Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 36 Bloodbath the City Lord's Mansion! !

Chapter 36 Bloodbath the City Lord's Mansion! !
47 troops wearing third-level armor, wearing third-level headgear, and holding AK[-] automatic rifles, the Tang Sect's fourth society is invincible.

Under the leadership of Tang Er and the others, they ran towards the City Lord's Mansion with a murderous intent!

In front of the gate of the Lord's Mansion of Notting City, the corpses of tens of thousands of brothers were lying quietly in a pool of blood.

Looking at the fragmented corpses in front of him, Tang Er's heart ached a little at the moment, he was a bloodthirsty Shura towards the enemy.

But when it comes to his own people, he is a defensive maniac, and no one can touch him at all, let alone so many brothers died!
"Those who offend my Tang Sect! Execute! Execute! Execute!"

"Those who offend my Tang Sect! Kill! Kill! Kill!"


San Gouzi was the first to break through the gate with a rocket launcher on his back.

"Damn the defeated general, he came to die in such a hurry!"

"Haha! These self-defeating rascals, the death is really miserable, look at that is the hooligan who was cut into pieces by me!"

"Haha! You changed your skin, and why are you still holding a firestick in your hand! These idiots are really looking for death!"


Hundreds of soldiers blocked the door, crazily insulting and mocking Tang Er and the others.

An impassioned charging horn sounded.

Tang Er waved his small hand and shouted coldly, "Tang Clan charge!"

"Kill! Avenge the dead brothers!"

"Come on! Fight for the Tang Sect!"

The brothers of Tang Sect's Fourth Society were full of murderous intent, and the rifles in their hands became life-threatening Shuras.

"Clap clap clap..."

The bullets are like raindrops, shooting at the enemy!

"Ah! What the hell!"

"Help! Run away!"

"No! That's not a fire stick! Devil! Don't come here!"

"Forgive me! Lord City Lord, help me!"


The enemy's desperate screams and begging for mercy can be heard endlessly.

But after a while, everything returned to calm, and there were hundreds more on the ground, a human hornet's nest!

Tang Sect's invincible automated troops swept all the way, and directly attacked the central school ground of the City Lord's Mansion!

"Talk about the secret recipe of the burger!"

"Ah! Don't say it! If you have the guts, you will kill labor and capital!"


"Untouchable, please tell me how to make spicy noodles!"

"Bah! Bah! You deserve it too!"



The soldiers beat the villagers of Shenghun Village viciously and asked about the Tang Sect's secret skills, but the villagers were already bruised, but they still kept their mouths shut!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Tang Er was completely angry, and shouted, "Bastard! Stop everything!"

In an instant, the entire campus fell silent.

"Second son! Little three! Tang Hao, you are finally here!"

"Great, Uncle Hao is here to save us!"

"Wow! Second brother! Third brother! Huzi is so scared!"


The villagers who were still strong and unyielding just now burst into tears when they saw Tang Hao. All the grievances were released, and they covered their faces and wept!

"Hahaha, cowards, you are finally willing to show your face!" Xiao Chenyu's arrogant and resentful voice came from the central stage of the school grounds.

"Come on! Surround them and don't let any of them escape. Labor and management must play hard with them today!"

In an instant, tens of thousands of soldiers surrounded Tang Er and the others.

Tang Er stared at him coldly, silent.

Tang San, Xiao Wu, Tang Hao and the others were also silent, the situation was under control, and the next thing is to see how the second child wants to end it!
Xiao Chenyu clapped his hands lightly, and immediately nearly a hundred people lifted a huge iron cage onto the school platform.

"Wow woof woof! Aww!"


Inside were dozens of ferocious dogs roaring wildly.

Xiao Chenyu stared at Tang Er and the others jokingly, laughing ferociously.

"Haha! Let the dogs bite Laozi, and Laozi will let you be torn to pieces by the vicious dogs. These good babies have been hungry for five days! You are specially allowed for you!"

Tang Er asked coldly, "Have you said enough?"

Hearing this, Xiao Chenyu was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wildly.

"Haha! No! Of course not! Before you die, I will make your life worse than death!"

Xiao Chenyu's eyes showed madness, and a small figure appeared in his hand.

"I heard that this little girl has a good relationship with you! Let's start with her! Then I will let you watch the people you are familiar with be chopped into pieces one by one!"

Xiao Chenyu stared at Tang Er sarcastically, raised the knife with one hand, and stabbed Er Ya in his hand, "Look out, pariah! This is what happens when you offend me!"

"Second brother! Help me! Xiaoya doesn't want to die!" Erya was trembling with fear, crying desperately.

Seeing that the dagger was about to stab Erya's throat.

Holding the handle of the knife with a small hand, Tang Er, who was still ten meters away just now, came over in an instant.

【Ding!Use a flash skill! 】

"What! How is it possible! Why did you suddenly appear here!" Xiao Chenyu exclaimed in disbelief.

Tang Er ignored it and continued to ask coldly.

"Enough is enough!"

Hearing this, Xiao Chenyu calmed down and didn't panic at all, he must have been distracted just now, and he sneaked in front of him.

They are just pariahs, and the guard by their side is a great soul master, protecting them from anything!
"Haha! Of course not!"

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. You have to forgive others and forgive others. They all admit their mistakes. The host is merciful and spares his life. The reward is 10000 selection coins.

2. Cut off his limbs and throw him into the cage of hungry dogs, and reward everyone in Tangmen as soul warriors!Levels can be upgraded by spending option coins! 】

Tang Er's expression didn't change when he heard the system's prompt.

The little hands were like a vise, tightly pinching Xiao Chenyu's neck!
No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless, now Xiao Chenyu panicked completely, "Bastard! Let go of labor and capital!"

Tang Er's voice became even colder, "Have you said enough?"

Xiao Chenyu blushed, "Untouchable! You are doomed!"

"Crack!" An arm was twisted off!

Xiao Chenyu, "Ah! Kill him quickly!"


Two clear gunshots sounded, and the two great soul master guards fell to the ground.

Tang San put away the 98K with a calm face, quietly admiring and learning from his brother's pretentious skills.

Tang San, "Enough is enough!"

Xiao Chenyu, "Ah! My arm, the bastard hastened to kill him!"

Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers rushed towards the school platform.

"Clap clap clap!"

After a burst of gunfire, there was a circle of corpses on the ground, and a few of them were nearly a hundred people.

The soldiers were frightened immediately, and retreated fearfully.

Now Xiao Chenyu is completely desperate, why do you want to go to the latrine now, old man!I hate you!Come and save me!

"Crack!" A leg was broken by Tang Er.

Tang Er, "Enough is enough!"

Xiao Chenyu was completely stunned by Tang San's ferocity at this moment.

"No! Don't! I've said enough! Spare me!"

Hearing this, Tang Er's tone softened slightly, "Enough is really enough!"

Seeing this, Xiao Chenyu was overjoyed, he was about to let himself go, and quickly nodded his head expectantly.

"Yeah, second master! Enough is really enough! Can you let me go?"

Tang Er smiled brightly, "No!"

Then the smile gradually changed, "Since we have said enough, let's go die!"


As he spoke, he broke off his other two limbs, and dragged him into the dog cage like a dead dog!

"Ah! It hurts! It really hurts!"

"Please! Second Master! We are schoolmates! Please spare me!"

"I'll let them go right now, let's turn hostility into friendship!"

"No! Don't! Second Master! Second Ancestor! Spare me!"


The cage door opened, and Xiao Chenyu was stuffed in by Tang Er.

In an instant, dozens of vicious dogs bared their canine teeth that were nearly ten centimeters long, drooling with stench, roaring at the bottom, and walked towards Xiao Chenyu.

"Don't come here! Let me out! Dad! Don't go to the latrine! I'm going to die!"

"Second master! Third master! I know I was wrong!"

"Wow wow wow!"

"Ah! Go away! You go away!"

"I am your master! Don't bite! Ah!"


In less than three seconds, Xiao Chenyu was torn into pieces and eaten by vicious dogs!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a book review!Ask for a book review!Thank you Guan Brothers for your 100 book coins as a reward!Thanks for the support!Brothers, if you feel that the second child's writing is okay, please go to the book review area to rate it!Vote for the second child!At present, the second child is looking forward to testing the waters and pushing positions, and his eyes are blinded!still none!Now the second child has almost nothing of this book!But the second child is very lucky!The second child and you brothers have been with the second child all the time!Thanks my brothers!Book friends brother group, 730351306!

(End of this chapter)

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