Chapter 96
It is said that at this time in North Korea, there were two parties in the country, one was called the Conservative Party, and most of them were ministers in power; the other was called the Kaihua Party, and most of them were young people with lofty ideals.The Conservative Party advocates relying on China; the Enlightened Party advocates relying on Japan.People from the two parties will never be harmonious.Famous figures in the Kaihwa Party, including Kim Ok-gyun, Hong Young-sik, Park Young-hyo, Park Young-gyo, Seo Gwang-bum, and Seo Dai-pil, all studied in Japan and had a good relationship with the Japanese.Japan resorted to diplomatic agility, advocating for him to separate from China, promising to help him become independent, sincere and sincere, and deliberately pretending to be righteous.

The group of young people with lofty ideals, who have a lot of experience, are naturally grateful to them.

This year was the tenth year of Guangxu, and China was in a mess because of the French and Vietnamese affairs.

The leader of the Kaihua Party, Jin Yujun, gathered his comrades and discussed to take advantage of this moment to eliminate all the old conservative parties in the opposition.Pu Yongxiao said: "The old-fashioned party is fighting against the waist of the Qing Dynasty. Now that the Qing army is stationed in Wangjing, we are afraid that we will be harmed by the Qing army. It is better to design and get rid of the three generals of the Qing camp first, so as not to get in the way."

Jin Yujun said: "The three generals of the Qing camp, Wu Zhaoyou and Zhang Guangqian, are nothing to worry about, but Yuan Shikai is very powerful. I'm afraid it will not be easy to deal with."

Pu Yongxiao said: "That's all for now. I think we'll set up a grand feast in the post office, invite the three Qing generals to drink, hide swords and axes in the two walls, throw cups as a sign, and take the three generals during the banquet." The first level is easy, but fortunately, the door opposite the post office is the Japanese embassy, ​​and even if there is something, the Japanese envoy will always help us."

Everyone said it was wonderful.So I posted a post to invite guests, and scheduled a night banquet on October [-]th.When Qing Ying received the invitation, Wu Titai and Zhang Zhentai said to each other: "The Kaihua Party has no friendship with us, and suddenly invited us to drink, there is fear of treachery here."

Wu Titai said: "Mr. Yuan of Xiangcheng is very knowledgeable. Let's visit him and see what he thinks."

It turned out that this Yuan Gong, named Shikai, styled Weiting, was born in Xiangcheng County, Henan Province.His father's name was Baoqing, and his biological father's name was Baozhong. His ancestor's name was Jiasan.

During the rebellion of the Nian Army, in Anhui and Henan, a family of hairpin tassels with extraordinary military exploits was established, with a reputation for poetry and etiquette.

When Yuan Gong was young, he liked to be a chivalrous man, he was a man of injustice, he was generous and generous, and he took pleasure in doing good.Duan Xueshi Jingchuan, who is in his eighties, has learned from others. When he saw Yuan Gong, he said: "Whose family is this? It looks exactly like Li Zihe when he was young, and he is extraordinary."

After he failed the provincial examination, Yuan Gongfen said: "A man should serve in the battlefield, keep the inside and fight the outside, how can he stay dirty for a long time, and waste his time!"

So he burned the poems and proses he wrote on weekdays, and was hired by Wu Changqing, the commander of the Qing army, to go to Muxiang to do business.Changqing was ordered to help the east, and his subordinates were quite harassed. Yuan Gong said with emotion: "Master Wang suppressed the chaos, the discipline is so good, he laughed at the vassal feudal feudalism, and insulted the state system. I should go and fight for it.

"Entering Changqing, Changqing was enlightened, and ordered Yuan Gong to restrain the soldiers, and the camp was awe-inspiring. After the Han chaos was settled, the king of Han asked Chang Qing to train his troops, and Chang Qing recommended Yuan Gong to go. Changqing divides troops to defend Jinzhou. Changqing intends to call on Yuan Gong to lead the third battalion and stay in Hanjing. Yuan Gong firmly refuses to resign, and transfers to the admiral Wu Zhaoyou, still willing to specialize in battalion defense. Changqing has no choice but to send him The Prime Minister Changqing and other battalion affairs offices will handle the defense of North Korea, and entrust him with the main army of the Qingzi battalion as a sitting battalion. Yuan Gong then handed over the trained Han army to the generals sent by the king of Han. I concentrate on rectifying the Qing camp. The soldiers of the Qing camp are all brothers in distress from Wu Chang. , neat and uniform, topping all battalions. Do you think his ability is great?
At present, Wu and Zhang visited Yuan Gong: "The Kaihua Party invites you to drink, should you go or not?
"Yuan Gongdao: "This feast of wine must be tricky.It's just that I can't quit at all, it's enough to show weakness, and I always have to go. "

Zhao You was startled and said, "You see through his trick, do you still dare to go?"

Yuan Gong said with a smile: "Several civilized parties, depending on how he traps, it is not a tiger's den and a dragon's pool.

Even if it is Tiger's Cave and Longtan, Yuan is not afraid of him. "

The two stopped and said: "Traveling in a dangerous place is not for fun, so don't go for it."

Yuan Gong just smiled and asked the left and right, "What time is it?"

Left and right: "The setting sun hangs obliquely on the treetops, it will be evening next time."

Yuan Gong ordered his horses to be prepared, armed with armor, and only took more than [-] riders, and went straight to the post office.

When Wu and Zhang saw him like this, they both sweated for him.

But Yuan Gong and more than [-] people, with whip silk hats and shadows, walked like flying, and they arrived in an instant.

Posting broke in, only half of the hosts arrived.Park Yongxiao came down to meet him, looked up and saw Mr. Yuan dressed in suits, with a blue crown and flower feathers, a long robe and a short coat, a white and fat face, dark eyes, radiant spirit, mighty and awe-inspiring, he shivered unconsciously, and received him trembling , reluctantly chatted a few words.I saw Yuan Gong said: "Since I accept the favor, please give me a drink. I have something to do."

Pu Yongxiao obeyed his order and served the table dishes. Yuan Gongli drank three cups, held Yongxiao's hand and said, "Forgive me for my presumptuousness, there are important people in the camp tonight, so we can't wait until the master is finished gathering."

Sui said, Sui stood up to attend, but Yongxiao's hand was not letting go.The ambush was about to start, but seeing Yongxiao being arrested, he dared not.Yuan Gong dragged Yongxiao straight out of the game, stepped on his horse, and walked an arrow with his words, then let him go, swung his whip well, and came back as if nothing had happened.The civilized party members looked at each other and turned pale.When Yuan Gong returned to the camp, Wu and Zhang asked about the situation, and they were all impressed.

Only two days later, Hong Yingzhi and others sent invitations again, inviting the princess' nephew Min Yongyi and other dignitaries, the ambassadors of Britain, Germany, the United States and Japan, Chen Shutang, a member of the Chinese Commerce Commission, and Mu Lin, the tax secretary, and other distinguished guests , to the post office for a banquet.All the guests arrived, but the Japanese minister Zhu Tianjin Ichiro couldn't come because of his illness.When Yuan Gong heard the news in the camp, he thought to himself: If the Japanese envoy is not available, there must be something different among them.When the three drums were close, it was reported that the post office was on fire.Yuan Gong went out of his tent to watch, and saw the fire in the southwest corner soaring into the sky, so red that it resembled the evening glow and sunset.Just about to send people to inquire, the spies rushed to report: "Xu Zaibi of the Kaihua Party led 12 military students studying in Japan and stabbed the general of the Imperial Guard with knives. Min Yongyi was injured and fell to the ground, and the host and guests dispersed. Yong Yi went to Mr. Mu's mansion, and Mr. Mu invited an American doctor to treat him."

Yuan Gong asked: "Our people, are you injured?"

The spy said: "Probably not."

Without saying a word, a man ran in outside, panting and sweating.Yuan Gong was startled, it was none other than Chen Shutang, the business committee member.When Shutang saw Yuan Gong, he wanted to speak, but he was tongue-tied and couldn't utter a word. After struggling for a while, he finally managed to say: "Big change, big change, I killed someone."

Yuan Gongdao: "Did you only hurt the one surnamed Min?"

Shutang said: "Only one was injured."

Yuan Gongdao: "What's the matter?"

Shutang said: "We were drinking, and suddenly we heard that there was a fire after the game, so we went out of the courtyard to have a look. Xu Zaibi led more than a dozen desperadoes, rushed into the house, armed with Xueliang Japanese swords, surrounded Min Yongyi and killed him. Everyone was in chaos, so I just walked out of the hole."

After listening to Yuan Gong, without saying a word, he issued a big order, ordering two hundred soldiers to go out together.Suixiang Shutang said: "Wait for me to go for a walk in person."

Raising the steps to open the tent, the horses are already brought, the saddles are put on, the whip is raised, and the two hundred soldiers are supervised, and the wind and electricity are rolled away.It didn't take long to arrive, but I saw the yellow dragon flag of the Qing Dynasty and the Taiji flag of North Korea flying in the moonlight at the head of the gate.The forward whistled, broke into the game gate, and quietly saw no one.Returning to Yuan Gong, Yuan Gong said: "Since there is no one there, let's go to Mu's house and see Min Yongyi."

After hearing the order, the sergeants turned their heads together and saw the Japanese embassy with its doors closed, everyone was very surprised.

When we arrived at Mu's house, we sent a whistle and reported that there was a person standing at the first gate of the house, and we were not allowed to enter.Yuan Gong urged his horse forward, and he saw a young man standing tall with a gun in his hand, with an awe-inspiring look.Yuan Gong retreated a little and asked his name, only to find out that it was Tang Shaoyi, an assistant tax officer sent by Beiyang.Yuan Gong explained the purpose of coming, and Tang Shaoyi let Yuan Gong in.Seeing Min Yongyi lying on the couch with a heavy posture, all his bones were gone, his face was pale, and he didn't say anything else, just said, "Kill me by the Kaihua Party! Kill me by the Kaihua Party!"

That's all.Yuan Gong said a few words of condolences, and then left Mu's house, and reined in his troops to patrol the palace wall.On the way, I met several groups of Korean soldiers, and they hurried forward, as if they were rushing somewhere.When people inquired, they all replied that they were summoned to be banned in the Wei Palace.Yuan Gong is convinced.When I arrived at the gate of the palace, it was closed tightly. Seeing that there was no change in the palace, I stayed until dawn, so I took the team back to the camp.

After returning to the base camp, the seats were not warm, and the police arrived again, only to find out that after Yongyi was injured, Hong Yingzhi and others drove into the palace, crying to the king of Han: "Min Yongyi was killed in the mutiny of the Qing camp."

King Han and Concubine Han only took it as the truth, and were too frightened, Hong Yingzhi said: "Please hide in another palace, the king, we have our own way to protect you."

A group of Kaihua party could not help but flock Han Wang and Han Concubine to Jingyou Palace.Han Wangdao: "You say there is a way, but what kind of way is it?"

Jin Yujun took out foreign paper and pencil from his arms, and said to Wang: "As long as Wang writes a few words, he will be as safe as Mount Tai."

King Han said, "What characters should I write?
"Jin Yujun said: "There is no need for many words. The four words 'Daily Envoy Entering the Guard' are enough. "

King Han hesitated to respond.Yu Jun took a step forward, held on to King Han's royal hand, and couldn't help but whiz and swish for a while, and finally drew the four characters of "Japanese envoy enters the guard", and ordered his confidant to send it to the Japanese embassy.

The Japanese envoy Zhu Tianjin Ichiro, who had already prepared, followed the handwriting, and immediately led three hundred guards, and arrived in the wind, and detained the whole group of Han Wang Han Fei Han Shizi.On the one hand, he summoned Min Taihao, Zhao Ningxia, Min Yongmu, Yin Taijun, Han Guiji, Li Zuyuan and others to kill them all.He also killed the eunuch Liu Zaixian.At dawn, the Kaihwa Party appointed its own officials, with Hong Yingzhi as the right minister, Park Yonghyo as the Ministry of War, Xu Guangfan as the diplomat, and Park Yongjiao as the capital.

All political power is in the hands of the Kaihua Party.

When Yuan Gong heard the news, he discussed with Wu and Zhang about the rescue strategy.The two generals said together: "Without the Beiyang military order, I dare not move lightly."

Yuan Gongdao: "Cross the sea to ask for orders, how can there be time! It's better to write to the king of Han, swearing to protect him, and then leading the troops into the palace, it will be faster.

"The two agreed. At that moment, an official letter was issued and sent to the Han Palace. At this time, the party members have exclusive power, and how can they agree to enter the palace for protection? Yuan Gongdao: "It's up to now, I have to follow the power. "

Wu and Zhang will definitely not follow.One person can't rebel against two, so there is nothing to do, so I have to do the paperwork and send Tai'an military ships to Beiyang to ask for instructions.Unexpectedly, on the next day, Han Chen Jin Yunzhi and Nan Tingzhe came to the camp to cry and knelt down to ask for help from the king; more than [-] Korean people gathered unexpectedly, and they were threatening to cause chaos.Yuan Gong said to the two generals Wu and Zhang: "If you want to stand by and watch, don't say you are sorry for the country, you are sorry for the Korean people, and you are too sorry for yourself.


Before the two of them could reply, a corner of the official document was sent outside, it was Han Yi's government chief Yizheng Shen Wuze begging to lead troops to rescue the king, and there was a letter from the Yi government on it.After Yuan Gong watched it, he handed it to Wu and Zhang. Wu Zhaoyou said, "Let's make a Zhaohui to Zhutian, ask him why he led the troops into the palace, and see how he responds."

Zhang Guangqian said: "Very good."

When Yuan Gong saw that they advocated it, it was inconvenient to stop him, so he wrote a note to go, but there was no news of it.Wu and Zhang Erjiang looked at each other in blank dismay, without saying a word.Suddenly, the party members conspired to rob the king and go to other islands, and set up another young king, who will recite the Qing Dynasty next day.Yuan Gong stood up and said to the two: "I command troops to defend against Han. If I lose my king and my country, I will blame the generals for returning? Besides, since Han is attached to Japan, the rebellious party in Han will definitely cut off my way back and join forces to attack. Why return to the country? Life and death, there is no time to wait, I can't bear it any longer."

Wu and Zhang said in unison: "As a last resort, please call Beiyang again and wait for instructions."

Yuan Gongdao: "It is my sole responsibility to prevent South Korea from negotiating. If you are blamed for provoking a quarrel, I will take responsibility alone, and you will never be affected."

Wu and Zhang couldn't help it, so they reluctantly agreed, "That's okay".So Chen Shutang, the business commissioner, was asked to write to the ambassadors of various countries, and at the same time to issue orders to dispatch troops.Yuan Gongdao: "The three of us, don't stay together, we should divide into three groups to help, Wu Junmen, Zhang Zongrong, you two have come from hundreds of battles, who will be the backbone, and who will copy the left and right?"

Wu Zhaoyou said: "Zhang Zhentai is strong and strong, this matter must be done by Zhang Zhentai, I am willing to outflank the left road."

Zhang Guangqian said: "How about punishing me, it's better than the military master. In terms of official position, the military master is also ahead of me."

The two gave way to each other and remained undecided for a long time.Yuan Gongdao: "Since you two are so humble, although I am a civil servant, I can't say that I can't do my part. I will lead the headquarters and forcefully attack the backbone. On the left, I will ask Wu Titai to copy and kill, and on the right, I will ask Zhang Zhentai to copy and kill."

The two were overjoyed.

At this time, most of Duke Yuan's subordinates were stationed at Mashanpu, and there were only four sentries in front of them. When they heard the order to set off, they all cheered enthusiastically.Yuan Gong ordered that, including the king of Han, the army should not open the cannon.On the one hand, he made a secret appointment with South Korean battalion officer Jin Zhonglu and others as internal responses.When the deployment was decided, Yuan Gong swore an oath to the public and burst into tears.After swearing, he got on his horse and left the camp without engraving.Firstly, Chen Changqing, the attache, holds the name card and rides first on horseback, followed by the troops. If the Japanese soldiers ask about it on the way, tell him to ask Zhutian to discuss the way.All the troops on horseback set off in a whole team, solemnly and quietly, and in an instant, they entered the Guohua Gate of Han Palace.It took only a few steps to hear the sound of gunfire inside.Yuan Gong ordered the soldiers to rush forward and fight back.The soldiers rushed forward with clamor and rushed to Jingyou Palace, but the gate of the palace was closed tightly.Yuan Gong gave the order to attack, and thousands of people had already pushed the door away in an instant.Unexpectedly, the Korean party members retreated to the top of the tower, and Park Yongxiao led the Korean army trained by the Japanese to hide on the palace wall. Seeing Yuan Jun swarming in, he gave a signal and fired fiercely.Yuan Gong's troops advanced rapidly, and the officers and soldiers died, causing many casualties.

Cui Jize, the sentry officer, saw Yuan Gong standing in a dangerous place, so he rushed forward, holding onto his sleeve, and tried his best to avoid it.Yuan Gong shouted angrily: "I am the commander, if I don't enter, who will enter? Besides, those who retreat will be cut immediately."

So he supervised dozens of soldiers and fought hard.After all, the low attack is cheap, and the upward attack loses momentum. In an instant, more than half of the casualties.

In a crisis, I suddenly heard the rear team shouting.Yuan Gong turned his head and saw dozens of Japanese soldiers armed with fast guns, suddenly attacking from behind.Yuan Gong urgently ordered the rear team to be the front team, and the front team was changed to the rear team, and fought hard.He also ordered Tang Zongyuan to be sent to the post, and the troops were divided to attack from the back of the courtyard.The party members could not resist the bombardment from two directions and fled one after another.Yuan Gong swung his troops forward, and suddenly saw three to five hundred Han soldiers coming like the wind. When they saw Yuan Gong, they all knelt down.So they joined forces to fight, the sound shook the roof tiles, and they rushed to the foot of the hillside in the backyard. Suddenly they saw two soldiers, supporting one person, walking hurriedly. It was none other than Wu Zhaoyou, the admiral of the defense army.When Zhao Yi saw Yuan Gong, he fell down and cried.Yuan Gong asked in surprise, "Why are you in such a mess?"

Zhaoyou cried: "The soldiers entered the palace and were attacked, and fled completely. What do you want me to do now?"

Yuan Gong said with a smile: "You look like this, can the enemy spare you? Please go back to the camp to collect the remnants, don't disturb our army's morale here."

After finishing speaking, we still march forward.Suddenly there was a strange sound like the sky collapsing, the sun was covered by smoke and dust, and the flames shot into the sky.It turned out that there were two kinds of artillery, land mines and green guns. They fired at the same time, and two small soldiers blasted into the air, flying several times away.Yuan Gong was only a few dozen steps away from the place where the landmine was blasted. He was also knocked down and fell to the ground with slight injuries.The sudden army reported that all the Japanese soldiers had rushed back to the embassy.Yuan Gong saw that the sun was already dark, so he sent an order to close the team.

At this time, the Han army trained by Yuan Gong and the Japanese trained almost shot and bombarded there.

Yuan Gong returned to the base camp, while receiving the dead soldiers, he asked people to invite the American doctor A Lian to the camp to heal the wounded.Yuan Gong asked his subordinates: "We are going to fight today, how come none of Zhang Zhentai's soldiers have met?"

Yishao Bian laughed back: "Zhang Zhentai and his noble troops are all under the high wall inside the Jinhu Gate in the west of the palace, hiding from bullets, for fear that the enemy will find them. They dare not shoot a single shot or take a step. Let us How did you meet?"

Yuan Gong sighed: "The Huai army's curtain is so angry, it is really unexpected."

Suddenly Chen Shutang came to worship.Yuan Gong continued, Shutang asked: "Where is King Han? Have you ever found it?
"Yuan Gongdao: "A reward has been offered for investigation, but there is no definite news yet. "

Without saying a word, Han official Li Yingjun walked in and cried to Yuan Gong: "The king has been killed, please beg my princess to be the master."

Yuan Gong was startled and asked, "Where did you say that?"

Li Yingjun said: "People who escaped from the palace say so."

Yuan Gongdao: "Where is the son?"

Li Yingjun said: "I didn't ask carefully either."

Yuan Gong asked again: "Does the King of Han have any concubine sons?"

Li Yingjun said: "There is a concubine who is not tolerated by the concubine and empress. He is raised in hiding among the people. He is already nine years old."

Yuan Gongdao: "You always know where the bastard is."

Li Yingjun said: "Then we have to investigate and investigate. I dare not say it yet."

Yuan Gongdao: "Since this is the case, go and visit quickly. A country cannot be without a king for a day. After visiting, first make him a supervisor of the country to maintain people's hearts."

Li Yingjun promised to go.

Suddenly it was reported that Wu Titai and Zhang Zhentai had arrived.Yuan Gong welcomed him in, and Zhang Guangqian said, "Do you know where King Han is?"

Yuan Gong said: "I don't know."

Zhang Guangqian said: "Han Min came to our camp to report that he saw Wang in the Guandi Temple at the north gate, and was surrounded by nine students called by Hong Yingzhi to study in Japan."

Yuan Gong said: "We should welcome him to the camp."

Mao Yannian, a committee member of the Legislature, went to persuade the driver first, and then said to Wu and Zhang Erjiang: "But I have to trouble you two hard again. After all, Mao Yannian is a clerk, so it is not very helpful."

The two looked at each other in blank dismay, without saying a word for a long while.Yuan Gong said with a smile: "Welcoming the king is nothing more than other things. You don't need to start a war. You two can rest assured."

The two dared to agree, each stepped on their horses, led five hundred soldiers, lined up their ranks, held up their bugles, flaunted their power, and rushed straight to Guandi Temple.When they got there, the two got off their horses. Mao Yannian greeted him and said, "The king didn't have much to say, but Hong Yingzhi kept stopping him."

Wu Zhaoyou put on the airs of a general and glared in.When King Han saw the general of the Qing Dynasty, his courage suddenly became stronger. He took Mao Yannian's sleeve and walked into the palace.Mao Yannian helped the king to enter the court, and then said to Wu Zhaoyou: "Master Junmen accompanied the King of Korea, please go back to the camp first, I will come as soon as I make some arrangements."

Zhao You promised to protect Han Wang's Jianyu and return with vigor.

Back in the camp, Yuan Gong was already there first.The king of Han went down and held Yuan Gong's hand, so that the interpreter sent a message: "I don't want to see you again, although you are also very dangerous."

Paused for a while, then wept again about Hong Yingzhi and Park Yongxiao's coercion, stated with tears, moved left and right.Only then did Hong and Pu force the king to change clothes and go to Japan, but the king, concubine, and son cried and begged and refused to listen.Hong Yingzhi took off the king's robe and put on white clothes.Just now it was changed, there was a loud gunshot outside the palace, and the party members split up to resist.The gunshots got closer and closer, and the king, princess, and prince took advantage of the commotion to escape.

Hong, Pu and others chased after him one after another, but they were still threatening.Fortunately, Wu Jun went to meet him, and he was spared.Just as he was talking sadly, Mao Yannian happened to be returning to the camp, Wu Zhaoyou asked him, "Why did you come so late?
Yannian said: "Hong Yingzhi and a group of students studying in Japan were all killed by Korean guards, and Xu Zaichang's third person was also offered for rectification." "

King Han stayed in the camp for two days, and Yuan Gong sent his troops to clear the palace and send King Han back to the palace.The King of Han was so overwhelmed with tears, he held on to Duke Yuan's hand and said, "My father Shengde, the rulers and ministers of the three Hans, my own body, and my descendants, I will never dare to forget it.

"Yuan Gongdao: "how dare someone take credit for it?Your king does not forget the rain and dew, and it is enough to stick to the words 'loyalty and integrity'. "

Han Wangdao: "I dare not have a second ambition."

Yuan Gongdao: "Although your country enshrines China's Zhengshuo, domestic records mostly use the words "Chongbei Jiashen after the year", which is not the reason for respecting the king."

Han Wangdao: "From now on, you should worship the Emperor Guangxu of the Celestial Dynasty."

He also asked Mr. Yuan to live downstairs in the side hall, just across the wall from Wangju, to meet day and night, shake hands and talk heart-to-heart.The ministers of various ministries in South Korea must come to the funeral every day, surround the left and right, and wait for the command.At this time, Yuan Gong was in Korea, he was almost the director of Japan Yilan before the merger of Japan and South Korea, and his authority was supreme.

One day an alarm came, saying that Japanese soldiers had arrived in Incheon.Yuan Gongdao: "Before leaving, the Japanese minister Zhu Tianjin Ichiro set fire to the embassy. He knew that he always had a branch. What's more, Jin Yujun and other rebellious parties all fled there."

Suddenly a letter was presented on the door, but it was written by the Japanese envoy Zhutian. He opened it and read it. It was roughly said that he led his troops into the palace and was invited by the king of Han. As a last resort, small guns should be issued in order to protect them.Yuan Gong said with a smile: "Japanese people are guilty, and they have stopped calling themselves."

Picking up pen and ink, I wrote back a letter, briefly saying: "South Korea's rebellious ministers robbed the emperor and killed innocent people. The army and the people gathered together, and the angry generals sought revenge. They feared to invade the palace and spread to your ministry. The army has the responsibility to protect, so it is convenient to ignore it. I write to the noble envoy every hour, and do not report it day and night. The matter is urgent, and the whole team is waiting for Ya's order. I don't want to enter the palace gate, and the guns are fired at the same time. I still think that the chaotic party is resisting. When you send a letter, you will know who sent the guns, and your envoy will do it for you" and so on.

After the reply letter went, Zhutian had nothing to say.There are no doubts and no way out in the poor mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers.

The diplomacy of the Japanese government is really powerful.While sending troops one after another, while declaring to the Chinese government that Yuan Gong started the provocation, it is not the right thing to do.The government didn't know the right and wrong, so it asked Jian to send Wu Dacheng as the minister of affairs in North Korea, and Xuchang as the deputy minister, to come to Korea to investigate and deal with it.Japan also sent Kaoru Inoue as the plenipotentiary ambassador, and issued five major clauses, demanding that North Korea: first, write a letter of apology; North Korea paid 12 yuan in silver for the construction of the new Japanese embassy; fifth, Japan added garrison troops to the capital, and North Korea built military rooms.North Korea is not as strong as Japan, and China is afraid of trouble, so it has no choice but to obey Taiwan's orders.If you want to know what happened next, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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