Qing Dynasty Secret History

Chapter 88 Saying goodbye to Prince Juelu begging for bones and fighting for the throne

Chapter 88 Saying goodbye to Prince Juelu begging for bones and fighting for the throne
It is said that when people suddenly heard that Mu Zong had passed away, they fell to the ground and cried.A prince even fainted.When everyone watched, it was none other than Prince Chun Yixin who was stunned.

All the internal eunuchs panicked and didn't make sense.Yixin made the decision and asked someone to help him back to the mansion.Yixin frightened everyone from crying at this time, so she frightened Empress Zhu Cixi and ordered all the kings and ministers to visit Mu Zong's body in Dongnuan Pavilion.Everyone followed the order to watch, and they couldn't help crying again.

Suddenly an inner eunuch knelt down and said to Empress Cixi, "Empress Dowager Dong please speak to Empress Dowager."

Empress Cixi nodded, started to walk out, and everyone dispersed.

Only Yixin stayed inside, asking the chief eunuch Zhang Dexi about Mu Zong's condition.

Zhang Dexi saw that there was no one, so he said quietly: "The servant told the prince, but the prince should not tell others. Speaking of our Long Live Lord, he is the most pitiful child in the world. This life was killed by the Empress Dowager Xigong!"

Yixin was taken aback, and hurriedly asked why the accident happened.Zhang Dexi said: "Long Live Lord had a good idea. Although he didn't recover, the doctor congratulated him. The queen came to pay her respects last night and told how much torture and anger she had suffered since Long Live Lord fell ill. Sad and suffering, I can't help crying. Oddly enough, coincidence, the Empress Dowager Xigong bumped into me. I want to report. The Empress Dowager waved her hand and refused. She returned her shoes, walked lightly, and eavesdropped outside the curtain. But Long Live Lord I said something that offended the Queen Mother."

Yi Xin said: "How did Long Live Lord offend the Queen Mother?"

Zhang Dexi said: "Long Live Lord said that it doesn't matter if you feel wronged, we are young, we are not afraid that we will not have a bright future, we just have to put up with her once or twice."

Yixin said: "This is not considered an offense!"

Zhang Dexi said: "When the Empress Dowager heard this, she lifted the curtain and entered, and shouted: 'I'll cut open your stomach, you rotten tongue and heart-broken owl, to see what your stomach is made of. ! Put you to death, and set an example for those unfilial children!" As he said, he started to grab the queen's hair and dragged her away. Long live Lord climbed out of bed regardless of illness. Kneeling in the cold ground The queen mother ignored her and dragged the queen out. Long live Lord was frightened, and after the cold, it got worse this night.

Reporting back to the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother said: "It's too late for a child who is so disobedient to die!" "Long live God added another layer of anger when he heard about it, and it's getting worse until today. "

Occasionally, Yixin turned her head, and suddenly saw a figure flashing, like a child, and asked, "Who?

"Zhang Dexi hurried out to have a look, if you don't look at it, it's all right. When you look at it, your face turns ashen in an instant.

Yixin asked why, and Zhang Dexi said: "Your Majesty, the servant's life is gone. In the Western Empress Palace, the most tricky eunuch is Li Lianying. But the Queen Mother likes him, and she talks about it. I don't know how many people have been killed by him. Just now The back of the person seems to be Li Lianying, and he must have listened to it to instigate the Queen Mother. My lord, is this servant still alive?"

When Yixin heard about it, her face also changed color.Going back to the mansion that night, I was terrified and frightened, and I never closed my eyes all night.Fortunately, the Empress Dowager Erliang was busy with the work of the new emperor's enthronement and had no time to investigate.

The next day, Yixin followed Prince Zhongyi into the court to congratulate the new emperor on his ascension to the throne. The empress dowagers of the two palaces made a decree, saying that the emperor controlled the honored guests, and there was no reserve proposal. They had no choice but to inherit Mu Zongxian, the son of the drunken prince Yixin. The emperor is the son, enters into the Datong, and is the successor emperor. The Hou Si emperor has an emperor heir, that is, inherits the Daxing emperor as the heir, and changes to Yuan Guangxu, that is, the next year will be the first year of Guangxu.He also decreed that the queen be named Queen Jiashun.As soon as this book was issued, a group of ministers who wished to be favored and favored looked forward to the wind and accepted the decree, and asked the two empress dowagers to hang down the curtain again.Only Prince Jin Yixin, withdrawn and stubborn, full of inappropriateness, not only refused to agree, but wrote a chapter begging for divorce, the wording was extremely angry, and the gist said: "I am a slave who has served Emperor Daxing for ten years. For many reasons, I tried to organize the army and practice martial arts, and watched the great events of China's prosperity. Although I was heartbroken, I was willing. He Tu Haotian did not hang up, the dragon controlled the guests, and the slaves looked at the corpse the day before yesterday. The five internal organs collapsed. I feel that the breath is hard to hold, and I still think In times of hardship, he did everything he could to obey orders. Suddenly, Meng Yi’s decree fell, and he chose to be the heir to the emperor. He fainted in a hurry and didn’t know what to do. After returning home, his body was shaken, his heart was shaken, and he was like a dream, until he violated the old liver disease and other diseases , become useless. Only the empress dowager begs for her kindness, she has all the insight, the music is full, she begs for the bones, for the world to accommodate a man who has lost his title, and for the emperor Xuanzongcheng to leave a dull and incompetent son. Make slaves Received the embellishment on this day, and Zhengqiu's head in another year. Then life after life, I will be grateful to Gao Houhong for giving it to Wuji" and other words.Yi decreed a meeting of princes, grand scholars, six ministries, and nine ministers.At the moment of discussion, the imperial edict allowed the customs to go to various errands, and the prince was hereditary.

It is said that Prince Chun's eldest son, Zaitian, succeeded Wenzong, entered into the Datong, and was in charge of Beijing.When the queen saw Cixi's behavior, she became more and more heartbroken and burst into tears.However, Empress Dowager Cixi scolded the empress and said, "You foxy son! You flatter my son to death, and you can be the empress dowager with peace of mind."

The empress dowager did not dare to tell, her heart became more and more miserable, she cried day and night, her eyes were swollen.The first-class Cheng Engong Chongqi came into view, and the queen couldn't hold back her tears.Cheng Engong also burst into tears like rain, and the father and daughter hugged each other and cried loudly.Chongqi cried and said: "The empress is so sad, why didn't she go with Emperor Daxing?"

The queen cried, "I'm going to live but I can't."

Chonggong just left the palace, and there was a rumor in the palace that Empress Jiashun had collapsed.At this time, the two empress dowagers had already hung the curtain again. After Empress Jiashun passed away, the funeral etiquette was very hasty.However, she was given the posthumous title of Empress Xiaozheyi.Although all the ministers and workers are not fair, who dares to talk too much about this irrelevant matter.As for the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, they only impeached Hongde Palace to walk around and tell Wang Qingqi's unsatisfactory behavior. It is related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, so they all keep silent.

On this day, Yixin was in the mansion, talking privately with his son Zaicheng about government affairs, when he suddenly reported that Prince Hui came to pay respects.Yixin hurriedly wanted to greet her, but Yixiang, Prince of Hui County, had already walked in.As soon as he saw Yixin, he said, "Brother, do you know? Zhang Dexi, the chief eunuch, has committed some crime, and has been sent to Heilongjiang by order."

Yi Xin asked in surprise, "Is this really the case?"

Yixiang said: "The decree has come down, how can it not be true?"

Yixin said, "It's also considered unlucky for him."

Yixiang said: "There are many people who are more unlucky than him, how can it be considered unlucky? For example, Wang Qingqi, walking in the Hongde Hall, was considered popular in the lectures, but Chen Yi took part in it and lost his fame. Now The times are really difficult!"

After hearing this, Yi Xin remained silent.Yi Xiang said: "Today there are two more ignorant people who are being punished. One is Yushi Pan Dunyan. Please praise Mu Zong and use his virtues to send an order: "Empress Xiaozheyi has been given a posthumous title. How can we lightly discuss changing her name?" The censor acted on his opinion and took the lead in requesting memorials. He was already confused, and he dared to publish various memorials with unfounded remarks, which is especially absurd. Pan Dun has strictly discussed with the Ministry of Communications. I respect this.'" Yixin said: "That's him asking for trouble, who else is there?"

Yi Xiang said: "There is another one, that is Guang'an, a cabinet minister."

Yixin said: "It's strange, Guang'an has always been very responsible."

Yixiang said: "I still remember his memorial, if brother wants to hear it, I will read it to you."

Yixin said, "Just read it."

Yi Xiang then read aloud: Stealing maintains the great power of the successor, and the ruler controls it. It is not obtained by the subordinates.If the matter has been perfected, and there should be a little flexibility, it is not for the ministers to keep silent.The emperor of Daxing is at the top of his age, and the empress dowagers of the two palaces of Mongolia are governing under the curtain. For ten or three years, the world will be settled, and the subjects in the world will enjoy the blessing of peace.The emperor's heir has not yet been raised, and once the dragon controls the guests, all those who eat hair and trample on the soil will call on the sky and the earth.Fortunately, the empress dowager Kun Wei of the two palaces is on the throne, and she chose Xianyi as her successor. My emperor will succeed Emperor Wen Zongxian as his son, and I will follow Yi's decree. Once the heir emperor has a son, he will succeed Emperor Daxing as his heir.Looking up at the empress dowagers of the two palaces, the Cheng family was originally Chengguo, and the holy calculation is far away.Establishing a son is establishing a grandson. Not only does the Daxing Emperor have a prince, but the Daxing Emperor also has to inherit and not replace him. There is nothing more comprehensive than this.

But slaves can't help but read Song history.Song Taizu obeyed Du Taizu's order to pass on to his younger brother but not to his son. Later, because of Zhao Pu's remark that he passed on to his son but not to his nephew, Taizong made endless rebuttals.So that there will be an edict in the future, and it will be cast into iron coupons, such as Jiuding Taishan, and there is no reason to transfer it.Zhao Pu'an said in a word, but he followed up the big plan, and it will be completed in a short period of time, and it will be established in a hundred generations.What's more, my family tradition is not far away, and the sages are inherited from each other, so why should I worry about it?My Majesty will have a son in the future, and he will inherit the Daxing Emperor as his heir and inherit the lineage.Fearing that things will be lost for a long time, or if there are good words to quote, wouldn't it be in line with the intentions of the empress dowagers of the two palaces to deceive Sun Mou?The slave has received so much kindness that he dare not keep silent. Please order the meeting of princes, scholars, six ministries and nine ministers to issue iron certificates.Used as Yishi Liangmo.Sincerely.

Yi Xin said: "It's the fault of the person who can't speak enough. How about the superiors?"

Yixiu said: "The decree of the two palaces is: the previous decree was issued until the emperor gave birth to a prince, that is to say, he will succeed the emperor Daxing as heir. The business scriptures clearly declare that it is well known both at home and abroad. According to Guang'an, a cabinet minister, please invite the court officials to meet and issue it. Li iron coupons and other words. Presumptuously blasphemy, it is very surprising, Guang'an wrote a decree to admonish it. Qin this.

Yi Xin said: "The only thing to do is to be punished for injury, and the emperor's grace is finally great."

The two brothers talked for a while, and then they dispersed without mentioning it.

But it is said that after Dezong ascended the throne, the mother's queen hung the curtain, and the officials worked hard, and the people in the country were governed happily, and the world was peaceful, and it was very prosperous.Just in the past few years, a few untapped ideas have been opened up, which will lead to infinite benefits for future generations.The first is to borrow foreign money.

In the second year of Guangxu, Zuo Zongtang was allowed to borrow 1000 million taels of foreign money in order to pay for customs clearance. This was the beginning of foreign debt.The second is the way of redemption.The British businessman built the Shanghai-Wusong Railway, but Governor Shen Baozhen refused to allow it.Li Hongzhang was ordered to negotiate with Wade, and redeemed it with 28 taels of silver, and let China do what it wanted.It was not built afterward, and this was the beginning of the way of redemption.The third is to send students.Li Hongzhang and Shen Baozhen invited 5000 students from the front and rear schools of the Fujian factory to go to Britain and France to learn manufacturing and driving.Send Taoist Li Fengbao and foreigner Ri Yige as supervisors, this is the beginning of sending students.This year, there was a negotiation incident in Yunnan, which involved the killing of a British translator.The imperial court first sent Li Hongzhang to Yunnan to investigate and deal with it, and then ordered Li Hongzhang to be the Minister of Plenipotentiary to go to Yantai to negotiate with the British envoy Wade.Thanks to Li Hongzhang's ability, he was able to speak with swords and lips, and the British only agreed.However, three treaties have been stipulated: first, the Zhaoxuedian case; second, the ceremonies for the ministers stationed in Beijing and various consuls to communicate with Chinese officials, and matters related to the trial and handling of cases; third, there is a special fund for commercial affairs , I plan to send people to Tibet next year to explore the way, please give me your passport.In the eyes of Chinese people, this kind of plan, which is far-sighted and thoughtful, is just a fleeting cloud. How can it be kept in mind?
Unexpectedly, the troubles suddenly calmed down, and internal strife broke out again.In March of the fifth year of Guangxu, Emperor Mu Zongyi and Empress Xiaozheyi were buried in Huiling.At the first turn of the road, he saw the white tiger resisting the Jing, and attacked Dagon.

Sadly, the fire dragon is colorful, prosperous and magnificent, and extremely mournful.The empress dowagers of the two palaces, the emperor, the concubine, the noble concubine, the princes, beizi, beile, ministers of all ministries, civil and military officials, and princes and princes, none of them did not send them off, and none of them did not follow them.Crowds of people are in full swing.Unexpectedly, among the entourage, there was a small Beijing official who was so loyal and sincere that he did some great things.This person's surname is Wu, and his first name is readable. He is from Gaolan, Gansu.At first, he was a censor. In order to ask Chenglu, the admiral of Urumqi, to punish Cheng Lu, he said too much about Ganzhi and was dismissed.When Dezong ascended to the pole, he appointed abolished staff, and the head of the official department made up for it.It can be seen that the court situation has changed, and thinking deeply about the accidents between the appointment and acceptance of the great commander, he initiated the idea of ​​​​remonstrance, and died of drinking poison in the Sanyi Temple of Mashen Bridge, Jishan.His speech said: "The minister of stealing crimes has heard that governing the country does not hide chaos, and the country does not forget danger."Dangerous and chaotic but can be taboo or forget, it is an unexplainable groan for Yao and Shun to speak bitterly; it is an ominous act to present hidden dangers to Shengming.

The criminal minister was angered by his words before, and he was willing to beheaded or imprisoned.After the meeting of Minister Wang, the minister was invited to question him.It was bestowed by our former emperor, which not only spared my ministers from beheading to death, but also freed them from being imprisoned to death, and also freed them from death due to jealousy and anger by sending messages.Committing three deaths but not dying, and rebirth without seeking life, the remaining years of today's criminal officials are all bestowed by my late emperor several years ago.When the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, suddenly there was a change on the fifth day of December in the 13th year. Immediately, the empress dowagers of the two palaces were enshrined: the emperor of Daxing dragon controlled the honored guests, and there was no heir.As a last resort, the son of Prince Chun succeeded Emperor Wen Zongxian as his son, entered into the Datong, and became the successor emperor.If the Emperor Qisi had a son, he would succeed the Emperor Daxing as heir.The guilty minister wept and knelt down to chant, thinking over and over again, thinking that the empress dowagers of the two palaces made mistakes again and again, and made a son for Emperor Wen Zongxian, not an heir for Emperor Daxing.Since we did not establish an heir for our Emperor Daxing, the successor of today's emperor is following the orders of our Empress Dowagers of the Two Palaces, and received it from Emperor Wen Zongxian, not from our Emperor Daxing.In the future, the inheritance of Datong has not been enshrined, and it must go to the son of the successor. That is to say, since there is the word "inheritance as heir" in Yizhi's decree, it goes without saying that Datong will still go to the stepson.The guilty minister thought it was true.Since ancient times, it has been hard for the courtiers to say when they supported and promoted them.

For more than two hundred years in my dynasty, the family law of the ancestors was passed on to the sons, and there should be no gap between the flesh and blood.Prince Kuang Chun is loyal to the country, and he is called a virtuous king both at home and abroad.Watching the king's performance at that time, it made people feel loyal and energetic.Words are the voice of the heart, how can they be false!The guilty minister read it, but as for singing and crying, he couldn't help himself.If the king heard that the minister made this play, he might not be angry at his arrogance and pity his foolishness;And my majesty is benevolent and filial, and has inherited the throne from the empress dowagers of my two palaces. In the future, for thousands of years, he can take the hearts of the empress dowagers of my two palaces as his heart today.But the loyalty and sycophants in the court are not uniform, that is to say, the similarities and differences of the opinions are different.Zhao Puzhi, the Prime Minister of the early Song Dynasty, still has the matter of betraying the Empress Dowager Du; Wang Zhizhi, a former scholar of the Ming Dynasty, is an old man of the country, and Huang (Wang Yu) asked Lijing Emperor and Prince Yishu to come from the barbarians and not from our generation. Ashamed.A sage is like this, let alone unworthy; an old man is like this, and he blames the newcomer?

This is the case for those whose names have been determined, but the situation is still undecided?As a last resort, we make mistakes again and again, and seek the correct strategy.I just pray that the empress dowagers of the two palaces will issue a decree tomorrow, and that the Datong will still inherit the heir of the Daxing emperor in the future.Although the heir emperor is a hundred-year-old man, neither the Chinese nor the foreign and the left and right ministers and workers are allowed to disagree with each other.And my Daxing emperor has sons without sons, that is, the empress dowagers of my two palaces have grandsons without grandchildren, and those who bow to each other in different days and attract each other for generations are all born by the empress dowagers of my two palaces. Migrants too.The so-called sinners make mistakes again and again and finally make no mistakes, this is the case.At that time, the guilty minister made a plan with this intention and submitted it to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Following the downgrading of ministers who think about crimes, they are not allowed to go beyond their duties and say things, and what kind of things are these things, what kind of words are they, the ministers, important ministers, and relatives who come out are far-sighted; the small, sparse, and distant ministers are light Discuss nonsense.It is also thought that the loyal and upright officials in the court are the most authoritative, and they may not necessarily regard this matter as deferred or useless.Therefore, the criminal ministers will stay to wait, and the criminal ministers will be introduced by Nei Mengen, who investigates and prosecutes the abolished members, and is ordered to use them for special purposes. He is still re-elected to the teaching department, and it has been five or six years recently.In the past five or six years, looking around at the courtiers, they still haven't thought about it.

Today, when the emperor of Daxing presents Anshan Mausoleum forever, I am afraid that he will gradually forget it. If he forgets, what the criminals left in the past is waiting for him, and now he can't wait.Looking up at the fairy car of Dinghu Lake, looking forward to Jiuzhong; looking at the bow and sword at Qiaoshan, and the soul depends on the silk.I would like to use the remaining years bestowed by my late emperor to beg for my late emperor's decree before the empress dowagers of my two palaces.But the body is about to die, and the mind is confused.

The meaning of the word is not clear.The citation rate is too many to forget, not as good as before, and the copying is not upright.The sinful minister has no knowledge of the ancients, so how can he be as calm as the ancients?" In the past, there were people who went to death and did not make progress. People said: "Are you afraid? "

Said: "Fear."

Said: "Since you are afraid, why don't you return?"

Said: "Fear, I am private; death, my father."

The criminal minister is still the same today.When a bird is about to die, its song is mournful; when a man is about to die, his words are kind.How dare a criminal minister be more virtuous than Zeng Shen, even if he dies, his words may not be good.I just hope that the empress dowagers of my two palaces and my emperor will take pity on her wailing, and don't think that the sinful minister will die without regret even if he groans without illness or acts ominously.Song officials said: "It's too much to say anything before it happens, and it's too much if it's already done, so what's the point of saying it? It can make the court accept what's said before it happened, and don't make ministers regret what they didn't do."

Today's sinful minister sincerely hopes that the ministers of another day will not prove what they say, so that future generations in the world will laugh at their foolishness;Although Du Mu's sinful words are beyond his duty, he is loyal to the loach's corpse, and he is only foolishly loyal.The sinful minister especially wishes that the empress dowagers of the two palaces and my emperor embody the heart of the holy ancestors and Shizong, adjust the leniency and fierceness, foster loyalty and peace, and appoint the old.Don't fight for the monopoly of foreign countries, and leave it for China; don't create what your ancestors didn't create, and leave it for your descendants.The sinful minister finished his words, wished him, and ordered him.No matter how guilty the minister was, he was once the censor, so he dared to die.Also, because the current position cannot be specialized, I would like to ask the officials of the ministers to make progress on their behalf.Before the guilty minister, the ceremonial staff sent by the minister's yamen had not been dispatched to the criminal minister. It was because the guilty minister had been begging the minister's hall official and university scholar Bao Jun from all sides, that he was added.

The minister who committed crimes and died was unexpected by Bao Yun, and he thought it was not the fault of Bao Luan that he should have been sent by mistake.

It was a prosperous age, so how could there be any doubts about the unfeeling things of sacrifice and burial in ancient times!In particular, my former emperor, Longyu, returned to heaven forever, and the whole world wept together, so I couldn't help mourning and chasing after him.

When the officials of the Ministry of Officials saw the readable documents, they were all frightened and pale.It's a matter of inheriting the great tradition, and it's not convenient to block the news, so I have no choice but to play for him.The empress dowagers of the two palaces looked at each other and sighed.

Ci'an said afterwards: "There is such a person among the ministers, which shows how touching the kindness of Emperor Daxing is.

Empress Cixi said: "Although this man is loyal, his heart is confused." "

According to the order of the military plane, the purpose was drawn up, and Wu Kedu's original report was handed over to Minister Wang, a bachelor, six ministers and nine ministers, and the meeting of Zhan Kedao.The military plane was drafted according to the decree. When Cixi looked back, she saw that it said: the decree was issued on the fifth day of December in the 13th year of Tongzhi.This time, when Wu Ke read the New Year's Memorial, he made the decree earlier, which was exactly what he meant.This is the author of Minister Wang, University Scholars, Six Departments and Nine Ministers, Wu Zhan Kedao, General Wu Ke, who read the original book and discussed it together.

Empress Cixi smiled and said to Empress Ci'an, "Can I continue to publish it like this?"

Ci An then nodded.So it was issued immediately.If you want to know how the kings and ministers discuss the reply, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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