sick little ghost eye spirit wife

Chapter 31 Beware of Falling

Chapter 31 Beware of Falling
Lin Cenling bowed his head to pick up the rice, Yaotai ate slowly, no one paid attention to Yun Qingqing.

To those who can't see, a person like Yaotai really looks like a psychopath.He is used to it now, and the wind is calm.But at that time Yaotai was still lonely and helpless, how could he bear it.

If you don't grow in pain, you will die in pain.

Yaotai doesn't know whether he belongs to the former or the latter, he only knows that he has survived, who dares to treat him like before?
Lin Cenling sneaked a few glances, and saw that Yaotai seemed to have shielded Yun Qingqing, unable to hear what she said.And Yun Qingqing talked to herself for a while, but finally felt bored and closed her mouth.

After a dry mouthful of food, Yun Qingqing went back to her room on the pretext of feeling uncomfortable.

Without Yun Qingqing, the chirping magpie, she felt a lot cleaner.Yaotai's expression softened slightly, he put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said, "Let's take a walk after dinner."

"Oh, good." Her duty is to protect Yaotai, and she follows him wherever he goes.She had almost finished eating, and got up to follow Yaotai's footsteps.

The wind at night is cool and refreshing.Walking in the night, the wind carries the fragrance of flowers, and the bright moon hangs high above your head.It looks as beautiful as flowers in the mirror and moon in the water, but it is a little unreal.

Yaotai walked in front, Lin Cenling followed in the background, the two remained silent.

After walking for a while, Lin Cenling looked back at the lights of Yao's house, and realized how far he had walked.

"We can't go forward anymore, let's go back." After walking for so long, Yao's garden still hasn't come to an end, Lin Cenling really saw it this time.

Yaotai stopped and asked, "Go back?"

"Well, go home."

Unexpectedly, Yaotai suddenly said: "That should not be my home." The endless sadness in the tone was as desolate as the moonlight.It seems that there is a long story that I want to tell, but I don't know where to start.

Lin Cenling remained silent. Seeing Yaotai like this, if he was willing to speak, then she would be a listener. If he was unwilling to speak, she would not expose other people's scars out of curiosity.

He suddenly asked, "Lin Cenling, do you miss home?"

Her voice was hoarse, without her previous arrogance.

homesick?Lin Cenling's home is everywhere, wherever she goes, her home is there.She has never seen her biological parents, and she can't even imagine a fantasy.It's not sad, it's just a very common thing.

However, for Yaotai, it was a childhood nightmare.

"Okay, let's go." Yaotai suddenly recovered his incomparably cold expression, his eyes were as arrogant as ever, but it was hard to hide the tenderness in his eyes.Lin Cenling stayed by his side for a purpose.But what she thinks, only he can give her, no one else can.Then he has the power to trap Lin Cenling by his side until he hates it.

It's a pity that the disgust didn't arrive as expected. I don't know when this bondage will last, and it seems that there is no end in sight.

Go out one after the other, come back one after the other, enter their own room one after the other.

Lying on the bed, Lin Cenling was still thinking about what Yaotai said just now. He said that this place should not be his home.What does it mean?Does it have something to do with his physique?What happened to Yaotai when he was young definitely has something to do with his physique for attracting ghosts.Logically speaking, his family background is prominent, so he shouldn't be so miserable.Yun Qingqing mentioned at the dinner table that Yaotai lived in Yun's house when he was a child, if it wasn't for some important reason, Yaotai's parents would not have left Yaotai in Yun's house.

A series of problems followed one after another, but they all had beginnings and no ends, as if they were related.

These doubts have been stuck in my mind for a whole day, and I still can't answer them.Only Yaotai could explain them one by one, but Lin Cenling still shook his head.Moving slowly, he descended a step.His face was full of contemplation, and he didn't notice the figure slowly approaching behind him.

Yun Qingqing saw Lin Cenling at the other end of the aisle, but Lin Cenling was so preoccupied with her own problems that she didn't notice her existence.There was a hint of ruthlessness in the apricot eyes, and the corners of the lips were slightly raised.God help me too, Lin Cenling is such a stinky woman, since she is so preoccupied with thinking about something, let me help her.

Slowly stretching out his hands towards Lin Cenling, he was about to fall on the thin back.Lin Cenling suddenly turned her head and looked at Yun Qingqing suspiciously.

Yun Qingqing smiled sweetly, and put her hand on her shoulder, "Sister Lin, what are you thinking, be careful not to fall." The face changed so quickly, she was a different person from the person who played tricks just now.

It's a pity that she didn't know that Lin Cenling used to practice martial arts, so she was twice as alert as ordinary people.In addition, she has a very keen sense of breath, as long as she appears by her side, she can detect it.Therefore, even if she was too focused just now, she discovered Yun Qingqing early.

"Oh, thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention." Lin Cenling stepped down another step and distanced herself from her.She didn't remember that she was so familiar with Yun Qingqing.

(End of this chapter)

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