Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 11 The Abduction Case of Wuhun Temple

Chapter 11 The Abduction Case of Wuhun Temple
Tang Hao had just left the house that day when a white figure hidden in the dark appeared in front of Tang Sect.

This person is obviously one of the three people who secretly planned the Tang Sect a few nights ago, and also Su Yuntao, the deacon of the Wuhun Palace who awakened Tang Er's Wuhun!
"Little guy! Uncle is here to see you!" Dressed in white, Su Yuntao walked up to Tang Er who was basking in the sun boredly, and said with a kind smile.

Tang Er, who was planning to become rich and prodigal, was in high spirits when he was suddenly interrupted, feeling full of displeasure.

He looked up and saw this face that he had met once before, but last time his face was full of aloofness and disgust for common people, and he still remembered the last time after the martial spirit awakened, this guy made fun of him.

"Trash, two bastards, let labor and management be happy for nothing!
The good-for-nothing younger brother of Blue Silver Grass!

Brother trash with zero soul power! "

Look at the smile on your face now, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, I want to see what the hell you are up to.

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. Tear off Su Yuntao's hypocritical self-cloak, provoke him, and test out his real conspiracy.Reward top-level equipment Pain Mask, which is equivalent to a 10-year soul ring.

2. Say hello to Uncle happily, sit inside Uncle, kneel and lick this big boss of Wuhun Temple.Reward the top-level equipment, the Weeping Blood Blade, which is equivalent to a 10-year spirit ring. 】

Hearing this, Tang Er smiled sinisterly, it seemed that the system guy wanted to make himself do something, so he decided to choose one, because Xiao Daji was useless equipped with the Weeping Blood Blade!

After thinking for a while, Tang Er seemed to have noticed, did he provoke him?There are challenges.

"Uncle, uncle!" Tang Er stood up and looked at Su Yuntao carefully.

"Yes! It's Uncle! I remember!" Su Yuntao smiled, suppressing his disgust.

Suddenly, Tang Er jumped up and yelled into the room, "Little Sanzi is tough, she is really tough, brother, I am convinced, no wonder there are so many original underwear, so that makes sense!"

"Brother, what is tough, how can I be tough!" Tang San walked out in a daze.

Su Yuntao also looked confused when he heard the words, so I just said it was uncle, what's wrong with this damned brat.

"I also said that you are not tough and call me uncle, who else is there besides your son? I didn't expect it! Little Sanzi, you have such a big son, and you are hiding it. Are those original underwear belonged to his mother? " Tang Er had an expression of knowing everything.

Hearing this, Tang San was stunned for a moment, but when he saw Su Yuntao's face, he immediately understood his brother's intentions, he wanted revenge!
"This unlucky child is my son? What's your mother's name?" Tang San echoed with feigned surprise.

At this moment, Su Yuntao's handsome face began to twitch crazily, these two bastards were having a house party, and they humiliated themselves specially, but they had to hold back for the sake of the treasure.

Tang Er continued to look at Su Yuntao, "Third son, will you be greened? This unlucky boy doesn't look like you at all!"

"It should be a wandering idiot! The kind who calls everyone uncle, boring, I'll go back to blacksmith." Tang San felt that Su Yuntao's hatred for humiliating him last time had almost been repaid.


Su Yuntao's face was distorted with anger, damned untouchable, if it wasn't for the deacon's status of the Wuhun Palace, and the residents who passed by one after another, they couldn't do anything, they would skin you and cramp you now.

The reason why Tang Hao was chosen not to do anything is because he was afraid that if that Tang Hao used his treasures like last time, he was afraid of hurting himself, and he was afraid of causing turmoil in the mainland again, and it would be bad if he attracted other people to strengthen the treasure. Just to be on the safe side, I came here to abduct these two little brats and ask them clearly, since the two of them have threatened, that Tang Hao still has to obediently hand over the treasure.

But after all, I am the deacon of Wuhun Palace representing justice, so I have to be careful about my identity. Although I have the intention to kill the two of them immediately, I can't, I touched Tang Er's little head, and said affectionately, "Good boy Stop messing around, my uncle will take you to sell candies!"

Hearing this, Tang Er rolled his eyes, good boy, he is a ruthless person who can hold his breath so calmly, it seems that there is not enough firewood, then add more, "He is really stupid, you guessed it right, third son, he is really stupid Egg, the idiot still wants to buy us candy!"

Hearing this, sure enough, Su Yuntao couldn't bear it any longer, tore off his disguise, he had always been the deacon of the Wuhun Temple, and he had never been so humiliated, and lifted the second child up one by one.

"Damn you brats humiliated me over and over again. When the treasure is in my hands, I will crush you to ashes to relieve my hatred!!" Su Yuntao's angry face twisted into a ball, full of murderous intent. to the extreme.

Tang San took a look at Tang Er, his expression became ruthless, a scorpion pistol slowly protruded from the sleeve, with 9mm bullets, standard magazine capacity of 20 rounds, extended capacity of 40 rounds, the power is comparable to a submachine gun.

In the case that Su Yuntao didn't have a Wuhun body, even if he was a great soul master, he would definitely be riddled with holes by him.

Tang Er shook his head, signaling him not to do anything for the time being, because depending on the situation, he still has accomplices, if they don't catch them all, just kill him alone, it is easy to scare the enemy, and the consequences will be more serious, besides, it has not been investigated clearly what is precious.

Then Tang San resisted the urge to kill this bastard, obediently withered.

"If you don't want to die, just be honest with me. If you dare to punish any moths on the road, be careful of your dog's life!" Su Yuntao threatened fiercely.

【Your two sons are in my hands. If you want them to survive, bring them to the Wild Wolf Valley in the west of the city! 】

After leaving a note, Erxiao was kidnapped out of Tangmen.

Outside Notting City, in a remote valley, Su Yuntao threw Er Xiao down hard.

"Master, these two boys have been captured, then Tang Hao will definitely bring the treasures here honestly!" Su Yuntao smiled sinisterly.

The white-clothed old man in front appeared strangely in front of Tang Er and the others, pinching Tang San's chin with one hand, and asked viciously, "Say, when the Wuhun awakened, what treasure did Tang Hao use to shake the entire Douluo Continent!"

"And how did that baby manipulate it!"

Tang San was about to cry right now, a great soul master, a soul master, this old man couldn't be a soul sect.

Nima, this time I missed the game, damn the second child, let me see how you clean up this mess.

Then he stared at Tang Er pitifully, and quickly blamed him, I couldn't handle this situation, "I don't know, he, this guy knows!"

Then the three of Su Yuntao turned their attention to Tang Er.

It turned out that my Wuhun pool was missed, haha, I was looking at starting a business without gold soul coins, it’s so good to send resources here, come on, it’s best even the master of the Wuhun hall, how can I start a business? It is quick to grab money, and I have been coveting the fifth-generation machine in the mall for a long time.

Tang Er's ghostly eyes rolled, as if he had thought of something extremely sinister, but his expression was as cowardly as he wanted.

"Don't, don't kill me, I'll say anything!" Tang Er said tremblingly.

【Ding!Buy a special enhanced version of the grenade, which contains a ton of TNT explosives!The explosion range is ten meters, and the mighty Hun Zun will die if he explodes! 】

Then Tang Er took out a super-large grenade with a diameter of one meter from behind!

His face was extremely painful, he was still poor, just such a thing emptied his family.

The three of Su Yuntao surrounded it curiously and studied it carefully.

"This should be some kind of soul tool!"

"It doesn't move so much, it should be an artifact!"


While the three of them were concentrating on their research, Tang Er pulled Tang San ten meters away.

"Hey, brat! How do you use this thing!" Su Yuntao asked coldly.

"Well, you can activate it by pulling down the tab! Put the tab back on when not in use, it's very simple!" Tang Er replied tremblingly.

"Master, what do you think!" Su Yuntao asked the old man next to him.

"It's just two brats, they can't do any tricks!" the old man said confidently.

Then Su Yuntao pulled off the tab of the oversized grenade.

After a second, nothing happened!

Two seconds later, still nothing!
After three seconds, there was still no movement!
"Stinky boy, you dare to trick us, you want to die!" Su Yuntao was furious, obviously nothing happened, obviously he was tricked.

"Shut up, hurry up! Put the tab in and close it!" The old man suddenly yelled, because he felt a huge force brewing inside, which was about to explode, and once it exploded, he and others would either die or be injured!
Su Yuntao hurriedly returned the tab in his hand to its original position.

"Huh! It's so dangerous, it seems that the baby is right..."

The three of them just breathed a sigh of relief.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and a small mushroom cloud rose from the ground.

"Hahaha, bro 666, you're so useless! It's closed even after stuffing it in, these three idiots really believe it!" Tang San laughed while clutching his stomach, the elder brother played really beautifully.

But the next moment, the smile froze, the smoke cleared, and three heart-piercing roars came from it.

"Ah! Poor little brat!"

 Brothers, recommendation tickets, recommendation tickets, so far zero openings today, not a single recommendation ticket, the second child is completely sluggish, it was so low at the beginning, brothers, give the second brother some strength!Lots of comments!Thank you brothers!Save the poor second child!

(End of this chapter)

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