Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 5 Tang Sect No. 1 Shameless!

Chapter 5 Tang Sect's Number One Shameless!
"Brother! What about these corpses?" Tang San looked at the corpses all over the ground, and frowned. Although he was a human being in two lives, it was his first time to kill someone.

Tang Er also looked confused. The people he used to shoot with AWM before turned into boxes with green lights. What the hell can I do!
【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. Select the system recovery mode!Reward 100 selection coins!
2. Choose the floor-to-ceiling box mode!Reward life equipment! 】

It is said that Tang Er is completely crazy, and he can still play like this!The system is awesome!
Seeing Tang San's troubled face, Tang Er smiled evilly, "Little San, why don't we open a breakfast shop?"

"Brother, why open a breakfast shop?" Tang San stared at Tang Er suspiciously.

"Jie Jie Jie, we can sell pork buns stuffed with pig meat and beasts. It's a pity to throw away so much fat meat! Now the meat of pig meat and beasts is expensive! We can definitely make a fortune!" Tang Er Evil smile.

"You are so inhumane!

How can you be perverted!
..." Tang Sanyi angrily reprimanded Tang Er, and flung his sleeves into the room.

Tang Er was stunned, the kid who played with hidden weapons and poisons still had this consciousness, so he deliberately tested it, it seems that this kid is not completely with him, and it is better to hide some things from him.

Looks like the bodies can't be boxed or recycled.

Just when Tang Er felt extremely sorry.

Tang San suddenly rushed out with a kitchen knife, startling Tang Er, this guy will not have a sense of justice and want to kill his relatives righteously!
"The kitchen is ready!

This special kitchen knife cuts iron like mud, and it's just right for mincing meat!

Hurry up, Dad is coming back soon! "Tang San said while dragging the corpse to the backyard!

"How much is a brother's meat bun?
How much do we share? "

Uh... Tang Er was taken aback for a moment, then laughed happily.

Hugging Tang San into his arms, "Brother, we are indeed brothers! You look just like me! You're so handsome!"

Then under Tang San's astonished gaze, the bald corpse turned into a box with green light, the other minions chose to take it back, and all disappeared.

"Little Sanzi, brother's hands are beautiful!" Tang Er was very satisfied with Tang San's astonished expression at the moment.

Tang San was stunned for a moment, then pushed Tang Er away, pouted his buttocks, activated Ghost Shadow, and rushed out quickly.

Tang Er was confused again, what is this kid doing!Tang Er quickly chased after him.

"Second brother, what do you want? The box is mine!" Tang San opened the box, and stuffed it into his arms without thinking about it.

Uh... Tang Er finally understood why Mengxin, who couldn't fire those guns when he was playing Survival in his previous life, was so slippery by licking the box.

Dare to lick the magical skill of the box, it is completely self-taught!Tang Er had no choice but to admire the young third's way of doing things smoothly.

【Ding!Items in the box: 100 gold soul coins, 1000 silver soul coins, ten sets of women's original underwear, a book of black panther rules...]

【Ding!One weasel martial soul was recovered, and it has been processed into a shocking odor bomb, please use it with caution to the host! 】

Listening to the system's prompt, Tang Er felt elated. Killing people can still recover the martial soul, damn it!
At this time Tang San had already licked the box clean, and held it tightly in his arms, grinning happily up to the ears, obviously reaping a lot.

But seeing Tang Er approaching, he put away his happiness immediately, and said with a disappointed face, "Hey! There's nothing, hey, I'll give it to you!"

Then he reluctantly took out ten silver soul coins from his pocket and handed them to Tang Er, and said with a painful face, "There are only fifteen silver soul coins in total, and I'll keep five, it's not too much, brother!"

Nima, this kid is being shameless, this is the rhythm of wanting to be better than blue!

If you don't know the details of the resources, you really have to be moved by this kid, don't want to, at least give a few gold soul coins, this kid will eat alone!Unfortunately for the family!

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. The younger brother is so generous, the older brother is so touched!Reward selection coins 50.

2. Treat shameless body with shameless way!Brother Lao is the number one shameless Douluo!A set of three-level anti-stab armor will be rewarded. If you hit you in the realm below the soul master, you will be able to resist damage and lose blood. With the invincible iron-headed baby, you will be invincible as the host! 】

Tang Er's thoughts raced, looking at Tang San who was giggling like a little fox, he was so angry.

But how could he be more shameless than him? Tang Er had a hard time.

"You son of a bitch! Don't let Laozi know who stole Laozi's property, or you won't be called Tang Hao if you don't vacate your home, you son of a bitch!" Tang Hao walked in cursing, obviously the cart was stolen by someone Pushed away, the dignified Titled Douluo, that's all he can do.

"Why are you two standing here stupidly?" Tang Hao asked, looking at Tang Er and Tang San, whose clothes had gained a few laps.

"Ah! Dad, it's okay. I'm not feeling well and I'm going back to the house to rest." Tang San hurriedly ran into the house, fearing that something might happen and his little coffers would be divided up by his father and brother.

Tang San's panic didn't matter, what mattered was that a small pink tail leaked out.

Tang Er smiled evilly, stepped forward and pulled out Tang San's little pink tail, flicked it in front of Tang Hao's eyes, and sized it up curiously.

"Hey! What is this thing! Why does it taste weird!"

Seeing that embarrassing object, like a pink rope, swish!Tang Hao's face blushed immediately, and then slowly turned black.

"Little San, stop! What's in your arms?" Tang Hao asked coldly.

Hearing this, Tang San immediately became vigilant, and hugged his arms even tighter, "Ah! Nothing! They are some of my former treasures, and they are all worthless things, but they have deep feelings, and I have been reluctant to throw them away!"

Tang Hao's face became even darker, Tang Er bit his tongue tightly, suppressed his smile with pain, his whole face twitched.

"It's really your baby, and the kind with deep feelings!" Tang Hao's tone became colder.

Tang San was a little timid now, could it be that his father is going to snatch it by force, "Dad, these are my son's heart and soul, you can't snatch them, otherwise how will I live if I leave them!"

"Boom!" Hearing these words, Tang Hao exploded, stepped in front of Tang San, waved his hand, and the scattered things in Tang San's arms scattered all over the place.

Especially those dozens of pieces of fabric are particularly conspicuous, red, purple, hollowed out, leopard print...

"Ah! My baby!" Tang San yelled, and quickly bowed to pick it up.

When Tang Hao saw those things on the ground, his hair stood up in anger, he lifted Tang San up with one hand, and walked towards the house.

As soon as the door was closed, Tang San's ghostly cries and wolf howls could be heard from inside.

"Ah! Dad, why did you hit me!"

"'Ah! It hurts, my ass is broken!"

"I let you baby!"

"I'll let you have your heart!"

"I made you feel deeply!"

"I made you unable to live!"

Every sentence Tang Hao said was accompanied by a loud bang!

"Father, Xiaosan's bed is always trembling in the middle of the night, and the trembling lasts most of the night. Do you think he is not feeling well!" Tang Er shouted at the door, pretending to be related.

Snapped!The thrashing inside got louder.

"By the way, Xiao San's quilt always likes to get wet, is he still wetting the bed now!" Tang Er continued to yell shamelessly.



【Ding!Congratulations to the host for achieving a new achievement, the Tang Sect is the most shameless!Reward a set of old hidden third-level auspicious clothes!You can be invisible for an hour, and the great soul master can't be checked at once! 】

 Thank you brothers for your recommendation tickets, collection, if you brothers feel that the author's writing is not bad, please give some recommendation tickets!The second child is grateful here!Thank you brothers for your support!


(End of this chapter)

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