chapter 46

But it was an anecdote that Lord Ehou and Xueshi Wang were both ordered by kindness.On the day when Gege got married, Renzong didn't have a plume for Wang Xueshi, so he was degraded in the guard of honor, so he rewarded him with a flower feather.Renzong co-existed with five princes and seven gege, but the third and fourth gege were born by the queen, so he loved him very much.This time, Sangege got married, and the system was similar to the prince's bestowal of marriage, which was the first time since the ancestors broke the rules.

There are many reasons for the country's truth, and the teachings are equal. The officials in the southeast border are in a hurry, and Zhang Zuo comes again and again, saying that the pirate Cai Qian, connected with the congregation on land, suppressed taxes and resisted the officials, and built warships without aspirations. Configure cannons in preparation for sending troops to sea to capture them.Renzong was shocked and hurriedly summoned the Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Discussion to discuss the countermeasures.The officials heard the call and rushed to gather.Renzong said: "It has been more than 100 years since the Zheng family was flattened and the sea ban was opened in this dynasty. The whale salamanders have not waved, and the space has traveled thousands of miles. It is actually very peaceful. In my hands, there are so many things. The chaos was at stake. General Kuilun of Fuzhou and Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Ji Qing also reported that pirates were rampant and plundered everywhere. At that time, the imperial court had no time to search the islands because they paid attention to their affairs and taught the bandits. Later, they didn’t hear anything and said nothing. That’s right. Unexpectedly, there is another commotion now, and some kind of Cai Qian jumped out of nowhere, is it disgusting or not?!”

Eledengbao said: "It's all An Nan Guo's fault. The pirate Chen Tianbao was captured the year before last, and the general soldiers of An Nan Guo and Bao Wang Hou Zhi Yingsou were found to be traitors and robbers. An Nan Guo's crime cannot be shirked. Now we just Issue a decree to go to Annan Kingdom, and tell the king, if Annan Kingdom does not help, the pirates will be helpless."

Renzong said: "It's too unreasonable to go to the state to capture a few pirates and ask the subordinate state to help."

Le Bao had returned to his post at this time, and was also appointed as the Minister of Military Affairs. He immediately said: "Annan has fought with the new Ruan since the old Ruan. It turns out that the puppet chief soldiers and the puppet Houbo are still entrusted by Xinruan, and have nothing to do with the current King Annan."

Na Yancheng said: "The suppression of pirates depends entirely on warships. The cannons are now being repaired by the government. The ships are stupid and cannot be sent overseas. The Fujian and Zhejiang naval divisions all hire merchant ships to go to sea. It is not a long-term solution. It is best to build warships first. After building a ship, we can talk about suppressing and arresting the superiors."

Renzong said: "Building ships and casting cannons is really needed by the bandits. I don't know if there is such a money in the treasury? In recent years, the expenditures have been huge. The Chuan Chu army needs tens of millions of money, and more than 3000 million yuan has been used to deal with the aftermath. Although I have made donations several times, but the collection is only about 7000 million. The overall fundraising is already insufficient. Therefore, this matter must be discussed with the Ministry of Household Affairs."

Na Yancheng said: "The Ministry of Households is also managed by Prince Yi, and Prince Yi has been ill these few days. He must recover from his illness before he can think about it."

Renzong said: "Building ships and casting cannons is not something that can be done in a day or two. It's okay to wait for him for a few days. It is right to order the governor of the coast to carry out the camera to suppress the arrest. Otherwise, the state will set up officials and divide them. Use it."

Na Yancheng said: "The current border officials don't know how to cheer up too much. When they are free, they indulge in poetry and wine, laugh proudly at the lake and mountains, and pretend to be officials of the prosperous dynasty. Nothing to do with it, I don’t want the court to send him here to do anything.”

Ehou said: "You can't blame them. If you warn them, you will hide them and not report them, and it will cause a disaster."

Renzong nodded.Immediately, a decree was drafted and promulgated, Governor Ruan Yuan of Zhejiang, Admiral Cang Bao, General Li Changgeng of Dinghai Town, Governor Chang Lin of Guangdong, Governor Sun Yuting, Governor Wang De of Fujian, and General Wu Qigui of Jinmen Town ordered them to arrest them.

After the discussion was over, the Marquis returned home, and his family members said, "The thief who lied to us on the top of the gem has already been investigated outside."

Erhou hurriedly asked: "Who checked? Who is the thief? Where is it now?"

The family said: "The thief's surname is Jia, and his name is Jia Wu. He is a famous scammer in Beijing. He has many disciples and his tricks are fantastic. Although we are investigating, we will catch him, but we will never be able to."

Ehou said: "A person who has such a talent refuses to return to his original position.

As he was talking, De Lengtai came to pay his respects. When he got into the chat, he talked about the pirate Cai Qian. De Lengtai said: "This Cai Qian is from Tong'an County, Fujian Province.Ever since Annan expelled the boat thieves, the gangsters had nowhere to go, and they all defected to Cai Qian, his momentum suddenly became huge.As a result, all merchant ships that went abroad were plundered by him.To avoid robbery, you have to pay 400 taels of tax silver when you go out, and 800 taels of tax silver when you return to the ship before you are given the flag, and there is no hindrance to release. "

Ehou said: "In this way, the money from building ships and cannons will make merchants and people repay them. I understand that there is no one who is not willing to do so. Why wait for Yidi to recover from illness."

De Lengtai said: "The emperor loves the people the most, and I'm afraid he may not agree."

Ehou said: "I heard that Yidi's illness is an eye disease. It's been a long time, why hasn't he recovered?"

De Lentai laughed and said, "Where is it really eye disease, I'm afraid it's heart disease."

Lord Ehou said: "How can such a good person suffer from heart disease?"

De Lentai looked back and saw no one, so he said quietly: "Yidi's favorite thing is money. In the palace, the yellow ones are gold, the white ones are silver, the round ones are beads, and the silks and satins are beautiful flowers. He has everything. The old man is still worrying about being poor all day and all night. He has several good jobs at the Chongwenmen tax office of the Household Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He is still not satisfied. This time it is said that he is going to the south. I went, but no one outside knew about it.”

Ehou said: "Strange, what are you doing to the south?

"De Lengtai said: "It's nothing more than seeing the richness of the salt courtyard and wanting to make some money. "

Ehou laughed and said, "This prince really thinks about money too much."

For a while, the family had dinner.Erhou stayed at De Lentai's house for light meals.After the meal, we talked about other things again, and then we resigned.

It turned out that the king of Yijun was named Yongxuan, the eighth prince of Emperor Gaozong, he was kind and courteous when he met the courtiers.There is only one problem. They are greedy for money and good goods. There is never too much money.This time, hearing that the Lianghuai Salt Institute had a promising future, he took a sick leave and quietly came to the south.

On this day, I arrived in Yangzhou, found a monastery to live in, and told my family members not to spread the word.

This temple, named Tianning Temple, is the first large temple in Yangzhou.The abbot, Seng Huizong, is very close to Yanyuan.Now I see a group of tenants who speak a Beijing accent. They behave in a luxurious manner and act luxuriously. When they ask about their servants, they all say that they are a certain provincial road official.Looking at him like that, he doesn't look like a Taoist priest.Huizong rushed to report to the Salt Court, and the Salt Court said: "Don't be a senior official in Beijing, are you ordered to investigate and deal with something?"

Huizong said: "The monks are also very suspicious. At noon yesterday, two respectable officials came in first, saying that their master got sick on the road and wanted a few clean houses to recuperate. It doesn't matter how much incense and gold they have. The three rooms behind the abbot were tidied up and handed over to him. Er Er’s luggage arrived, with large boxes and small cages, and there were thirty or fifty pieces. The arrangement was ready, and the master sat in a warm sedan chair, surrounded by more than ten servants. In the future, when the monk went out to meet him, the man got off the sedan chair, nodded and smiled, and did not talk to me. After worshiping the Buddha, he said to his servants, "Where is the embroidered building?" A large red sandalwood box was brought out, and a brocade embroidered banner was taken out. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the banner were embroidered so vividly, and the trees, stones, mountains and rivers adorned with them were all successfully inlaid with turquoise coral jewels, gorgeous and exquisite. If it's not the Imperial Palace, where can it be done?
Seeing that the servant had finished hanging up, the man went into the room without saying a word.I haven't been out today. "

Yanyuan said: "Why don't you find out from his servant?"

Huizong said: "I have to think of a way slowly, I'm afraid it won't work for a while."

Yanyuan said: "If you have any actions in the future, please let me know."

Huizong said: "You don't need to order it. Your business is my business."

When Huizong returned to the temple, his apprentice told him: "The new official sent servants to the antique shop to look at many antique calligraphy and paintings. The antique shop in this city has news, so they all sent their assistants to do business. Huizong said: " Is it a deal? "

The apprentice said: "There are some deals and some not. My lord is willing to bid, but as long as the things are good, I don't care if the price is high or low."

Huizong paused for a while and asked, "Do you know his origin?"

The apprentice said: "He said it was the Taoist platform for entering Beijing."

Huizong said: "Look at his dignity, he doesn't look like a Taoist platform. He is probably a prince and minister sent by the capital. You should be careful in serving him."

Naturally, the disciples kept making noises.

King Yi Jun lived in Tianning Temple for more than ten days, neither playing nor visiting guests. He sat quietly in a room all day long, never going out, and only bought antique calligraphy and paintings.He collected almost all the rare and exotic toys from various shops in Yangzhou, and the money spent was really tens of thousands.The monks of the Hesi Temple and the Salt Courtyard couldn't figure out where he came from, but they were all on their minds.Today, another antique shop sent a clerk to send a white jade ruyi.I saw it right for a while, and asked him the value. The guy asked for 400 taels of silver.Yi Wang said: "It's really good, and it's not expensive at 400 taels."

Then he ordered his family to accept it, and opened the box to pay him the money himself.The guy was very happy, he collected the money and went out, and when he left the room, he saw a family member beckoning to the antique guy to follow him outside.Asked what to say, the family said: "You are doing a good business, our master is an honest man, if you don't understand the price, you can pay as much as you say.

Now let's talk about a dismantling method, how much should you give me? "

The antique guy asked, "How much do you want?"

The family said: "According to your deal, it's not too much to discount one half.

But I have always been kind-hearted and soft-hearted, and I don't want to be too much to others. People work hard, but they are only seeking profit. I want to deduct more from you. Although you are willing, I am still dissatisfied in my heart. "

After hearing this, the antique man said happily: "You old man can show compassion to others, who is so charitable like you?"

The family said: "Now I am very merciful, as long as I get you 600 taels of silver, and the buckle is less than that, there will be nothing in my conscience."

The antique guy said in horror: "I can only earn 200 taels of silver from this bet, but your old man asked me for 600 taels, and you said that you are soft-hearted. You really ate someone's heart, and you don't know his heartache. The old man is too cruel."

The family heard this, and said in a bad mood: "There are people like you who don't know what to do in the world. I spent money on you to make you a little more money. You get 800 taels, and I get 600 taels. There is nothing fair about it." Not only are you ungrateful, but you also say that I am cruel, and since you have told me to be cruel, I will be cruel, fold it in half, and bring me 700 taels of silver."

The two argued and almost fought.All the monks came to persuade, the voices were noisy, and it was like a commotion.King Yijun heard it inside, sent someone to investigate, and called the antique guy and the family inside.Asked the reason, Yi Wang said: "I have been shopping all my life, and I have never allowed my family members to ask for bad rules."

Immediately asked the man to collect the money, and at the same time ordered the family to be tied up and whipped. He whipped hundreds of leather whips until his skin was torn apart.

The family was seriously injured and unable to walk, so they had to ask the monk to borrow a couch temporarily to recuperate the injuries.Huizong was overjoyed and asked him to stay and treated him very well, but took the opportunity to spy on him.The family said: "To be honest, our master is none other than Prince Yi, the elder brother of the current emperor."

Huizong was shocked and said, "What is Prince Yi doing here?"

The family said: "The master is a monk, so it doesn't matter if I tell you that I understand it.

Our lord went south this time, following a secret order from the imperial court, to investigate the long-standing malpractices of the Lianghuai salt affairs, and to pretend to be insignificant, just because he was afraid that the wind would leak out. "

Huizong reported to the Yanyuan, and the Yanyuan was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and he hurriedly asked Huizong for advice.Hui Zongdao: "Nowadays, the world is a wild place of human affection. Based on one person's words, this prince can't tell whether it is true or false. Your lord has to be cautious. If you are fooled by a liar, it will not be a joke if it spreads." son?"

Yanyuan said: "I have met Prince Yi, and you can tell the truth from the fake at the first sight. But he lives in seclusion, so it is not easy to meet him."

Huizong said: "It's not difficult. His bedroom is just behind the abbot. When adults want to see it, they can peep quietly through the window. Who knows."

At present, the Yanyuan followed the instructions to the temple, took a peek at the transparency like the same method, and saw the old man wearing glasses and writing at the desk, who is not Yi Wang!Shocked, Yanyuan dragged Huizong's sleeve to the abbot, and said, "It really is the Eighth Prince! Huigong, do you think there is any way to rescue him?"

Hui Zong said: "According to the monk, you must first go through the way of his family. Fortunately, the injured one can talk to the monk very well. When your lord is willing to condescend, can you go to see him together?"

Salt courtyard said: "Very good."

So the two went to the family's house together.Huizong first explained the reason for the Yanyuan, and the family was shocked: "Master, you killed me. You always know our master's temper. You beat me for a trivial matter of 600 taels of silver." I'm a half-dead man, leaking his secrets now, am I still alive? Besides, I'm just a guard in the mansion. Do something for you!"

Huizong begged endlessly.The man said: "I will point you to a person, you go to ask him, if he is willing to agree, there will be hope for your affairs."

The Salt Courtyard was overjoyed and hurriedly asked who it was.The man said: "This man is the chief steward of the mansion. We all call him Mr. Zhang. He used to work in the palace. It was the year when the prince was granted the right to adopt Tai Guiji. He and the concubine went out of the palace. Yes. The prince listens to him very much, as long as you discuss it with him and he agrees, it doesn't matter."

Salt courtyard said: "I am very grateful for your guidance. But my brother and Mrs. Zhang have never met before, so I have to ask your elder brother to be an introducer."

The man agreed, and asked the young monk of this temple to come in and invite him.

All of a sudden, a tiger-shaped eunuch walked out from the inside.Seeing the guards, he said: "Xiao Qi asked me to come out, what's the matter? Do you dare to ask the master to continue to employ you? Speaking of this matter, it turns out that you are not good."

Xiao Qi said: "Don't dare to bother your old man with my affairs."

As he spoke, he pointed to Yanyuan, "It's this lord."

When Mrs. Zhang heard about it, she looked back at the salt courtyard and asked, "Who is it? I don't know it.

"Huizong went up to laugh with him, gave the name of Yanyuan, and explained the intention of coming. Mrs. Zhang jumped up and said, "Xiao Qi, you really want to die.You have been in the mansion for such a poor age, the more you become more transparent, you dare to reveal the secrets of the master to others.Come back, Lord, let's see if you can survive or not! "

Xiao Qi said urgently: "Master, I was harmed by you.

"Huizong hurriedly explained for him, and the Salt Institute also bowed to Mr. Zhang for mercy. Mr. Zhang said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle this matter.The prince has made an investigation and found out that he will return to Beijing to play again in a few days.

The salt affairs in the Lianghuai River and Huaihe River have accumulated many disadvantages. The manuscript of the prince's memorial has already been drafted, and there are five disadvantages, ten harms and eight to be worried about. "

Having said that, I recited the playbook aloud.Yan Yuan was so frightened that he just bowed, and his voice was full of entreaties.Mrs. Zhang said: "I don't agree with anything, but it's just a few words. No one likes to be a good person nowadays. But our prince, it's not easy to talk! You know that it may not be useful if I say it. Or do you have another one?" Think about it."

After speaking, I want to go in.Huizong hurriedly stopped and said: "Mr. Zhang, please be merciful. You can't speak, who can speak? Who else in the palace is stronger than you old man? You have to be merciful, not to mention Lord Yanyuan, even the ambassadors in various fields. All the freight forwarders cited can’t thank you enough for your kindness.”

The Salt Academy appealed again and again.Mrs. Zhang said: "Fa'er, there is one more, I'm afraid you don't want to do it."

Linyuan said: "As long as I can be exempted from participation, I am willing to devote my family and filial piety."

Mr. Zhang said: "If you are willing to give up your family, it will be easy. Our prince made a wish in Wutai Mountain Temple. Once he wanted it, but he didn't have it anymore. Since the division of the domain, there are so many index fingers in the mansion that there is no money left." Do this. The imperial concubine has also urged you several times, if you can fulfill this wish now, the prince will not agree, I will ask the imperial concubine to stop him if I have the ability. "

The Salt Courtyard was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked: "What wish, leave it to me, I will take the place of the prince."

Mrs. Zhang said: "That's not worth anything. The promise is to cast eighteen arhats in red gold. Each statue needs 1000 taels of gold, and even the cost is only 20 taels of gold."

When the Salt Institute heard about it, they were stunned. They agreed, but they couldn't regret it. They had to lead each other to share with each other, and vomited out some of the money they had earned over the years.At this time, all the gold in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces was collected.However, the king of Yijun was safe and sound, and returned to Beijing with a full load.

But in January, when the copy was published, Yijun Wang had already sold it.When King Yi sold his leave to enter the court, Renzong discussed with him about building ships and casting cannons.King Yi saw that it was profitable, so he naturally tried his best to advocate.So the special commissioner went to the two provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang to collect wood and build ships, and ordered the Westerners of Qintianjian to draw the artillery diagram, hire blacksmiths, and drum furnace casting.When the members of the household department heard the turmoil in the sea and the territory, they were all overjoyed, and they went to Yiwang's mansion one after another to find a good job for Liangtai.

Prince Yi remained calm, seeing people as soon as they came, and accepting gifts as soon as they came, neither answering nor refusing.

It made that group of people more like ants on a hot pot, digging around to find out the news.One day, Wang Ping of Yi went to his servants, and passed on the news that Mrs. Zhang came in alone, and asked for a long time.Mrs. Zhang came out, and everyone gathered around to ask.Mrs. Zhang said with a smile: "It's really pitiful. Those people are still in a dream. Our prince has already selected someone. We will write the book at five drums tomorrow. Just look at it."

Two days later, when the decree came down, the Haijiang General Food Office sent Aled, the Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Those poor officials who had spent unjustly money had no other choice but to complain and complain.Mrs. Zhang reported to Yi Wang, and Yi Wang said with a smile: "Then listen to them. I didn't ask for anything from them. They gave it to me."

Before the words were finished, the little eunuch entered the newspaper: "Master Wu, the head of Qianqing Palace, is delivering an edict to Xuan Wangye."

King Yi hurriedly changed his clothes and followed Eunuch Wu into the palace.When Renzong saw it, he said, "Liu Yong is vacant, do you know?"

King Yi said: "I don't know. Liu Yong's muscles and bones are very healthy. I didn't hear that he was seriously ill. Why did he disappear?"

Renzong said: "This man has a lot of history. Before he died, he knew the day of his death. This time he was vacant, and he died without a problem. I think he was upright and diligent in serving officials. Ge Dashi, who has worked hard for decades, has never made a mistake. Among the ministers of the Manchu and Han Dynasties, people like him are really one in a million. Tomorrow will be enshrined, and you will bring ten guards to pay homage for me. He When my father, Liu Tongxun, was gone, Huang Kao would have attended the ceremony in person on the day of the examination."

King Yi said: "Liu Tongxun died in a sedan chair. At that time, he was entering the imperial court in a sedan chair. Who would have expected that he would lose his breath when he arrived at Donghuamen, so the emperor was extraordinarily gracious."

If you want to know how Renzong answered, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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