Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 83 Tang 2 Gives Money! [Seeking the first order!Ask for the first order!The old 2 begs you b

Chapter 83 Tang Er Gives Money! [Seeking the first order!Ask for the first order!The second brother begs you brothers! 】

"Ah! Lost! Master Iron Dragon actually lost! This is impossible!"

"The waste iron dragon was knocked unconscious by his own martial soul, forget about your mother's name as a mud worm!"

"It's over! Lost everything! Lost everything! Haha! This must be an illusion! Haha! I made money! I made a lot of money!"


crying!Shout!Can't take the blow, go crazy!Abound!
But until Tang San's incomparably mocking voice came out!

"By the way! Don't get me wrong! The third master didn't target anyone! The third master said that everyone who is doing it is rubbish!"

Then he pouted his buttocks and faced the auditorium, patted his little hands lightly, and imitated his brother's classic sarcasm song to reappear.

"Hahahahahaha! You can't beat me!
No way, I'm just that strong!
La la la la la la!

Let's all go together!I am not afraid at all! "

That way, as cheap as you want!
As soon as this song came out, it was matched with Tang San's invincible taunt!
The atmosphere in the auditorium suddenly froze!
Stop crying!
Stop shouting!
It's so crazy that she's back to normal!



The eruption after the quiet!
The monstrous anger soared into the sky!

"Trash! What are you talking about, you fucking trash!"

"By relying on shit luck, I was lucky enough to win. You fucking have the guts to compare again. Even if labor and management are dead, they will bet on your failure!"

"That's right, you have the guts to compete again, labor and management must sign up in person, bloody you trash!"

"Labor and management want to bet with you to the death! Dare to dare!"


These gamblers who have already lost and lost their fortunes, how can there be any sense of reason!Originally, I just cared about money, so I didn't plan to gamble anymore!

But after Tang San's invincible ridicule!These gamblers are completely red-eyed!
He almost rushed to the ring and devoured Tang San alive!

Seeing this, Tang Er in the audience looked at Tang San very satisfied, "I take back what I said before, you are really a good showman!"

Hearing this, Tang San taunted even more embarrassingly.

Facing the audience in the audience, he frantically made faces and stuck out his tongue, "La la la la!"

"A bunch of trash! Two weeks later! See you in the arena of life and death! The third master is waiting for you to come and die!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Walking down the stage with extremely arrogant splayed steps, laughing wildly!

"Trash! You are doomed! Labor and management will spend all their wealth and bet on your death!"

"Little brat! After two weeks, if you don't die, I will die!"

"Everyone bet on this trash, I'm going to spend a lot of money to hire a well-known Dingfeng Great Soul Master to chop this trash into pieces!"

"Okay! I'll invite you too, let's go! Everyone go to Tangmen Entertainment City and let them start the game again! Labor and capital are betting on life together this time!"

"Okay! Let's go! Let's go to Tangmen Entertainment City together! This time, we will definitely win back our principal and interest!"


The gamblers in the audience went crazy again, yelling, their eyes turned red from gambling, and they flocked to Tangmen Entertainment City!


Tang Er smiled with a feather fan scarf, really a little Zhuge!
In the first round of casting the net, he netted millions of gold soul coins and exchanged them into hundreds of thousands of choice coins. Tang Er transformed himself into a rich local tyrant!

But this is far from enough to satisfy Tang Er's greedy appetite!

The second round of casting nets is in full swing!

In two weeks, Tang Er wanted to put his Tangmen Entertainment City on the right track, and then use Tang San's first battle to bring Tangmen Entertainment City to the top!

In Tang Er's view, the much-anticipated gambling game in Soto City has come to a successful conclusion!

But Suoto City is not peaceful, on the contrary, it is more boiling than ever!
Begging grandpa, begging grandma, do everything possible to raise money, and wait for the battle to turn around in two weeks!
After the fermentation of time, the reputation of Tangmen Entertainment City has resounded throughout the Barak Kingdom!
Not only the residents near Soto City came to gamble, but even the wealthy people in the entire Barak Kingdom came here after hearing the news, wanting to get a piece of the pie!

The Kingdom of Barak is gathering again!In addition, a large number of strong men who were attracted by Mie from the Wuhun main hall in Suotuo City!
Soto City at this moment is like a powder keg!Just a little spark!It will explode!
But our second master Tang didn't realize that the second master who has completely lost his money mind is thinking that he is planning a strategy...

Three days later...

Chinatown!Tangmen Hotel!

Today Tangmen Hotel is rarely closed!
The door is locked!

But the interior of the hotel is unique!

The banquet hall on the third floor!
The lights are brilliant and the dance music is light!
The jade plate is ashamed, and the wine is fragrant!
The entire hall is divided into five parts!

Soul master area!
About a hundred people!
Great soul master area!

Seven 80 people!

Soul Venerable Area!
More than 50 people!

Go to Soul Sect!
More than 30 people!

Soul King District!
More than ten people!

If these people form a force, they will be considered average in the entire Douluo Continent!
And they are the contestants who have been active in the fighting competitions in the Great Soul Arena of Soto City in recent months!

Including Qingbao and Tielong, basically, all those who are currently in Soto City are gathered here.

While eating and drinking voraciously, they talked curiously!

"What is the purpose of that God of Wealth!"

"Ghost knows what that God of Wealth is thinking, we don't seem to have offended him!"

"Forget it, eat and drink before you think about it, such a delicious thing must be worth a lot of money, let's make some money first!"


The soul masters who go to the soul arena to compete, in addition to honing the battle and other reasons, the more important point is that they can make money, making money without risk!
So they are not considered rich, just from the Shrek Academy full of soul emperors and soul sages, just a glimpse or two!
So where are you willing to eat these delicacies and drink these fine wines?Eat and drink like hell!

But right now!
All the lights in the hall are projected towards the entrance of the hall!

God of Gamblers exclusive BGM resounds throughout the hall!

Powerful and domineering, people can't help but want to kneel down and surrender!

The door is open!A boy came into view!

The young man was wearing a dark black windbreaker, with a shiny back and a white scarf fluttering in the wind!
Smiling, eating chocolate, and walking towards the central podium!

This outrageous scene stunned everyone!

The boy is the king of the king, Tang Er!

"Hey! Kid! What's the point of calling us here! If you don't give us a reasonable explanation! Even the Seven Treasures Sect can't keep you!"

A middle-aged soul king questioned with displeasure.

"Exactly! We still have to go to the Great Soul Arena to compete! If you waste our time in vain, you will die!"

Another Soul Sect agreed!


Before walking to the microphone, Tang Erruo gave the Soul King and Soul Sect a meaningful look.

Then scan, everyone present!

A big wave!
Dozens of strong men, each holding two big boxes, walked behind Tang Er!
Hundreds of large boxes were opened in unison!


Dazzling golden light shines throughout the hall!

It was full, all of them were gold soul coins, roughly estimated to have one hundred thousand gold soul coins!
Clearing his throat, Tang Er lifted up a box of gold soul coins and threw them to everyone!

"Second Master! I'm here to give you money!"

 Begging for the first order!Begging for the first order!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a monthly pass!At present, there is no monthly pass, crying!It was put on the shelves so suddenly, the second child didn't find out that he was on the shelves until he posted this chapter. It was supposed to be on the shelves on weekends, hey!The second child has been abandoned, to the point of not even being notified in advance!The second child only hopes that there are still a small number of brothers who don't abandon the second child!The second child has been really difficult recently!Put the second child on the shelf as much as possible to explode, how many chapters can explode, the recent writing is a bit broken, and the second child also knows that the subscription status must be a batch of poor, 1000:1, thank God!But the second brother swears to brothers, support my brothers!The second child will not let you down!Now the second child is at the lowest point!But the second one will be strong again!hey-hey!
(End of this chapter)

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