan, all the Han people in the circle will be gathered together to form a meeting. Inside the meeting All of them are brothers, who share difficulties and share blessings, if they can be consistent, not to mention these few strangers, even the government will not be afraid of him."

Everyone said it was wonderful.Lin Shuangwen said: "As long as we do things with one mind, since our brothers are so united, I can guarantee that this matter will be successful. Now everyone go out and invite people you already know, Zhang Wang Li Zhao, the more the better."

Everyone agreed in unison.After a few days, as expected, 5000 people gathered and formed a meeting called Tiandihui. With blood as an alliance, Lin Shuangwen was elected as the leader of the meeting, and several regulations were established. .From then on, the Heaven and Earth Society became more and more popular in the Fanren Realm day by day.Not to mention the Han people inside the border, even the people outside the border, who can't be exploited by the government, are also scrambling to pay the money.In less than two or three years, two-thirds of Tainan and Taipei have changed the world of Tiandihui.Lin Shuangwen's order is ten times stronger than the order of the Taiwan patrol.From the magistrate's yamen to the Yatai yamen, among the yamen's servants, six or seven out of ten are members of the Heaven and Earth Association, and the actions of the government are known instantly.Although there are some rumors among the officials, an official has only the ability to make money, not the ability to do things, not to mention that the Heaven and Earth Society is so powerful, it is lucky to keep him from being entangled, who would want the tiger to pluck his beard.Therefore, the Heaven and Earth Society has been running amok for more than ten years, and no one dares to ask a question.

Coincidentally, this year the imperial court released a new Taiwan General Soldier, surnamed Chai, named Daji, who is very experienced in military affairs.As soon as he took office, he heard that the world would form a clique and run rampant, so he felt very different, so he invited Sun Jingsui, the prefect of Taiwan, Yu Jun, the magistrate of Changhua County, He Shenger, deputy general of Penghu, and Geng Shiwen, a guerrilla, to the Yamen for questioning.When Taiwan civil and military officials received the invitation, they had already had ghosts in their hearts.After the meeting, Chai Zhentai said: "In the holy world, rats are allowed to run rampant like this, and the court spends money and food, otherwise we, civil and military, will have to sleep all day long."

Speaking of this, the two eyes were doomed to He Sheng and said: "He Xietai and others, Sun and Yu are all civil servants. Needless to say, you and I have soldiers under our command, so we can learn how to ignore them." When there is trouble, no one can push away the crime of condoning adultery. What can you say, He Xietai?"

He Sheng got up and said: "The town ticket holder, this association is in charge of Penghu..."

Before Chai Daji finished speaking, he said: "This town also knows that Penghu, Taiwan, is the land of the emperor's family. The lieutenants of the general army are all officials of the emperor's family. Searching for bandits and thieves is the business of the emperor's family. Who should do it? Who shouldn't do it? Besides, Penghu is Taiwan's screen, without Taiwan, can Penghu survive? Let's talk about Penghu with Penghu, how dare you protect the place of Penghu, where there is no one in the world?"

He Sheng answered "Yes" repeatedly, but did not dare to answer a word.

Sun Jingsui got up and said: "Master Zhentai is responsible today. I can't argue with the theory, but whether Tiandihui will succeed in a day or a day, successive civil and military officials have tolerated it like this, and there has never been any trouble. To blame, All the officials in the past should be blamed, and it seems that we should not blame only a few of us."

Chai Daji said: "This town has been honored by the emperor's grace. I came here to be an official. I only know how to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. Grandpa Sun is surprised, and I don't have time to worry about it.

"He Sheng said: "Although Lin Shuangwen worshiped the alliance, the rebellion has not been obvious, and the deployment of troops will be a big deal.According to the views of this association, there is no need to raise troops for the time being. It will be easy to ask Mr. Sun and Mr. Yu to produce a red stick and send two servants. "

When Sun and Yu heard this, their faces turned pale with fright, and they both said: "How powerful is the world, how dare we take him?"

Chai Daji said: "He's good and bad, he's just a citizen. Both of you are parents and officials."

Sun Jingsui said: "Lin Shuangwen knows the law, and he won't make alliances.

Chai Daji said: "It turns out that Grandpa Sun also knows that he doesn't understand the law, so I can forgive you for the prevarication just now." "

Then he said: "I have made up my mind to arrest this matter, and He will cooperate with Tai Geng's guerrillas, and they will all go back to the training headquarters to wait for calls."

Then he said to Sun and Yu, "At that time, we have to take advantage of it!"

The government and the county looked at each other in blank dismay, and when they got on the tray, they were very inconvenient to shirk, so they answered "yes" a few times.

When Chai Daji saw off the guests, he discussed the matter with the staff.The guest said: "When it comes to this matter, the town army is a bit reckless."

Da Ji said: "Why are you so reckless, dare you be a bandit and shouldn't you be arrested?"

The staff member said: "Who says you shouldn't be arrested, but since the association has been established for many years and is deeply rooted, it is inevitable that there will be clues to the culprits in each yamen. The county civil servants should also discuss with Daotai first."

Chai Daji said: "That's very true, I'll go to visit the Daotai tomorrow."

The next day, Chai Zhentai took a sedan chair to the Yamen of Bingbei Road, and Daotai Yongfu was connected to the flower hall.Daji talks about catching bandits.This Taoist was originally a brother of the clan, and he didn't understand the world at all. If you said he was long, he would be long; if you said short, he would be short.

So he dispatched three hundred troops and ordered He Xietai and Geng Guerrilla to go together with Sun Zhifu and Yu Zhixian to arrest them.Before leaving, Chai Daji asked: "I understand the laws of this dynasty and the current temper, everyone. I remember that year Qingshui sect Wang Lun rebelled, and imperial envoy Shu Hede broke through Linqing and quelled the chaos, just for the sake of rebellion. Before Wang Lun was captured, he was severely reprimanded by the present."

He Xietai said: "I also know about this. I was also under Shu Gong's subordinates at that time. Wang Lun was already captured by Yin Jitu, the leader of the council. Because there are few slaves, he was still taken away by the thieves. He set himself on fire and burned himself to death, so Duke Shu received this order."

Chai Daji said: "It's good if you know it. As the saying goes, if you suffer a loss, you learn it once and be good. This time, Lin Shuangwen will be captured alive no matter what. You are also decent, and I will not be reprimanded.

He Xietai said: "It doesn't take much trouble to suppress the stage, and if you can capture it alive, who would want to let it go!"

At present, He Sheng's commander-in-chief led three troops to advance bravely. He wished he could capture Lin Shuangwen alive and bring the world to an end.The army was flying everywhere like the wind, but they didn't know that they were approaching Dali Village, the outpost flew the report, and the banners of the Tiandihui were all over the hills in front of them, the road was narrow and the ground was dangerous, and there was fear of an ambush.When He Sheng heard the news, his bravery was overwhelmed immediately, and he asked: "The thieves are not running away when they see our flag?" The strict sentry said: "Nothing happened. "

He Sheng said with his forehead: "Damn it! It's bad! I expected him to run away after hearing the sound, but I didn't expect this thief to be so bold!"

At this time, the two civil officials, Sun and Yu, were so frightened that they almost fell off their horses.After all, He Xietai was born in the army, and he was very courageous. He sent an order: "Since there are thieves ahead, let's camp here. Fortunately, there are five or seven villages away, and the thieves will never rush over."

Then ask, "What is here?"

The sentinel replied: "This place is called Dadun, about five miles away from the thief's nest.


After the camp was completed, He Xietai and Sun Zhifu discussed the method of reporting the military situation in front of the town.Sun Zhifu said: "Zhantai is a fool, knowing that we are stationed here, he will definitely not agree, so I have to coax him."

He Xietai said: "How to coax?"

Sun Zhifu said: "It is only said that the common people are afraid of crimes and begged the army not to be inhumane. They voluntarily dedicated Lin Shuangwen to the army. Naturally, everyone will believe it."

He Xietai said: "The deceitful thing can only be concealed for a while. After a long time, how will the supervisor answer the question?"

Sun Zhifu said: "After coaxing for a while, you won't be afraid. There are villages in front of you. We only need to issue an order to order the people in the village to bind and present the head of the bandit."

He Xietai said: "So what if the people refuse to follow?"

Sun Zhifu said: "If the people obey, all of us have made great military achievements, so we can seal our wives and sons. If we don't obey, I still have a way to kill."

He Xietai hurriedly asked: "What method?"

Sun Zhifu said: "Don't we have 300 people now? Although this team is not enough to fight the thieves, it is more than enough to kill the common people. We only need to burn down the five or seven villages in front of us."

He Xietai was startled and said: "The village was burned for no reason, and the town hall asked, how can I go back to the house?"

Sun Zhifu said: "What's the problem with this? It's just that the thieves resisted stubbornly. Our army attacked bravely and marched risking their lives. We burned several villages and killed several thieves. Isn't that a great contribution?"

He Xietai said: "Okay, that's okay, it's hard to justify in conscience."

Sun Zhifu said: "If you talk about your conscience in the officialdom, you will never make a fortune in your life."

He Xietai smiled and said: "When things come to an end, there are not many theories. I have no choice but to feel sorry for them."

At present, He Sheng's plan is based on Sun Jingsui's strategy, burning and killing.The poor hundreds of families outside Dali Village were all reduced to ashes in an instant.Those innocent people, who hated the officers and soldiers to the bone marrow, threw themselves into the Tiandihui, crying for revenge, and willing to be the enemy.Lin Shuangwen led the soldiers to attack the camp at night, killing corpses all over the field, blood flowing into rivers, and almost the whole army was wiped out.Shuangwen took advantage of the victory to capture Changhua City, and Zhuluo and Danshui fell one after another.Chai Daji retired from Fucheng, and Xingye sent people to Fujian for emergency.The provincial government received reports that Haicheng Gong Huang Shijian, Admiral of the Navy, Ren Chengen, Admiral of the Land Route, and Xu Dingshi, the deputy general, sent troops across the sea to rescue them.

At present, Emperor Gaozong convened all the ministers who discussed politics in the Hall of Central Harmony to discuss the plan of suppression and arrest.Heshen's brother Helin and Fu Heng's son Fukang'an all predicted it, not to mention Heshen, Agui and other veterans.Gaozong first showed everyone this chapter of Fujian Patrol, and then asked for opinions.Agui was the first to play and said: "The imperial court labors teachers and spends money, and kills its own sons, which is not the emperor's intention to overpower all things. What I advocate is caress, the people grow up peacefully, and they are generously blessed. If they are forced to do so, how can they expose Call it chaos? For the current plan, we only need to severely punish corrupt officials and send people to appease them, and the chaos in Taiwan will naturally be calmed down."

Gao Zongdao: "According to what you said, is the government forcing the people to rebel again?"

Agui said: "According to my humble opinion, if the officials are clean, the common people will not be in chaos."

Gaozong said to the crowd: "How do you listen to Agui's words?"

He Shen said: "Ah Gui's point of view is to see good people and gain fame for himself. He never considered the prestige of the court and the security of the country."

Gao Zongdao: "Ah Gui was originally a bookworm, and it is true that he loves the people wholeheartedly. It would be an exaggeration to say that he thinks that he is not for the country."

Then he said to the crowd, "What do you think?
"Everyone was afraid of He Shen, so they didn't dare to agree. Only one person said in embarrassment: "The Zhichen Mo Ruojun, the emperor's sage, there is no reason why He Shen is not as good as He Shen!" "

When everyone looked at it, they saw that the speaker was none other than the elder of Hancheng Wangge.Mr. Wang Ge and He Shen were normal at first, but today when Mr. Wang Ge came to the military plane, he saw an ink painting in He Shen's hand, and said with a smile, "The wind of greed for ink is as far as this."

Another day, He Shen grabbed Wang Ge's hand and said, "The number one prime minister really has a good hand."

Wang Ge said: "I can be the number one prime minister, but I don't know how to ask for money. What's the advantage?"

Those who heard it were awe-inspiring, but Wang Ge was still talking and laughing freely.He Shen felt uncomfortable when he heard what Wang Ge said, and he didn't dare to do anything in front of Emperor Gaozong.After the negotiation was over, more than half of the people who were in charge of suppression.So it was decreed that the admiral Chang Qing was ordered to be the general of Jingni, and he went to Taiwan to supervise the division. He also ordered Li Shiyao, the governor of Zhejiang and Fujian, to transfer four thousand soldiers from Guangdong, three thousand soldiers from Zhejiang, and one thousand soldiers from Zhejiang to fight against thieves together.

At this time, the heaven and earth will be so powerful that the reinforcements sent by Fujian, those who are defeated, those who flee, those who surrender, and those who are trapped are trapped. Only Chai Daji's army is outstanding, and they have won many battles. This county has been recovered.Lin Shuangwen Xirui came to attack, Chai Daji tried his best to resist, but finally he never lost.When General Chang heard that the bandits were so powerful, he was too frightened to move forward. Emperor Zhang told him to add [-] troops.Emperor Gaozong decreed that Chang Qingjing was removed from the rank of general, and Chai Daji was promoted to land admiral and counselor, and Fukang'an was released as minister of economics and strategy, and rushed to the front enemy.On the one hand, the Chai Daji is closely guarded, and the thieves are powerful, so there is no need to confront each other for the time being, and the soldiers and people will go out of the city, and then try to enter the Chai Daji. It is also dangerous, and in the past half a year, the dredged moat has increased its fortress, and its defense is very strong. Once it is abandoned, it will be difficult to overcome. However, there are no less than [-] people inside and outside the city. .”

Emperor Gaozong was very moved when he read the play. He wrote an edict and issued it to Taiwan. The article said: Chai Daji, when the food is running out, he only focuses on state affairs and people's livelihood.It changed Zhuluo County to Chiayi County, and Daji granted the title of Yongbo, hereditary.He also ordered the governor of Zhejiang to reward his family with [-] gold, and once the soldiers recovered, they came to visit with Fukang'an.

This is it.With this decree, whoever is not brave enough to recruit soldiers is grateful!If you want to know what happened next, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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