Chapter 94

It is said that Zuo Zongtang followed Ma Jiang's defeat, and he was very surprised.He thought to himself: "Zhang Peilun is a master of the world, how could he be so defeated when encountering storms?"

In a few days, when Ting sent it, it was edited by Pan Bingnian and others, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate played the case of Zhang Peilun and He Ruzhang on his behalf, and ordered to investigate and deal with it.When Zuo Zongtang saw Tingji, he felt sorry for the orangutan, so he couldn't help sighing for Zhang Peilun for a while.There is nothing to do with business, so I have to appoint two subordinates to go to Fujian to investigate and deal with it.Hujun Detective News: "Guangdong Peng Yulin and Zhang Zhidong were issued a decree, in order to show the loyalty of the coastal residents to repay their service, and asked them to try their best on the sea, put the French soldiers on the water, and put poisonous food Among them, the Chinese in Penang Island in Singapore also complied. The superiors thought that his wording was out of character, and that rumors would cause trouble, so they warned him."

Then it was reported: "Titai Su Yuanchun defeated the French army outside the pass, sank a French ship, and killed a French general. He won consecutive battles and victories. The imperial court has issued an order to reward him."

It was also reported: "The admiral Fang Yousheng and the commander-in-chief Zhou Shouchang fought a battle with the legal person in Langjia. Because some religious people acted as guides for the French army, our army suffered a big defeat."

It also reported: "Liu Yongfu sent Xiao generals Huang Shousi and Wu Fengdian, and the regulations have been announced."

At this time, there is an endless stream of military books and battle reports.Zuo Zongtang lifted his spirits, looked around and listened to all directions. It seemed that he received more than ten military planes every day.One day, an alarm was received from Taiwan: "French warships harassed Tainan, and Penghu was in danger. Liu Mingchuan begged for help from Beiyang. Li Hongzhang said that the Beiyang fleet was small and could not withstand the giant ships, so there was no way to help. The imperial court, but Mian Mingchuan stood firm and released him as the governor of Taiwan. .

Surprised, he said, "Why is Shaoquan so ignorant?"Once Penghu is lost, Taiwan will be in danger.

"So I made a note and sent it up, asking for aid to Taiwan. In a few days, the edict came down, ordering five ships from each of the north and south oceans to gather in Shanghai, and ordered Yang Yuebin to lead the aid to Taiwan. Unexpectedly, Jiang The governor Zeng Guoquan refused to obey the order. The imperial court was furious and issued a strict order: Taiwan’s information is blocked and the situation is tense. Zeng Guoquan ignored it and did not follow the order. He hates it so much that the Ministry of Communications will strictly discuss it. He will send troops properly The round and the round of soldiers sent by Li Hongzhang went to Fujian quickly and handed over to Yang Changyu for dispatch. If the minister delays again and misses the fighter plane, what crime should he ask himself? Zuo Zongtang and Yang Yuebin went to Fujian quickly without delay. This is my honor.

Zuo Zongtang didn't dare to be negligent, so he issued a big order, and all the troops in the headquarters marched on horseback, pulled out their camps, and marched through the stars and nights.After arriving in the provincial capital, the alarm came, Keelung fell, and Liu Mingchuan retreated to Huwei.Zongtang said: "Liu Mingchuan is an old businessman, how could he make such a mistake?"

Fantai happened to be present at that time. Hearing what Zongtang said, he casually said, "Liu Shuai himself was guarding Keelung himself, and Huwei was guarded by Sun Kaihua, who was appointed to Taitai. On August [-]th, the legal person attacked Keelung. Shuai The first time I went back to the original victory, unexpectedly Li Tongen, the magistrate of the Battalion Office, sent letters three times to ask for help, Liu Shuai retreated to Huwei, and Keelung had an accident."

Zongtang said: "How many troops are there in Jilong Huwei?"

Na Fantai said: "Not very careful, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of horses."

Zongtang listened to it, and wrote a memorial that night, roughly speaking: "The French army is only four to five thousand, and our soldiers stationed in Keelung Huwei numbered more than ten thousand. Liu Mingchuan is a man who is older than the army. , How did you lose Keelung, and then be trapped in Taipei, with no facilities for a long time?

After detailed interviews, it became known that Liu Mingchuan had won the battle of Keelung. Because the magistrate Li Tongen believed that Sun Kaihua's army was invincible, he was in emergency three times.In fact, the battle of Huwei was the work of Sun Kaihua's battalions.Chen Xingju, the prefect, please attack Keelung, and Liu Ming will thank him.There were only three hundred French soldiers in Shiqiu Ridge, and Cao Kezhong's eighty-ninth battalion did not dare to attack Taiwan because Liu Ming said that Meng Lang was not allowed to enter the army.Most of the generals are willing to attack Keelung. Liu Mingchuan sits guarding Taipei and does not intend to advance and respectfully translate telegrams. Liu Mingchuan should still encourage soldiers to regain Keelung, and not cowardly stand guard and cause disturbance to the enemy.The minister thinks that Liu Mingchuan's cowardice and stickiness, or the temporary appointment of inhumane people, is caused by uncoordinated planning.Li Tongen's false words confused the public, causing Keelung to fall for a long time, but he was the chief culprit.Please decree to be dismissed immediately, deported and returned to his hometown, and not allowed to stay in Taiwan to suppress military aircraft. "

Less than ten days after this memorial was issued, the decree came down: order Yang Yuebin to go to Fujian to aid Taiwan quickly.Li Tongen was dismissed first and handed over to Yang Yuebin for investigation.

This is it.At this time, the commissioner sent to investigate Zhang Peilun has returned, Zuo Zongtang is only thirsty for sex, and Zhang Peilun is a celebrity, so the writing of the replay is naturally very relaxed.Unexpectedly, the imperial court hated evil like hatred, criticized Zuo Zongtang for being unpopular, but intended to protect him. He committed this bad habit, and issued an order to reprimand him.After all, Zhang Peilun was punished by charging Heilongjiang.One day, Zuo Zongtang was managing the military books, and a stack of mansion newspapers just arrived came from outside.Opening it casually, I saw that there was a discount in Liu Ming's biography, but it was a defense against his involvement in the impeachment of Li Tong'en.Look carefully, and see that it says: "Jilong Huwei, with more than [-] garrison troops, Zuo Zongtang is said to be few and over ten thousand. I don't know what I have heard or heard! The Keelung epidemic, the soldiers were sick for six or seven, and could not form an army. .

In the battle on August 200th, only [-] people were selected from the Ninth Battalion, and there were still those who helped the sick and responded to the enemy.Before the future was isolated, police calls were received repeatedly, soldiers were ordered, and the fort was not yet completed.There is no danger to hold back, and danger goes without saying.The minister first sent a letter to Sun Kaihua and Li Tongen. If the enemy invaded Huwei, the minister would send the guards of Keelung to help.As well as the French ship offender Huwei, successive letters from Sun Kaihua, Li Tongen, and Liu Chaoyou all said that the French ship went straight to the door, raised the flag and fired.The minister and Sun Kaihua had already made an agreement, so it was useless to confuse Li Tongen's false words.According to Liu Ao's report, Zuo Zongtang said that Sun Kaihua's troops and the Huai army had won the three-way battle bravely;Chen Xingju, the prefect of Taipei, always asks to attack Jiyuan whenever he sees him. He is nearly seventy years old and not familiar with military affairs.After being told in detail that it was impossible to enter the army, the government forgot what it said, and please attack again.The officials criticized more than a hundred words, telling them that they should not advance suddenly. The government then urged Cao Zhizhong to attack, and there were threatening words to provoke him.

Cao Zhizhong was furious for a while, so there was a setback on September [-]th.Chen Xingju listened to rumors that Keelung's French soldiers were dying of illness and would no longer be able to defend.The mountains I rely on are dangerous, and the enemy relies on sharp weapons. When they attack me, I gain their strengths; when I attack them, Peter has their strengths.Moreover, the enemy barbarians are occupying the mountains and the sea, and the warships are moored there. If they cannot chase their warships out, even if the strength of the army is exhausted, the attack will be in vain.I have been in charge for more than ten years, and I have a little experience in fighting and defending opportunities.

The only thing is to be realistic, not extravagant whitewashing.If empty talk is big, even if it can be ignored for a while, can it not be laughed at at home and abroad?I am ashamed of you." Zuo Zongtang felt very uncomfortable when he saw it.

Suddenly Meteor came to Ma Fei to report the military situation, and Su Yuanchun fought a battle with the legal person in Lu'an County, and the Soviet army won another big victory.The aid team to Taiwan has also set off and will arrive soon.Zongtang was delighted to be rewarded.A few days later, it was suddenly reported that there was chaos in North Korea.The admiral Wu Zhaoyou, after listening to his fellow acquaintance Yuan Shikai's plan, led his troops straight into the palace to put an end to the chaos.The teachers who aided Taiwan turned back according to the order, and followed Ding Ruchang to North Korea.Now here, another Wu Ankang is here.Zongtang stomped his feet and said, "There are so many things, what should I do?"

Before the talk was over, the alarm came again, Lang Son fell, and Pan Dingxin retreated to Nanguan.It turned out that Pan Dingxin, the supervisor outside the pass, was self-willed and not very compatible with the generals, and he was very speculative with Su Yuanchun alone.Then Su Yuanchun was really competitive, and he only fought in one battle, beheading four generals in the formation, and won a complete victory.Dingxin praised Yuanchun endlessly to the generals, and the generals were unconvinced after hearing this.

Among the generals, there was a man named Wang Debang, who was a veteran general in central Hunan. When he saw Dingxin praised Yuanchun, he couldn't help but sneered at Feng Zicai, his assistant.After temporarily withdrawing from the Chinese military account, Zicai smiled and asked Debang, "How do you listen to the supervisor?"

Debang said: "In the eyes of the supervisor, there is only one Su Yuanchun. If that's the case, if the French soldiers come to kill us, we don't need to do anything. Let Su Yuanchun fight the enemy alone."

Feng Zicai said: "It's a national matter. The supervisor is confused. We don't have to be as knowledgeable as him. The more we look down on us, the more we have to build a career for him. After making great achievements, ask him if he dares to underestimate others. ?”

After listening to Debang, he admired it.So each of them went to Pandi and defended it.

On this day, the French soldiers just came to attack Fenggu, which is the most popular place in Wang Debang.Debang waved his troops to meet the enemy, and fought until the sunset took over the mountain, where men were exhausted and horses were exhausted.Bullets and cannons are bound to run out.When I looked at the French soldiers, they still came like a tidal wave.Debang had no choice but to line up and retreat.Passing through Gusong, you can see that the banner is clear and the camps are cleared up, but the situation is overwhelming, but the moon is in the clouds, and the firmness is better than pouring sand and gathering stones.

The sergeant pointed out: "This is the camp of the Soviet army."

Debang sighed: "We fought like this, but he didn't come to rescue us, otherwise how could we lose?"

Wang Debang's troops had to rest until they retreated to Jingjiang.Suddenly hearing the cannon blasting the sky, the military scouts reported: "General Fa will take advantage of the victory and attack Gusongsu camp now."

Debang said: "Just now I just watched with cold eyes, now it's my turn, let's ignore him!"

The sound of guns and guns rang all night.When the time came, the army scout reported: "Gusong camp was captured by legal persons, and Su camp has retreated to Weipu."

Debang sighed: "Fenggu and Gusong won two battles in a row, and the arrogance of the legal person will increase again."

Then it was reported: "The French army marched towards Lang Son, Pan Governor's Office retreated to Nanguan, and Longzhou was shaken."

Debang said: "Pan Dingxin will always do bad things sooner or later. Langshan is always difficult to keep. The guard is guarded by Feng's assistant in Wenyuan. He is a big worm. With his old man in charge, it can always be okay."

Not more than two days later, the alarm came, Langshan fell, and the legal person approached Zhennan Pass, Feng Zicai and the legal person fought in Wenyuan for a while, and the battle ended in a dead end.After receiving the official document from the gate of the camp, it was the letter from Superintendent Pan urging rescue. Wang Debang said angrily, "Since you are praising Su Yuanchun, why don't you transfer Su Yuanchun?"

Put the Zhazi aside, but still stand still.A total of three letters were received on this day, and they were called for rescue, and they were as urgent as a spark.Debang was angry and simply ignored him.The next day, the military inspector flew to report that the French soldiers bombarded Zhennanguan, the admiral Yang Yubin died in a fierce battle, and Pan Dingxin retreated to Haicun.Su Yuanchun withdrew to the shogunate. Tang Jingsong and Liu Yongfu's army had won many victories and received excellent edicts. Now they were also moved by the French army and retreated to horse herding.

Debang said in shock: "One person's opinion can go so far as to erroneously affect the overall situation, my crime is really not small!

"The military order was issued, and the strongholds were assembled, and they rushed to Haicai to see the supervisor and plead guilty. In the middle of the journey, they suddenly met a blue-topped army, and presented the supervisor's office document. The German list was unpacked and read. It read: In the imperial edict, Wang Debang was dismissed immediately after he wrote it, and the remaining Yingyong was put under the jurisdiction of Su Yuanchun.

This is it.Debang said with a smile: "I am deeply grateful for the great kindness of the supervisor, and my fame has been taken away."

At present, the roster of the headquarters, the military equipment and horses are handed over to the army.I asked an old soldier to pick up my luggage, straddled a tired donkey and smiled proudly at the lake and mountains, and went to visit the breeze and bright moon.However, the Assistant Minister Feng Zicai, seeing that after the fall of Langshan, the legal person was advancing step by step, and the current situation was changing day by day, he felt very angry, and said to his subordinates: "I joined the army at the age of 20, and I met a strong enemy. In the rain of guns and guns, Birth and death, more than 100 times. At this moment, seeing people are so rampant, how can I calm down? I am now in my 70s, relying on God’s blessing, there will be no disasters, no troubles, smart eyes and ears, and strong siblings If the legal person wants to be brave again, I will have to fight them for my life."

One day, an official from the supervisory office came to invite him, saying that he had something to do.Zicai didn't know what was going on, so he rode to the camp immediately.

When the supervisor received him, he smiled all over his face, and said: "Congratulations to the assistant, Mr. Peng is playing for you."

Just show Peng Yulin's official documents to Zicai.It turned out that because of the urgent defense of Qin Lian, Peng Yulin specially tuned Feng Zicai, and the court ordered Dingxin to discuss it.Dingxin didn't get along very well with Zicai, so he agreed to be transferred, so he was invited here as a special trip.At that moment, Zicai read the official document and asked Dingxin with a smile, "How about Commander-in-Chief Jun?"

Ding Xin said: "Brother, it seems that they usually deal with the affairs of the emperor's family. It's the same over there and here. Since Peng Shuai specializes in composing tunes, your elder brother has to go."

Zicai said: "This place is also very important, I can't leave easily."

Ding Xin said: "If your elder brother doesn't go, how will Peng Shuai face it? Besides, Peng Shuai also wants to blame his brother."

Feng Zicai said: "In terms of the overall situation, this seems to be the key point compared with that. Peng Shuai is a very understanding person, and he will never blame the general for this."

Ding Xin said: "Brother is so stubborn, I don't dare to be very strong. But to Peng Shuai, I have to write my own words to reply.

"Zicai agreed. When he returned to the camp, he immediately wrote a corner of the documents. On the one hand, he led the soldiers to build a long wall in Zhennan Pass.

At this time, the closed gate was destroyed by French soldiers, fleeing refugees, covering the river, and the whole province of Guangxi was shaken.Jing Zicai built a long wall, and his strength is for safety, and people's hearts are always settled.On the one hand, Wang Xiaoheng, the general of the Ministry of life, led a group of troops, and set up camp behind him, which became a force of horns.One day, there was a legend in the army that the legal person would be forced to close on a certain day.After hearing the words, Zicai found out that these words came from the law camp.I thought to myself: the legal person said so, the soldiers must arrive first, the art of war is to strike first, and then to control others. It is better to lead the elite and go out to steal the camp and rob the village.

The idea has been decided, while notifying the supervisor, while checking the personnel.Hearing this, Pan Dingxin was so frightened that he lost two of his three souls and five of his six souls, so he came to stop him himself.Where is Zicai willing to listen!Ding Xin said: "The big bug flicks a fly on its head, if it gets into trouble, who will resist?"

Zicai said: "France is an enemy country to us, not a friendly country. In any case, the imperial court will never blame me for starting a war."

After finishing speaking, he got on his horse and gave the order to set off.Wang Xiaoqi's [-] foreign gun team, as the vanguard, and his [-]-dollar team as the follow-up, rushed out of the customs with the bugle together.

When Pan Dingxin saw that Zicai looked around in the saddle, he was very energetic. He supervised the men and horses and went straight to the tiger's den and Longtan. He stuck out his tongue in shock and couldn't retract it for a long time.In an instant, the sound of guns blasting outside the pass, the sound of guns shaking the ground, chopping and clapping, bang bang puffed up, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was falling, and the mountain was shaking.Dingxin didn't dare to look at it himself, so he sent his confidants to go to the pass to watch.A newspaper said: "A fire broke out in the French camp, and our troops are charging there with smoke and fire."

Ding Xinqi was surprised: "Will old man Feng win?"

Junbian replied: "It doesn't look very real, it seems to be victorious."

Ding Xin said: "This is also strange, it is really unexpected!

I'm always afraid that the legal person will be tired of losing and tricking." On this night, Dingxin did not return to the camp, and he was worried until dawn.

The sound of the trumpet announces the dawn, and the morning light is faint.Taking advantage of the dawn wind, the military song of Zou Kai came to my ears one by one.Jun Bianchi reported: "Feng Junmen has returned to camp after victory!"

Only Dingxin dared to enter the customs.

But seeing the big flag with Feng character flying in the wind, it seems that he is also complacent there.Thousands of eight hundred sergeants, neatly marched in a line, marching without any disorder, one by one, fighting in high spirits, fighting all night, and did not show any signs of fatigue.For a while, I saw Feng Zicai coming on his whistling old horse, with the whip whipping, the morning wind blowing on his face, his white beard fluttering, he looked more and more old-fashioned and heroic.Dingxin and Zicai didn't get along very well, at this time, he didn't know that he would welcome him to the pass, shook hands and said many good things.Zicai, however, was still quite at ease, taking all the guns and horses he had captured in the enemy camp, one by one.The achievements of each army in killing the enemy and beheading are also recorded in the merit records, killing cattle and horses, and rewarding soldiers.

Unexpectedly, there is constant dancing and singing here, while there are already soldiers and horses.The French general suffered from the loss of stealing the camp, so he raised Langshan's powerful soldiers and went straight to Zhennan Pass.The artillery fire blasted the sky, the horns shook the ground, and the momentum was extremely powerful.Pan Dingxin turned pale, and said to everyone: "This time is terrible!

This time is terrible! "

Zicai said excitedly: "The legal person enters this pass again, how can I see the Cantonese people? Let's fight to the death, whoever wants to defend against the enemy, I will kill him! Today's matter is not that I kill the enemy, It is the enemy who kills me!"

Order the people in the headquarters to stand in line and go out.

After all, the case was raised.Seeing Zicai like this, all the soldiers were moved to heaven, their morale was all high, and they all said: "We are all willing to follow the old general to fight to the death!"

Thousands of people unanimously, the sound of thousands of people is like a landslide and thunder, which can be heard from ten miles away.All of a sudden, the army took up the bugle, and the group of Cantonese athletes, Jianghuai heroes, went to the enemy passionately and generously.Zicai holds a sharp knife in his hand and goes to and fro to supervise the battle in person.At this time, the artillery of the French army was extremely violent, flesh and blood flew everywhere where the people were, and the sun was covered by smoke and dust where the walls collapsed.Zicai asked all the generals to stand upright as a wall, and when they saw anyone retreating, they immediately cut off with flying knives.Suddenly a cannon flew past Zicai's head, and the coral crown and emerald quill on the big hat went to nowhere, but Zicai was still there, directing and supervising as if nothing happened.When everyone saw it, they were all shocked.From Chen to noon, the French army's offensive was a bit sluggish, Zicai supervised and led his two sons, and ordered to break the wall.The three horses rushed out like the wind, wielding their sharp knives, slashing at anyone they met, and destroying them when they met an enemy.The generals said to each other: "General Feng is an old man in his seventies, and he is so desperate to fall into the enemy. We stand here, and we are ashamed to death."

So Xiao generals Wang Xiaoqi, Chen Jia, and his subordinates Pan Ying, Zhang Chunfa and others shouted loudly, and the rivers and lakes swept away like waves.This came out of the unexpected of the legal person, and it was too late to shoot and bombard, so they had to use short soldiers to fight each other, killing people like grass, and bleeding into rivers.This fierce battle has been killed until the sky is dark and the sky is dark.If you want to know how to win or lose, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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