sick little ghost eye spirit wife

Chapter 66 Finding Someone

Chapter 66 Finding Someone
Not long after, Yaotai received a call from Uncle Yun.

"Yaotai, did Qingqing look for you?"

Yaotai asked back: "Has Yun Qingqing come out?"

The other party was silent for a while, knowing that Yun Qingqing did not go to Yaotai, she became even more worried. "Qingqing didn't look for you, so where did she go?!"

Yaotai frowned, just after a few days of silence, the eldest lady found something for him to do again.This woman is still suitable to stay in a mental hospital, which is good for everyone.

"Uncle, calm down first, how did Yun Qingqing get out?"

"The dean said that Qingqing could be discharged from the hospital, so I sent someone to pick her up. But Qingqing, a girl, refused to go home, and then drove away while Ah Chen was not paying attention. Now no one knows where she went. . ” Through the phone, Yaotai could easily hear Uncle Izumo’s anxiety, and his heart was on fire.

Whose family has Yun Qingqing, can they still worry about it?
"Uncle, don't worry, you have the license plate number, you can check it out." Concerned about it, Uncle Yun called Yaotai as soon as he heard the news.He thought that Yun Qingqing would be the first to contact Yaotai if he had escaped.It seems that this time, he was careless.

"Yes, yes, I will investigate, Yaotai, if Qingqing contacts you, remember to tell me as soon as possible."

"If Yun Qingqing comes to look for me, I will send him to your residence."

The two talked for a while, and it was nothing more than Yaotai comforting Uncle Yun.Uncle Yun is not Yun Qingqing's daughter, but Yun Qingqing is her favorite daughter.

Maybe that's why Yun Qingqing is so lawless.

After hanging up the phone, looking at Lin Cenling next to him, he smiled helplessly. "It seems that my daughter can't be too pampered in the future."

"What you said makes sense, and I can't find a reason to refute it." After a pause, he continued: "Why did Yun Qingqing come out so soon? Didn't you say there are still several days left?"

"I'll ask someone to make a transfer. I've made an appointment with the dean. He shouldn't have released Yun Qingqing in advance." If this frenzied girl makes a big fuss on his wedding day, it's really hard to end it.

Lin Cenling nodded, "When something is abnormal, there is a demon. Think about the strange thing you said before, maybe the two are inseparable." She has seen so many supernatural events, and I am afraid that today is one of them.

If Uncle Yun really wanted the dean to let Yun Qingqing out earlier, why wait until now, until Yun Qingqing has suffered so much inside.As for Yun Qingqing who was imprisoned, what else could she have to make the dean violate the agreement with Yaotai.

There is a faint feeling that the two things may be related.

After a while, Yaotai answered another call, but hung up with a serious expression on his face.

"Yaotai, what's the matter?"

"The dean is dead."

"Yun Qingqing was released for no reason, and then the dean died. Although I can't believe that Yun Qingqing would kill someone, I think these two things are related." Think about that young lady Yun Qingqing, who didn't even have a chicken Killed, let alone people.If she has this kind of ability that is different from ordinary people, there is no need to say that Yaotai should take medicine for treatment.

Lin Cenling sorted out her thoughts and said, "I'm going to a mental hospital."

"No." Yaotai immediately dismissed Lin Cenling's idea, "Why don't you go to a mental hospital, you can't go."

"If I don't go, who can see what happened there?"

Yaotai frowned, and said: "I have found someone. He claims to be a Taoist in Maoshan, and I sent him." These days, there are a lot of people eating and drinking, but the premise is that there is a life left to eat and drink. .

"Is it believable?"

"I don't know how powerful it is, but it's true that I can see ghosts."

(End of this chapter)

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