Qing Dynasty Secret History

Chapter 55: On Confucian Scholars Turning the Tide and Embarrassing Small Ministers

Chapter 55: On Confucian Scholars Turning the Tide and Embarrassing Small Ministers
It is said that Dafu in Guangdong believed the words of the Portuguese and ordered troops to fire and drive out the British ships.The people on the shore shouted and jumped, helping the officers and soldiers to gain momentum, throwing bricks and stones like rain.After all, the strength of the wrist is no match for firearms, and the British rushed ashore.The officers and soldiers guarding the fort had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and they ran fast without suffering.Poor those stupid people, they were shot and fell, and five or seven of them were injured.The British seized the fort, looted everywhere, burned down the nearby government offices, and plundered merchant boats and small boats.Dafu was afraid of provoking frontiers, and was questioned by the court, and then sent people to the British ship to comfort him.Captain Ying said: "We are not here to provoke, but to be like other countries, we have to trade in Macau and Haojing."

Then there were many gifts.

The government agreed, and the British merchants handed over the fort and returned with the goods.However, people in the Ming Dynasty didn't know that he was Yingjili, so they only called him Hongmaoren.

When Qing soldiers entered Beijing, all Ming officials surrendered. Nan Huairen, a foreigner who helped practice the calendar at Qintianjian, also followed his squad to surrender.Dorgon, the regent, ordered the original post to handle affairs.In the second year of Shunzhi, Tang Ruowang went to the capital again, wrote a new law, and introduced Western instruments. He got the decree and entered the Qin Tianjian with Nan Huairen, and made the almanac according to the Western law. Tough guys, rise up against them.His surname is Yang, his name is Guangxian, and he is from Xin'anwei, Anhui Province. He has a lot of experience in learning from Chouren.This year, when I saw the words "according to the new method of the West" on the new calendar, I felt very displeased, so I wrote a letter to the Rites, saying that the Spring and Autumn Period was unified, and the calendar should not have Western characters.Ritual officials didn't have time to play for him.In the third year of Kangxi, when the new calendar was promulgated, Guangxian caught a flaw, and filed a lawsuit in the yamen of the Ministry of Rites. .So Tang Ruowang and other Western historians were all dismissed, and Yang Guangxian was specially appointed as the deputy supervisor, and then promoted to supervisor.Guangxian knows himself, but he understands the reason for the push, but he doesn't know the number of pushes. He has resigned five times as an official, but he didn't agree.The calendar of the sixth year of Kangxi was first pushed out by Yang Guang.Tat for tat, the foreigners also caught a loophole and sued the officials, in order to delay a leap month by mistake.Yang Guang first suggested that December of the eighth year should be set as a leap month. Nan Huairen and Tang Ruowang said that rain is the solar term of the first month. After December, the 29th is worth rain. In February next year.

According to the facts, the Minister of Qin Tianjian reported that he was ordered to go to prison first, and proposed a crime.The emperor of the Qing Dynasty was very generous when he was a Westerner.

During the change of the San Francisco, Nan Huairen was summoned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and ordered to make cannons according to the water method for side use.

Since the Ming Dynasty, the calendar has been sparse, so we gathered the similarities and differences between China and the West, took the logarithm of the roots, and used the method of calculating by quantity, and made two books, one called "Shu Li Jing Yun", and one It is called "Li Xiang Kao Cheng", and Nan and Tang are both on the list of pre-compilation.Yang Guang will die of anger if he lives first.So he worked hard to write a book, criticizing Western teachings to the point that they were worthless. The title of the book was "Book of Last Resort", and the main purpose was to say: Since Matteo Ricci entered China, his disciples have used the calendar to practice their teachings. In the Middle Earth, outside the Xuanwu Gate of the capital where the hall is now opened, and in various provinces, there are thirty caves.And Guangdong's Xiangshan Ouyang has tens of thousands of people, occupying it to form a large city, sending it to us secretly, and spreading its wings in the key places of the thirteen provinces of the Qing Dynasty.What is its intention?Next to the couch of the Qing Dynasty, how can a guest be like a generation snoring and sleeping!In light of my humble opinion, it would be better for China to have no good calendar than to have Westerners in China.Xu Guangqi used the calendar to recommend Matteo Ricci to be equal to the dynasty. He said that people who did not pay tribute for tens of thousands of miles came and did not know where they came from, and when they went, they did not know where they went. The situation in the mountains and rivers, the money and food for soldiers and horses, are not collected and cannot be banned.Is there such a policy of treating foreigners like this in ancient and modern times?The world either delights in the exquisiteness of its utensils, or attaches great importance to them because they are not faint or eunuch. Those who don't know the precision of their instruments are also fine in weapons and equipment, which is enough to be my hidden danger.Those who are not faint or eunuchs, their ambitions are not small, they are slandering our people and leaving them.As shown in the picture, there is a lesson to be learned from Japan taking Luzon.The poem said: "When the rain and snow meet each other, they first gather into sleet"; the legend says: "The eagle turns into a dove, and a gentleman still hates its eyes."

Today, the atmosphere in the sea is not calm, so ridicule and investigation should be strict.揖If the thief opens the door, the future troubles should be 毖.It is better to let today's deceit be jealous than to let the gods of another day be foreknowledge.It is the great fortune of China.

Although Yang Guangxian speaks out so loudly and is humble, who would believe him?

Since the people of Nantang were favored, they asked the holy ancestors for a special decree. Westerners in the capital are allowed to teach themselves, but they are not allowed to preach in China.After obtaining this talisman, there are hundreds of thousands of people who have preached in the church and been persuaded to join the religion.Although there is no permission in the imperial decree, who would like to be troubled by local officials?In the ninth year of Kangxi, the king of Italy sent envoys to pay tribute. In the 17th year, he was summoned to the Hall of Supreme Harmony and repatriated with a banquet.

At this time, there were only two types of Westerners who came to China, one was missionary, and the other was commercial. Although their practice was different, their practice was almost the same. With all the twists and turns, he is always talking and laughing freely, doing nothing.With a lot of skill, an iron rod can grind a needle, so he will naturally become a saint and transcendent, and he will only let his wish be fulfilled.

Not to mention the missionary Italians, that is, the Dutch merchants, who rushed to China, the ancestors of France and Portugal took the mirror of Macau first, and there was no place for him to set foot, so they turned to the east and seized the island of Taiwan.In the 16th year of Shunzhi, Zhu Chenggong, a survivor of the Ming Dynasty, made a big campaign to conquer the Qing Dynasty. He suffered a big defeat, and when he returned, he drove out all the Dutch people living in Taiwan and took Taiwan away.Make a life and shelter.At this time, the Dutchman was so miserable that he had no place to stand. He sharpened his head and drilled, but he drilled a way and rushed to Guangdong, begging Futai to play on his behalf, and willing to prepare the tribute of the foreign vassal.In the 13th year of Kangxi, an envoy was sent to Beijing, and the holy ancestor gave an imperial edict to praise him. The Ministry discussed that the tribute should be paid every five years, and the tribute route should be changed from the Cantonese to the eight-year tribute, to show the softness and distance.The Qing army conscripted Taiwan, and the Dutch led their boat divisions to help in the battle. They tried all kinds of tricks, all for the sake of trade.Taiwan was peaceful, and the sea ban was lifted. Macau, Zhangzhou, Ningbo, and Yuntaishan all set up customs clearance, allowing Dutch merchant ships to carry goods for trade, so the Netherlands was able to keep pace with Portugal.

Good dreams don't last long, and the feast is easy to break up.Sejong ascended the throne, and the Europeans suffered another setback.Sejong was suspicious by nature, and he didn't really believe in the flesh and blood of his closest relatives, and the most obedient subjects, let alone the Europeans with different customs and different teachings!At the beginning of his accession to the throne, he issued a strict decree to escort all Europeans from the mainland to Macau for resettlement; all churches were converted into public houses; and only 50 foreigners in Macau were allowed to live.Only the church in Beijing, which was approved by the holy ancestor, was not removed.Gaozong continued to describe his father's virtue, and the ban on preaching was still not relaxed.All Western missionaries who commit crimes are to be imprisoned forever.It was not until October of the [-]th year of Qianlong that a decree of kindness was issued: because of the Western Baya Liyang and others, they went to the mainland to preach in private, and Huguang Province found out the criminals who preached in various provinces, and they planned to be imprisoned according to the Ministry of Punishment.Disi, such people commit crimes, but for the purpose of preaching, and there is no other illegality.Moreover, it is a foreign country, and the law of the country is not requested, and it will be imprisoned forever, which is very pitiful.After Jia En was released, he was handed over to the church in the capital to live in peace. I hope that those who wish to return to the ocean will be escorted back to Guangdong by the Ministry's staff to show their sincerity and sincerity.This is it.

Although those who preach have received the virtue of the emperor, those who do business have not yet enjoyed the grace of the emperor.Seeing that the business of Portugal and the Netherlands in China is booming day by day, England also sails to China.The British merchants initially wanted to fight for capital, and they fought very hard with the Portuguese and Dutch merchants.Unlike Macau's regulations, only Portuguese merchants are not taxed on shipping banknotes, and other countries are taxed on shipping and cargo.Tax heavy profit emblem, can not fight.I want to build another wharf by myself. I saw the right place in Zhoushan and discussed it with the government, but the government refused to agree.The Englishman was so miserable that he returned home and cried to the king.The king then sent a special envoy, Magani, to Beijing to invite business and preaching, and to ask for help from Russia's past examples. He had to send an imperial edict to Emperor Gaozong in the capital. There is no place to place it.If it is necessary to make them change their appearance like the Westerners who came to Beijing on errands, then the Celestial Dynasty will never force others to make things difficult.As for the teachings practiced in Erguo, it was originally the teaching taught by Western countries. Since the establishment of the Celestial Dynasty, the holy emperor Ming Wang has taught and created laws, and there are billions of trillions in the four directions.Even Westerners who are on errands in Beijing and live in the church are not allowed to make friends with the Chinese people and preach indiscriminately, especially if they ask for it.This is it.

Although Emperor Gaozong didn't approve, because he was admired by people from afar, and his sincerity was commendable, he ordered his important ministers to accompany the British envoy Ma Ganni to return home from the mainland through Zhili, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, and Fujian to eastern Guangdong.In the 60th year of Qianlong's reign, the British revived the book currency, and transferred it from the senior class of the Siban company to Yuefu, who acted as Chen Zou, with extremely respectful words.Emperor Gaozong signed the excellent edict, and the British sent a special envoy and two book coins, all in the hope of establishing their own wharf and opening a special commercial port.The imperial edict of the Naizhong Dynasty is only allowed to follow the old rules, and no new ones are allowed. When the British come here, they have to be patient and wait for the opportunity.

In the seventh year of Jiaqing, six warships were suddenly moored in Jijingyang, with the intention of spying on Macau.On the pretext of knowing that the legal person wanted to take Macao, he dispatched a special warship to defend it on his behalf.The Portuguese told Dafu that Dafu sent people to the British ship to announce the order, and they were not allowed to leave as they wished. In the 13th year, the British general Du Luli sailed from Annan with a warship, claiming that France had taken Little Luzon and was going to attack Macau along the way. We are here to help you defend.Wu Xiongguang, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Sun Yuting, governor of Guangdong, hurriedly ordered the foreign businessmen to tell the British people: "Macao is not owned by Portugal, but our land in the Qing Dynasty. How dare a legal person invade it? Even if it really happened, China has border police, China You can resist it yourself, and you won't bother you to become soldiers."

Tu Luli didn't answer, the warlords landed and occupied the market buildings, frightening the merchants of Macau to strike and run away.When the governor heard about the change, he immediately mobilized troops to guard against the case of violating the closure of the cabin.Tululi saw that the cabin was sealed, so he led three warships, broke into Humen, berthed in Huangpu, changed to a sampan and went straight to Huicheng, declaring that he would rob [-] foreign companies to repair his grievances.

At this time, thanks to Huang Feipeng, the commander-in-chief of Jieshi Town, in Xingheli, he flew artillery to resist the enemy, killing one British soldier and wounding three, so the British retreated.However, the Macau Mansion is still guarded by him.Relying on the power of the army, the fourth class company Dapan Lafo demanded in various ways.The Chinese government ignored it.La Taipan was struggling to resign, and coincidentally, the second company ship from China arrived again.The ship owner of the company heard about the closure of the cabin, and complained to La Buddha, "What's the use of occupying Macau if you violate China and stop the market?"

At this time, businessmen from various countries also complained because of the suspension of the mutual market.So Tululi turned to the Portuguese, claiming 60 foreign silver for military expenses.

The Portuguese were afraid of his military power, so they agreed, and the Englishmen showed their sincerity, and please continue to communicate with the market.The officials in central Guangdong wanted to stop the provocation, so they allowed other soldiers to retreat and open the cabin, so Tululi set off and went out to sea.When Renzong heard about it, he ordered Wu Xiongguang to be dismissed because he was afraid of being weak and showing weakness.

In the 21st year, the King of England repatriated his envoys to the east of Guangdong and the capital.The name of the one who went to the east of Guangdong was Gala Weili, and the one who went to the capital was a principal and a deputy. The chief envoy was named Luo Ermei, and the deputy envoy was Morrison.

As soon as Galavili arrived in eastern Guangdong, he argued about the notes on the audience.Because of the old system, when the tribute envoys saw the general who controlled the Taiwan, they had to bow down without their crowns, and the officials sat high, and they accepted it majestically.Galavier refused to carry out this ceremonial note, and it happened that Jiang Gong went to Beijing to see his majesty. The guardian Dong Jiaozeng was a man of fortune, and he allowed the British envoy to avoid prostration, but only to perform the ceremonial note of paying homage without the crown. The stage also stood up to accept each other.When Luo Ermei and Morrison arrived in Tianjin, they were also treated very favorably by Emperor Renzong of the Qing Dynasty. They sent Minister of the Household Department and Shitai to Tianjin to announce the banquet.When the banquet was over, the monk told the British envoy that thanks to the Chinese and Korean systems, he had to kneel down and pay respects.The British envoy said: "Our country worships Christ, and has never bowed down. Even when the subjects meet the monarch, they only bow without their crowns.

It is really difficult for my envoy to follow orders from your minister Jun. "

The monk said: "This is very difficult. The Chinese and North Korean systems, can it be changed for you? This dynasty should be ordered by Fu, and the houses are everywhere, and the voices and teachings are here, regardless of different places and customs. Such as Mongolia, Tibet, Xinjiang, etc. All over the world, if you don’t submit to fear, as far away as Annan, Burma, Siam, and Gurkha states, they are all entrusted with tribute and obey Zhengshuo. In the 28th year of Qianlong, the envoys of Erguo entered the pilgrimage, and they also obeyed China and North Korea. Institutional. How can you change it by yourself at this moment?"

The British envoy insisted not to follow.

The monk Shu saw that it was unreasonable, so he discussed with his followers, trying to find a way to embarrass the British envoy.Someone offered a suggestion: "The British envoy always presents the tribute list together with the tribute. How about we embarrass him from here?"

The monk wrote: "Why do you embarrass him?"

The man said: "Your old man accompanied them on horseback and left first. All the luggage and tribute were escorted by another person. But he secretly ordered the escort to make the porter go slowly on purpose.

When your old man arrived in Beijing, he went to court to report.If the higher-ups call for the court, there is no tribute form, and see how they meet. "

He Shitai said happily: "This plan is very good!"

At the moment, I did the same thing, and accompanied the British envoy from Tongzhou, traveling day and night, and arrived at the Old Summer Palace after a day and a night.The respite is not yet fixed, and He Shitai has entered the garden to report to Renzong.Immediately came the imperial decree: "The British envoys will meet you in the Palace of the Old Summer Palace tomorrow morning."

Luo Ermei said: "The first service forms are all on the luggage cart. The luggage cart has not arrived. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it tomorrow."

He Shitai said: "The decree has been made, who dares to play it again?"

Luo Ermei said: "Take care to think of a way for me."

He Shitai said: "What else can I do?! Except that you have reported illness, or you can delay for a few days."

Luo Ermei said: "We believe in Christians, we never lie, please find another way."

He Shitai said: "Besides this, there is no other way."

Luo Ermei said: "That is also respectful, but I am not sick."

The next day, Qing Renzong's imperial palace called, and He Shitai played: "Luo Ermei is suffering from a sudden illness, so she cannot be seen."

Renzong said: "It's such a coincidence that I'm sick. Forget it, let the deputy envoy see it."

He Shitai said: "I heard that the deputy envoy is also sick."

Renzong said angrily: "What kind of dignity is that!"

Following the decree, the tribute was withdrawn, and the Lifan Academy sent personnel to escort the British envoy back to Guangdong.Afterwards, I asked the courtiers, and found out that it was He Shitai's trick that day.So he decreed that He Shitai should be discussed with the Ministry of Communications, and ordered to collect tribute, and issued an imperial edict to bestow treasures on his country's lord, in order to answer his far-reaching gratitude.

The British sent envoys to Beijing with the sole purpose of trapping the merchants in eastern Guangdong to the Heavenly Court. Unexpectedly, in order to see the last day, the British could not achieve their original wish, and the British were not without anger.At this time, when the British were doing business in eastern Guangdong, they sent a senior executive to do business.When the taipan first arrived, he originally lived in a foreign company, and after unloading, he returned to Macau to live in winter.Later, a public bureau was set up, but it simply couldn't stay there for a long time.The goods of British merchants are mainly opium.There are two kinds of opium: one is called Gongban, which is produced in Bengal, India; the other is called white skin, which is produced in Mumbai, India.Opium was originally used as a medicinal material in the beginning.Since it became popular in China, Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty became addicted to smoking ointment and smoking guns. Whenever he was rich, he regarded it as a golden elixir, Qiongtianyuye. grow up every year.To know this thing, it is most likely to make mistakes.Ming Shenzong was so wise that after becoming addicted, he did not sit on the board of directors for 25 years.This product first came to China, and it was originally taxed according to the medicinal materials, and each box was only taxed with three taels of silver.Helplessly, the residents of Yinghai are scrambling to smoke, and the number of people who are unemployed and unemployed is increasing day by day.The big officials in central Guangdong didn't look like they were looking, so they heard about the emperor and asked Renzong to issue an order to reiterate the strict prohibition and cut their taxes.In the first year of Daoguang, there was another case of Ye Hengshu entraining opium in central Guangdong.Xuanzong issued an order to reiterate the previous prohibition.Therefore, when the foreign ships arrived at the port, the merchants had to certify that there was no opium knot in the Huangpu cargo ship, and then they were allowed to open the cabin for inspection.It seems like this is popular and vigorous, but it can always be harmful.It's not as good as the Chinese people's skills. They are the smartest people who steal money for personal gain, but they have their own skills to punish you for a strict ban on ideas, so that the waves are calm and the wind is calm, leaving no trace at all.Those who are banned are banned, and those who sell are sold.At this time, the opium barge was moored in the remote island of the poor ocean, but there was a group of traitors from the mainland who transported it to and from it.Therefore, once banned, his sales will flourish.The kiln mouths that bought the goods, the merchants who agreed to cooperate, and the crab boats that were arranged to carry them all made a fortune.

In the 16th year of Daoguang, Xu Naiji, the Minister of Taichang Temple, offered a special discount and begged for flexibility and relaxation. The main purpose was to say, "The opium ban has become stricter in recent days, and more people eat it. Therefore, for profit, the stricter the law, the richer the bribes of the servants, and the more clever the schemes of the gangsters. The officials and fools thought that the fear of the law by the gangsters was not as good as their greed for profit, and if they played their tricks, the laws and regulations would sometimes be poor. People who use opium are generally idle, indolent, insignificant, and some people eat it more than the elders. It does not prolong people's life. The population in the country is increasing day by day, and there is no danger of reducing the number of households. Grease, you have to plan it early. It is not possible to retreat, and the law is not enough. The plan is to still use the old system and pay taxes according to the medicinal materials.

However, it is only allowed to barter, not to buy with money, and the silver and silver should be transferred, and it is strictly forbidden to leak.And officials, soldiers, and soldiers must not be indiscriminate.Offenders should be reprimanded and exonerated immediately.Those who should be in charge of the superiors and the officials in charge, and those who have knowledge but will continue to do so, will still be investigated and discussed separately.

It seems that this kind of flexible handling is enough to prevent leaks and enrich the country's strategy". Emperor Xuanzong read and ordered to hand over to the meeting of border ministers. At one time, nine ministers remonstrated with each other, and they went to the chapter to protest. Xu Qiu was the most critical in the matter. Xuanzong then issued a decree: opium smoke comes from foreign countries and spreads poison in the mainland. Situations, overall planning, long-term practice without harm, is the best. Deng Tingzhen and others will break the internal Qin, such as traitors who sell, merchants who negotiate, kilns who buy out, crab boats who escort, and bribes. The soldiers are closely investigated and captured. Each plot is carefully negotiated, and the source of the disadvantages is fully resolved. As for Xu Qiu's other film, whether the situation in Australia and China is true or not is discussed together.

After receiving this edict, the ministers of the provinces and borders exchanged documents and discussed for three to five months before they came up with a method. Please include the crime of opium trafficking and smoking in the laws of the Qing Dynasty.Therefore, the anti-smoking decree is stricter day by day, and tighter step by step.The pressure became tighter and tighter, until a very serious disaster was forced out.If you want to know what the disaster is, let's listen to the detailed explanation in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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