Chapter 90

But it is said that this year was the fifth year of Guangxu. There was a woman named Yao and Shun on the top, and Yu Que and Gao Kui on the bottom.

The way of speaking is wide open, and direct ministers are everywhere.Zhang Peilun, Zhang Zhidong, Li Duanfen, and Baoting, whether they were the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, or Kaifang Hanlin, were all good writers, stirring up waves and shaking the world.I don't know how many advantages and disadvantages have been excluded by them.See how many corrupt officials were eliminated, how many villains and local tyrants were eradicated.The noise was restless and smoky.In the city of Beijing, a good name was given to this rumor-provoking person, called "Qingliu Party".The civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty felt their heads swell when they heard the word "Qingliu Party".Although the imperial court was very favorable at the beginning, as time passed, it gradually became tiresome.Just on this day, Wang Xianqian, the attendant of the Imperial Academy, gave a performance, saying that it is necessary to prevent fraud, and the two palaces are very favorable.The special decree said: "Recently, there are quite a lot of people who have overtaken Chen Zuo, played off their own prejudices, and submitted to Chen outspokenly. This will inevitably lead to confusion between right and wrong, and gradually open the end of criticism."Even if one sings harmony with another, there is a lot of discussion, and it is afraid that the party's support will gradually start.

It has a lot to do with customs and people's hearts.Afterwards, it is not allowed to use similar and echoing words to blaspheme each other.

This is it.When Yu Shitai saw this purpose, he immediately made a fuss.Among them, Li Duanfen was the most impassioned and impassioned. He wrote a cursive composition and immediately made it into a fold.Unexpectedly, when Bai sent it up, when the imperial decree came down, he was accused of being too wordy.Li Duanfen got a bad nose and had nowhere to complain.In the two palaces, the empress dowagers thought that all the ministers would always be cautious in their ideas after being reprimanded like this.Who knows that the water is exhausted and the mountains are poor, but the flowers are bright and the willows are dark.There happened to be a diplomatic incident between the DPRK and China at this time, which caused huge waves.

It turned out that in the ten years of Tongzhi, the Western Regions rebelled, and the strong neighbor Russia took advantage of the chaos and occupied Ili with a single gesture, saying only to replace China for temporary conservation.At this time, the government's energy is fully focused on Huizi, who has time to ask the Russians?In the fourth year of Guangxu, the chaos was reduced.

In April of the fifth year, Chonghou, the servant of the Ministry of official affairs, was appointed as the Russian minister to ask for Ili.Give full power and allow to act cheaply.It's a pity that this minister, who only has the ability to give others cheap, has no ability to win others.Article 500 of the new treaty, the sixth paragraph, since Russia returns Ili, China is willing to give Russia 14 million rubles in silver; The Si River shall be given up to Russia; Article [-], except that Kashgar and Kulun have already established a peace treaty and Russia has a consul, it is now agreed that there is no need to pay taxes in Jiayuguan, Khobduo, Hami, Turpan, and Urumqi. ; No. [-], where Russian traders pass goods to Zhangjiakou, Jiayuguan, Tianjin, Hankou, etc., they can pass through Tongzhou, Xi'an, and Hanzhong.

It transported Chinese goods to Russia, and also sent them to Saidao through this road.The ruling and opposition parties were appalled.

Compiling Wang Renkan and Shu Jishi Sheng Yu, handing over chapters to discuss impeachment, is very passionate.Xima Zhangzhidong is very popular, especially for a book, the words are down to the Three Gorges, and the pen is windy and frosty, and he speaks very powerfully.His speech said: The eighteen articles of the New Testament, regardless of others, are the most absurd, such as land commerce.From Jiayuguan, Xi'an, Hanzhong, directly to Hankou, the key points of Qinlong and the upper reaches of Jingchu are all based.Where the wharf is located, the branches and vines are flourishing day by day, and the news is clear.The frontier is difficult to defend, Tang Ao has been lost, and those who cannot be allowed are one east and three provinces, the country's foundation, Boduna, and the essence of Jilin.If he was allowed to come here by boat, it would be no different from allowing him to parade throughout the three eastern provinces.Accompanying Jing Mier, with a single cold shoulder, is in the west of Suifen River, two thousand miles away for no reason.Moreover, boating on inland rivers is something that all countries have been seeking for years but have not been able to, and the Russians have followed suit.Impossible two.The imperial court does not fight for taxation, but is sympathetic to the merchants and people. If Zhun and Hui are two ministries, the Mongolian alliances and Russians will be exempted from taxation. Chinese businessmen are still struggling.The weak and impoverished Mongolia is only for the Russians to exploit; the military salary of Xinjiang is only for the Russians to slow down; and in Zhangjiakou and other places in the interior, set up warehouses to gradually spread, set up the heart of the army, within ten thousand miles, end to end.Those who are not permitted three.China's fan screens are all in Inner and Inner Mongolia, and the desert is thousands of miles away, so the eyes are barren.The Russians wanted to invade the border, so they went north, and it took a lot of trouble.If Mongolia is fully occupied and used for its service, he will make a lot of money to use Mongolia. Once something happens, the information will be easy to communicate, and he will withdraw the vassal screen and be his forerunner.Those who are not permitted four.According to the treaty, the Russians were allowed to build a card 36, which extended vastly.If there is nothing to do business, it will be impossible to discuss; if there is something to do and soldiers come, it will be impossible to resist.

Those who are not permitted five.Merchants from various countries have never been allowed to carry military weapons.What is the meaning of this statement without reason, if a person carries a gun?If there are thousands of people in a group, who can tell whether they are soldiers or merchants?Those who are not permitted six.Russian business tax, all kinds of tricks, if all countries want to share, foreign tariffs, must be several million years old.The unpermissible seven.Xinjiang has already agreed on the boundaries, and wants to invade inward, cutting off my way into the city.The situation in Xinjiang is that the North Road is desolate and the South City is rich and prosperous. They fight for barrenness and abandon the richness.Those who are not allowed eight.Ili, Darbu, Bahatai, Khobdo, Uliasutai, Kashgar, Urumqi, Gucheng, Hami, Jiayuguan, etc., are allowed to set up consular officers, and the entire western region is controlled.

Where there are foreign soldiers, there are foreign merchants, and there are foreign merchants, there are foreign soldiers. At the beginning, they seized our power, and then turned back to the customers, until the other has officials and I have no officials, and the other has soldiers but I have no soldiers.And it is a common practice in all countries, but the coastal ports are allowed to set up foreign consulates. If Uliasutai, Khobdo, Urumqi, Gucheng, Hami, and Jiayuguan are within our territory, today the Russians set up figurines and set up examples from various countries to enclose eighteen provinces. How will foreign officials be dealt with evenly in the hinterland?Impermissible nine.The name is still in Ili, but in the mountains of the three provinces, outside of Karen, they are entrenched as before, and they are condescending, and they are in danger of losing.To the west of Kehorgos and to the north of Geer Island, there is no area for reclamation, no place for nomads, and the land is exhausted.The Jinding Temple is also the dust of the Russians, and now it is agreed with the Russians that the property will not be returned. This is the way to Yili from the east, which must pass through Ochao, and the way out is dead.If there are only a few left, they will all be moved to the past, and the people will be empty.Throwing 280 million useful wealth, how can I use it for Yili, which has no danger, no land, no way out, and no people?Those who are not allowed ten.It can be said that the Russians are extremely greedy and arrogant when they ask for it;The empress dowager and the emperor were outraged and sent envoys to discuss with the court.From the Minister Wang of the Shuchen General Administration to the officials of the Hundred Divisions, everyone knows that it is impossible.Therefore, those who dare not change their opinions publicly are sincerely afraid of changing the agreement or calling for quarrels.However, I think that there is nothing to be afraid of, so I must change this opinion. I can't do nothing. If I don't change my mind, I can't be a country.

Please tell me that there are four ways to change the discussion: one is to make a decision, the other is to be vigorous, the third is to be a leader, and the fourth is to make a decision.What is a decision?The unreasonable agreement was promised by the envoy, but the court did not agree to it.

Chonghou wronged the country to flatter the enemy, and allowed him to return without authorization, and the people of the country said that he could be killed.Fu Wangna was handed over to the Ministry of Punishment, and the official punishment was clearly stipulated to punish the crimes of envoys, which can be said by the Russians.According to the public law of all nations, since there are regulations that prohibit violating training and exceeding authority, whether or not officials can exercise full power is still a rule of the court.The case of Qiying is clearly established in the constitution, so if Chonghou is punished vigorously, it will be decided.What is arrogance?The Russians deceived my envoys to be weak and cowardly, and forced them to pay for a hundred, and they never got tired of it.Unexpectedly, Russia is such a shy big country that even if it does this, it will not only be angry with China, but also the countries around the sea will not tell what it does.There is no such case abroad for envoys to Russia who declare to return to China without waiting for an agreement.Kuang Kai Tang De is the acting minister, how can he go home?There is no doubt that it is intimidation, and the situation is obvious.You can listen to his stay or stay without asking. It is better to issue an edict to announce the unfairness of the Russians and the unwillingness of the subjects to publicize it.Publish the country's national sentiment and reason in the newsprint.Ming ordered the border ministers to prepare and wait.According to the feelings of public anger that is hard to commit, hold on to the ambition that cannot be followed.Although Russia is big, since the bitter war with Turkey, teachers have exhausted their labor and money, and their subjects have kept away from people's grievances. I have recently heard that its monarch has taken precautions against assassination.If the Gengyu League violates the law and seeks to work far away and labor the people, there will be a disaster of Xiaoqiang, and it will kill itself, how can it reach others?Therefore, if you declare clearly to China and foreign countries, you will be full of energy.

What is a director?All kinds of threats started from Yili.If it is exactly like the New Testament, what is gained is the false name of Yili, and what is lost is the reality of Xinjiang's [-] miles.However, millions of salaries are still needed every year for the border divisions and defense forces to build cities and open villages. It is better to have Xinjiang than to have no Xinjiang.

If I ask Yili to do my best to flick his request, it will be on me; if I set Yili and still blame him, then it will be on the other side.

Kuang envoys draw a pledge without replying to the imperial instructions, just like writing a book without drinking blood, how can it be relied on?The Russians are poor at making up their minds, how can they be provocative?Therefore, delaying the collection of Yili is the reason.What is a plan?Russians talk about faith, so they don't have to open their arms.If the Russians want to violate the public law, abandon the reconciliation, and fortify the place, there are about three routes, one in Xinjiang, one in Jilin, and one in Tianjin.Zuo Zongtang has won many victories at the banquet, and his soldiers are strong.Jinshun, Liu Jintang, Xilun, and Zhang Yao are all warriors, and they are waiting to move. The Russians will block their way back, and they will never return.If you go out of the border area of ​​Jilin, there are clusters of valleys in the east of Liaodong, and the land is more than 280 miles away from Russia.The expenses for the coastal defense of the South and the North are divided into funds for managing the three provinces in the east.Order Zuo Zongtang and Jinshun to select a number of generals and officers from the three eastern provinces who know the soldiers, come to listen to them quickly, recruit Sauron, scare Tianjin, and beat animals, and train them into an army.He is naturally heroic and brave, and if he is used to fighting with Russia, he will surely win.That is to say, if you have a small setback and stick to it for several months, you will definitely leave.All the way to Tianjin, approaching Shenjing.However, Russian warships, in accordance with British and French conventions, have never been able to leave the Mediterranean Sea, even if they force merchant ships to carry troops, they are not comparable to those with armored ships in the West.Li Hongzhang, Gao Xun resent, spent millions of money at the age of [-], to make machines, and support the Huai army, just for today.If you can't fight, you can use important ministers.I ask Li Hongzhang to be strict with him, and he tells him that there will be no change in the plan, and that he is duty-bound to select generals for training as soon as possible, and to follow the new French style and build more forts.If you win, you will be rewarded with the prince's reward; if you don't win, you will be punished by accident.If an envoy uses the [-] million gold to redeem Ili to hire Western soldiers, it will definitely be used for me.The Russians encroached on Xinjiang and annexed Kokand in order to suppress India's back, not only my own troubles, but also the British's troubles.If Li Hongzhang can understand the British envoy, he should be the same enemy as the assistant.Recent meritorious generals such as Peng Yulin, Yang Yuebin, Bao Chao, Liu Mingchuan, Shanqing, Cen Yuying, Guo Songlin, Xichang, Peng Chuhan, Guo Baochang, Cao Kezhong, Li Yunlin, Chen Guorui, etc. have returned to their hometowns or are in office, and they are called to Beijing as appropriate. It discusses and plans in detail, and divides it into Beijing, Tong, Tianjin, and the three eastern provinces to prepare for emergencies.There are fierce tigers in the mountains, and they are strong and cute, so the cultivation of military equipment is determined.

I don't dare to talk about it, and I focus on the overall situation, but it is increasingly difficult to observe the situation deeply.

The West is disturbing our regime, and the East is thinking of opening up borders. The Russians are provocative.As for the unbearable and the unbearable, what will be done?Regardless of my imperial power, there is a reason for victory, even if it is a battle on the battlefield, there is no way to be blunt.The Russians, even though they are fighting, cannot cross Jiayuguan.If it lasts for a long time, the soldiers will be starved of food, and the momentum will be poor, so why fear it?However, the current decision is an opportunity for China's strength and weakness, especially the meeting of the growth and decline of talents. At this time, a fierce adviser is enough to fight.If a few more years pass, Zuo Zongtang will decline even though he is still alive, Li Hongzhang will grow old before he declines, and will be unable to fight if he wants to fight. Balancing internally and externally, coercing and threatening North Korea.If you don't defend it against the fence today, but he fights against the court, what is the regret?Those who want to prepare for arms should be prepared if they are discussed; if they are not discussed, they should be prepared.Those in Yili should slow down their proposals for changes, or slow down if they do not change their proposals.Those who are respectful and thick should be punished if they change their proposals, and they should be punished if they don't change their proposals.The public discussion of the ministers at home and abroad is not the private opinion of one minister.It is up to the border officials to plan alone; to be arrogant is to be in the officials; to argue with reason is in the prime minister's office; to be decisive and to persist is in my empress dowager and the emperor.

After Zhang Zhidong's Zhezi went up, it took only a day or so before the imperial edict came down to discuss and play with the scholars of Jiaotong University, Liubu Jiuqing, and Han Zhan Kedao.Seeing that he had won a lottery, everyone worked harder, and the wind was surging.You are also discounted, and I am also discounted. What I advocate is to mobilize troops to go to war, and what I say is extremely sharp and very pleasant.In three to five days, the imperial court received the memorial for the war, Ji Shangshu Wan Qingli, ministers Chang Xu, Qian Baolian, Si Ye Zhou Derun, Shao Zhan Shi Baoting, Zhong Yun Zhang Kai, Zhong Yun Guo Congju, Yu Shanghua, Wu Wu Hired by censor Kong Xianyu, Huang Yuanshan, Tian Hanchi, Deng Chengxiu, Yuanwailang Zhang Huakui, Zanshan Gao Wanpeng, imperial official Deng Qinglin, attendant Urab, Wang Xianqian, editor Yu Yinlin, censor Ye Yinfang, Prince Su Longqin, reviewing Zhou Guan , Yuanwai Chen Fushou and other 23 letters.The decree was submitted for discussion together, and Prince Chun Yixuan was ordered to have a meeting with him.At this time, Manchaoli was full of vigor and courage, as if he could scare the Russian monarchs and ministers away from Java.However, the Russians could not be frightened, so they dispatched warships to patrol the Liaohai area.The imperial court was furious, and issued many strict orders, ordering to prepare troops along the river and sea.He also ordered Beiyang Minister Li Hongzhang to reorganize the naval warships in Dalian Bay, Yantai; Peng Yulin and Li Chengmou to reorganize the Yangtze River Navy;Recover Liu Mingchuan, Bao Chao, Cao Kezhong and a group of veterans who have come through many battles.He also issued a special order to solicit general materials.On the one hand, because Chonghou refused to wait for the order of the court, he returned to Beijing without authorization, was dismissed from his post and sent to prison, and was charged with beheading in prison.A thousand thunders and a hundred thunders, all at once.

In the imperial court, he just wanted to boost the country's prestige and preserve the territory.But I didn't know this news, when it spread to Hunan, a pair of characters were frightened by it, who do you think?One is the former Minister of Envoy to Britain and France, and the other is the new Minister of Envoy to Britain and France, first-class Yiyonghou, and Dali Temple Shaoqing Zeng Jize.At present, Jize has asked for leave to repair the tomb, but he is still in his hometown.On this day, I opened the mansion newspaper that had just arrived in Beijing on the door and read it. I was shocked when I saw Zhang Zhidong and other memorials, as well as the strict orders.I thought to myself: How can China's military strength be enough to start a war with Russia?Scholars misjudged the country, if the imperial court believed in this group of people, there would be troubles in the Central Plains from then on.If you want to fight against sparse debates, you have hoped for shallow words, but you have not seen the effect of samadhi.

It suddenly occurred to me that Guo Songtao was an old man, and I might discuss it with him, or there might be a wonderful way to turn things around.The idea has been made, and the residence newspaper is sleeved, and he goes to Songtao's house to pay homage.Song Tao took the seat and asked, "Why is the old nephew here?"

Jize said: "Recently, the mansion has reported, has Nian Bo seen it?"

Song Tao said, "Could it be because of the Yili matter?"

Ji Ze said: "So Uncle Nian has seen it too."

Take the mansion newspaper in your sleeve and put it on a few.Song Tao saw it, and secretly praised: "The dandy of the Duke's carnivorous family, he pays so much attention to current affairs, he has no habits at all, he will never die."

Just listen to Ji Ze said: "Uncle Nian, is the discussion of court officials acceptable?"

Song Tao wanted to observe Ji Ze's knowledge, so he asked, "What does the old nephew mean?"

Ji Ze said: "According to my nephew, how can this kind of scholar's opinion be implemented? That is, like Xiang Lao's compromise, with a 280-year-old gold, recruiting a strong Western soldier. This is the old wisdom of the political strategists in the Warring States Period. The state, the king is not the king of the Warring States, and the government is not the government of the Warring States. Although the states are not completely democratic, the government is presided over by the House of Representatives. Military affairs, especially must be united in order to be successful. Our envoys, let Debate is like Su Zhang, wisdom is like Sui and Lu, and you can't go to the parliaments of all countries to make everyone agree with you, and everyone obeys. If you are satisfied, if you say you succeed, it is nothing more than a way of rejecting tigers at the front door and entering wolves at the back door. Not to mention the public laws of all nations If the two countries go to war, and the states are neutral, they will not be willing to show that they violate the public law!"

After hearing this, Song Tao admired him greatly: "After all, those of you who have studied abroad have superior opinions. The people in Beijing are all bastards. They took a few words of advice from "Warring States Policy" and used them as golden needles for saving the world. It's a sharp weapon, and it kills people with laughter. Since we entered into trouble with Western countries, we have used troops three times. The first time we went back to Guangdong for the purpose of banning smoking. The next two times, one time in Ningbo and the other time in Tianjin The most important thing is to change the contract. Although the handling is inappropriate, but at that time China and foreign countries were separated, and all the details were unknown to each other.

Excited by courtiers' fallacies and angrily seeking war, that's all. Now that the messengers communicate and deal with the situation, they have their own margins, and the Russians are cunning, and they are not comparable to those of Britain and France who only focus on trade.Once the conflict starts, the future troubles will be endless.The country Pingfa bandits, Nian bandits, Pingjiao bandits, and Pinghui bandits have been in the army for 30 years. The wealth and the people are poor, and the situation is dwarfed. Compared with Daoguang and Xianfeng, the weather is much worse. How can we win?Talking about war on paper is useless. "

Ji Ze said: "What do they know about diplomatic relations? Zhang Xiangtao's generation still regards Russia as the son of the Western Regions."

Song Tao said: "The Russians encroached on the Hui tribes, expanded the land and opened up the frontiers, and surrounded China for more than [-] miles. Both land and water must be fortified, and the national strength is beyond the reach.

Even if the Russians intrude on the border, they should break it according to reason and not win with the war.What's more, this matter can be debated calmly, and it is very unreasonable for Yaobing to provoke. "

Ji Zedao: "According to the public law of all nations, there is no minister with full power to be punished for making a contract. The imperial court asked Chonghou to be a big pilgrim, as if deliberately trying to make things difficult for the Russians. This level should also be considered."

Song Tao said: "Chonghou is also really ridiculous. I remember that year, when I met Chonghou in Paris, France, I asked him to give Russia an opportunity, and he only replied, 'Ili is important, I will definitely fight for it to come back'. I was quite surprised at that time. It's not easy to see things. Unexpectedly, this gentleman, but the false name that Bo has withdrawn, he doesn't care about the interests of the country and the changes of foreign sentiments. Do you think he is absurd or not?"

Ji Zedao: "The reason for Chonghou's mistake is that he was sitting on the unknown terrain in the northwest, so that he was played by the Russians to such an extent! My nephew has carefully investigated the two roads in the north and south of Tianshan Mountain, so the so-called fertile people are instilled by the vertical and horizontal rivers. Russia. The Xibo tribe occupied by people is a desolate land for more than 1 miles. Recently, it has invaded the Kokand tribes of Tashkent, deliberately managed them, and spared no effort. The year before last, I saw the Russian "New News" saying that its admiral Szhewell was looking for Bamir In the area of ​​Lake Langela, it is reported that there is an endless river source from Lake Karakula to Aksu, and it penetrates into the Russian desert, which has never been visited by human beings.

The city of Yili is particularly fertile.From the south of the Yili River, Harhaitu is rich in copper, and Sala Xieheqi is rich in lead.To the north there is a mountain named Kongzaxuner'ebo, which specializes in coal; Piqingli, which specializes in gold; and Suoguo, which specializes in iron.In the past, there were copper and lead factories in Henan, and the coal and iron mines in Shanbei were not mined, and Westerners regarded it as a rich land.The nine domains set up in Yili are dedicated to stationing soldiers, and they are well-developed and located in the north of Henan Province.As far as Hogos in the west, there is also a city, which is not more than a hundred miles away from Yili.All the cards in Erqiqihan are located five hundred miles away. This meeting divides the Russians belonging to the Khorgos River, and three quarters of the Yili River are also cut off, and the area of ​​more than five hundred miles is cut off. Tunka, all abandoned.

The Russians who divided the Tekes River belonged to the old copper and lead factories, which were also shared with the Russians.

However, the Tekes River runs across the north of the Tianshan Mountains, and directly to the south of Kuqa and Baicheng, which are blocked by the customs. The Tunka that was set up directly to the source of the Tekes River was abandoned.It's called recovery, but it's not different from ceding land. "

Hearing this, Song Tao couldn't help saying: "The old nephew is so familiar with the geography of Northwest China, if the imperial court sends the old nephew there, it can save one or two."

Before the words were finished, the two family members rushed in and said, "The Fuyuan sent someone to invite Marquis Zeng immediately, saying that there is a telegram coming from Beijing."

When Jize heard that, he was taken aback.If you want to know what's going on, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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