Yumen Young Master

Chapter 497 The Battle of Luopan Mountain

Chapter 497 The Battle of Luopan Mountain

Looking at the long bridge like a rainbow, crossing east and west, the people of Yumen seemed to be walking on a moat, and felt infinite wonder and awe in their hearts. A icy bridge emerged from nothing, carrying them to the center of the seven mountains ahead.They also saw for the first time that a person's cultivation could be so powerful, and their hearts were full of admiration and admiration for their young master's husband, this honorable son.

The seven masters stared blankly at the silver-white long bridge that came out of nowhere, feeling as if they were possessed by the god of death, and were so shocked that their souls were about to come out of their bodies.They never expected that so many traps and so many high-star warriors were ambushed around the Seven Mountains, and the people of Yumen descended like gods.

The silver-white ice bridge spans the ordinary people of the seven major families, the outer mountains, their conspiracies and tricks, and the layers of high-star warriors they ambushed on the mountain, and goes straight to the Luopan mountain in the center of the seven mountains. come.

At the center of the Seven Mountains is a mountain like a terraced field, and it is also a mountain compass made with precision, called Luopan Mountain.The entire Luopan Mountain starts from the halfway up the mountain in the center of the Seven Mountains, like a flat boulder embedded in it, layer upon layer until it goes up.

Below the mountain is the No.18 floor of the compass, and the next floor is the No.17 floor of the compass, and the sixteenth floor... Every time you go up, the area of ​​practice decreases until you reach the central Tianchi in the center of the compass. The entire compass From the mountainside to the top of the mountain, from bottom to top, the area decreases layer by layer, upward, inward, and extends to the top of the Seven Mountains.

It is said that the mysterious master of the seven great families possesses incomparably powerful power. He can push the entire compass mountain by himself, causing the upper half of the entire seven mountains to rotate with the center of the compass as the support point. It seems that the seven masters work together , and can barely turn the compass.

However, since the warriors of the Seven Great Families joined the Seven Great Families, many people have never seen the Luopan Mountain turn. It seems that the seven masters of this term have been unable to make the entire Luopan Mountain turn.

Luopan Mountain is the center of the Seven Mountains, and it is also the last line of defense of the Seven Great Families. Enter Luopan Mountain, start from the No. The central Tianchi reached the open land at the top of the mountain.

The altar for offering sacrifices to the heavens and the square for worshiping the heavens of the seven major families are built on it, which can accommodate thousands of people. On the opposite side of the altar for offering sacrifices to the heavens, there is the Qiongyu Temple where the masters retreat and practice. The masters have ordered that no one should come near it. .

Everyone in Yumen stood on the tall silver-white ice bridge, and they could see the entire magical Luopan Mountain, layer by layer, on top of the entire Seven Mountains, like artificially built terraced fields.

This is Luopan Mountain, which was built on the central mountain of the Seven Mountains by the ancestors of the seven major families hundreds of years ago. After hundreds of years of wind, frost, rain and snow, it still stands here.It is said that the power of this Luopan mountain is extremely huge. Once it turns, it can make people on the Luopan mountain unable to advance or retreat and be trapped in it.

Of course, people from the seven major families have never seen the rotation of Luopan Mountain, and they don't know how powerful it is!

The entire layer-by-layer compass occupies the entire hilltop of the Seven Mountains from the halfway up to the top of the mountain. Various temples are built on each layer of the compass, presumably for the people of the seven major families to live and work. Many halls and houses Scattered and well-proportionedly located on Luopan Mountain, it is another magical scene.

Yumen people are looking at Luopan Mountain from above, and feel that the layers of circular compass can be separated and peeled off layer by layer. If they stand on the top of Luopan Mountain and look down from the center of the sky , you should be able to see that the whole mountain just forms a complete compass. This scene is really amazing!

Such an exquisite Luopan Mountain, if it weren't for the unresolvable blood feud between Yumen and the seven major families, such an ancient and mysterious place, they really couldn't bear to destroy it.

As the silver-white ice bridge slowly stretched forward, and the people of Yumen approached slowly, the scene on Luopan Mountain became more and more clear. On each floor of Luopan Mountain, there were hundreds of seven-star warriors standing in a team. , with flags in hands.

The ostentatious seven-star flag moved in the air without wind, showing their extremely glorious identities.

Since the Seven Great Families became famous in the space world, the seven-star warriors of the Seven Great Families have been sought after by countless people for hundreds of years, especially the people from Xingyun Ghost Domain, who are even more honored to be the high-star warriors of the Seven Great Families .

Many young people started slowly as one-star and two-star warriors of the seven major families. After many selections and tests, they gradually became seven-star warriors with extraordinary strength.

With the demise of Yumen 13 years ago, the only force in Nebula Ghost Domain that could compete with or even surpass the seven major families fell.

The seven major families destroyed Yumen in a high-profile manner, brutally massacred Yumen people, and tried to uproot Yumen people and make Yumen completely disappear from this world.However, after all, they don't know Yumen people. Yumen people are all over the world, traveling to study and practice, doing chivalry and fighting for righteousness, not all of them are in Yumen.

Therefore, after only 13 short years, the living Yumen people regrouped, and under the leadership of Yuliu Huan, the young master of Yumen, they killed Qishan, the lair of the seven great families.

They would never have imagined that the young Lord of Yumen, who was thought to be dead for seven days and seven nights, would still be alive, and had lived at the bottom of the extremely dark sacrifice abyss in the Quicksand Continent for ten years, and now, he came back strongly!

However, in today's battle, both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking, it can be said that they are evenly matched. Yumen has the young master Yu Liuhuan, the gate master Yu Pofeng, and countless jade warriors. There are also countless high-star warriors in the family, the seven masters, and the mysterious master. The two sides confront each other, and the outcome is still unknown.

To the surprise of the people of Yumen, there were teams of seven-star warriors standing on Luopan Mountain. Judging from the situation, there were thousands of them. The core strength of the seven major families, of course, there are countless six-star warriors and five-star warriors below.

The seven major families were shocked to see the people of Yumen passing through a silver-white sky bridge extending from nowhere. All of them are in the woods below Luopan Mountain.

They thought that Yumen was at least going from the inside to the outside, from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, step by step to attack Luopan Mountain, but they didn't expect that they would go directly to Luopan Mountain through this mysterious bridge, as if in the dark, there was someone God will help Yumen.Right now they can only urgently mobilize warriors of various stars. Fortunately, there are more than 2000 seven-star warriors on the compass, all of whom are elite experts from the seven major families, and they are not afraid of Yumen people at all.

The people of Yumen stood on the silver-white ice bridge, and had a clear view of the situation up and down the entire Luopan Mountain. Seven-star warriors were listed on each floor of the compass. There are many masters hidden, and from the naked eye, they do not have an absolute advantage.

Moreover, when they came to the Seven Mountains, they came from a long distance, and they went deep alone. The seven big families waited for work with ease, and they have long been waiting. It's just that the Yumen people, with their courage and the spiritual support of the young master and the sect master, made up their minds. He made up his mind to do everything possible, but also to fight the seven big families, thinking that the dead relatives of Yumen would avenge their hatred.

"Brother Zun, where are we going?" Yudu asked suddenly.Jade Mirage seemed to know his worry, turned back and patted his hand, and said, "Don't worry, you can advance or retreat under the lowest level of the compass."

 There are four changes left, update tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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