Yumen Young Master

Chapter 169 Nebula 2 Heroes

Chapter 169
In a dark green bamboo grove in Xingyun Ghost Domain, two young people, a man and a woman, are playing chess. The chess game has already been played by partners, and it is about to get intense. After the man has dropped a piece, he has been waiting for the reaction of the woman on the opposite side. This move, She has been thinking about it for a long time.

The woman was motionless like a sculpture, as if she was thinking about how to move next. Suddenly, she raised her hand to cover her chest, and a trace of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, which startled the man opposite.

The woman's expression was indifferent, she only gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with a white handkerchief, and a smile appeared on her face, but her opponent was not the man who was playing chess with her in front of her, but the man who broke her barrier. She is a woman who controls the puppet quicksand man with high-strength mental power in the space.

The woman's breath was cold, and she exuded an iceberg-like aura. She had short black hair and a very dazzling red bow tied on her head, which did not match her temperament.

Under the scorching sun of the desert, a red suit of armor danced with excited flames. It was even more incredible that she was practicing self-cultivation even when she was sitting there quietly.

"Mei Yun, are you alright?" The man opposite raised his eyes slightly, his tone was full of concern, and there was some doting and helplessness in his eyes.

This girl's mental strength has run away again?No wonder this move has not been settled after thinking for so long. How much mental energy did she spend?It even came back to him.

The man has long golden hair, is dressed in plain white clothes, and his golden eyes are like the scorching golden sun in the sky. The light in his eyes is like the morning sun, and he exudes a faint warm breath. This is a man with a gentle breath.

The woman opposite him has long silver hair, her face is snow-white, her red lips are as rosy as cinnabar, and her body is dressed in extremely black clothes. .She smiled slightly, and there was a mysterious aura exuding from her body.

These two are the most powerful of the famous seven heroes of the seven great families, the male is the eldest Yang Jue, and the female is the second eldest Yin Yun.

"Sister Yun?" Seeing that there was no response on the woman's face, the man couldn't help calling out again, and then Yin Yun came back to his senses and smiled at the man: "Brother, tell me, when you first worshiped the heavens, no one knew that Young Master Yumen Is the Lord a woman?"

The man on the opposite side paused slightly, put down the chess piece in his hand, and said with a slight smile, "Probably no one knows." Besides him, who else paid attention to the little girl who was tied to the altar?

Yang Jue will never forget that ten years ago, a pair of painful and eager eyes swept across countless people one by one, as if looking for the last hope of life.He was standing among those crowds at that time, and the moment she looked at him, her heart suddenly felt like a needle prick.

"Brother, weren't you ordered to guard the altar at that time? Didn't you notice it?" A big smile suddenly appeared on Yin Yun's face. Her silver hair was covered with snow, her skin was snow-white, her red lips were as red as blood, and her eyes were dark. Black, with several contrasting colors on her body, made her exude a mysterious and unpredictable atmosphere.

Yin Yun is the daughter of the head of the Yin family who ranks second among the seven major families. She has inherited many tricks from the Yin family since she was a child, especially her thoughts, which most of the time others cannot guess.

Yang Jue was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that the woman across from him seemed to have seen through something, so he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled slightly: "No."

Ten years ago, he was only 14 years old, and he was recognized as a double-education genius of Xingyun Ghost Domain, and he became famous all over the world.

According to the elders of the family, he has great talents in both medical skills and spiritual cultivation. At that time, in the seven families with extremely strict requirements, it was a high-spirited thing to be recognized by the elders of the family .

But when he saw a seven-year-old girl tied up on the altar by the Patriarchs, the light in her eyes was so helpless and desperate.

After all, he did not expose her identity as a girl. If the Patriarchs found out that she was a girl, she would be hacked to death on the spot, and they would have to search for the person who sacrificed to the sky again.

The silver-haired woman gently picked up a cup of green tea next to her, took a sip, looked at the man opposite her with bright eyes, and said with a smile: "It is rumored in the clan that the blood-red light of the seven stars in the Nebula Ghost Domain is because of the ten-year The person who sacrificed to heaven was a girl, don't you believe that?"

A smile flashed across the man's golden and sunny eyes, and he said lightly: "Brother himself doesn't believe in this, only the patriarchs do. If offering sacrifices to heaven is useful, what do we do to strengthen our strength? Practice every day What are you doing to improve your cultivation? Go sacrifice to heaven."

The man's words had a hint of sarcasm in his smile, which was quite different from his aura. It seemed that he was quite critical of the seven families' sacrifice to heaven for thousands of years, and he seemed to be holding back something.

The silver-haired woman hurriedly made a hissing gesture to him, looked around vigilantly, but found no one, and then said helplessly: "Brother's words are a bit capricious, it's fine to talk in private, don't Don't let the Patriarchs listen to it, or Eldest Brother will be punished."

"It's good to be punished." The man said quietly, his eyes were dark, and there was a trace of melancholy between his brows, as if he was struggling with something in his heart.

The woman's eyes suddenly darkened, and there was a kind of depth in her eyes that outsiders couldn't see through, and then she said with a serious expression: "Brother is punished, so you don't have to accept this mission?"

"..." Yang Jue was a little surprised that the woman opposite seemed to always be able to see through his thoughts like this. She was like a little witch, always saying what he was thinking in his heart.

Yes, he doesn't want to accept this mission. It can be said that this is the mission he doesn't want to take on in ten years. He doesn't want to face the helpless eyes of ten years ago again, he doesn't want to stand on the opposite side of that girl, and he doesn't want to face the girl again. She swung her sword at each other.

Recalling the past, he still feels pain in his heart, and he will touch the string deep in his heart.

On that night ten years ago, the Nebula Ghostland was very quiet, there was not even a breath of wind in the air, and there was a dead silence around the altar. At this time, all the people in the clan had already fallen asleep.

Under the bright sacrificing fire, those dark and bright eyes stared straight at him, so helpless, so desperate.

The little girl who was tied to the altar for offering sacrifices to the gods did not say a word, just looked at him quietly, her eyes seemed to be able to speak.

The cursed blood gu worm surged in her body, and the blood dripped from the wound, hitting the cold altar, like a needle piercing his heart.

According to this bleeding rate, she could not last for three days. After three days, she would bleed out and die. Her body would be hung here for seven days and seven nights until the sacrifice to heaven was successfully completed.

At that moment, he suddenly felt that the altar he guarded was such a crime, and this enviable task made him feel so ashamed!

As the seven major families of the Nebula Ghost Domain, they guard the people of one side. They have high prestige and are admired by countless people. How can they torture a boy who is only seven years old with such cruel methods?

(End of this chapter)

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