Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 72 Eight monsters slaughter the emperor and destroy the saint! 【Ask for a recommendation tic

Chapter 72 Eight monsters slaughter emperor and destroy saints! 【Ask for a recommendation ticket】

"Hahaha! Hit us! Just because you little bastards have no hair! Haha!"

"Yo Yo! How dare you threaten us! Give you face, right?"


The old man of the soul saint, counting down the countdown, the old men of the soul emperor sneered wildly. In their eyes, Tang Er and the others seemed to be inferior to ants!
【Ding!The power of the Avengers is average, and they can abuse the soul emperor! 】

Tang Er stared at those few with an unkind expression, feeling that he was an immortal, and explained a few words to Tang San and the others behind him.

"Two..." The tone of the leading old man of Soul Sage was getting colder and colder!The majestic soul power is even more terrifying!
【Ding!Tang San has used the Avengers Thor Thor transformation card!Abusive Soul Emperor! 】

【Ding!Dai Mubai has used the Avengers Iron Man transformation card!Abusive Soul Emperor! 】

【Ding!Oscar has used the Captain America transformation card!Abusive Soul Emperor! 】

【Ding!Ma Hongjun has used the Spider-Man transformation card!Abusive Soul Emperor! 】

【Ding!Xiao Wu has used the Captain Marvel transformation card!Abusive Soul Saint! 】

【Ding!Ning Rongrong has used the Scarlet Witch transformation card!Abusive Soul Emperor! 】

【Ding!Zhu Zhuqing has used the Black Widow transformation card!Abusive Soul Emperor! 】

【Ding!The host has used the invincible Hulk transformation card! 】

In an instant, Tang Er and the others changed greatly in appearance and equipment.

"One... you little bastards who don't know good and bad! Go to hell! You are not even qualified to be our dogs, and you are arranged to be a corpse!!"

The leader, the old soul sage, waved his hand faintly, and countless vines swept through the terrifying force, shattered the void, and attacked and killed Tang Er and the others.


With a terrifying roar, the surrounding houses and ground trembled violently.

The terrifying sound waves shattered the vines inch by inch.

Tang Er's small body swelled rapidly, two meters, three meters, terrifying muscles like old tree roots, explosive power, crawling under the green skin.

The vines were annihilated, the Hulk Tang Er jumped, and the terrifying recoil blasted a deep pit out of the original position.


A bang!

A miserable howl!
The old man who was still invincible just now, the leader of the soul, suddenly disappeared!

A terrifying deep pit with white smoke appeared at the original location.

A green monster was pressing on the head of the old man of Soul Sage, swinging his fist and hammering.

"Damn, be your dog, right?"

"The second master will beat you into a dog!"


It was another punch!
The soul sage old man is already bleeding!
His old face was pale, full of disbelief!This green monster actually has the power of a soul sage in every punch!who is he?Where did the little brats go!
"You! Who are you? I have no grievances with you! Why did you attack me!"

The old man shouted in horror!


Punch after punch, punch to the flesh, every time the blood soars, it hurts!Really extremely happy!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

"My mother is your second master!"

"Kill you old dog! How dare you humiliate your second master!"

"I'm hammering! I'm hammering! I'm crazy about hammering! It's so cool!"


Everyone else was stunned by this sudden change!
"What's going on! Where did that green monster come from!"

"It's too powerful! It's too powerful, Elder Zhu was beaten, and he has no power to fight back!"

"This is impossible! Elder Zhu is a soul sage! This green giant is too terrifying!"


"Bastard monster! Don't push yourself! I'm going to get serious!"

Elder Zhu roared angrily.

His whole body was covered by dense vines, and seven gorgeous soul rings shone under his feet, and the fire was fully fired in an instant.

The fifth soul ring, black shining, the fifth soul skill, burrowing into the earth and escaping from the ground.

The vines all over his body quickly condensed into a terrifying drill bit, wrapped in soul power, spinning crazily, and in an instant, the mud of the deep pit splashed everywhere.

A bottomless tunnel appeared under Tang Er's body, while Elder Zhu, the soul sage, disappeared.

A hundred meters away, the ground exploded, and the terrifying vine drills emerged, wrapping Elder Zhu's extremely embarrassed figure.

"Damn green monster! This seat and you will never die!"

The three black soul rings under his feet shone at the same time, and the soul skills were fully displayed.

The green vines turned black, as strong as iron, and the vines all over the sky grew faster, forming countless indestructible rotating drill bits.

They attacked Tang Er overwhelmingly.


Tang Er smiled faintly when he saw this, and rushed straight towards the vine drill.

Punch!One punch, another punch!These horrific drill bits that can crush iron and rock, under the terrifying power of the Invincible Hulk, seem to be as fragile as a piece of paper.

Like a bullet, Tang Er quickly moved towards Elder Zhu.

"Impossible! Impossible! My giant black iron vine drill is indestructible!"

"Monster! You monster! Don't come here! Don't come here!"


The dignified soul sage, the number one elder in the main hall of the martial soul, was scared to pee by the cruel Tang Er just like that!



With a desperate howl, accompanied by the sound of the silk cloth being torn, Hulk Tang had two extra legs in his hand, and of course the two legs that were not attached.

Immediately, blood splattered, and internal organs flew!


The Hulk holds two halves of his body, looking up to the sky and screaming!


"Ah! Elder Zhu is dead! He was torn alive by this monster!"

"It's terrifying! It's terrifying!"

"Pervert! Don't come here! Don't! Please! We have no grievances! Please spare my dog's life!"


The majestic soul emperor, soul sage, was so frightened by the ferocious Hulk Tang Er that he was trembling and sweating profusely.

But even more terrifying is yet to come!Because they were all focused on the Hulk, they hadn't noticed that there were a few more monsters not far away!



A silver-white hammer wrapped in a terrifying blue thunder hit an old man of the Soul Emperor, and instantly sprayed blood from his mouth, severely injuring him.

"Hey! Hey! Don't beg for mercy! Look here!"

Tang San held the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and he was wearing a red cloak. The silver Thor's Hammer wrapped around the terrifying blue thunder.

"Ah! What the hell? Who are those people! One blow hit the Soul Emperor hard!"


Everyone in Wuhundian finally noticed Tang San and the others who were making soy sauce all the time.

But waiting for them is indeed an even more desperate scene!
Wearing Iron Man armor, Dai Mubai was suspended in the air, the red and gold shell reflected the dazzling light, he raised his hands lightly.

The terrifying laser energy beam melted the earth, and directly melted a soul emperor who couldn't dodge into blood!
Oscar held a vibrating gold shield and projected it out.

Ma Hongjun turned into the fattest Spider-Man in history, spraying out overwhelming spider webs.

Xiao Wu has long hair and shawls, energy radiance is burning behind her, and her eyes project dazzling golden lights.

Ning Rongrong turned into a witch, and the red witchcraft energy is constantly gushing out!

Zhu Zhuqing was dressed in a black tight-fitting leather jacket, turned into a black widow, surpassed the soul emperor, and the soul saint fought away.

"Quick! Resist quickly! These monsters are not easy!"

The remaining two soul saints shouted tremblingly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The rest of the soul emperors, after all, had experienced strong winds and waves, calmed down immediately, possessed their spirits, their spirit rings were shining, and all kinds of spirits, wrapped in huge soul power, resisted desperately.

"Kill! These monsters! Go to hell!"

"Don't be afraid! They don't even have soul power fluctuations! They must be using secret treasures to bluff! Kill them, but the treasure that killed Emperor Tusheng is ours!"


The ideal is full, but the reality is cruel!
A soul sage was strangled by Xiao Wu, lifted up in the air, and was beaten crazily.

Soul Emperor!The experience at this moment is even more horrible!

The only soul sage left was pinned to the ground by Tang Er.

Tang San was on the side holding Thor's hammer and hammering it clangingly.

"Didn't your mother want us to kneel and surrender!"

"You're not arrogant!"

"Speak! Speak!"

"You motherfucker can't beep beep!"

Tang Er looked at the Soul Sage who had been hammered into scum in front of him, he couldn't die anymore, "Little Sanzi, don't be too hard on others, how can he talk when he's dead!"


"Forgive me! We are the elders of the main hall of Wuhun!"

"You can't kill me! Wuhundian will definitely not let you go!"

"No! Spare me!"


The remaining soul emperors cried out in despair, begging to go around!

"Sir God!"

"Sir God!"

"Sir God!"


The devout believers below cheered excitedly.


In the distance, more than a dozen figures and a dog hurriedly rushed over!

Look at the extremely brutal scene in front of you!
"Three Dogs! You want to save someone! Could it be those old men!"

Three dogs (⊙o⊙)...

(End of this chapter)

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