Chapter 52

It is said that after Renzong issued the decree, ministers inside and outside the court offered suggestions one after another, some asked to increase the weight of the Beijing scale by two taels, and some asked to increase the code rate by three cents.Renzong decided to stay in China, so he opened a donation case.From April 19 to the first month of 20, it has been opened for a total of one year and one month, and it is called Yudong Case.Since Tianli Sect was flattened, although there was no happiness and marriage for five or six consecutive years, nothing happened.

This year was the 25th year of Jiaqing. Emperor Renzong was very idle, and ordered to patrol Luanyang, and Prince Baylor followed him.Unexpectedly, the wind and frost were hard, and when I got there, I was infected with a wave. At first, I only suffered from a cold and ailment. I took a few medicines and evacuated.Unexpectedly, every day is like a day, and the patient travels to the palace, but it is too late to return to Luan, and the wind and rain are miserable. He died at the age of 61.According to the posthumous edict, the Crown Prince Minning came to the throne, and he was Emperor Xuanzong.That is to say, next year will be the first year of Daoguang, the respected mother Xi Tara will be the empress dowager, the younger brother Mian Kai will be named Prince Dun, Mian Xin will be Prince Duan, and Mian Yu will be Prince Hui.The burial of Renzong Zigong in Changling was completed.

Relying on his ingenuity, Xuanzong tried his best to govern at the beginning of his accession to the throne, wishing to surpass Yao Yishun and become a generation of peace rulers.The first thing to advocate is the word frugal, the clothes have been washed three times, the food is tasteless, and even the robes of the court must be patched with one or two patches, so that you can feel comfortable.All the ministers in the court, who are well-dressed and well-dressed, don't necessarily like him in their hearts, although they may not deliver orders.

At this time, among the Hanchens, there was Cao Zhenyong, a native of Shexian County, who was alert by nature, the most thoughtful, and had an amazing ability. Not guarding against him.

When Xuanzong came to the throne, Zhenyong went to court with the crowd to congratulate him.Everyone didn't pay much attention, Zhenyong saw the patches on Yizong's court clothes, and he understood the meaning of this.After returning home, he took off his robe and said to his wife, "Open the box and look for it. Take out some tattered arrow coats."

His wife said: "Where are the tattered ones? I just made the few ones before. You didn't think the clothes were suitable, so I asked Lian Sheng to sell them in a shop. You haven't worn them for a month yet."

Zhenyong was silent, grabbed the robe cover that he had just removed, and tore it fiercely, Chi Liao, Chi Liao, tore two pieces.His wife only said that he was angry and was too busy to grab it.Zhenyong said, "What are you taking me for?"

His wife said: "Master is angry, so there's no need to make trouble for the clothes. After tearing them off, he still spends his own money to make them."

Zhenyong said: "Who is angry? I will tear it apart. I have my own ideas."

His wife said: "Tearing off clothes is interesting, so what's the point?

Zhenyong said: "Sew it up for me, and I will tell you slowly." "

His wife said: "Tear it off, but you have to sew it up again. What do you mean?"

Zhenyong said, "What do you mean? I want to wear old clothes."

His wife said: "Why don't you wear good clothes, but wear old ones instead."

Zhenyong said: "How do you know that the prosperity and decline of your life are all on this dress.

Don't ask now, you will know later. "

His wife said: "Master usually doesn't tell me anything, why is he keeping it a secret now?"

Seeing that the servants were not waiting in front of his eyes, Zhenyong said quietly: "Today's temper likes frugality the most, and hates luxury the most. When I go to court today, the court clothes are not only old and out of shape, but I also need to make up three or five pieces. Patch. Poor group of walking dead, none of them can understand it. So I have to change into tattered clothes in a hurry, it’s nothing more than the upper body and holy bosom, to make him happy.”

His wife said, "Don't get me wrong?"

Zhenyong said: "Where can there be any misunderstanding? Sitting in court to receive congratulations is the first meeting of the monarchs and ministers, and it is not an ordinary summoning. I guess the above is definitely intentional."

His wife said: "In this case, sir, your pair of trousers are simply torn. Let me give you a slap, okay?"

Zhenyong said: "Then, it's finally complete."

His wife said: "I'm afraid it might not be full characters, that weft hat is brand new."

While speaking, the patch on the coat has been mended.Then mend the trousers.

On the next day, there was five drums, and the dress was fixed. When the family saw them, they were all startled, and they only wondered where a beggar had escaped.When Zhenyong went to court, he was full of hope for Xuanzong's attention. Unexpectedly, Xuanzong only asked a few ordinary questions and had no other favors.It was like this for several days, Zhenyong was quite disappointed.One day, when Du was called, Yizong saw that his clothes were covered with patches, and asked, "Your clothes are also patched."

Zhenyong said: "Because of the poor material resources, it is easy to make a lot of money, clothes and trousers, and a lot of repairs."

Xuanzong said: "Do you also slap your trousers?

How much does it cost? "

Zhenyong said: "It always costs three silver coins."

Xuanzong said: "Outside crops are very cheap. The Ministry of Internal Affairs needs five taels of treasury silver for a pair of palms."

Zhenyong was astonished.Xuanzong suddenly asked: "You eat eggs at home, how much silver do you need for each egg?

" Zhenyong said: "Young minister suffers from gas pain. I have never eaten eggs. I really don't know how much the price should be, so I dare not make a mistake. "

Xuanzong said: "What do you usually eat at home?"

Zhenyong said: "The minister's family has a lot of vegetarian days. Because the minister is in politics, the only food he eats every day is fried pork liver with tofu."

Xuanzong said: "How much silver do you need?"

Zhenyong said: "That's very cheap. In the Maolin restaurant outside Xihuamen, it only costs 58 Wen for every fried crystal."

Xuanzong was shocked and said: "There are such cheap things in the world. I eat four eggs every day, and each piece of silver is five taels, which is already 20 taels of silver. From now on, I will learn from you and eat fried pork liver with tofu."

After returning to the palace, Xuanzong asked the inner supervisor to order the inner dining room to make a crystal of tofu and fried pork liver.

At lunch time, prepare and present.Xuanzong tasted it, and found that it was fat, tender and palatable, so he said to the inner supervisor: "The decree in the inner dining room will make this product every day in the future, and there is no need to use other vegetables."

The internal supervisor led the decree to go.The next day, the Ministry of Internal Affairs submitted a list, planning to offer one product of fried pork liver with tofu, one pig per day, each priced at 15 taels of silver; ; three tofu workers, daily work and food silver one or two five qian; butcher pig pot stove, rotten pot stove, call craftsmen to package, need labor and material silver 56 two or four qian; build a pigsty, need three liang of silver six dollars.A total of 60 taels of silver is required for the purchase of various items. The monthly regular fee is 530 taels of silver. Please pay a total of 590 taels of silver.Xuanzong was shocked and said: "Why do you want so much money? Tell him to come in. I will ask him face to face."

The eunuch led the order and came in with the Minister of Internal Affairs for a while.Seeing you, Xuanzong said: "I just want to fry pork liver with tofu, and you will pay so much money. According to your account, just one dish costs about 20 taels of silver."

The ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs met and said: "All the slaves opened at real prices, without any pretense, the emperor can send personnel to investigate."

Yi Zong said: "There is a store in Maolin restaurant outside Xihua Gate, and it only costs 58 renminbi. Wouldn't it be easy to send a eunuch every day to buy from him with a bowl?

"The minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs met and said: "The market is afraid that the products will be unclean, so it is inconvenient to make offerings. "

Xuanzong said: "I don't care, you can do what you want."

The Minister of Internal Affairs retreated without a word.The next day, the upper version played again, claiming: "After the servant received the order, he sent his staff out of Xihuamen to investigate. It is said that he visited several residents. It is said that the Maolin restaurant has been closed for a long time. All the tofu fried pork liver It's really impossible to buy it. If you combine it, you will have this memorial."

Etc.Xuanzong couldn't help it, and said to the left and right: "I can't bear to tire my people with 20 taels of silver every day for the sake of food and drink."

However, Cao Zhenyong received the master's knowledge. In less than half a year, he was promoted to a bachelor of Wuyingdian and the leader of a bachelor of Han University.

At this time, all the ministers in the court knew that Xuanzong was trying his best to govern, so they competed for the first chapter to say things, or the secrets of other people's houses, or the secret talks of Chen's family's music room. Everywhere, the way of speaking is open, and there is a scene of sages.At the beginning of Xuanzong, he was still open-minded, but later it became more and more inappropriate, so he was too lazy to read it again.Reluctantly, Zhan Ke, Minister of the various ministries, said that anyone who has the authority to play a role is still very excited. One copy today and one tomorrow. The trend of approval.I want to punish one or two, and warn the rest, but I am afraid that I will waste my food because of choking, and fall into the disadvantages of the adage.One day, Zhenyong's attendant saw Xuanzong's worried face and asked, "Now that the world is in peace and the people are enjoying their jobs, why is your majesty unhappy?"

Xuanzong said: "I want to open up the way of speaking, and I want to be peaceful. I don't want to criticize them, but I am afraid that people who don't know will say that I refuse to advise. I want to review them all. , the energy is really not enough.”

Zhenyong said: "This is very easy to deal with. You don't need to ask what he said in the chapters written by the courtiers. You just need to look them up carefully, pick out one or two words that are broken and suspicious, and hand them over to the Ministry to punish him for one or two. In this way, the people of Shangben must be astonished and convinced of the sage's carefulness. Although there are one or two clerical mistakes, they are still unwilling to let them go easily. There is no doubt of refusal at the top, and there is no danger of lying at the bottom, this method seems to be feasible."

Xuanzong was overjoyed and immediately followed suit.From then on, the seventy or eighty direct ministers in the two yamen of the Ke and Taoist government, who guarded against each other and dared not speak out, have all become wary horses.

One person makes a figurine, and learning from each other becomes a common practice.Before Daoguang, when the court examiners were sent to mark the examination papers, they always took the text first, and then the calligraphy. They never put high writing at the inferior level for the sake of one or two broken characters.Since Zhenyong had used his work, the minister of reviewing papers upheld Feng's decree, thinking that this was the case with memorials, not to mention scholar's papers.So I searched for flaws and dirt, and focused on the fat and thinness of that point, the short and long of a painting.In the Qian and Jia dynasties, the style of textual research and learning Bo Ao Dian Li was completely wiped out.How would Xuanzong know about the deep palace?A decree of kindness was issued to order Cao Zhenyong to walk at the military plane.So Cao Jun took the opportunity to offer his replacement, and he became more and more dedicated.Xuanzong treated him more and more favorably, almost speechless and helpless.When the ministers inside and outside Beijing saw that he was such a king, they all tried to find a way to make friends with him.If Zhenyong wanted to order something, everyone seemed to follow the order of Guanyin Yu, and obeyed for fear of future generations.Thanks to his humble nature, he is easy-going in doing things, treats people with things, and is still casual, but he doesn't have any smoldering flames.

One day, when Wugu entered the court, it happened to be snowing heavily. When the sedan chair arrived at the Meridian Gate, I suddenly saw a man carrying brilliance on his top.The snow from the sky fell down like rubbing cotton and wadding, and the man kowtowed to his head with ease, as if he didn't notice it.Zhenyong was surprised: "Isn't this a fool? What are you doing kneeling and kowtowing in such heavy snow?"

Call your family to ask.For a while, he said: "This man's surname is Xie, and his name is Renshou. He is newly elected as the history of Licheng County, Shandong Province. He is here to thank the Holy Grace."

Zhenyong laughed and said, "There are such stupid people."

As he said, he had already entered the Donghua Gate, got off the sedan chair and entered the court room to wait for leakage.

Many officials in the court room saw Zhenyong, and they all got up and gave up their seats.Suddenly a person approached and greeted Zhongtang with a happy face.When Zhenyong looked at it, it was none other than Wulong'a, governor of Shandong, who came to Beijing to see him on business, and he smiled and said a few perfunctory words of entertainment.Suddenly recalling the joke just now, he followed to Wulong'a and said, "Xie Renshou, the newly elected Canon History of Licheng County,..."

Just as he was about to continue speaking, an eunuch rushed out from the inside and said, "Your Majesty has been promoted to the palace, call Cao Zhenyong."

When Zhenyong heard about it, he hurried to see him inside.For a while, they went home separately, and this matter was forgotten.Unexpectedly, Wu Long'a misunderstood the meaning, and when he returned to the province, he ordered the arresting officer: "Xie Renshou, the newly elected Licheng county canon historian, is here, and he will return to me immediately. He, I don't trust him."

The patrol officer made repeated noises.Just when the feudal lord came to pay homage, Wu Long'a also entrusted Xie Renshou to the feudal lord, and naturally agreed with him.Thanks to Xie Renshou, he stumbled into the blue clouds, soared upwards, and rose every step of the way. In one year old, he passed shifts five times, and Master Dianshi became the prefect of Huangtang.A year later, Wu Long'a went to Beijing again to meet with Cao Zhenyong, and said, "Xie Dianshi has already been promoted to the magistrate."

Zhenyong said: "Who is Xie Dianshi, and how did he get promoted so quickly?"

Wu Long said: "It's Xie Renshou, Diangui from Licheng County in Shandong who was elected last year."

Zhenyong said: "I don't know this person.

"Wulong A Sui recounted the story of telling the history of the newly selected classics in the central hall of the court that year. Zhenyong laughed and said: "It was a creative idea that day, and it was just a joke for chatting. I don't want my brother. Misunderstanding, it was cheaper for this guy. "

After that, they laughed at each other.

Suddenly, it was heard that Zhang Geer, the Hui chieftain, led the Hui people to set up a flag in Xinjiang, and the momentum was very powerful.Zhenyong heard about the news that busy people came to see Xuanzong and asked for an order to suppress it.It turns out that since Huijiang was settled in the 20th year of Gaozong Qianlong, all cities have set up ministers to handle affairs.All the leading ministers are under the jurisdiction of the Kashgar Counselor and under the control of General Yili of the North Road. They collect money, grain and soil tribute every year, and only take one point out of ten. The uproar, far and wide, is very different.All the officials sent back to Xinjiang were full of recommended and demoted officials, lenient and kind, and returned home to rest.

Unexpectedly, as time goes by, the method of recommendation gradually fails. The officials sent out are either the inner court guards or the garrison outside the mouth. , Everything is not sought from Achimbak.

Burke took advantage of the big topic of making offerings to officials, and sent them back home, and the number increased day by day. One penny of the red copper Puer money in the Western Regions was equivalent to five pennies of inland money.The officials searched as much as they could, and in Kashgar, they collected eight or nine thousand coins a year; in Yarkand, more than [-] coins; in Khotan, four or five thousand coins.Coupled with various native products such as felt fur, gold, jade, satin and cloth, tax plus tax, tax plus tax, it almost wiped out the blood of the Hui people.Ten points of the collected money were divided evenly, two points were given to the Minister in charge, and the eight points were shared by Zhang Jing and Burke.The ministers in charge of affairs in each city relied on the fact that General Yili was far away from each other and could not be inspected, so they were all pretentious and dedicated to prostitution and punishment.And the members of the divisions have their own chapters, and the foxes pretend to be the tigers, and they are more self-interested. They even fish back women, and they are more straightforward, and they are slaves to animals and animals.So Zhang Geer took the opportunity to revolt, claiming to avenge the Hui Ministry, and the Hui people all over the place followed suit.

Hui people have always been soft and cowardly, how dare they be so rampant?It turns out that Zhang Geer is a descendant of Dahe Zhuoboronidu. He returned to the Ministry and stayed with the descendants of Hezhuo, just like Tibet treated the Dalai Lama. He is really the most holy and most respected figure. Not from the piece!When Boroni was in Qianlong, his son Samuk Aohan fled to Bakda Mountain because he rebelled against the Chinese court and subdued the king's law.Ao Han has three sons, the second is Zhang Geer.Zhang Geer suffered a catastrophe himself, relying on the name of He Zhuo, he chanted scriptures and prayed for blessings in various tribes, and got a share of food.In the 25th year of Jiaqing, when Bin Jing, the Minister of the South Road, was desolate and lost the public, Zhang Geer gathered hundreds of Brutt followers to attack the bandits.The leader Su Lanqi came in to inform, Zhang Jing Suishan not only rewarded him, but kicked him out.Su Lanqi was extremely angry and escaped outside the Great Wall to follow the thief.Thanks to the great strategy of Sepu Zheng, the leader of the team, more than 100 Hui people were captured alive in just one battle, and only 3000 people remained after Zhang Geer was killed.Returning to the city of Ka, and celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival with Bin Jing, Counselor Bin is cruel and cruel, and tells those who have been captured not to ask for a confession, and they all beheaded and silenced.When the superiors heard about it, they specially ordered Yili General Qingxiang to investigate and deal with it.General Qing played back the truth, and all kinds of crimes of Binjing's indulgence of slaves, humiliation of Burke, and treacherous traffic have reached the court of heaven.In the second year of Daoguang, Emperor Xuanzong issued an order to take Binjing to Beijing for questioning, and sent Yongqin out as a counselor.Yongqin is also a mediocre person, and has no other ability except to get money for food, so Zhang Geer corrected Brutt to return to the crowd, went on a rampage, and plundered from time to time.All the returnees in the interior act as his eyes and ears, and the actions of officials are known in an instant.

This year, Se Yantu, the leader of the team, was determined to become a hero, and asked himself to lead his troops out of the fortress to capture Zhang Geer.

Counselor Yong couldn't stop him, so he had to let him leave the fortress.Seyantu went out of the fortress and patrolled four hundred miles away, but Zhang Geer was nowhere to be seen. He was full of anger and had no way to vent, so he vented his anger on the families of the nomadic Hui people. Te's wife was killed completely.This excited Liang Hui's anger, Hui Chief Tai Leke led all the Brutts to pursue him, and killed Se Yantu to annihilation.Yongqin was in a panic, and immediately repaired the chapter and reported it.

When Zhenyong entered the court, he saw Xuanzong's angry face, and he said as soon as they met: "Did you hear about it? Huizi is making trouble again. Yongqin, you bastard! You really can't do things!"

Zhenyong said: "When it comes to this matter, Counselor Yong is too confused. Se Yantu went out of the fortress, and he should have sent troops to support him. How to let him go deep alone, was plotted by Huizi.

"Xuanzong said: "I sent Binjing because of his failure to become a talent. Who would have expected him to be so useless. "

Zhenyong said: "The matter is done, according to my humble opinion, I'd better send someone with a capable idea to replace him, to clean up this matter, and then talk about other things."

Xuanzong said: "You reminded me, who should I send? Think for me."

Zhenyong said: "Ili General Qingxiang has been stationed in the Western Regions for many years, and he is very familiar with the customs and customs of the Hui tribe. I dare to guarantee him to replace Yongqin."

Xuanzong said: "Qingxiang is gone, who will manage Yili?"Zhenyong said: "A university scholar is old, loyal, understanding and upright, and brave, you can go there."

Xuanzong nodded and said: "The matter of returning to Xinjiang is all in the hands of the counselor and team leader, not only the current ministers, they are nothing. This time I will go to Changling, and I will ask him to investigate carefully. "

Zhenyong said: "It's too insignificant at first, and one or two of them must be dealt with severely, so that the frontier ministers will be afraid, and the frontier affairs will improve. From the point of view of defeating the temple, if the emperor does it like this, maybe Zhang Ni's affairs will be settled. Woolen cloth."

Xuanzong said: "It's better to be like this."

Then called Zhenyong to draw up an imperial decree: "Xinjiang South Road Counselor Qingxiang will make up for it, and Changling will make it up for General Yili. I hereby."

When Changling saw the decree, he was taken aback, and thought to himself: "I am very comfortable in Beijing, who would dislike me so much, and send me out?"

Suddenly the door uploaded Cao Zhenyong's business card, saying that the military aircraft Cao Zhongtang paid homage to.Changling was busy going out to greet him.As soon as Zhenyong met, he said a lot of congratulatory words.It's not convenient for him to be cold for a long time, so he has no choice but to perfunctory with him.Zhenyong then probed and said: "The senior ministers above the middle hall have left the town's Jueyu, so we can see that the imperial court values ​​the frontier land."

Changling kept saying Weiwei.Zhenyong sat down for a while, took his leave and left.Chang Ling said to his family with a smile: "The matter of Yili was made by Cao Zhenyong."

When the family asked why, Chang Ling said: "I was at the military plane, and many things got in the way of him. I was excluded. Who else would argue with him? Naturally, he was happy to act arbitrarily. He didn't really congratulate me just now, it was nothing more than Spy on me. If I have a little bit of resentment, I'll fall into his trap.

"If you want to know how your family will answer, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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