sick little ghost eye spirit wife

Chapter 35 Raw Rice Cooked Mature Rice

Chapter 35 Raw Rice Cooked Mature Rice
Lin Cenling wanted to speak out to comfort her, but when she looked at Yaotai, she sank deeply into it.She could feel what he was thinking, and what he needed was not comfort.These are all in the past tense and become a story, an irrelevant story.

That's why he said it out of his mouth with such a relaxed expression. It was really just a simple story.

The boy in the story has grown up, he doesn't need these hypocrisy.

These didn't come as he expected when he needed them.When he doesn't need these, how can he still have half an idea.

Lin Cenling turned her face away to cover up her gaffe. "You still haven't said anything about you and Yun Qingqing." The most frightening thing is that you don't know anything, and you can only let the danger approach you silently.

I did this because I want to find out that Yaotai's physique attracts ghosts.

"How much do you care?" Yaotai suddenly came up to him, with teasing in his eyes.

He wanted to know the answer to this question.

Lin Cenling turned her head, the tip of her nose touched Yaotai's, her heart skipped half a beat inexplicably, and she held her breath involuntarily.Subconsciously leaning back, they distanced each other.

Yaotai was secretly sorry, what a pity, he was only a little short of kissing her soft lips, it must be very sweet.

"Are you still talking?" Lin Cenling called out, trying to wake herself up.This guy is just good-looking, why is he so disappointing!There are so many good-looking people, but they are not as good as me, so why do you only have Yaotai in your eyes?

"I said." Yaotai smiled, eyes full of love.If someone said before that he would treat a woman like this, he would never believe it anyway.Fate is such a wonderful thing.When he was no longer begging, he fell from the sky and fell into his arms.When he had hope, all the light was removed, leaving only endless darkness.

Wandering, pain, torment, gradually numbness, and then it is irrelevant.

"Yun Qingqing's brothers don't like me very much, maybe because I'm so handsome, I took away their halo. But their little sister has something wrong with me, so they want to drive me out of Yun's house. Qingqing is a troublesome spirit, she caused trouble for me a lot, and almost killed me. Half of the reason why my relationship with her brothers is so stiff is because of her. If it weren't for Uncle Yun's protection, I would have died I left the Yun family. Uncle Yun was very kind to me, and I remember his kindness, but it doesn't mean that Yun Qingqing can get what he wants. A man as handsome as this young master is rare in the world, and it's normal to have such a few crazy women. "

Right and wrong, even if you don't provoke yourself, these will also touch yourself.

Lin Cenling said: "Young Master Yao, if you look in the mirror now, you won't say that anymore." Was she too sympathetic just now, she should be more serious!
Beat him like a pig's head and see if he will be so narcissistic.

A certain woman seems to have forgotten when she was narcissistic.

Yaotai touched his face, there was a strange light in his eyes, and a faint smile on his lips, as if he was luring his prey into a trap. "The next time you meet that ghost, you have to tell me that you must never let him go." Jubi is jealous, otherwise how could he hit him so hard.

Lin Cenling, the culprit, nodded, "Okay, beat him to death next time."


After a light hum, the two fell silent again.Yaotai's eyes were too soft, making Lin Cenling afraid to meet his gaze.It's like a black hole, once you get in, you can't get out.

Yaotai called softly: "Lin Cenling."


"You seem afraid to look at me?"

Lin Cenling buried her head very low, "You are really horrible now, I refuse to look at you."

Yaotai: "..." Don't think that he really doesn't know who hit him. Although he was unconscious at that time, he was still somewhat conscious.The reason for not dismantling Lin Cenling's platform is to see how she continues to talk.This girl is good, she really pushed her away, if she hadn't had some consciousness, she would have really been tricked by her.

Touching her face, she said with deep meaning: "Don't let me catch her, or you won't be able to get out of bed for three days and three nights."

Lin Cenling's face became hot when he heard it, why does it sound so strange? !Beating him so much that he couldn't get out of bed for three days and three nights?Wait, there seems to be something wrong!
"Lin Cenling."

Lin Cenling got up suddenly, and said quickly: "Ah, I remembered that I have something to do, I'd better go out." Otherwise, Yun Qingqing would really chop her with a kitchen knife.

She fled in despair, and he smiled broadly.Looking at Lin Cenling's back, all that came to mind was her smiling face.It was agreed to abide by one's duty, as if one had crossed this boundary first.It doesn't matter, the rules are set by him, that's what he says.

This woman is destined to be her own.

Lin Cenling closed the door and patted her little face lightly.There is absolutely no ambiguity in what he said, absolutely not. Could it be that he is really hopeless?Obviously he said it very purely.

Fu Aijiao must have polluted herself, absolutely.

Fu Aijiao, who worked so hard, sneezed, "Who misses me that much? Or who scolded me? How many times did you sneezes just now?"

Seeing Lin Cenling coming out, Yun Qingqing hurried into Yaotai's room, and was thrown out as usual.

When Lin Cenling arrived in her room, she heard Yun Qingqing's voice, and then the door closing.There shouldn't be any interfering between them.But Lin Cenling seemed to be able to see Yaotai's lonely back through the wall.

Loneliness and desolation are just the shadow under his feet, when he stands up, he is still him, the cold and arrogant Yaotai.

 Today's crossword puzzle - Zhang Chaozhi is three years older (type a number)

(End of this chapter)

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