Chapter 1
It was late at night, and there were no fewer pedestrians.

But a convenience store on the side of the road was so cold that it seemed to be cut off from the outside world, and no one noticed this small store.Under the embrace of the lights, the night is like day, but the small storefront has a chilly atmosphere.The viewers stop, taboo the legend of the shop.There was only one cashier in the shop, wearing overalls, with disheveled hair covering most of his face.

A man in his twenties outside the door hesitated for a while, thinking that there was no convenience store nearby, how could he be afraid of these non-existent legends as an imposing man.So he straightened his chest and pushed open the door, taking three steps and two steps in.

Hearing the sound of pushing the door, the cashier turned his head stiffly and smiled.For the first customer in these days, I am very happy.

The man's spine felt chills, but he still smiled politely.Then he walked quickly to the goods shelf, took a few daily necessities, and ran to the counter to check out.

The cashier stared straight at the man, his chapped lips opened and closed, as if to say something.

The man swallowed, and mustered up the courage to lean forward to listen to what she had to say.When she got closer, she heard her hoarse voice say: "Go quickly."

When the strange cashier uttered these two words, the man quickly thought of the legend of this small shop.According to legend, the owner of this small shop is unknown, and several cashiers have been changed.I only saw a change of people, but I didn't see those cashiers who resigned came out.Coincidentally, these cashiers all looked lifeless, standing with disheveled hair, motionless, like a statue.

This small shop seems to have a bloody mouth, you can only go in and out.

The fear welling up in his heart made the man subconsciously turn around and rush towards the door.At this moment, the glass door suddenly closed.He lay on the glass door and slapped it vigorously, calling for help to the passers-by outside the door.But it didn't attract the attention of pedestrians, and they didn't see this small shop in the eyes of pedestrians.

Turning around, he saw that the cashier's face was ferocious, it was so distorted that it didn't look like a human face.She let out a small cry for help in pain, hoping that this man could come to save her.

At this time, the man was already terrified, how could he care about the cashier.

The cashier's hands were placed on the table uncontrollably, and then sections from the fingertips were cut off, no different from the radishes on the chopping board.The cashier looked at his hands helplessly, screamed hoarsely, and shouted with difficulty: "Aguan, save me."

The man was taken aback, how could the cashier call out his name?But looking at this distorted face, covered with cracked bloodstains, it really didn't resemble anyone he knew at all.

I heard the cashier say again: "I'm Xiaoqing, don't you know me? How can you not recognize me?"

Xiaoqing?This name exploded in Ah Guan's mind, Xiaoqing, hasn't this woman been missing for a long time?How could it appear in such a weird little shop?

"I don't know you, please let me go." Xiaoqing's appearance was really horrible, Aguan looked away.

Xiaoqing suddenly laughed, becoming more frightened. "You can't escape, as long as you enter this store, you can't escape. I hate you, so you come here."

After speaking, the head fell from the neck and knocked off the sliced ​​pieces of meat on the table.

With a bang, her body split open, and the bright red blood splashed all over A Guan.

Before he could scream, the rolling door above his head suddenly fell down, and what was even more strange was that it cut Ah Guan's body in half.

On the second day, the rolling door rolled up automatically and the glass door opened.The house is clean and tidy without any stains.There was a recruitment sign hanging on the door, and there was no one in the room.

Pedestrians passing by didn't seem to feel anything strange, and passed by the door naturally.

The sky is clear, which is a good weather.

The girl stood in front of the store and glanced at the recruitment sign at the door.With a smile on his face, he stepped on his sneakers and walked in.

"Hello, is there anyone?"

In the empty shop, there is only the sweet voice of a girl.

No one responded, and the girl asked loudly again: "Hello, is there anyone?"

A cold voice suddenly came from a door in the small shop, and it was difficult to distinguish male and female. "You're hired, you can go to work now."

The girl was overjoyed, "Really, so fast, you let me come to work before you came out to see if I was okay?"

There was no sound coming from behind that door, it seemed that it was just an illusion of the girl.

Her smiling eyes, bent into crescents, shone like stars in the night.

Boring work, no one noticed this shop until midnight.

The girl said energetically, "Welcome."

Facts have proved that good-looking people have advantages.

When the visitor saw that she was a beautiful girl full of vigor, she became energetic immediately.With his mouth open and a smirk, a suspicious blush appeared on his face. "Hello, me, my home is nearby."

The girl was a little puzzled, why did she say that her home was nearby, but she still kept a smile on her face. "What do you need?"

"My greatest need is someone who can be with me for the rest of my life! I think I have found it."

Facing the sudden confession, the girl still smiled lightly. "Many people think so. It's good that you have such a good vision as a guest."

The guest obviously didn't expect the girl to say that, and he felt a little embarrassed at the moment.Scratching the back of his head, he said shyly, "I'm serious."

The girl replied: "If you are not serious, then you must be lying on the ground."

The guest on the opposite side didn't understand the girl's words, so he continued to ask: "Beauty, what's your name?"

There is a guy who is in the way, and I can't take care of him later.Keeping smiling, he said, "Lin Lin."

"Lin Lin, what a..."

Before the guest could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the heavy opening of the door.The two of them looked towards the door at the same time, and saw a black figure slowly coming out from inside.Covered from head to toe in black, not an inch of skin could be seen.Looking at the curves of this figure, it looks like a woman.With the opening of this door, the rancid smell that had been stored inside for many years was released, arrogantly occupying every corner of this small shop.

The room was dark, so I couldn't see what was inside.There was only a slight rustling sound, as if something had fallen out.

The guest couldn't hold back and vomited all over the floor.After throwing up, I felt ashamed again.Lin Lin also smelled it, but her face was as usual, and she didn't notice it.But when he raised his head, he saw a piece of bone falling out from behind the black shadow, which looked like the sole of a human foot.There is still a little residual minced meat wrapped on the white bones, as if it was gnawed clean by a wild beast.Immediately, his face turned pale with fright, and he turned to look at Lin Lin, who was still smiling and hadn't noticed yet.

He really couldn't suppress the fear in his heart, and rushed out the door.

Lin Lin smiled and said, "When it comes to the meat on your lips, I thought you wouldn't give up easily."

"Because I smell more delicious meat." There was a gloomy laugh from the hat, and some water stains appeared on the collar for no reason.It was the black shadow's saliva, which flowed out involuntarily when he saw Lin Lin.

Lin Lin picked her nose, "I know I'm very attractive, so you don't need to be so unreserved. I remind you in advance, we humans and ghosts go our separate ways, so let's recognize the reality."

The black shadow stretched out his palm from the large black clothes impatiently. The palm was obviously skinny, like an old tree shivering in the cold wind, the skin was already dry and cracked.

Seeing this, Lin Lin unhurriedly took out the talisman, lightly tapped the talisman with her fingertips, and the talisman burst out with a loud bang.

Wherever the flames pass, there is ashes.

After a while, the flame disappeared, leaving only traces of burning.

The place where the black shadow stood was empty, probably because it was burned to ashes by the flames.But Lin Lin's little face didn't relax in the slightest, and his brows were tightly knit.She knew very well that the flame just now hadn't touched the corner of the black shadow's clothes.

Lin Lin turned around suddenly and swung her pink fist.It turned out that the black shadow stood behind Lin Lin at some point, but she just discovered it!

The black figure held her fist impartially, and the darkness in the hat let out a fierce laugh. "There is no reason to let go of the delicacy when it reaches the mouth."

She frowned, secretly worried.Looking at the situation, it was obvious that she might not be the opponent of this ghost.Since the black shadow can make this convenience store appear and disappear, it is enough to show that the ability is evident.

However, she, Lin Lin, is not a bully.

The dagger slipped out of the sleeve, and the reflected cold light hit his face.Flicking upwards, the blade that could break when blown hair cut through the bone-like hand in an instant.The severed finger was crumbling under the torn skin, but there was no flesh color.

Black Shadow withdrew his hand and tore off the severed finger from the skin.It seems that he can still feel that the face under the hat does not change color, and is looking at the young girl in front of him with a smile.

Lin Lin looked indifferent, not surprised.This ghost is much more difficult to deal with than the ones he encountered before. Now, how should he get out.His gaze scanned the surroundings without a trace, it was obviously a secret room, if he wanted to get out, he had to pass through the shadow first.

Thinking of this, Lin Lin had a toothache.

Hei Ying saw through Lin Lin's thoughts, and said with a sinister smile, "Do you want to escape? You are already in my stomach, how can you escape. This convenience store is my stomach." No one escaped before. Get out, and no one can escape now.

"Could you be any more disgusting?"

But just after finishing speaking, the wall changed abnormally.The white walls gradually faded, gradually replaced by bright red colors.Look around, as if surrounded by a mass of flesh.

Seeing this, Lin Linhua's face paled. Could it be that she was really going to die in the hands of such a disgusting ghost!
The more panicked, the happier the black shadow was, and the sharp and piercing laughter echoed in the fleshy balls, hitting Lin Lin's eardrums.

Thinking of her arrogant spiritual girl, when was she so useless and wronged.His little face was flushed with anger, and he pointed at the black shadow and shouted: "No one told you, is laughter really bad?!"

The black shadow's laughter didn't stop, on the contrary it became more rampant.

"You're so ridiculous. If you want to eat me, I'll have to explode your stomach too!" As he spoke, he took out several fire talismans from the small bag he carried with him. These fire talismans were as powerful as A bomb bar.

Looking coldly at the shadow, he activated the spell.

The next day was another busy day.

When commuters who woke up in the morning passed by this street, they looked back at the open space around them, and said to themselves in amazement: "It's strange, when did such a large space become empty here?"

(End of this chapter)

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