Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 46 Throwing People to Death with Money! 【Please recommend!book review! 】

Chapter 46 Throwing People to Death with Money! 【Please recommend!book review! 】

After the stinky tofu contest, stinky tofu became the most vicious three words in Notting City.

Two aunts selling vegetables in the west of the city are arguing.

"You are Sangouzi brand stinky tofu!"

"Ah bah! You are that Yu Xiaogang stinky tofu!"


City East restaurant.

The customer said, "Bah! The food is really unpalatable. It's as good as Sangou brand stinky tofu!"

Boss, "You! You! Poof!"

He was directly stunned by vomiting blood!

The two stinky tofu brands are in an unshakable position in the world of cursing!
It swept the whole city for a while! And spread to the two empires with the momentum of wildfire Liaoyuan!
It doesn't matter to San Gouzi, but Yu Xiaogang is miserable, since Yu Xiaogang's stinky tofu is even more stinky than his No. 1 name in Douluo Theory.

I haven't completely got rid of the title of waste, and I am notorious again.

Yu Xiaogang's painstaking research in retreat is bound to make Yu Xiaogang's brand of stinky tofu famous, a real reputation.

After several months of painstaking research, I finally developed a new generation of Yuxiaogang brand stinky tofu, which was all the rage for its abnormal smell and invincible taste.


The aftermath of Tangmen Street's first stinky tofu contest ends here.

Tang Er has not been idle for the past few months. He first carried out compulsory education in Tangmen Street and sent all school-age children to Notting College to study.

Then, with Zhao Tian's assistance, the independent group officially entered the Lord's Mansion and became the real official spokesperson of Notting City.

A large number of thermal weapons were purchased internally, and militarized training was carried out for the independent regiment.

Expand Tangmen Street business to the outside world.

And then no more!
After these few months of work, the foundation of the Tang Sect has been completely stabilized, slowly penetrating the entire Douluo Continent!
Every day, Tang Er, as usual, went shopping in the morning and threw money, and in the afternoon, he basked in the sun at the intersection of Tangmen Street.

Yes! Eat, sleep, and beat Doudou! A standard salted fish life!
Five years have passed in a flash!

Heaven Dou Empire, Balak Kingdom, Soto City.

Just after noon, the sun was scorching, and three mountain bikes slowly rode in from the west gate of Soto City.

Helmet, gloves, goggles, magic headband... Fully equipped, standard professional donkey!
Three bicycles stopped in front of a strangely shaped hotel.

After taking off the helmets, three 1.7-year-old boys and girls about [-] meters tall, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, sat on the ground, took out the water bottle, and poured it.

The three were exactly Tang Er, Tang San and Xiao Wu who came to study at Shrek Academy.

Five years of living as a salted fish can make Tang Er suffocate, but fortunately, he is completely wild and becomes a free-spirited donkey friend, enjoying nature and nourishing his soul.

As a result, I don’t know if the soul is nourished or not, but the wind, sun, and rain did moisturize their appearance.

Clothes are ragged, dark and dirty, and they look like three little beggars, even Xiao Wu is no exception.

"Ah! It's cool!" Tang Er poured the remaining water in the kettle on his head, shaking his head, his whole body was wet, he looked more like a beggar!
Then Tang San and Xiao Wu imitated the example and drenched their whole bodies with chills!
"Brother! Hurry up and go in! Hurry up and wash up and then I'll sleep with him!"

Tang San urged with a bitter face, he was used to rich clothes and fine food in Tangmen Street, the experience of more than a month was completely hell.

But Xiao Wu was completely on the contrary. At the moment, those big beautiful eyes were full of excitement. As a soul beast, her temperament was wild, so this trip was completely fun.

"Brother! Let's go around the entire Barak Kingdom next time, shall we?"

Xiao Wu took Tang Er's arm and acted affectionately.

Before Tang Er could speak, Tang San froze and stretched his neck, "I want to go to you guys! I'm not going anywhere!"

"Okay! Brat! Do you want to go? I'll give you another chance. Do you want to go?"

Xiao Wu smiled sweetly, twisted Tang San's ears, and lifted him up.


The young couple flirted, and Tang Er was already used to it, so he smiled helplessly, "Okay! Stop making trouble, let's go in!"

Tang Er got up first and walked into the hotel's gate.

In the majestic and resplendent hotel lobby, Tang Er led Xiao Wu and Tang San towards the counter.

"Go! Go! Go! Get out! This is not a place for you!"

At the counter, there are two waiters, a man and a woman.

Seeing the ragged and unkempt Tang Ersan approaching.

With disgust on his face, he waved his hands in disgust, and drove away.

Tang Er was taken aback when he heard the words, he was disgusted!interesting!very funny!This feeling is rare!

Tang San and Xiao Wu just wanted to blow their hair, but they were appeased by Tang Er!

Tang Er ignored the waiter's words, continued to walk forward, and said coldly.

"Open house! Hurry up!"

Hearing this, the male waiter was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

"Open house? Do you have money?"

The waitress covered her nose and mouth in disgust and slapped her little hands.

"There is no room! Get out of here! It stinks!"

Tang Er laughed when he heard the words, took out a gold soul coin from his pocket, and slapped it on the counter, "Is it enough?"

The two waiters stared at Tang Er in surprise.

This little beggar is actually rich! No matter how rich he is, he is just a little beggar.

The two looked at each other greedily, and the waiter silently stuffed Tang Er's golden soul coin into his pocket.

"What is enough? Little beggar, get out!"

"Roll as far as you can! It stinks! If it affects the business of our hotel, you three stinky beggars will have a few lives to pay for!"

The waitress was full of disgust, picked up the register book in front of her, and frantically fanned the air in front of her.

"Then, are these enough?"

With a cold face, Tang San took out ten golden soul coins from his pocket, and slammed them on the table!
The two waiters looked at the three boys who were obviously little beggars in surprise.

Money! Where did they get so much money! Stolen? Robbed? Must be?I have some money, I can't help but want to enjoy it, but do you deserve it?
The two looked at each other with greed in their eyes.

The waitress didn't dislike Tang Er and the others' money stink, and as soon as she reached out her hand impatiently, she took ten gold soul coins for herself.

Then he stared at Tang Er and the others viciously, threatening them viciously.

"Hurry up and get out of here! Otherwise, a few little beggars will die, and no one will know!"

Hearing this, Xiao Wu couldn't sit still, but she didn't seem to be angry, she walked to the counter and smiled coquettishly.

"Cluck! Looks like it's not enough!"

Holding a full amount of gold soul coins in her hand, she threw them towards them.

"That! Are these enough?"

Hundreds of golden soul coins blinded their dog eyes.

Looking at the three little beggars in front of him incredulously, he won't be mistaken, right?Where did they go to steal so many gold soul coins?
Although money is important, your own life is more important. What if they are not beggars?
When the two waiters thought of this, their expressions immediately changed.

The male waiter smiled obsequiously, "Haha! That's enough! That's enough! I'm so blind, I was a little reckless just now, please make amends."

The waitress hurriedly picked up the golden soul coin, and said flatteringly, "It just so happens that there is a luxury suite, and I will register for a few of you!"

Tang Er ignored them, and the smile on his little face became even brighter.

"Is it really enough?"

"Enough! Really enough!" The waiter nodded desperately.

Tang Er's smile gradually changed, "You say enough is enough! Don't I lose face, Second Lord!"

The palm pinched the pretty face of the waitress, and the domineering voice resounded throughout the hall.

"I can't say enough!"

"Clap clap clap..."

He took out a handful of gold soul coins from the storage ring, and threw them at the two of them!
"Clap clap!!!"

The two were completely frightened by Tang Er's sudden burst of domineering aura, and their legs kept trembling.

With a crying voice, "Enough! Enough for the three young masters! You don't need so much!"

At this moment Tang San suddenly jumped up, grabbed the waiter by the neck, and cursed coldly.

"Are you fucking deaf! It's not enough not to hear what my brother said!"

"Clap clap clap clap"

Another handful of gold soul coins continued to throw at them.

At this moment, the two waiters had been beaten to the point of bleeding, their bodies were shaking like a sieve, and they were sweating profusely from the fright of the two murderous brothers!
With tears streaming down his face, he begged, "Okay! Okay! You two! Not enough! Not enough for the head office! Please don't smash it! If you smash it again, you will die."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu jumped onto the counter, looked at the two of them, turned her head and said to Tang Er with a smile.

"Hee hee! Brother, he said it's not enough! Continue to spend money! Spend until you say enough!"


To offend and humiliate these three extremely vicious little perverts, the fate is beyond description!
Three arrogant shouts resounded through the hall.

"Smash people with money! It's so fucking cool!"


The counter disappeared, leaving only a pile of golden soul coins and the sound of painful wailing inside.

But right now!
"Waiter! Hurry up and open a room for Ben Shao! It's urgent!"

A domineering voice filled with arrogance and arrogance filled with chill came from the door.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a book review!Go to book review!Ask for a little bit of love!Recommended for PC testing today! One word is cool! Two words are very cool! Three words are heartbreakingly cool! But it can’t fly! The future of this book depends on the support of brothers!Recommended ticket!book review!It’s really important to the second child! This chapter is very poorly written! The plot is forced to transition! The second child has been holding back for a whole day to hold back such a chapter! It will be changed later!
(End of this chapter)

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