Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 31 Pretentiousness and counter-routines!

Chapter 31 Pretentiousness and counter-routines!
At the entrance of the Hunting Forest, a large number of houses and shops have been built, and there are small roads similar to streets, criss-crossing them, and various yelling and selling sounds can be heard endlessly.

"Di Di!"

"Di Di!"

A flamboyant red Ferrari galloped by, bumping into many roadside stalls along the way, it was really extremely arrogant.

With an extremely chic drift, the Ferrari stopped steadily at the entrance of the Hunting Forest.

A huge cloud of smoke and black exhaust was set off, and the soldiers in charge of guarding were smoked into disgrace.

"Bold! Who dares to act wildly in my Hunting Forest!" The soldier captain was furious, and waved his hand when he saw this strange thing.

"Come on! Take them down! In case of resistance, the Fa will be executed on the spot!"

"Boom!" In an instant, nearly a hundred soldiers in armor and holding sharp weapons surrounded Ferrari.

The car door opened, and Tang Er and the others walked down leisurely.

"Tell me! You are so bold as to say who you are! What are your intentions for running wild here?" the soldier captain asked coldly.

As soon as Tang San heard that his hair was blown, he was rubbed by the stinky girl on the car seat along the way, and he was full of anger.

Without further ado, he pulled out the Thompson submachine gun from his waist, and bared his teeth, "Come on! Third Master, I'm a troublemaker, so I'll show you!"

Then he fired a shot at the ground, "What the hell, come on! Move, I'll jump over you!"

Looking at Tang San who looked like he had taken gunpowder, Tang Erzhao slapped his little head.

"Why are you so cruel, don't people just ask you a few words? I think you are indeed a troublemaker, learn from your brother!"

Then the guy turned his head and smiled at the soldier captain.

"He is a villain. Second Master, I am an intellectual who has read poetry and books and is full of knowledge. Is it a bit too much for you to say that!"

Then the Italian cannon was mounted under his feet, his small face was even more fierce than Tang San.

"Quick! Kneel down and apologize to Second Master, or I will blow you all to pieces!"

Hearing this, the soldier captain was completely angry, "Dare to come to the labor-management site to make trouble, I'm getting impatient."

"Go, chop them up for me!"

At this time, Yu Xiaogang stood up with an arrogant face, and slapped Tang Er's head.

"There is a teacher! There is no need for you to stand out!"

Holding a swarthy token, the above three images are stitched together.

With a majestic and majestic yell, "Everyone back down!"

All the soldiers saw this, the third-level warrant of the Wuhun Temple!
They all retreated respectfully silently, and only the soldier captain stared at them unhappily.

Yu Xiaogang was very satisfied with the fork he installed, and now he finally raised his head in front of his students.

Turning to Tang Er and the others with a smile, "Hey, your teacher is awesome!"

"Awesome! Awesome! So handsome!"

At the same time, San Xiao was impressed by the teacher's hand.

Seeing this, Tang Hao is not happy anymore, he can't let Yu Xiaogang steal the limelight by himself, I'm the best here!
Shaking his drifting messy hair, he stood in front of the still aggrieved soldier captain.

With a sound of "Pa!", a melon seed with big ears slapped it.

"You! Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a third-level token! I'll kill you and you'll be fine!"

The captain couldn't bear it any longer, and picked up the saber at his waist to chop Tang Hao.

"Slap!" Another louder slap.

"Ah! Come on! Provoke the authority of the empire! Execute on the spot!" The captain was furious, and with a loud roar, the soldiers gradually approached with weapons.

Seeing this, Tang Hao nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smirk to Yu Xiaogang who was behind him with a confused face.

"Xiao Gang! You didn't take the photo! Your token can't scare people! If they want to kill us, think of a way!"

"Brother Hao, you!!!" Yu Xiaogang was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time, why can't he scare people, it's not you who did it.

At this moment, Tang Hao, the fox's tail finally leaked out, and he slapped Yu Xiaogang's head with his big hand, "Go, go, go away, I can't bear to be less aggressive!"

"Second, third, Xiao Wu, your teacher is an idiot, you can't do it, look at me!"

Tang Hao smiled handsomely, holding a black token in his big hand, but it was different from Yu Xiaogang's third-level token.

The above patterns are not three, but six, which are the highest level Wuhundian Token!

The soldiers present were completely scared to pee!What kind of trouble is this great god going to do!
They dropped their weapons and knelt down to beg for mercy!The body has been frightened and shaken into a sieve!

"My lord, calm down!"

"Sir, spare your life!"


"Slap!" Tang Hao ignored the ordinary soldiers and slapped the captain on the face again.

Tang Hao, "Say! Who is the troublemaker!"

"I'm a villain! No! I'm not even as good as a pig!" The captain trembled.

Tang Hao, "Say! Who are you going to chop up?"

"My lord, spare me! The little dog is blind!" The captain knelt down and begged for mercy.

Tang Hao's tone remained unchanged, "I ask who are you going to chop?"

The captain was completely frightened and went crazy, "Me! My lord, I will chop me up!"

As he spoke, he picked up the saber at his waist and shouted in despair, "Ah!"

The palm was chopped off by himself.

"My lord! I beg my lord to spare this little dog's life!" the soldier captain begged desperately.

Tang Hao nodded in satisfaction, "How about it! Daddy should be even more awesome!"

Tang Er swallowed hard, full marks for this coercion, learned!
"Awesome! Daddy, you are so handsome!"

Tang San didn't feel any emotion, he slumped down and slipped under Tang Hao's body, he grabbed the crane and caught the dragon, and he snatched the token away.

"Dad, lend me the token to look up for a while!"

Seeing this, Xiao Wu said, "No! Brat! I want to see it too! Show me it! No! I want the token!"

Tang San, "No! Just don't give! Damn girl! Come and chase me!"


Yu Xiaogang's face was filled with admiration, "Idol! You are indeed my idol! One fork is taller than one fork! There is no limit to the sea of ​​forks!"

Seeing this scene of pretentiousness and anti-routine, San Gouzi seemed to be recalling something, and gradually a blurred figure of a young man appeared in front of his eyes.

The dog's eyes were red, and then filled with tears.

Crawling on the ground and crying loudly, I can't control my emotions at all!

"Wow, woof, woof, woof..."

"What is Sangouzi's name? Hurry up and leave!"

Tang Er dumbfoundedly picked up Sangouzi who was full of snot and tears. Could it be that the routine and pretense just now moved this guy, it's unbelievable.

Then, with Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang, they walked into the Hunting Soul Forest!
Warm sunshine!Whirling tree shadows!Breeze!Fresh air!Grass and green flowers!

The perilous Hunting Soul Forest has now become a holy place for outings for the Tang family!

Tang Er and Tang San, who had never seen this grotesque creature, suddenly went crazy like a wild horse running wild!
Tang San, "Brother! Here is a toad with horns! Come and have a look!"

Tang Er, "Where! Don't let it get away, I'll catch this chicken with two heads first!"

Tang San, "Wow! Brother, come and save me! I was gnawed by a tree!"

"Hurry up! I feel like I only have one foot left! It's going to be completely eaten by the tree in no time!"

Tang Er looked at Tang San who was not far away, only one foot was kicking outside, his eyes glowed.

"Interesting! It's so interesting! I want to carry it back to Tangmen Street!"


Xiao Wu embraced the shrunken version of San Gouzi who closed her eyes tightly and was still choking in a low voice, and followed Tang Er and Tang San boredly.

"What's the fuss about soul beasts that have been running around for a few years! Boys are really strange creatures!"

A small table, two bottles of Erguotou, and three plates of peanuts.

Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang toasted each other, drinking and eating, smiling at Tang Er and Tang San who were having fun.

Then I don't know what I thought of, the two big men suddenly hugged each other, crying loudly!

 Begging for a recommendation ticket!Begging for a recommendation ticket!Roll for a book review!By the way, I would like to ask for a little reward and love!Thank you Shadow Brothers in the Dark for your generous reward of 200 book coins!Thanks to the dark night brothers for their generous reward of 688 book coins!Thanks to all the brothers who supported the second child!The ranking in the free list is dropping day by day, brothers recommend votes, book reviews, send a wave of gifts to the second child, and support the second child with this book!Thanks guys!In addition, the book friend group 730351306!

(End of this chapter)

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