Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 75 Douluo Storm Rises! 【Recommendation ticket! 】

Chapter 75 Douluo Storm Rises! 【Recommendation ticket! 】

"Forgive your mother's life! The lackeys of the Wuhun Temple! They all deserve to die!"

Once Tang Hao changed from his previous indecency, he became more vicious than ever before!
The strength of the palm is getting stronger and stronger!getting bigger!Imposing Contra!

Lord of the Martial Soul Hall of Soto City!Just like that, Tang Hao twisted his head off alive!

On the other side of the battlefield, there was Tang Er Hulk, a perverted existence, and everyone in Shrek Academy quickly surrendered the high-level members of the main hall of Wuhun!
Seeing the Headless Palace Master at the side, he was looking at the elders who looked like dead dogs in front of him!Puddles of yellow liquid flowed out by itself!
"Bump! Bump! Bump..."

"My lord, spare me! Money! I will give you all the money!"

"My lord, we are just lackeys of Wuhundian! It has nothing to do with us if Wuhundian offends you! We are innocent! My lord, let us live!"


【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. Killing for wealth, not killing!God has the virtue of good life, let these poor people go!Reward selection coins 10000.

2. Murder for money!Bloodbath the main hall of Wuhun!Don't kill it and keep it for the New Year!Reward a Soto City Tangmen Street Reconstruction Card! 】

Crazy cries, begging for mercy, one after another!
Tang Er watched quietly, originally he only wanted to make money, but just now his father's rare ferocity made him wake up!

I have a deep blood feud with Wuhundian!
Xiao Wu and Wuhundian have a deep blood feud!
My teacher and Wuhundian also have a blood feud!
Director Zao Wou-ki and Wuhundian also have a deep blood feud!

What is the difference between the main hall of Wuhun and the hall of Pope Wuhun, and the hall of Wuhun Douluo?They are all Wuhundian!Sooner or later, I will wash them with blood!Start here!
Tang Er suddenly chose 2!

"Brother! How to deal with these people?" Xiao Wu's voice was full of hatred, she thought of her mother, and the countless friends who were hunted and killed by the Wuhun Temple, Xiao Fen clenched her fists tightly!

Tang Er glanced lightly, and a cold voice came out.

"Kill! Not one left!"


"Ah! My lord, spare me! We are innocent!"

"Money! My lord will give you all the money!"

"My lord, don't kill me, spare me, I am willing to be your dog!"


"Kill! The lackeys of the Wuhun Temple! You also have today!"

"Kill! Don't let any one go! Have fun!"


After 10 minutes, only a bloody corpse remained in the huge main hall of Wuhun!
【Ding!All in a box! 】

【Ding!The system automatically recycles materials!
Golden Soul Coin...]

【Ding!Martial soul recovery...]

【Ding!Soul ring recovery...]



The bloody corpses turned into boxes glowing with green light. When Tang San took the other six monsters to lick them excitedly, the insides were already empty!
Looking at the full harvest, Tang Er finally smiled with satisfaction, the main hall of Wuhun is more than rich enough to describe it!

Several ticking time bombs have been planted!
Twenty or so masked thieves in black stockings rushed out of the main hall of Wuhun!


After a few roars of engines, five black vans drove towards the outskirts of the city at top speed!

"What's the situation! These robbers are safe and sound! It's incredible!"

"Go! Go and see what happened!"

"What could happen? Seeing how they fled in desperation, they must have been beaten out!"


When the spectators saw the empty Wuhun main hall!





Several mushroom clouds sounded, together with the main hall of Wuhun, they turned into ashes!
Curiosity killed the cat!



Twenty miles south of Soto city!

Shrek Academy stands quietly in the small valley!
Green mountains and green waters, laughter and laughter, a piece of peace and tranquility!
Suoto City is currently in a state of turmoil, a terrifying vortex tornado is centered on Suoto City, sweeping across the entire Douluo Continent!

Soto City!The main hall of Wuhun!Bloodbathed by a mysterious force!
All witnesses died!
As for the Seven Treasures Sect, they were doing business as usual, collecting money for their gods!
In an instant, the entire continent trembled!
For a while, various rumors spread throughout the entire continent!

What mysterious force has been hiding for thousands of years and wants to unify Douluo!
What kind of soul beast dominates, come to the Wuhun Temple for revenge!


In short, the more it spreads, the more evil it becomes!
Wuhundian was furious!A large number of strong men came to Soto City!

Seven Great Sects!Two empires!Nature can't be idle!Douluo leads the team!Storms gather in Soto City!
But if you let them know that the cause of the matter is just someone pretending to be cool for a while, and then feel that they are losing money, beating, robbing, and so on, I don’t know if they will vomit blood!


And Shrek Academy is as quiet and peaceful as ever!
"Come, come! Come here, give out benefits!"

Sitting in the center of the Shrek Academy's playground, Tang Er shouted to Zhu Zhuqing and the others who were playing badminton not far away, having a great time!

Hearing Tang Er's call, several people ran over excitedly, Second Brother!But for a figure comparable to a god, his welfare must be extraordinary!
"Come on! Let's shoot in a row!"

"Show off all your martial souls!"

Under Tang's command, Zhu Zhuqing and the others formed a row facing Tang Er!
Walking behind Dai Mubai, Tang Er kicked his ass fiercely with a big foot, and Dai Mubai threw a dog eating shit hard!

Staring at Tang Er aggrievedly, "Second Brother! Why are you kicking me!"

【Ding!Use the 3000 Soul Ring Upgrade Card! 】

A yellow soul ring under Dai Mubai's feet was instantly filled with purple!


Everyone watched this scene in disbelief, the second brother kicked the century-old soul ring into a thousand-year soul ring!This is too awesome!
Seeing this, Dai Mubai was overjoyed, he didn't care about the flowering of his butt, he ran up to Tang Er in a desperate manner, pouted his butt.

He licked his face and smiled, "Second Brother! Come again! Kick a few more times!"

Seeing this, Oscar and Ma Hongjun blew their hair, you kid still wants to eat second brother's ass kick all by himself!Kick the Millennium Soul Ring!I am also happy to kick you to death!

They all pouted their big buttocks and squeezed in front of Tang Er, scrambling to make their C debut!
Pleading with excitement on his face.

Ma Hongjun, "Second Brother! Kick my ass! I have a lot of meat in my butt, and it feels so sensual when I kick it!"

Oscar, "Second brother! Don't listen to the fat man's nonsense, come here! Look at my butt, it's tilted at 45 degrees, just lift it a little...Hey! Boss Dai, what are you doing?"

Oscar hadn't finished speaking yet.

Dai Mubai pouted and spanked, took the initiative to slap Tang Er's raised foot, and then looked at the bewildered Oscar and Dai Mubai in embarrassment!

"Second brother! My younger brother is full of sincerity and offered to send his ass home! Hahaha!"


"Shameless! Extremely shameless!"

"Boss Dai, you are ruthless!"


Tang Er looked at the three live treasures in front of him with a wry smile, and kicked them hard one by one.

After upgrading their soul rings and threatening a few words, these three guys reluctantly retracted their buttocks!
Walking in front of Ning Rongrong, Ning Rongrong covered her blushing face, slowly bent her waist, and a trembling voice came out softly.

"Second brother! Be gentle!"


Tang Er slapped Ning Rongrong's small buttocks lightly, and said with a smile.

"You girl! Alright, go play badminton with Xiao Wu!"

"Ah! Second brother! You are necrotic!"

Covering her little face, Ning Rongrong ran away shyly!
Zhu Zhuqing squeezed his eyes tightly, gritted his teeth tightly, his body trembled a little, he was struggling fiercely!
Seeing this scene, Tang Er couldn't help but smile wryly, walked up to Zhu Zhuqing, and rubbed his little hands on her icy little face.

He smiled lightly, "Okay!"


As soon as the words fell, Zhu Zhuqing turned into an afterimage and disappeared!
(⊙o⊙)... Now, it was Dai Mubai's turn to be dumbfounded.

"Second brother! Since you can upgrade your soul ring without kicking your ass, why did you kick us?"

"Touch! Touch! Touch!"

Tang Er laughed loudly, and kicked three more times.

"Because I want to kick your ass! Hahaha!"

 grateful??!Brother's 1888 book currency reward and love!Thank you Brothers Dark Night for your generous reward of 200, 200, and 100 book coins!Thank you brothers for your support!All kinds of requests, brothers!Tomorrow, I will ask the responsible editor if there is still a chance to PK this book, otherwise, it will be on the shelves in the near future, and it is close to 18 words. The books of the same period have already been on the shelves. !
(End of this chapter)

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