Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 56 Black Braised Eggs! 【This chapter has to be changed a lot!Make up tomorrow, 1 more bases!

Chapter 56 Black Braised Eggs! 【This chapter has to be changed a lot!Tomorrow make up, three more base! 】

"This is Shrek Academy!"

Dai Mubai replied with a choked up voice.

"Ah! How did Shrek Academy become like this!"

The short-haired sweet girl opened her cute mouth and exclaimed.

And the long-haired and glamorous girl beside her got an even colder demeanor after getting the answer.

It seemed that this kind of coldness was born to cover up his emotions.

Tang Ersan looked at the sky with his nose and eyes, as if I couldn't understand what you were talking about.

at this time.

A figure came from a distance.

A naked, bald man ran towards here in a hurry, his whole body was pitch black, he was like a real black marinated egg!

While running, shouting, crying, stuffing sausages into his mouth desperately!

"Laozi has a big sausage!"

"No! No hair!"

"Laozi has a small sausage!"

"Ah! Still no hair!"


He stomped his feet angrily!
Sudden!Black Braised Dan was taken aback for a moment, then burst into tears, and ran towards Dai Mubai.

"*$&&*..." With too much food stuffed in his mouth, he yelled loudly.

He tightly hugged Dai Mubai who was still in a daze, and wiped his snot and tears all over his body.

Dai Mubai was confused, who is this black stewed egg?Nima!Dare to take advantage of labor and capital.

Without further ado, he rolled up his sleeves and rubbed the black egg on the ground hard.

When Tang Er and the others saw this, how could they stay idle, they hurried to help their brother-in-law, and beat this inexplicable black stewed egg together!
Two beautiful girls are watching curiously!

After being punched and kicked, the food in Black Braised Egg's mouth was spat out, and he howled heart-piercingly.

"Me! It's me! Boss Dai! It's me!"


Dai Mubai was taken aback, why did this voice sound so similar to Xiao Ao, then thought, it's impossible.

Apart from the full beard, that family is still a little boy, this is a black braised egg.

"Labor management doesn't care who you are!"

As he said, he hit harder!

The black marinated egg was in despair.

"Laozi has a big sausage!"

"Laozi has a small sausage!"


A sausage sausage projected out.

"Boss Dai! I'm Oscar!"

Black Braised Dan covered his face and cried out aggrieved.

"Second brother! Third brother! Miss Xiao Wu! Hurry up and stop! One of my own!"

Dai Mubai hurriedly stopped him, he had a great time beating, even hitting Tang Ersan and the others on top.

The voice can be faked, but this big sausage can't be faked.

"Oscar! How did you become such a ghost? Also! What about the dean and the others? What happened?"

Dai Mubai asked impatiently.

Upon hearing this, Oscar cried even more sadly.

"I was sleeping one night, and suddenly the room caught fire, and then I became like this?"

Then he touched his chin and bare head with a look of lovelessness.

"The hair was completely burned. I ate countless big sausages and small sausages. I just didn't live long."

"Boss, am I going to die! Wow wow wow!"


Hearing this, Tang Er, who was standing behind him, heaved a sigh of relief, and silently stuffed the invincible brick back into his sleeve. It seems that this guy probably didn't see him last night.

Then I looked at it curiously, this product is Oscar!Then he glanced at the two girls again.

Could those two be Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing?
"I heard that three mobs with green faces and fangs broke into the dean last night and attacked the dean..."

Oscar vividly described the tragedy of last night, and added more details, as if he saw it with his own eyes.

Dai Mubai and the other two beautiful girls were taken aback for a moment!There are such cruel thugs in this world!
"Let's go, Boss Dai, let's talk as we go!"

Then turned to Tang Er and the others.

"You are the freshmen who came to take the assessment this year! I'm here to take you to the new campus of Shrek Academy! Let's go!"

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. If you still think about it, run quickly, and you will be rewarded with 1000 selection coins.

2. Go to Shrek Academy to sign up, Infernal Affairs, Thief Excitement, and the reward selection system has been upgraded! 】

Hearing the system prompt, Tang Er's little face turned black, this bad system, didn't he force himself to go!

 I'm sorry brothers, the dog at home is lost, the second child has no intention of coding, tomorrow will be the third shift, and today I will be recommended. Brothers, book reviews, recommendation tickets, check-in, more support for the second child, [-] recommendations Ticket plus one more chapter, six chapters peak...


(End of this chapter)

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