Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 59 I'll Give You Spicy Strips! [3 more!Ask for a recommendation ticket!book review! 】

Chapter 59 I'll Give You Spicy Strips! [Third watch!Ask for a recommendation ticket!book review! 】




The sound of swallowing saliva was extremely loud, following the sound, Tang Er cast his eyes away.

I saw the glamorous and long-haired beauty with a hot figure, standing in the distance, staring at the spicy strips in the hands of Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong, swallowing her saliva uncontrollably!
There is infinite longing in the eyes, longing for hot strips, and it seems to be more longing for Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu's smiles that can be carefree.

But the temperament on his body is getting colder and colder!colder and colder!

In the end, the flawless jade hand pinched herself heavily, a pain appeared on her beautiful face, and the temperament on her body was finally glamorous to the extreme.

turn around!Like a thousand-year snow lotus, alone in the world!
Tang Er watched this scene quietly until the girl in the distance, in order to control his emotions, pinched himself hard.

He just stood up and smiled helplessly, "This girl, Zhu Zhuqing has no choice but to run away!"

Standing up, I bought a few more packs of spicy sticks, along with a few packs of potato chips, and walked up to the stubborn girl.

A pack full of spicy sticks was passed to the little girl, afraid that the girl would not want it.

Tang Er lied and said with a faint smile, "My sister gave it to you!"

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful face froze for a moment, and he glanced at Xiao Wu who was eating and drinking with Ning Rongrong.

The cold and beautiful face suddenly became covered with frost, I believe you ghost!

Seeing this, Tang Er handed the bag to Zhu Zhuqing's hand, turned around and left very coolly.

"Can't be offended, can't be offended."


After Tang Er left, Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face that had been frozen for thousands of years was flushed with a blush.

Looking at the spicy strips in his hand, he hesitated for a moment, took the bag and hid himself behind a big tree, and started eating.

Eating, eating, those big colorless eyes suddenly glowed with crystals, as if they could no longer suppress themselves, and I felt pity for the pear blossoms with rain.

She has suppressed it for too long, just like even a sliver of light or warmth in the endless darkness will be infinitely magnified in her eyes.

Returning to Xiao Wu and the others, he found that Oscar was still holding his big sausage, and he didn't even move his posture.

Seeing this, Tang Er smiled knowingly, grabbed the sausage, and patted Oscar's head.

"They're all brothers, why are you being so polite!"

Oscar grinned happily when he heard this, "Second brother! It's cold! My little brother will make you warm!"

Then run the soul power.

"I have a big sausage!"

"I have a big sausage!"

He held it in his hand and looked at Tang Er expectantly.

Tang Er was not too polite, he picked it up and put it in his mouth, "It's delicious! You're a good cook!"

Seeing Tang Er feasting on his big sausage, Oscar suddenly embraced Tang Er affectionately.

With a hint of crying, he said emotionally.

"Second brother! You are the first person who heard me chanting the soul curse and producing sausages without disliking me! Brother, I am so touched!"


"Second Brother! Third Brother! Little Miss Wu! There are two beauties! Let's go! We will take you to the final test!"

Dai Mubai ran over from far away, leading Tang Er and the others to the deepest part of the ravine.

A luxury version of thatched cottage comes into view.

A middle-aged man in his 50s was dozing off on a thick bed of grass.

He has a strong body, terrifying muscles like the roots of an old tree, crawling all over his body, and the power of terrifying explosions dormant in it.

But it's a little short, a little dark, and unsurprisingly bald.

It's like a black weight, thick and solid!
"Mr. Zhao, I'm bringing someone to conduct the fourth test."

Dai Mubai walked to his side, and woke up Mr. Zhao who was sleeping soundly.

With sleepy eyes open, he glanced at Tang Er and the others one by one.

Then there was a hint of surprise on his face.

"Five! There are actually five in the fourth level this year, it's unbelievable!"

"Third Brother! He and Miss Xiaowu have already been admitted directly, and the other Second Brother and those two beauties are exempted from the second and third tests."

Dai Mubai proudly explained that his brother and sister are just so awesome!

Hearing this, Mr. Zhao immediately became interested. There are even exemptions from the test. I want to see what kind of monsters this year is.

Last night, I was aggrieved to death, so I just used these little guys to relieve my boredom.

Teacher Zhao stared at Tang Er and the others with malicious intentions and smiled.

"Not bad! All four are over level 25."

Then the smile faltered, and he locked his eyes on Tang Er, shocked in his heart, he couldn't see through his depth, what's the situation!
Teacher Zhao became more interested.

The old face said with a smile, "My name is Zhao Wuji, the vice president of Shrek Academy. You are the only ones who I say are students of Shrek Academy."

Then he took out an incense stick from nowhere, lit it, and smiled faintly.

"Pass my assessment and hold on for a stick of incense in my hands before you can become real students of Shrek Academy. I will give you a stick of incense to get to know each other and discuss tactics. No matter what means, as long as you stick to it for a stick of incense, you They are students of my Shrek Academy!"

Hearing this, Tang Er smiled, it seems that there is such a passage in the original book too!It seems that the butterfly's wings have not spread to this section yet.

Tang Er smiled happily, and traveled to the original work. Isn't his dream to be able to experience these classic plots in person?
Tang Er looked at Zhao Wuji in front of him, and asked innocently, "Mr. Zhao, any means are fine?"

"Yeah, that's right!" Zhao Wou-ki smiled dismissively.

Then Tang Er happily nodded his head, and a sinister smile flashed across the corner of his mouth.

"Brother! Hammer him! Hehehe!"

Tang San frustrates his little hands, eager to try, as long as he has his elder brother by his side, even if it is Te Niang's god, Tang San will fight hard, let alone a little soul saint.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai looked at Zao Wou-ki with sympathy in his eyes, for some reason, he always felt that the teacher was about to suffer.

After saying this, Zao Wou-ki continued to lie on the haystack and doze in a very forceful manner.

Tang Er called several people together.

"Xiaobai, first tell me the basic information about this Zhao Wuji, Vice President Zhao!"

Hearing this, Dai Mubai glanced at Zhao Wou-ki first, then introduced in a low voice.

"Zhao Wou-ki, male, over 50 years old, unmarried..."


Tang Er slapped him fiercely, "Do you seem to be lying, I'll let you introduce his strength..."

Dai Mubai smiled awkwardly, "Hey, you should have said it earlier."

Then I thought for a while and explained in detail.

"Vice-principal, level 76 soul sage, beast spirit and powerful Vajra bear, both offensive and defensive are very strong..."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong's small face was full of astonishment, "Master Vice President is the immovable King Zhao Wuji who took down the sixteen bishops of the Spirit Hall ten years ago and escaped with his body!"

Dai Mubai nodded, and smiled mischievously, "The vice principal is a ruthless person, but this time he might be in trouble, hehehe!"

Then Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing turned their eyes to Tang Er who was grinning silly in the middle at the same time.

"Lord Fudo Ming is a ruthless man. This seemingly ordinary, harmless guy was the ruthless man who almost beat the Soul Emperor to death just now. I don't know who is more ruthless!"

 Begging for a recommendation ticket!Begging for a recommendation ticket!Crying for book reviews!Licking my face and begging for a little reward, brothers, I am currently in the recommended position PK, if the grades are not good, the book of the second child will be cold, so the second brother begs brothers, recommend tickets!book review!Ask for anything!It's very important for the second child!

(End of this chapter)

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