Chapter 85

It is said that Seng Gelinqin was fierce and good at fighting. At that time, none of the Manchurian, Mongolian and Han generals could compete.His ambition, vigor and heroic style can cover thousands of years and overthrow a lifetime.Attack and outsmart, the tiger walks like a dragon.Where the iron cavalry passes, the situation changes, and the golden ge points, the mountain is hidden.Zhang Luoxing, the leader of the Nian Army, and Miao Peilin, the leader of the Tuanmin, are both demon kings who devour people and evil spirits.I have been dancing for an unknown number of years, and I have disturbed an unknown number of places.Strange to say, after his old man's banner pointed at him, it seemed like a storm swept through the clouds, and he cleaned up everything.Killing people like grass, using soldiers like gods, when the Chuyu Nian Party heard Seng Gelinqin's name, they were all terrified and frightened.Monk Wang Yueyi was conceited and didn't take the Nian Army seriously.If you get the opportunity to gain power, act as a blessing, and win the party, you will be executed early regardless of the leader.Harsh heart and reason, harsh laws and severe punishments, cruel to the point of death.When Miao Peilin was captured, Peilin had a group of foster children, all handsome boys aged fourteen or fifteen.With beautiful eyes and clear eyebrows, and a beautiful face in pink, she is worthy of her daughter's mouth, which makes me feel pity.When I met this monk prince, he was cruel and merciless, and he liked to cook cranes and burn pianos.The interrogation made it clear that the words "death according to the law" were always approved.The monk king has a peculiarity. Whenever a prisoner is bound to the execution ground, he will order the servants to boil good wine, sit and watch the execution, and drink and enjoy themselves.The Ling Chi punishment was cut into pieces, the tortured person screamed in pain, the happier the old man was, the faster he drank the wine.At that time, Miao's righteous son was tied up and taken to the execution ground. The executioner opened the knife and knelt down to present the meat. Seeing that the meat was about an inch wide and narrow, the monk king was furious and ordered the executioner's stick to punish him fifty times.It was ordered that every cut of meat should not exceed five cents.The tortured person whimpered and begged for a quick death.The king of monks was delighted, but turned a deaf ear to it.From Chen to noon, only half of the leg was cut.After the noon card, the monk prince was in a slump of wine, and he was often tired, so he gave a special order: "If you are punished for rebellion, if you can yell at Miao Rebellion, this king will show mercy and reward him with a big knife."

Wu Jian is harsh, cruel and inhumane, and so on.The twisted party hates it very much, gathers with the same party, and discusses the plan of revenge.

At this time, the leader of the Nian Party was surnamed Zhang and named Zongyu, the son of the fierce chieftain Zhang Luoxing.Many leaders, listen to orders.At that moment Zhang Zongyu said: "Zun Wang Lai Wenguang is a survivor of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Although the Kingdom of Heaven is dead, his ambitions are not complete. He is a hero in the Zhilu area. At that time, Mr. Now if you want to take revenge, why not join forces with King Zun. King Zun has fought on the battlefield for a long time, and he has a deep understanding of general strategy. If we join forces with him, we will never suffer!"

The leaders repeatedly claimed that it was wonderful.Zhang Zongyu then repaired a letter, prepared a plate of jewelry and four-color food, and sent his confidants to Zunwang's general appointment.

Lai Wenguang was overjoyed to receive the letter, and he personally commanded the army and came galloping.The orangutan cherishes the orangutan, the hero knows the hero, the two heroes shake hands, and it is late to meet each other.Zhang Zongyu asked for advice on how to use troops, and Lai Wenguang said: "Seng Gelinqin is brutal and brutal, he is actually a bison, he should be outsmarted, not fought against.

The iron cavalry of the Eastern Three Leagues under him came and went quickly, galloping like the wind.Most of our brothers are in the army, so we will suffer a lot if we fight against him in the Pingyang wilderness.Now it is better to use my strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.Lead him to a place where the valley is desolate, the mountain road bends, the waterway twists and turns, he can't ride it, and the horse can't gallop.At that time, a cannon rang, and the ambushes rose together, not afraid that he would fly into the sky. "

Zhang Zongyu was overjoyed and acted according to plan.From then on, they set up ambushes and plotted against each other.Only inspect the high mountains and the deep streams, and fight with the officers and soldiers.

Sure enough, there was no plan left behind, and the plan was not in vain. The good generals Heng Ling, Shu Tong'e, Su Kejin, etc. were all brave and powerful, but they all fell here.The monk king was so angry that he gritted his teeth, led the fine cavalry, and came in person, vowing to fight to the death with the group of enemies.The overlord shouted with furious eyes, and his men and horses turned away, "Emperor Wei Wu followed the enemy lightly and rode hastily", that fierce and indomitable spirit made people daunting.At that moment, Zhang Zongyu and Lai Wenguang made a plan and said: "The monks and bandits have accumulated a lot of anger, and they are going to fight desperately. We must not invite attack. Let's divide the army into two groups, each with a unified branch. If the monks and bandits attack me, quickly raise your troops and attack them. Later, when the monk returns to the army, you run away immediately, and I will broadcast the flag and shout to save you. In short, our two soldiers restrain the monk and bandit, making him exhausted, and he will not hesitate to respond. When he is exhausted and weak, we will use the method of luring the enemy to lure him. He went to the steep mountains and winding paths, surrounded him on all sides, fought together, caught turtles in the urn, searched for fish in the pond, we are no longer afraid of him making waves."

After this plan was implemented, the poor monk and prince who was unparalleled in the world ran here and there, unable to fight.He Jianao, Chen Guorui, and Quanshun, the generals, all said: "Your Majesty, with a precious body, and a savage bull on the mountain of Nian Bandit, galloping and chasing, it is very unreasonable!"

Where is the monk king willing to listen?

On this day, I received a military report: "Zhang and Lai, two thieves, joined forces and fled to Shandong."

The monk king was very angry, and he led his own soldiers, and the flying horse chased after him.The army was ordered to follow Jijin, traveling more than 200 miles day and night.Whenever I went to urban and rural areas, I asked the local people, and they all said that the bandit army hadn't had a long time.He tried his best to catch up, but he was nowhere to be seen.On this day, when I traveled to the west of Caozhou, it was dusk, the mountain roads were rugged, the hills and hills were undulating, and the terrain was very steep.The setting sun was dying, the breeze was blowing, the monk king was suspicious, and ordered the former army to explore the way.In an instant, the commander of the former army captured two woodcutters, and hurriedly sent them to the horses, waiting for the king to send them.The monk king asked about the thief's whereabouts, and the woodcutter said: "I saw five to seven thousand people. They camped and scattered in the mountains ahead, buried pots and stoves. We are illiterate, so we don't know if they are officials or thieves?"

Monk King said: "That must be the bandits."

Follow the order to whip and urge the horse, and move forward quickly.It is said that "the son of heaven is three suitable, the general has one order, and the three armies, who dare not obey."

At this time, the twilight haze spread across the sky, and the rest of the clouds scattered their colors. The hungry and tired soldiers were reflected by the haze and haze, and their hungry faces became more and more real.The monk king was determined to defeat the enemy, and his army was hungry and full, but he didn't care.After walking for a while, I suddenly saw the front army shouting, and immediately sent the assistant general Pegasus to inquire.In an instant, the mountain road ahead was broken by branches.Knowing the trick, the king of the monk passed on the general order: "The forward team will be the rear team, and the rear team will be the forward team. There are thousands of troops in the army, and return to the horse immediately!"

Just after this order was handed down, there was a strange noise like thunder in the mountainside.In front of the mountain and behind the ridge, on the left hill and on the right slope, countless enemy soldiers suddenly swarmed out, waving flags and shouting, "Seng Gelinqin, surrender quickly! Surrender quickly!"

Thousands of mouths sing in unison, mountains and valleys echo, as if the sky is shaking and the earth is shaking, and the sound is overturning the river. It is exactly: the mid-autumn moon in the color of a thousand miles, and the sound of a hundred thousand troops in the middle of the night tide.

The monk king was so angry that his mouth burst into flames, smoke came out of his nose, and he ordered to rush out.The hero is at the end of the road, and the strong man is at the end of the road. You can lift mountains with your strength, and your might is overwhelming, but it is difficult to overcome dangers like barbarians, and you can turn danger into good luck!What hope is there for martingale, martingale, thistle, vertebrae, and sugar?At present, Seng Gelinqin is trapped by Yu and Lai Wen, and there is no conflict.Unexpectedly, as soon as dawn came, the soldiers surrendered completely.The enemy took the opportunity to attack, and Seng Gelinqin, He Jianao, the general soldier, and Quanshun, the cabinet bachelor, all died in battle.

Chen Guorui only saved himself, and the whole army of the monk camp was defeated.

When the bad news arrived in Beijing, the empress dowagers of the two palaces were extremely shocked. They decreed that the prince should be adorned in the final ceremony, and they would discuss sympathy favorably.He gave the posthumous title of loyalty, and added grace to the Taimiao, painted a picture of Ziguang Pavilion, and ordered his son Boyan Namohu to inherit the title of Prince Shijue, and awarded the title of King Bodolegatai.Then asked: "Who is worthy to succeed the Nian bandits?"

All the courtiers spoke in unison: "The Marquis of Zeng can't handle this matter!"

So a decree was issued: the imperial envoy, the co-organizing scholar, the governor of Liangjiang, and the first-class Marquis of Yiyong Zeng Guofan, immediately went to the counties in Shandong to suppress the bandits.This is it.

Within ten days, three decrees were issued in a row, which were nothing more than words to urge Zeng Hou to leave quickly.Partly impatient, partly slow, when I met this Marquis Zeng, I was used to following the steps.Returning to Beijing, he said: "I went to Shandong to suppress the thieves according to the order. I experienced all kinds of difficulties and quickly. Jinling Chuyong was completely abolished. Only 3000 people remained as guards. In addition, only the Songshan Ningguo army was transferred. Chu Yong is unwilling to go on an expedition, and his ministers are no longer strong. Huai Yong is like Liu Mingchuan and other troops, the number is still small, and there is not enough to allocate. You should take the generals as appropriate, and recruit Xuzhou Yongding. It takes several months to train and form an army, which is one of the things that cannot be done quickly.

The Nian bandits continued to plunder year after year, and there were a lot of war horses, galloping across the plains, their fronts were very sharp.I can't force the infantry to act as cavalry thieves. I also plan to add a cavalry team in Xuzhou and send people to Gubeikou to buy war horses and train them.This is the second that cannot be done quickly.The thieves fled to the north, relying on the natural danger of the Yellow River. If the Yellow River Navy is to be set up, it will take several months to be ready, and it cannot be done quickly.

In the province of Zhili, it is advisable to raise another defense force to guard the river bank separately, and it is not appropriate to let the soldiers in Henan take care of Hebei.

Seng Gelinqin suppressed this bandit. In the past year, five remaining ministers from Anhui, Henan, Jiangsu, and Shandong took over this bandit. They definitely couldn't take care of the five provinces, not only Hubei.Even the four provinces of Qi, Henan, Jiangsu, and Anhui cannot take care of everything.If Xuzhou is the old camp, Shandong can only manage the four counties of Yan, Yi, Cao and Ji; Henan can only manage the two counties of Gui and Chen; Jiangsu can only manage the three counties of Neng, Xu and Hai; Anhui can only manage the counties of Lu and Feng , Ying, Si four counties.

These eleven prefectures span thousands of miles, and bandits haunt the areas they are most familiar with, so they are responsible for the supervision of officials, while the rest of the responsibilities for the provincial governors are exclusive to each region, and military affairs gradually have their own destinations.This thief has become a deep bandit, erratic and indiscriminate. It is better to train soldiers with certainty, so as to control the thief with no certainty.

Fang Jinxian is handsome and new, and the villain Fang Zhang, the minister can't help Shandong quickly, and can't take care of Jifu.

For the sake of deliberation and frightening, it is almost inevitable that there will be a lot of discussion and blame.However, after many days of planning and thinking, this plan must come out, and I would like to present it directly to prepare for selection. "

Etc.Also attached is a piece of memorabilia, which says: the essence is declining day by day, don't let it be difficult, the longer you do it, the more courageous you are. Those who are in the middle of Chen's dedicated thirteen prefectures and prefectures ask themselves what they can say but not what they can do.Kenn also Jian Zhibing, a senior officer, supervises the military affairs of the North Road, and slightly relaxes the responsibilities of ministers.The minister should still serve as an idler.

The empress dowagers of the two palaces saw this kind of memorial, and there was nothing he could do.Only a decree of kindness was issued, ordering him to control the three provinces of Zhili, Shandong, and Henan, and all the camps with green flags and green flags, and all civil and military officials were dispatched.To show kindness is nothing more than to give him a picture of gratitude.He also ordered Wang Yirang of Chun County to prepare for the defense of the capital.

At this time, there were four chiefs of the Nian army. Zhang Zongyu, king of Xiaohe, and Niuhong, king of Ping, ruled Xi Nian; King Renzhu of Lu, and King Lai Wenguang of Zun ruled Dong Nian.The east and the west were twisted twice, one disturbed the other, and the generals of the Qing Dynasty were in a hurry and rushed for their lives.It wasn't until Zeng Guofan took office that he was scheming and set up a plan for handling the war. Four towns and heavy troops were set up in four provinces and thirteen prefectures: Anhui took Linhuai as the old camp.Jining is the old camp in Shandong; Zhoujiakou is the old camp in Henan;Liu Mingchuan was stationed in Zhoujiakou; Zhang Shusheng was stationed in Xuzhou; Pan Dingxin was stationed in Jining; Liu Songshan was stationed in Linhuai.With Li Zhaoqing's cavalry as the guerrilla division, everyone has their own territory from then on.When the enemy soldiers arrive, everyone is responsible for each other, and they don't look at each other in front of their heads and push each other.The guerrillas rushed to the north, and there were people everywhere to meet them, and they did not go with the enemy.Li Hongzhang went on to do the twisting, Xiao Gui and Cao followed, and there was no gain or loss.So in the past few years, the east and the west have been twisted and gradually leveled off.Lu Wang Renzhu was killed by Liu Mingchuan in October of the fifth year of Tongye.Zun Wang Lai Wenguang, in December of the sixth year, was blessed by officers and soldiers in Yangzhou, Zhang Zongyu and Niu Hong, and it was not until June of the seventh year that he was wiped out.Lai Wenguang was captured and tried, and there was a confession in the book, his tone was very stubborn, and his speech said: Gai Wen said that heroes are easy to be called, and loyalty is rare.Recalling that I grew up in the west of Guangdong, and was able to accompany my lord Tianwang Shengjia. In the autumn of the Gengxu year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, he advocated righteousness for Jintian and established Jinling for ten or eight years.However, among them, the success or failure of the military and the country, the gains and losses of events, and the shifting of the situation, it is difficult to fully describe Yu Zhi's lack of knowledge and talent.Only a few words in the book are used to express the rest of my heart.I recalled that in the second year of Renzi in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, I began to Mu Guoen, and I was in charge of civil affairs and served in the imperial class.In the sixth year of Bingchen, when the country was in trouble, when the ruler and ministers were trying their courage, they abandoned literature and took up martial arts. They were ordered to go to Jiangyou to recruit troops for later use.The Lord Hemeng is gracious, and the rewards and punishments come from the rest, and when things happen, they act first and play later.In the autumn of the seventh year of Ding Si, he was ordered to return to the court to assist Gu Ji.In the spring of the eighth year of Wuwu, my lord, Shengming, had no doubts about his ministers and knew his ambitions, so he ordered to attack Jiangbei, and cooperated with Cheng Tian'an and Chen Yucheng to assist in the battle and defense affairs, and the gate of Kyoto was permanently fixed.Under the order, I am conscientious and self-satisfied. I am afraid that I will bear the weight of the order. How dare I complain and refuse to obey!Moreover, faithful words are harsh to the ears, and good medicine is bitter to the taste, so it is true.In the autumn of the 11th year of Xinyou, Ontario fell.At that time, Yu You remonstrated and said: "When the province of Zi'an is lost, it is better to connect Zhang Miao in the north and take Gu Jing to the left. Surprising troops must be dispatched to take the land of Jingxiang. In less than half a year, when there are many soldiers and generals, It is the best policy to restore Anhui Province and consolidate Jingmen.

"King Naiying feared that Zeng Guofan was like a god, and regarded the Chu army as a tyrannical tiger. Therefore, the king of Ying refused to follow Yu's advice, so he ordered his troops to cross the hut. The king and others went on an expedition, recruited troops and horses, and returned to Anhui Province early. This is the root of the king's own disaster and the country's exhaustion. There is also a loyal king, Li Xiucheng, who never knew the opportunity and attacked Shanghai against the emperor's order. Not only to attack It cannot be overcome, and the righteousness of the foreign peace treaty will be lost. The country will be defeated and the family will be destroyed. Life and death will be based on this. At the end of Xinyou, Yu Kai supported the king and Qi Wang, reluctantly obeyed, and crossed the Huaihe River from Lu. At that time, I knew that there was a crossing of the Huai River. On that day, there was no time to turn to the Huaihe River, so it passed through the five passes, crossed the Qinling Mountains, left Tongguan, and entered Hanzhong from Yunyang in the winter of the 12th year of Renshu. In the spring of the year, he returned from Hanzhong and returned to the east to march, and illustrated that the capital was in heavy trouble. He failed, so that the capital fell, and the hearts of the people were scattered. At that time, there were tens of thousands of homeless people left in the north of the Yangtze River. Niu Hongsheng, Zhang Zongyu, Li Yuntai, etc. swore to live and die together, and they will never give up in all kinds of hardships. Please give them a tie, so that they can repay you. , It is really a kind word that is not easy through the ages. I look at this situation, after the king is humiliated, the country is destroyed, and the family is defeated, I have to do it reluctantly, exhaust the enthusiasm of the people and ministers, and obey the destiny.

Unexpectedly, I have been independent here for several years, and I have won every battle, stepping on the snow and covering the frost, hoping to restore the capital in the near future.

Li Hongzhang is the one who is wise and resourceful, has a good army, and is able to look up and sanctify his body, so everyone feels benevolent.Yu Weicai has little knowledge, and has known for a long time that independence is difficult to maintain, and solitary support is difficult for long, so in the autumn of the 16th year of Bingyin, he specially ordered Liang Wang Zhang Zongyu, Youwo King Zhang Yujue, and Huai Wang Qiu Yuan to go to Ganshan and return to the public, thinking that the horns Potential.When the general trend is here, but the number of days is fixed, what can I say?The ancient gentleman, the country is defeated and the family is destroyed, the king humiliates the minister and dies, the righteousness is clear.Today, the minds of the rest of the army are in chaos, and the real day is defeated by me, so what a pity!The only thing to do is to repay the country and the whole minister's festival by death.However, it is the charge to judge and judge as early as possible.

The Nian army is leveled, and rewards are given for meritorious service.Below Li Hongzhang, everyone should be rewarded to find a job.Unexpectedly, in this way, a hero who is very happy with his achievements will be aroused.Who do you know?It turned out to be Zuo Zongtang, governor of Shaanxi and Gansu.Zuo Zongtang was delighted to see Liexin, and generously wrote a letter, asking for five years to put an end to the chaos in Gansu and Shanxi.The empress dowagers of the two palaces had no reason to refuse, so they immediately approved and appointed him as the imperial envoy.Zuo Zongtang accepted the order gladly, and assembled his troops and horses, his spears and spears were shining in the sun, the flags were facing the wind, and the stars flew away like lightning.

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.Let's talk about the Beijing imperial court, after the queen mothers of the two palaces ruled on all political affairs, they have become the first leisurely people in the world today.Although the emperor was advancing his age, he was extremely wise.At this time, in the Cixi Palace, the most favored eunuch was An Dehai. Everyone in the palace called him "Little Anzi".No one in the court dared to offend him except the two queen mothers.Mu Zong already knew that he was treacherous, and when he was playing, he often chopped off the clay figurine's head with a small knife.The little eunuch asked him why, Mu Zong said: "I killed Xiao Anzi!"

Mu Zong liked to go out in plain clothes very much, and An Dehai did not dissuade him in person, but he told the queen mother carefully, which taught him a lesson.Mu Zong found out what was going on, and hated him so much, but he couldn't do anything about it.One day, when Mu Zong was in the palace, he suddenly became uncomfortable again. This is not good, and that is not good.As soon as my heart was dull, I was lazy in the palace, just wanting to fool around outside, but I was afraid that the Queen Mother would know and be taught a lesson.The four young eunuchs who were close to him stayed close to each other like shadows, following east to east, and west to west.Selfishly planning, if she wants to sneak out of the palace gate, she must first have these four children not to block her.But if you discuss with them, you will definitely not agree. It is best to avoid their eyes and not be seen by them.With a plan in mind, he took two new tributes from the desk bottle and came in to tie flowers in silk, and said to the little eunuch: "Go for me, this branch will be sent to the East Palace, and this branch will be sent to the West Palace. I dedicated it to the Queen Mother."

The little eunuch said: "You don't need to give it away, the queen mother usually has it too!
" Mu Zongdao: "I'm afraid I don't know, I will offer it up, try my best to be sincere, go quickly!" "

The little eunuch said: "We have all gone, who will serve the Lord? Let's go to the East Palace, and then to the West Palace, and leave the two here."

Mu Zong said: "No, I don't want anything anyway, you will come back after you go."

The little eunuch said: "My lord, don't go! I remember last month, my lord sent us away, went out of the palace privately, and played for a whole day. Xiao Anzi knew that when we returned to the queen mother, we were all beaten! "

Mu Zongdao: "Who is leaving again? You can rest assured and go."

The little eunuch still refused to go, Mu Zong said: "Stupid slave! Zai Cheng made an appointment to play today, and if I leave, won't he lose his interest?"

The little eunuch had a good idea, Prince Gong's son, Cheng Bei Le, was supposed to come to the palace to play ball today.

A class of two took the silk flowers and went separately.Mu Zong's envoy opened the little eunuch, caught him off guard, slipped out of the palace gate, and walked towards the downtown.The rooster crows in the waiting hall, and the wine in the flag pavilion is ripe. The scene here is very funny, and the Sacred Heart is very happy.Walking on foot, without knowing it, I arrived at a monastery early, stepped into the gate of the mountain, and rejoiced one by one.Suixi went to the Arhat Hall, and suddenly saw a man with a bitter look and a poor voice, standing there crying.I was very surprised.If you want to know what happened next, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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