reincarnation eye

Chapter 270 Chapter 266 Another Servant

Chapter 270 Chapter 260 Six


The orangutan laughed so hard that he slapped the ground frantically, causing the ground to vibrate.

"Have you taken it?"

Xiang Tianyu came to the rabbit and asked lightly.

"You...court die...wait for Lord Rabbit...ahhahahaha...don't stop...hahahaha..."

The rabbit was still stubborn, but Xiang Tianyu detected its ticklish weakness, and stretched out his hand to scratch its armpit continuously, and the rabbit completely collapsed.

"Hahahaha...stop...hahaha...I...I'm convinced..."

The rabbit finally begged for forgiveness, but Xiang Tianyu laughed and directly activated the master-servant contract. Compared with the psychic contracts of Shadow Demon, Mystery and Black Scaled Snake, the master-servant contract is a big step behind. Resting and recovering in the spirit space cannot absorb the master's spiritual power to grow, let alone break the contract unilaterally, but it can't violate any intention of the master at all. If the master dies, the servant will die immediately, and the servant If he died, the master would not even have any influence at all. Compared with the psychic contract, the position of the servant is completely raised by the stepmother.

But the rabbit can only sign such a humiliating master-servant contract with great grief and indignation. One reason is that it can't stand Xiang Tianyu's tickling. Of course, it knows very well in its heart that after Xiang Tianyu controls its body, it has completely failed Even if it believes that it can easily torture Xiang Tianyu to death with its full strength, the fact is a foregone conclusion. To underestimate the enemy is to underestimate the enemy, and it will bear the consequences by itself.

After the master-servant contract was signed, the rabbit drooped its ears and stood listlessly beside Xiang Tianyu's legs, answering Xiang Tianyu's questions sentence by sentence.

Xiang Tianyu understood the current situation as quickly as possible. He was actually taken by Pu Danyang to the evil prison of Senluo Town, the headquarters of the Guangming Holy See, which is still the ninth floor. It seems that this old dog hated him to the bone, and died Or let your own corpse be torn up and eaten, and turned into dung.

But Xiang Tianyu felt more clearly the extent of his hatred for Pu Danyang now, he was destined to not be able to pay it back, and it was almost the same for the entire Guangming Holy See to be buried with him!
And now the main question is, how to jailbreak!

"Bugs Bunny, have you considered breaking out of prison?"

Bugs Bunny is the name Xiang Tianyu gave to the rabbit. No matter how he thinks about this name, the only result is that he can only accept it, because Xiang Tianyu is his master.

"No play..."

Bugs Bunny drooped his head, glanced at the billowing golden ocean in the sky, and said weakly:
"I have been here for more than 7 years, and I have escaped no less than [-] times. I failed to return, and I couldn't even wade through the golden ocean above my head. It was in a liquefied state of extremely concentrated light power. The Holy Grail, a super artifact on the top of the Great Light, is endless, no matter how strong it is, it will be broken down after staying in it for a long time..."

As if to increase persuasiveness, the rabbit pointed at the orangutan and said:

"That orangutan is a behemoth that disappeared on the mainland 5 years ago. It is extinct. It came 1 years earlier than me. It still stays here. Of course, its IQ determines that even if it has Even if you don’t have the strength to escape, you can’t find the right way to escape.”

"Houyeah Day, the fairy banban of your rabbit grandson!!"

When the orangutan got angry, he cursed and bared his teeth and said:
"You know what a fart! The Monkey King thought of the method 1 years ago, but he didn't implement it until it was too hot... um..."

Halfway through the speech, the orangutan immediately became alert, covered his mouth, and stared at Xiang Tianyu with wide-eyed eyes.

At this time, Xiang Tianyu smiled slightly, taking advantage of the moment when the orangutan was instinctively stunned, he met his gaze, and the monthly reading was activated!

Success again!The orangutan's pupils also gradually turned blood-colored, and the three black jades began to spin.

"You... you... cheated the Monkey King..."

The orangutan's body trembled violently, but he followed in the footsteps of the rabbit, and could not break free from the control of the main consciousness no matter what.

"Hey ha ha ha ha ha ha... This stupid monkey finally got his way... Hey ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

The rabbit jumped up and down happily, and its big ears danced on top of its head like an electric fan, spinning like a whistling wind.

"Hugh... don't want Monkey Lord to can't pass through the barrier...see how long your illusion lasts..."

The orangutan is extremely stubborn. It is sure that Xiang Tianyu can't pass through the barrier, and it can't use its weakness to deal with him like finding a rabbit's weakness to tickle it. Moreover, it firmly believes that it can control its own illusion, and the consumption is absolutely astonishing. Even if a human kid has the spiritual power of the earth gods, he can't think of trapping himself for a long time.

"Then let's compare, who can't hold on first."

Smiling, Xiang Tianyu took out a black stone half the size of a fist, held it in his hand and played with it, and at the same time controlled the orangutan to hit the barrier in front of him violently with all his strength using the big face plate as the angle of impact!
As soon as the barrier was touched, it began to flicker violently. At the same time, the orangutan screamed in pain, dizzy, and blood began to ooze from its big nostrils. But when it saw the black stone in Xiang Tianyu's hand, it almost frightened immediately. peed.

The essence of the soul! ! !

Such a big piece!That's not worth his mother's tens of billions of spirit crystals! !
Wouldn't the Monkey King have to hit it here for ten days and half a month! !
Is Hou Ye's handsome face still called face?Didn't it crash into a flat panel? ! !

"Don't...don't bump into it...Monkey Master...I'll take it...I'll take it..."

Xiang Tianyu is not talking nonsense, the master-servant contract is activated, and nothing is as real as the contract. The rules of heaven and earth admit that even if the Nine-Turn Shinra wants to change it, he can't change it.

The gorilla touched his head that was still aching, but his eyes were fixed on the essence in Xiang Tianyu's hand, greedily said:

"Master, can you give that piece of spiritual marrow to your most loyal servant? The servant is willing to go through fire and water for the master."

"Master, don't give it to that gorilla. It's free to eat. Why don't you give it to me? My abilities will definitely improve greatly. In the future, I will definitely make great contributions to the master's unification of Shenluo Continent!"

The rabbit also screamed and jumped up.

Xiang Tianyu directly put away the essence of the marrow, and then asked the orangutan in an unquestionable tone:
"From now on, you will be called Sun Dasheng. Now tell me the method you came up with. Hurry up. We must leave here as quickly as possible."

The rabbit trembled with excitement when it heard that it was about to leave, and stared intently at the orangutan, urging it to speak quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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