sick little ghost eye spirit wife

Chapter 61 Acquaintances

Chapter 61 Acquaintances
In the vast sea of ​​people, the chance of rebirth is like finding a needle in a haystack, which is rare in a thousand years.Now, after finally meeting him, the ghost in white would never give up so easily.

Seeing Lin Cenling, he narrowed his eyes slightly, after some consideration, he still floated out quietly.

After the two of you talked about each other, they realized that something was missing in the house.Lin Cenling suddenly remembered that the white-clothed ghost went out without anyone noticing, and gave up so easily, or did he retreat in spite of the difficulties?
However, it was true that the white-clothed ghost showed up after a long time, but his temperament had changed drastically.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing Lin Cenling lost in thought, Yaotai asked.

Lin Cenling said, "That ghost in white, let's go."

Hearing that Lin Cenling was distracted thinking about being killed, he was suddenly a little unhappy, "What do you care about him?" Even though he didn't leave, Yaotai didn't intend to treat him as if he existed.

"Forget it, then let's leave him alone, why did you come back suddenly?" When I contacted you by phone, didn't you say you were still stuck in traffic?It's really fast to come back so quickly.

"I met an acquaintance, she brought me back." Just as Yaotai finished speaking, a woman's voice came from outside the kitchen.

"Yaotai, your house is so big, where are you? You are so anxious when you come home, is there something good hidden?" The woman's voice was a bit heroic, and it sounded like a bold and generous person. temperament.

Lin Cenling's smile deepened when he heard it.After going out for a while, Mr. Yao became more capable, and all the women were brought home.She knew that Yaotai was innocent, and knew that there was nothing shady about this woman, so she suddenly smiled and asked, "Who is that outside?"

friend?Or cousin or something?When the word "cousin" was mentioned, Lin Cenling thought of his cousin Min Sishui. Looking at her gentle and peaceful appearance, Lin Cenling always gave Lin Cenling a strange feeling.Her whole body exuded an extremely uncomfortable aura, which permeated every hole, arousing her nervous vigilance from time to time.

Could it be the same woman outside the door?

Not long after, the woman came over.

She has simple short hair, a generous white T-shirt, and a pair of short jeans.It looks simple and generous, very energetic.Seeing Lin Cenling, his eyes lit up, and he circled around her, pushing Yaotai out.

"My darling, you look so good-looking, just like a big TV star. What's your name? Are you the maid of the Yaotai family? The maids are all so good-looking, so you really belong to a rich family." While sighing, On the one hand, he was about to reach out to touch Lin Cenling's small face.

Yaotai was in the middle in time, blocking her sloppy hands, and landed on Lin Cenling's slender waist, silently declaring his sovereignty. "This is my wife, not a maid."

Lin Cenling just smiled and didn't speak, but he didn't seem angry.

She smiled and didn't feel embarrassed, "I thought no one in your family could cook, but I didn't expect your wife to cook by herself. It's really a blessing. Mmm~ it smells so good, I decided to have a meal Don't mind, what should I call you?"

"Lin Cenling."

"Hello, my name is Gao Xiaoshan, you can just call me Gao Xiaoshan. Lin Cenling, this name is really awkward, can I just call you Bell?" Gao Xiaoshan smiled pretending to wink, and then looked at Yaotai .

Yaotai's face darkened, "No, this is my bell."

"Don't be so stingy, it's just a title." Gao Xiaoshan seemed to know that Yaotai cared a lot, but he insisted on teasing Yaotai.

Looking at the scene, the two are not only acquaintances, but also know each other very well.

(End of this chapter)

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