Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 78 Soto City Great Soul Arena!

Chapter 78 Soto City Great Soul Arena!
The Great Soul Arena is only available in cities at the main city level. It is the best place for soul masters to fight for martial souls!

Independent of the Empire and Spirit Hall, it was jointly founded by the seven most prestigious families of soul masters in the entire continent!


And fighting spirits are divided into three categories, the first one is to learn from each other, the game category!
The second life-and-death struggle to solve irreconcilable contradictions!
There is also a gambling fight, which is a life-and-death duel with profit bets when conflicts arise between nobles and clans. The big soul arena is the referee, and the winning party gets all the profit bets!
Through Flender's detailed introduction, Tang Er already has a general understanding of this so-called Great Soul Arena, which is a bit similar to boxing in his previous life!Of course it's just similar!

Especially when he heard about the Great Soul Battlefield, rich as a country, Tang Er was obviously short of breath, and his eyes were gloomy with greed in the night!
Just like a weasel seeing a fat chicken!
No other idea!This product is out of money!After saving Tang San and the others, the selection coins have been emptied!And Tangmen Street in Suoto City is struggling to make ends meet!
So this money is unprecedentedly poor!

"Master Dean, there is only the third life-and-death bet in the Great Soul Arena, did the audience below have any bets?" Tang Er asked expectantly.

"Hmm! What are the audience betting on? They don't have any conflicts of interest. Why should they bet?"

Flender asked in bewilderment with a puzzled face.

"Hahaha! Idiots, a bunch of idiots, I deserve to pretend to be money, hahahaha!"

Tang Er seemed to have thought of something extremely happy, and laughed out loud.

The night was getting darker. Under the leadership of Flender, Tang Er and the others walked into this majestic building!
The interior is oval in shape, as high as 120 meters, surrounded by densely packed stands, somewhat similar to the stadium in the previous life.

The seats are arranged in steps and spread all the way to the top, which can accommodate more than 6 people!The seats are horizontally divided into two parts by one hundred VIP boxes.

The huge space in the middle is divided into a main fighting spirit field and 24 sub-spirit fighting fields!

After a simple registration and soul power test level, Tang Er and the others received the first-level Iron Contra badge!
Along the way, the interior of the Great Soul Arena was dazzled. Tang Er and the others were not in a hurry to compete, but bought a few tickets, took popcorn, found a random arena, and watched it with relish!

Ticket prices for different soul fighting areas are also different, what Tang Er and the others are watching is the arena competition between two soul masters!

It's not exciting, but it's not boring. An idiom is the most appropriate, that is, plain and plain.

The two big men on the stage are both Soul Masters, Wuhun Beast Wuhun, there is no dazzling trick, just you punch, I kick!
But nearly a thousand spectators around watched it with gusto, cheering from time to time, blushing with excitement!
"Good! This kick is beautiful!"

"Oh! It's a pity! I could have killed with one punch!"

"You coward, why hide!"


For Douluo residents who lack entertainment, such a bland competition is obviously very attractive to them!
Surrounded by people who look like dogs, the second son of aristocrats who are not short of money, yes, they are not short of money!
Tang Er looked around at the restless audience, including the two big men on the ring.

The eyeballs rolled around, as if they saw big fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered!

To be so excited when they are so boring, if they work a little bit, then these people will not be crazy.

"Go! Go to the dean!"

After pondering for a moment, Tang Er suddenly stood up excitedly, leading Tang San and the others out of the Great Soul Arena!

A luxurious teahouse, where Tang Er and the others conspired for a long time!

Then, under the leadership of the profiteer Flender with a red face, they entered the Great Soul Arena of Soto City again!

Between the arena and the auditorium, Tang Er patted Tang San on the shoulder, explaining the matter solemnly.

"Little Sanzi, do you remember everything I told you? Whether you can make a lot of money, the first start-up capital depends on you!"

"Don't worry! Brother! You will be surprised later!"

Tang San excitedly nodded his little head, bouncing down, and ran to the ring for the great soul master competition!
Tang Er and the others sat down in the auditorium.

In the waiting area for the ring competition, dozens of burly guys rested quietly with their eyes closed.

A few minutes later, the draw for the game was over.

The information of each opponent is displayed on the bulletin board!

The other dozen pairs of contestants are nothing special, they are basically the resident soul masters of the Great Soul Arena!
However, there was a pair of contestants who caught the audience's attention. Looking down, that brat with no hair at all!

The 13-year-old kid is facing off against the Beast Spirit who has won five games in a row, the battle soul master of Iron Horn Bull, Qing Bao Great Soul Master!

"Hey! Interesting! Interesting! That kid is also a great soul master!"

"A 13-year-old great soul master, what can't he think about, he insists on coming up to find abuse!"

"Hey! Don't jump to conclusions easily, maybe he is a genius! If you give Qing Bao the soul master a second! I can't see you slapping your face!"

"Damn it! Impossible! Qingbao is a level 25 soul master and has already won five games in a row. If that brat can win, I'll show my face and let you fight!"


Such discussions erupted one after another in the auditorium, how lively it was!
"Two brothers, slapping your face hurts your feelings, why bother blocking me!"

Tang Er didn't know when he set up a platform on the aisle in the middle of the auditorium!
"Buy and leave"

The big characters of four are shining brightly!

Tang Er's words immediately attracted the attention of the two nobles who were arguing just now!

"Hmm! I've only heard that there are bets between nobles fighting souls. What kind of bet do you have?"

Two young nobles surrounded them curiously!
"Haha! Two brothers, please look!"

Tang Er pointed to the big characters on the table!

Tang San: 1:10
Qingbao: 1:1
Then he said with a smile, "Competition, if you lose, you win. It's so hurtful to win or lose like you!"

"Brother, I can't bear you to hurt your peace like this, and set up a gamble!"

"Buy Qing Bao to win, and the return is doubled. That is to say, you spend one gold soul coin to press Qing Bao to win. If Qing Bao's great soul master wins, you can get two gold soul coins!"

"Similarly, if you spend one golden soul coin to beat Tang San, who has no hair yet, just in case, I said just in case, in case Tang San wins, you will get ten times the return, that is, ten golden soul coins !

Haha, the odds are so high precisely because Tang San definitely can't win! "

"Of course, if the one of you who wins loses, the money will naturally be lost!"



Tang Er painted a big cake, under the attack of brainwashing speech.

The two noble youths were a little short of breath upon hearing this.

Looking at Tang Er like looking at a fool.

"Is this person crazy? It shouldn't be stupid, this is obviously giving me money!"

I'm afraid Tang Er will go back on his word!
"Crack! Crack!"

Two bulging purses, worth hundreds of gold soul coins, were placed on Qing Baosheng!

Even the young man who said that Tang San Wanyi was a genius just now by his neck, also suppressed Qing Baosheng.

In the face of interests, face counts for nothing!

After the two noble youths passed by, the nobles who had just been watching curiously surrounded them too!

"Hey! Buy it and leave it! The more you buy, the more you earn!"

A shout sounded in the auditorium.

Flender and Erya, leading Tangmen Street in Soto City, dozens of employees shouted at various positions in the auditorium!

 on shelves!Impossible to put on the shelves!It's impossible to put it on the shelves in this life!Bros!Postpone it for a week!

(End of this chapter)

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