Qing Dynasty Secret History

Chapter 80 There Are Flaws in the Examination Office

Chapter 80 There Are Flaws in the Examination Office
It is said that when people were talking in the court room, they suddenly heard Jingyang's bell ringing, and they didn't feel awe.

Suddenly seeing the eunuch's decree, he summoned Prince Zheng Duanhua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, Sushun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and Weng Xincun, a scholar of the University, and called Meng Chuanjin, the censor, for a while.After waiting for a meal, Huashana and others were summoned.The three of them entered the court according to the decree, fell down and kowtowed, looked up at the holy face, quite proud, and respectfully played the right.It is so close to Tianwei that he dare not say a word.Fortunately, everything was negotiated, and the order was requested beforehand. This meeting is just a brief statement of the meeting situation.On this day, Bai Jun, a senior scholar, did not summon him, and everyone was very surprised.

Returning the value and going home, it is inevitable to speculate.The next day, it was widely rumored that something happened to Bai Zhongtang.Huashanaqi said in surprise: "I met you in the chaofang yesterday. It was fine. Why did something go wrong? What is the idea?"

The visitor came to pay homage to Master Baoming, and Huashana hurriedly called to please.Mingshan walked in for a moment and started talking about Bai Jun.Ming Shan said: "This matter is really fast, there is no news beforehand, isn't it strange?"

Hua Shana said: "What happened to Bai Zhongtang? His benefactor is Yuanji Longchong.

Ming Shan said: "This matter, when it comes to punishing you as a smart person, you can't figure it out anymore."The origin is very small, as small as a mustard seed. "

Huashana said: "As small as a mustard seed, and a majestic Prime Minister, how can something bad happen?"

Ming Shan said: "Didn't Bai Zhongtang send a regular examiner to the examination room this year?"

Hua Shana said: "That's right. Bai Zhongtang is the official examiner, Zhu Fengbiao and Cheng Tinggui are the deputy examiners."

Ming Shandao: "There is a Pingling in the Chinese-style exams in the present department. I heard that he is singing Xiaodan. Bai Zhongtang didn't check it, and he got it. Unexpectedly, he was participated by the censor at this moment."

Hua Shana said: "It turned out to be an examination case. It is too careless to talk about Li Bai Zhongtang. But the matter of singing Xiaodan is always refused to be written on the candidate's resume. How would the examiner know?"

Ming Shandao: "Now that the censor is participating in him, it is time to raise people's eight characters of 'the ink and ink do not match, and the matter is boiling', and the superiors specially send personnel to investigate."

Huashana said: "How about after the grinding?"

Ming Shan said: "Look at today's will, Bai Zhongtang has been dismissed and handed over to the Ministry for strict discussion, it may not be because there is no evidence!"

Huashana said: "It's really unexpected that such an upright person as Bai Zhongtang was impeached. Who is it?"

Ming Shan said: "Who else? It's Meng Chuanjin."

Huashana said: "It's strange, the boss called him yesterday.

This Meng Chuanjin is really making trouble for no reason! "

Ming Shan said: "Meng's surname has a good waist, so he dared to do this earth-shattering thing."

Huashana was surprised and asked whose waist it was.Ming Shan took two steps closer, and whispered in his ear: "This matter is all ordered by Prince Shun and Su Shangshu, otherwise, Meng Chuanjin wouldn't dare to do it."

Hua Shana said in amazement: "Duan and Su, why are their minds so bad?"

Ming Shan said: "The power of the imperial court is now in the hands of the two of them, and the superiors also believe it, saying that one is one, and the other is two. Who in the court dares to argue with them? This is Bai Zhongtang, but it is Yuzhen, relying on seniority and respect, relying on the old to sell the old, never let him be at 01:30. The two of them have long regarded Bai Zhongtang as a thorn in their eyes. But they are just upright, can't find the fault, and it is difficult to find a way. Now It’s so easy that something went wrong, the two sons of the lion and the rabbit have already exhausted their strength.”

Huashana said: "According to what you said, what happened to the old Zhongtang this time must be more than auspicious. I'm afraid it will not only be dismissed."

Ming Shan said: "I don't know if I go shopping in Xinjiang.

Huashana said: "It's so important, after all, it's Xiangguo."For Mingzhu and Hekun, the criminal cases are only searched and dispatched. "

Ming Shan nodded, and said casually: "If these two sons win the king, what kind of tricks do they use?"

Huashana said: "It's nothing but good luck. Today's saints are too talented, and they work hard to govern. I wish I could organize the country in one day. But all the ministers of the department are step by step. Looking at it now, it's very uncomfortable. The two of them are both outspoken and self-reliant, so they will naturally become popular when they understand today's meaning."

Ming Shandao: "I heard that this case was discovered by Prince Shun. For Dafu Jin's birthday, Shun Mansion passed on the troupe to sing operas, but the key players in the troupe were not there, so it was not passed on three times. Di was extremely angry, and it was reported that the smell of alcohol was so strong that he could no longer sing opera. Shundi asked him, a little opera actor who dared to resist the rumors many times, do you have this mansion or not in your eyes? The man met and said: "Little I dare not resist the rumor, because my younger friend won an exam? Today, I am waiting for Kuixing to congratulate, and the younger one is also there to congratulate. I am not at home, so I don’t know about it.” Shundi said: “It’s strange, your friend , will also win the exam. Who is your friend's name, and what does he do for a living?" The man said: "The younger friend's surname is Ping, and the single name is age.At first it was a guest appearance, but now it is also earning money. Shundi said, "Is it an opera singer?" The man said: "It's an opera." Shun Mansion didn't care about it, and told all the guests at that time, but it was just a joke, just talking about it casually.Su Shangshu is resourceful and resourceful, and he happened to be here this day, and something unexpected happened, which caused this wave. "

After hearing this, Huashana sighed.After Mingshan left, Huashana sent two family members to Baizhongtang's mansion to offer condolences.When he came back for a while, Huashana asked him if he had seen Zhongtang?The family said: "I saw it. The younger one said according to the master's intention: "Our master asked to worship Zhongtang." Our master originally wanted to come by himself, because the road was a bit rough and he couldn't walk, so he asked Zhongtang not to worry. , Auspicious person and natural appearance, it’s nothing to think about.” Bai Zhongtang looked very good, smiled and said to the young man: “Thank you, master, for thinking about me, and sending someone to express condolences. I am very grateful. When the storm calms down, I will come to thank you in person.” He said again: "I would like to thank you, my master, and ask him not to send anyone. I am now a prisoner, waiting for investigation at home. This suspicion must be avoided." After hearing this, Huashana had no choice but to let it go.

At the end of this case, Sushun, Minister of the Criminal Ministry, according to the criminal law, took Bai Jun to withdraw and change the test papers at the request of his family, and edited Pu'an with his fellow examiners, and Cheng Bingcai, the son of Cheng Tinggui, etc., were all executed.After Cheng Tinggui and others dispatched Xu Zou, all the courtiers begged for mercy on behalf of Bai Jun, and only said that in the 200 years of this dynasty, there has never been a case of beheading a prime minister.Wen Zong believed in Su Shun's one-sided remarks, and said to the officials: "I only know how to punish examiners, but not the prime minister. Please don't misunderstand."

So Bai Jun was unavoidable.Stealing discussions about Duanhua and Sushun are so domineering, and there will be no good results in the future.Press OK.

But it is said that at this time, the military affairs of Nanzhong were unpredictable. The army of Luzhou was defeated, and Li Jiqun, the former governor of Anhui, died in a fierce battle.Shi Dakai, the wing king of the Taiping Army, led the fierce party, took Chongyi from Nan'an, Jiangxi, invaded Hunan, and destroyed Guiyang Prefecture.From one to May, Britain, France and other countries came to Tianjin to exchange contracts, and unexpected turmoil broke out again.It turned out that at this time, the Dagu port in Tianjin was under martial law due to military emergency.When Guiliang was in Shanghai, he sent a note to Britain, France, Russia, and the United States, saying that the boat for the exchange of contracts had to travel by Beitang Haikou instead, and the envoys of the four countries had no objection.Unexpectedly, as soon as the British and Russian steamers arrived in Tianjin, they suddenly broke into the Dagukou with their drums and waves.The guard of Haikou flew to report to Hengfu, Governor of Zhili.Hengfu hurriedly sent envoys to hold the contract and ordered to divert.The British and Russian envoys ignored it.On May 24, Yingyou drove into the center of the beach and blew up the iron locks blocking the port with gunpowder, which was extremely brutal.Hengfu was at a loss, but he didn't know that a hero was angered. This person is the famous and dignified general Horqin Prince Tuanduo Batulu Senggelinbiseng.At that moment, the monk king said angrily: "Foreigners look down on China too much, if you don't give him a hard time, how will he know?

"The officers and soldiers in Haikou were set up to take strict precautions, but as soon as the foreign ships entered the port, they immediately fired bombardments.

Heng Fu wanted to stop him, but the monk said: "I don't want to do anything with you, but I will take responsibility for starting a quarrel.

"At dawn the next day, there was a report from military scouts. There were thirteen steamers on the ocean, flying red flags, flying challenges, and they had arrived at the port. He pulled down more than a dozen of the iron guns we lined up. , approached the fort for the next time. The king of the monk was furious, and issued an order: the foreign ship broke into the opening, and all the generals of the coastal defense were cut off. With this order, the flames roared to the sky, and the sound of the cannon shook the ground. The bombardment had already been fired. In Tianjin, drink alone and wait for the good news.

The two guards took turns pouring wine from left to right.The monk king led a huge cup, and only ate fat beef and meat, delicacies from mountains and seas, and all fine vegetables.

On this day, military detectives came one after another, all of which were good news.Before the sun went down, the mist cleared and the smoke was gone. Of the thirteen foreign ships, only one escaped, and the rest were either bombed or sunk, or were damaged.The next day, the British led another team to raid and kill by land.When the monk king heard the news, he went out to fight in person. Three thousand riders under his command, all of whom were athletes from outside the pass and Mongol generals, rode their horses and galloped at full speed.When the foreign soldiers saw it, they were all shocked.In an instant, the sound of gunfire was like firecrackers, and the bullets were like flies. The two armies fought desperately.The Monk King rushed straight forward, and the knights under his command, who would dare to lag behind?Thousands of horses advanced suddenly, and thousands of knives were slaughtered. Hundreds of British men had already been trampled into meat paste, and two soldiers were captured alive, and they returned triumphantly.In this battle, only sixty or seventy knights were injured by King Monk's men, and two generals who joined the battle died of injuries, one was the admiral of Zhili, and the other was the deputy general of the Dagu Association.When the good news arrived in Beijing, Wen Zong was very happy, and he said: This time the foreigners suffered a great injury, and the whole army was wiped out.Our sergeant was exceptionally brave, so we decided to win the game, and Seng Gelinqin first raised 5000 taels of silver as rewards under the donation item.All civil and military personnel in service will be identified separately, and the admirals and lieutenants who died in the battle will be handed over to them, and they will be given preferential treatment.This is it.

The monk king received the edict, complied one by one and made compromises. He smiled and said to Hengli: "Foreigners are frightened by the power of heaven, so they should restrain themselves a little."

Heng Fu said: "The British are very resolute. I'm afraid they may not be reconciled to losing this time."

As he said that, he suddenly reported that the American envoy ship had arrived. He followed the Shanghai agreement and changed his course.The Monk King smiled and said, "This is the aftermath of the First World War."

The monk king has been in the army for a long time, and he is very experienced in tactics and military strategy. He is deeply afraid of the British retaliation, so after the victory, Haikou's defense does not take a little leisure time.The stone fortresses on the north and south banks of Dagukou were rushed to be built, and heavy troops were stationed there.The back road of Dagu is called Beitang, which is located on the seashore and is also very dangerous.Hire craftsmen and servants, open and climb tunnels, ambush artillery and mines, revitalize the army and practice martial arts, and Xinxi is panicked.It seems that if there is no strategy left behind, you will be able to eliminate the enemy with your hands.Press momentarily.

However, Emperor Wenzong was harassed in the southeast, and the atmosphere of the bandits was getting worse day by day, so he ordered the general to send his troops. After repeated victories and defeats, the Sacred Heart was already very anxious.Leaky houses happen to rain all night, and broken boats often encounter headwinds.Due to foreign aggression, foreigners harass, there is no one left and right, and the common people are in a state of desperation.Living in the Old Summer Palace, facing the Ligong Palace, Yuexie Fengting Pavilion, I thought that the day when this garden was built was the heyday of Qianlong, when the sea was in a state of chaos, and there was nothing wrong with it.Chunzong drove to the south to tour, and the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains, all of which he returned with pictures, imitated by craftsmen.Lion Grove in Wuxian County, Xiaoyoutian in Qiantang, Anguan Garden in Haining, and Zhan Garden in Jiangning are exquisite imitations and true to life.Now the flowers and birds are still there, and the pavilions are safe.The world is the same as the world, and the garden is the same as the garden.How prosperous the ancestors are, and how declining the descendants are!Can you not feel sad when you caress the present and cherish the past?

On this day, the military report came that Dingyuan, Tianchang, and Xuyi were attacked by Chen Yucheng of the Taiping Army, Hengzhou and Baoqing were besieged, and Qingyuan Mansion fell.Wen Zong sighed: "Shengbao, Zeng Guofan, and Yuan Jiasan in the southeast military finally came up with some ideas, but the bandits are erratic, the victory and defeat are erratic, and the world's affairs are uncertain when they will be decided!"

That night, I lived alone in the dormitory, tossing and turning until the water leaked even more, and then I fell asleep dimly.Unexpectedly, when he closed his eyes, he saw an old man with white beard coming towards him with his stick.Wen Zong scolded and asked: "Why is Ye Lao, trespassing in the palace without authorization!"

The old man knelt down calmly, and played calmly: "Don't be alarmed, your majesty, the old minister is not him, but the garden god, who has been guarding this garden for more than a hundred years. Now I'm leaving the palace, and I'm here to give my speech."

Wen Zong asked in a daze, "Where are you going?"

The old man said: "The old minister is old and sick, I implore the grace of God, and beg for the bones to return."

Wen Zongdao: "Don't go, I will give you a second-rank title."

The old man said: "The big number has been fixed, and I dare not go against the sky."

After all, get up and go.Wen Zong chased after him personally, confuse the family, and when he woke up, it was Nan Ke Yimeng.Thinking back on the dream, it was as vivid as yesterday, and I felt very uncomfortable.

On this day, Da Kaohan and Zhan made a proposition in front of the proclamation room, and the meaning of worry was beyond words.In the winter of this year, a suburban ceremony was held, and the night was spent in the fasting palace. Thinking of the country's many problems, I couldn't help feeling sad and weeping loudly.The courtiers were so sad that they all cried.Those who know all these things have long known that it is ominous.In the next year, the southeast government and army were defeated in succession. The Nian Zhang Luoxing, Gong Xiazi, etc. harassed Qinghuai, captured Qingjiangpu, and the Taiping army attacked Jingxian, Guangdezhou, Anji, and Wukang.Luo Zundian, the governor of Hangzhou, died in the city.The Jiangnan Camp was defeated again by the Taiping Army. General Zhang Guoliang was killed in a bloody battle. Commander He Chun, Hubei Admiral Wang Jun, and Shouchun Town Commander Xiong Tianxi also died with all their strength.Changzhou, Suzhou, and Songjiang fell one after another.Su Fu Xu Youren was martyred, Jiang Du He Guiqing fled to Shanghai, and all kinds of frustrations came before his eyes.So far, Wenzong has only sighed and sighed.

Unexpectedly, the bad luck was not over, and the alarm came again, and the British and French countries suddenly joined forces again.It turned out that the British returned to Guangdong after their defeat last year, recruited thousands of soldiers, and entangled the French company to go north.As soon as they arrived in Tianjin, they sent traitors in to investigate. Knowing that there were landmines in Beitang, they used small steamers, sampans and other boats to explore the water.On June [-]th, the boat passed by Dagukou, but was blocked by Sha Hong and could not move.The foreigners are really bad, but they are afraid that the Chinese army will take advantage of the danger to attack, so they raise a white flag and pretend to ask for money.Here, the Prince Monk also issued a military order that the land and water generals are not allowed to challenge, but when the foreign ships approach, they will start bombarding them.At this time, Dexing'a, the deputy capital, was stationed at Xinhe in Beitang.Leshan, the governor of Zhili, was stationed at the Dagu North Fort; the Dagu South Fort was garrisoned by the Monk himself, and the defense was extremely tight.Unexpectedly, the foreigners were very scheming. As soon as the glued boats got water, they would change to raise the red flag, break into Dagukou, and divide their troops to attack Xinhe from the back of Beitang.Dexing Adu soldiers refused to fight and were defeated in succession. They lost all their tents, equipment, food and horses.The British won Xinhe, took advantage of the victory to advance, and took advantage of the opportunity to gain power. They occupied Tangergu with just one drum.

When the alarm came to Beijing, Wenzong gathered all the ministers to discuss the grand plan of suppression and appeasement.Most of the courtiers advocated painful suppression, but they only cared about the prince Duanhua and the clan minister Sushun, and asked to stop the soldiers for discussion.Wenzong could not go against the will of the public, so he ordered Ruilin, a senior scholar, to dispatch [-] soldiers from the capital to Tongzhou to be the horns of each other.Ruilin complied with the order, ordered troops to form a team, and left Beijing today.Unexpectedly, Ruixiang just arrived in Tongzhou, and Dagu had already had an accident.It turned out that the foreign soldiers attacked the fort on the north bank from the back.Bingbian lost his general, and there was a sudden chaos.All of a sudden, the fort on the north bank was taken by foreign soldiers.Prince Seng guarded the fort on the south bank, lined up in strict array, just like the Great Wall of thousands of miles, standing still.Foreigners use binoculars to climb up and look around. They can see that the left and right sides of the fort are densely packed with canvas tents, with banners and flags flying.The Guandong iron cavalry, galloping back and forth around the camp, walking like the wind.Although the foreigners are powerful, seeing this situation, they are also a little bit afraid, each guarding the border and not invading each other.

Unexpectedly, Duanhua, Prince Zheng, and Sushun, Minister of the Clan, can't be fooled. When they heard that the North Fort fell and Letitai was martyred, they were so frightened that they bluffed and urged Wenzong to dismiss the soldiers and discuss appeasement. , Wenzong was so moved that he ordered the monk king to retreat to Tongzhou.In one day, the number of imperial edicts arrived.Jiang Bo received the imperial edict three times, and Yue Wumu received twelve gold medals.

A minister's heart is like water, and the king's order is hard to disobey.When the monk king came here, he had to obey the order and retreat, and all his subordinates sighed.Seeing the movement of the monk army, the foreign soldiers said with their foreheads: "From now on, we can drive straight in."

The monk army defended against the forced attack of the foreigners, formed an formation and retreated slowly, and finally arrived at Zhangjiawan, [-] miles away from Tongzhou. The military report came that Tianjin had fallen.The monk king stumbled and said: "The government misled me, the government misunderstood me!"

Immediately, he heard the news.Wen Zongzhao asked Duanhua: "Seng Gelinqin withdrew his troops, and the foreign soldiers not only did not conquer, but occupied Tianjin. What do you mean?"

Duanhua returned to Qin: "The situation is that we have not dispatched ministers with full powers, and the foreigners have not received grace, so it is not very quiet."

Wen Zongdao: "Gui Liang was the original minister who discussed this matter. I was waiting for him to handle it and watch him report. Fortunately, it will be here in a few days."

Duanhua said: "In this case, the emperor simply issued a decree, telling him to go to Tianjin to take care of the affairs, and there is no need to come to Beijing for training."

Wen Zongdao: "You reminded me."

Immediately, a secret decree was issued, ordering Guiliang to take care of it.Gui Liang went to Tianjin according to the decree and had a discussion with foreigners about care.The British envoy E Luojin and the British counselor Bashari made very powerful terms.The first is to ask for an increase in military spending, the second is to allow business in Tianjin, and the third is to invite ministers from various countries to bring dozens of foreigners to Beijing to exchange contracts.It is said that these terms are all Bashali's proposition.According to Gui Xiang's report, Wen Zong was furious and strictly refused.On the one hand, the monk Tai Ruixiang was still ordered to stick to Tongzhou to prevent internal crimes.As a result, the capital was under martial law, and forbidden soldiers were sent to guard the five cities again.Suddenly it was reported that the British and French allied forces had heard that the peace negotiation could not be reached, and had sent troops from Jinmen to the north.The Yuanmingyuan is located in the west of Beijing at the meeting of the courtiers.Prince Gong was the first to sue.King Gong said: "Your Majesty is very trustworthy and respectful. We may not be allowed to do this."

At present, all the people jointly filed the lawsuit, and their words were extremely sincere.After nothing was folded up like this, it was like a stone sinking into the ocean, seeing that it was staying in the middle and not reporting it.The courtiers begged again, but on the 23rd, there were rumors everywhere, saying that the holy driver would hunt Mulan, and the yamen, the commander of the infantry, sent out everywhere to search for chariots and horses.The next day, according to the decree of Zhu Bi, the ministers of the inner court and the officials on duty for the day went to the court to stand by.Xun Xing's appearance became more and more realistic.So the six ministries and the Jiuqing Kedao joined forces to remonstrate and resist, and their speech said: "Zou is an urgent statement, and I pray for holy lessons. On the 24th of this month, I ordered the minister of the inner court king and the official of the Zou affairs hall to read the Zhubi for a while." Xing Mulan said.The ministers and others were really horrified by the rumors.However, the capital is the most important place, where the ancestral temple is home to hundreds of officials and people. Once the emperor makes a tour, people's hearts will be shaken, and the capital will not be able to guard it.Moreover, the officers and soldiers of the Green Battalion of the Eight Banners, whose parents, wives, and graves are all in the capital, can they be protected from separation?In case the six dragons are driving in the clouds, and the soldiers' hearts are broken, at this time, if they want to enter or return, why should the emperor be here?Now that the foreigners are committing obedience, they demand hundreds of things. In fact, there are only more than 18 soldiers from the west, so it is clear that they cannot disturb our territory.If the Chengyu is moved, the general situation will be scattered, and the foreigners will use the excuse of calming the people to establish one person to rule China.If the Khitan established a stone to worship the pond, and the Jin people established Zhang Bangchang, then the world created by the ancestors for more than two hundred years, once handed over to others, what is the entrustment of the late emperor?Why does the emperor treat Lie Sheng's spirit in the sky!Moreover, when a prefecture and a county obey the order, when they hear the police leave the city, the place immediately collapses. What's more, the honor of Wancheng, the capital city is so important, but it is easier to give up?The minister heard about the battle of Lin Qing in the [-]th year of Jiaqing, Emperor Renzongrui, Fang Xing Mulan, heard that the police turned back immediately.On the same day, he heard the police and returned to the official, but now he heard the police and came out fortunately?What's more, foreigners are not as rampant as the bandits from all walks of life in those days, so how can they abandon their roots and let themselves die?The ministers and others would like to follow the battle of Moutuogang in the Northern Song Dynasty. Bai Shizhong, Li Bangyan and others invited Xiang and Deng to avoid the enemy's front;During the civil engineering changes in the previous Ming Dynasty, Xu Cheng moved to the south. Yu Qian said: "The capital is the foundation of the world, and if it moves, major events will go away."

Then the Eighteenth Regimental Battalion was established and the capital was stable, so those who survived without moving.Emperor Aizong of the Jin Dynasty went to Hebei and died, Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty went to Helin and Yuan died, and those who moved also died.Today's events are absolutely not as bad as the previous history, but how can we make such a bad plan, since the twelve golds are in danger!For this reason, the strategist must say: "When the holy car patrols, he will still send important officials to supervise the country. Once the sweep is cleared up, we will welcome the rebellion."

Little did they know that once the emperor came out, the capital city would be ravaged, the grass would grow wild, the walls would rise, and all kinds of perils would be imminent.Kuang Mulan's corner, how can we rely on it?I can go, the enemy can go.If the foreigners pursue each other with a strong force, then they think that they can't resist with the capital they rely on. Wouldn't the hearts of the people be broken?And those who can afford it can be determined without waiting for a plan.Yesterday it was announced to all the ministers that there are many rumors inside and outside the capital, Jianjing is panicked, people have no firm will, and fear of internal changes must be guarded against.The Emperor Yang Ken returned to the palace temporarily, and strengthened the soldiers, and made strict preparations for defense, so as to strengthen the will of the people and resolve the doubts of the people.It is very fortunate for Zongshe to ask Chen's heart to be internally broken and not to be confused by nonsense.Ministers and others have received great kindness and dare to remain silent.Passionate and arrogant, self-forgetful and stupid, dare to beg the emperor's holy lesson, it is extremely frightening to the emperor's screen camp.Sincerely.

After this fold, can Tianxin be restored? I have given [-] speeches, and I have to rest my tongue and lips.And as soon as the fifth episode opens, beat the drum board, pat the Xingmu, and then narrate.

(End of this chapter)

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