Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 39 Little soul king, how dare you pick me up! [Please recommend a ticket!Ask for a book revi

Chapter 39 Little Soul King, How Dare You Pick My Ass! [Please recommend a ticket!Ask for a book review! 】

Day by day, life in Tangmen Street is peaceful and peaceful.

Everyone gradually came out of the haze of Sangouzi's death.

Tang Er moved a deck chair every day, lazily basking in the sun at the entrance of Tangmen Street!A look of enjoying your old age!

Tang San opened his own candied haws shop, but it was more brutal than before. If others looked at the candied haws more, this guy would want to bite them, let alone sell them!
Xiao Wu runs her own Latiao shop, relying on the supreme charm of Latiao, she has become the king of kids in Tangmen Street.

I get tired of being with Erya all day long, and I don't let Erya leave even a single step, for fear that I will lose a good girlfriend again! !
Tang Hao seemed to have been stimulated by something, and became crazier than before. Recently, he fell in love with pole dancing, and danced wildly with a group of old men in bars all day long!
Yu Xiaogang lost San Gouzi, his confidant friend, and without San Gouzi leading him down, he began to devote himself wholeheartedly to his academic research, forcing Luo Sanpao to fart all day long, and it seems that he has gained a little recently!
All of these are actually sequelae of San Gouzi's death.

finally!On this day, Sangouzi's first seven arrived!

Tang Er bought a plain white Porsche from the selection mall, and brought Sangouzi's favorite stinky tofu with him.

By the way, he tied a few paper dogs for him, and most importantly, Tang Er brought San Gouzi his favorite in the incubator!Still hot!
The family got into the Porsche, and Tang Er drove towards Longfeng Mountain.

Just as Tang Er and the others left, several figures came out from Tangmen Street.

Matthew stared at the figures in front of him silently, pointing at Tang Er and the others.

"My lords! Lord Gude's disappearance must be related to them!"

The leading middle-aged man looked at the white Porsche with interest, and then looked at Tangmen Street with deep meaning.

A slightly playful voice came out, "Soul guide? Tangmen Street that can create unlimited wealth! Interesting! Interesting!"

"It seems that the old and cunning Gude has discovered something extraordinary!"

"But he probably didn't succeed!"

A few people made some inquiries in Tangmen Street, and then walked out of Tangmen Street.


On Longfeng Mountain, San Gouzi's tombstone stood there quietly. Tang Er and the others placed all kinds of sacrifices in front of the tombstone with red eyes.

"Third Gouzi! Today is your first seven, come and eat and drink. If there is anything missing down here, just let the third son dream!"

While burning the paper-made Minggou, Tang Er talked about his longing.

"Find more wives for you, and remember not to be a dog licker anymore! If it's not enough, remember to tell the third son!"

Tang San and Xiao Wu, hugging San Gouzi's tombstone, were already crying so hard!
"Three dogs! Why did you leave so suddenly!"

Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang watched quietly, trying their best to hide their grief!
But this touching scene did not last long.

A sound of crazy ridicule shattered this touching scene!
"Haha! Tribute to a dog! The Tang Sect really lives up to its reputation!"

"What Tang Sect! Gou Sect is similar!"

"What Tang Sect, Gou Sect, those are the property of our Spirit Hall from now on!"


The three young men in white robes pointed at Tang Er and the others, clutching their stomachs and laughing crazily. There was some mockery, but most of them still laughed.

It's the first time I've seen someone pay homage to a dog so solemnly, what a joke!

"Shut up! Watch your words! Does Tangmen Street belong to Wuhundian?"

The middle-aged man's expression changed, and he asked coldly.

The three youths immediately stopped laughing, trembling, and replied respectfully.

"No! It's not from the Spirit Hall! It's from Mr. Zhao Tian!"

"Yes! Like Tangmen Street, no! It's Zhao Tian Street, only Mr. Zhao Tian deserves to own it!"

"No! Not only Tangmen Street! All the secrets that this group of untouchables have belonged to Mr. Zhao Tian!"


Zhao Tian nodded in satisfaction, originally thinking that this trip would be a hard job.

But after visiting Tangmen Street, he found that it was a pie given to him by God.

My level 51 Soul King, in this small city of Nottingham, is the Heavenly King Lao Tzu!

This blacksmith surnamed Tang must have had a great opportunity, but now it's all mine!

Ignoring the young people who were flattering, Zhao Tian stared at Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang playfully.

Coldly threatened, "Tell me all the secrets honestly, and I will spare you!"

The soul power of the soul king exploded, four soul rings rose from under his feet, a long spear was held in his hand, and a purple halo was set in the gun under his feet.

Look down on the world!With a majestic and majestic yell, "The ground-shattering gun!"

The huge rock on the side was instantly smashed into powder and drifted away with the wind.

She turned her head away chicly, her domineering side leaked.

"If you don't explain it, it will be like this stone!"

"How about it! Be afraid! Hahahaha!"


Tang Er and the others cast a look of concern for the mentally retarded, and then ignored them.

Tang Er, "Three Gouzi! You stay well down there, don't worry about us!"

Tang San and Xiao Wu said, "Wow, three dogs! Please come back to life, and I will never bully you again!"

Tang Hao, "Hey! It's a pity Sangouzi! A generation of outstanding dogs died so young!"

Yu Xiaogang looked up to the sky and sighed, "Three Gouzi! My bosom friend, you can go with peace of mind, I will inherit your legacy and continue to complete our stinky tofu innovation!"


There is no one at all to blame themselves!Shouldn't they kneel down and beg for mercy at this moment, crying and giving the secret to themselves?What's the situation?
"Haha...cough cough cough!" Zhao Tian smiled, and was coughed by this sudden reversal!

"Hey! This seat is the majestic soul king!"

It's still embarrassing that no one cares about himself!
Seeing this, the three dog legs stepped forward in order to alleviate the embarrassment of their own adults.

"Your majesty is so powerful that you can drive this group of untouchables crazy with just one blow!"

"My lord, calm down, this group of untouchables have never even seen a soul warrior, so naturally they can't appreciate your invincibility!"


Zhao Tian's face softened when he heard this, it was really difficult to communicate with this group of untouchables.

"You bastard! Kneel down to me right now!"

Zhao Tian's soul king's coercion unfolded, sweeping towards Tang Er and the others overwhelmingly, the void was shaken out of layers of ripples, the realm of the soul king is really terrifying!
"Ah...Ah!" Tang Hao sneezed softly.

Rubbing his nose in confusion, "San Gouzi must be missing me down there! Hey! I can't bear you either!"

Then the terrifying soul power disappeared in such a strange way, not only that, a hurricane hit, and except for Zhao Tian, ​​the others were all knocked to the ground.

Zhao Tian was taken aback, what happened just now?

"My lord! The mountain wind was too strong just now, even if your lord's soul power is overwhelming, you can't match this natural power!"

A qualified dog leg must always save face for his boss.

"Well! It makes sense! Forget it, these untouchables don't know what's good, so they killed these little bastards first. I don't believe they are not honest!"

Zhao Tian's patience was exhausted, and he waved his hand, "Go! Bring me those little bastards! They won't tell the truth! Just kill them!"

Hearing this, some dog legs are just about to make a move.

Tang Hao shook his head helplessly and sighed in a low voice.

"Why? Why exactly?"

Hearing this, Zhao Tian was taken aback for a moment, and stopped his dog legs, "Slow down! What do you mean by being a pariah!"

Tang Hao looked at him with pity, "Why? Isn't it good to live?"

"Hahaha! What you mean is that you are going to kill me!"

"No, that old thing Gude has already been killed by you!"

"I think you blacksmith pariah are crazy!"

"Haha! If you want to pretend to be crazy and foolish, come here and hang around, the untouchables have a lot of ideas."

Zhao Tian laughed wildly when he heard this.

"Which old thing! I wasn't killed by my father, but my brother and I were bombarded to death with Italian artillery!" Tang San wiped his tears, showing off his achievements.

"Haha! Killed by you! Haha!"

He was really amused by these untouchables, but he didn't have time to play with them now.

"Go ahead!"

Tang Hao stretched, just about to make a move.

"Slow down! Brother Hao, let me do it. Recently, my research on Luo Sanpao has made great progress, and I have found the feeling of hunting the forest!"

Then he stared at Tang Hao and Tang Er and they smiled confidently, "Let's watch the performance for the teacher! Remember to wear the gas mask!"

Then he blocked those young men with unrestrained steps, raised his middle finger, and shouted disdainfully at Zhao Tian in an extremely arrogant manner.

"Little Soul King! How dare you pick my ass!"

"Pick me up!"




The domineering shout echoed in the mountains...

 The second brother begged for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Crying for book reviews!Ask for a book review!Roll around and ask for a little bit of reward!Thank you Renzuo Chaliang Brothers for your generous reward of 501 book coins!Thank you brothers for your support!When the second child was already in despair, he finally waited for the recommended place to test the waters!But the autistic mood has not yet recovered, and these two chapters are a bit out of shape!Now the second child needs the support of you brothers who have been with me and survived the long years of stand-alone coding!Test the waters!It's time to decide the fate of the second child, brothers!Bros!If you decide that the second child's writing is okay, recommend a ticket!Let's go with a wave of praise!The second child really can't fail again this time!I beg you brothers!In addition, the second brother book friend brother group, 730351306
(End of this chapter)

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