Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 87 The meeting of the wind and clouds

Chapter 87 The meeting of the wind and clouds
"The trash in the sky was also killed by them?" The young man smiled sinisterly.

"Master Hui, yes, that man seems to have a heavy treasure on him, and his lethality is huge." The old man of the soul sage replied greedily.

"Haha, Secret Treasure, last time it was in front of my eyes, it disappeared mysteriously, this time it is actually in my territory, so crazily amassing money, let's amass money, I will kill you anyway, everything is mine, hahaha..."

The young man stared down, Xiao Wu and the others, who were honing their fighting skills, laughed wildly with malicious intentions.

The young man was the culprit who almost put Tang San and the others to death in the bar conflict last time!

Soto City, Tangmen Entertainment Street!
Tang Er's money-making machine is running crazily!

At this moment, Tang Er is richer than ever before!
Tang San and the others are currently in the Great Soul Arena of Suotuo City, abusing vegetables!

Flender and Tang Hao are in Shrek Academy, taking care of themselves in retirement!
Everything is on the right track, Tang Er doesn't have to worry about it, as before, at the entrance of Tangmen Entertainment Street, lying on the reclining chair, basking in the sun with peace of mind!
Everything looks so, quiet and peaceful!

On this day, Tang Er was still basking in the sun happily at the street corner as usual!

Suddenly, "Boom!"

In the sky, drop a mysterious object!
It made Tang Er dizzy, but this thing is so soft and delicious, he couldn't help but gnawed and touched it twice!


A coquettish cry was earth-shattering.

Before Tang Er could react!

"Boom boom boom..."

There were six loud bangs again.

Tang Er was smashed and embedded deeply in the ground!

"Brother! The Soul Emperor wants to kill us!"

"Damn it, it's a good thing I have the second brother's escape talisman and the anti-stab armor, otherwise I would have been blasted to pieces."

"People from the Great Soul Arena, why did you kill us?"



Tang San and the others were panting, discussing in shock.

1 minutes later.

"Hey! Where did the second brother go? Isn't he always basking in the sun at this point?"

Xiao Wu looked around curiously.


"Two young ladies, please move your butt."

Tang Er's miserable voice came from under Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.


After two exclamations, the disheveled Tang Er crawled out of the pit.

Several people chirped and vividly described to Tang Er the shocking encounter in the Great Soul Arena.

In fact, it’s not a big deal, it’s just that I’m just having fun when I was abusing vegetables, and suddenly I was abused by vegetables.

The opponent has changed from a great soul master, a soul master, and Nima to a soul emperor and a soul saint, and they will amplify their moves when they meet.

And a few people saw that something was wrong, so they didn't talk nonsense. After a blow from the armored hard bar, they directly escaped the spell and fled.

Hearing this, Tang Er frowned, logically speaking, Tang San and the others' identities had not been revealed.

They're just ordinary contestants who have no grievances with the Great Soul Arena, what's the trouble?
Just when Tang Er was confused, more than a dozen people surrounded them!

Four soul saints, ten soul emperors!
"Brother! It's them!"

"It's these old bastards who just wanted to kill us! Brother, catch them!"

"Third Master, shoot them all to death one by one!"

Tang San hid behind Tang Er, stretched his neck and shouted.

Tang Er patted the dust off his body, and looked around calmly!

But it's not these dozen people.

Several people drinking tea in the tea stall 50 meters to the left.

A Titled Douluo!
Three Contras!
100 meters to the right, in the fried chicken shop, there is one Titled Douluo and five Contras!


Tang Er looked frightened, Nima, is this crazy, just a moment, just a moment.

In Tangmen Entertainment Street, there were at least six titled Douluo and more than twenty Soul Douluo strangely appeared.

What about it!Nima!This Douluo Continent is a fake, right? There are so many soul saints like dogs, and the soul emperor walks all over the street. In such a strange situation, they all came to kill me!Still here to gamble?

Tang Er was in a daze!

A sneer came from behind the crowd.

"Haha, you little brats, I let you escape last time, but this time you are doomed!"

A young man walked through the encirclement and walked in front of Tang Er and the others with an arrogant figure-of-eight step.

"It's you!"

Tang Er and the others thought at the same time, who is this young man!
The last bar conflict, the wretched youth who almost killed Tang San and the others!
"Hahaha, last time I went back to the family in an emergency, and I didn't have time to clean up you. I didn't expect that there would be a surprise now."

"Hand over the secret treasure that can teleport, for the sake of your talents."

The young man looked down from above, Tang Er and the others ordered in an unquestionable tone.

"Kowtow to me three times obediently, and then the man will be my dog. As for the three beauties, as long as you serve me well, I will make you happy..."

While talking, the young man stretched out his hands to Ning Rongrong wretchedly!
"Crack!" "Crack"

Ning Rongrong, this little witch, how could she bear it!
The sky-high blue high-heeled shoes kicked fiercely at the young man's crotch!
"Serve your mother to sell batches! I will let you serve! I will make you happy!"

"Come on! I'll let you have a good time today!"

Ning Rongrong imitated Tang Er's posture, completely disregarding his image, jumped up, one kick, one kick, another kick!Take it hard!


"No, broken! Broken! Split!"

"Stinky bitch! You are dead! Ah! What are you still doing! Quick! Catch them! I will tear them into pieces! Stinky bitch! I will make your life worse than death!"

The youth's crotch is already bloody!Rolling on the ground in pain!His eyes were about to split open, and he roared ferociously!

But the surrounding soul emperors and soul saints should have been able to stop Ning Rongrong's first kick.

But up to this moment, he has remained motionless, standing around like a sculpture, his face is pale, and his body is shaking!

Seeing this, Tang San and the others all looked at Tang Er with a confused face, adoring the little star.

Ning Rongrong was even worse. At this moment, her demeanor changed from that of a witch just now to that of a weak little fairy.

The beautiful big eyes were full of tears of fear, and she was tired in Tang Er's arms, begging for comfort.

"Second brother, the Lun family was really scared just now! The Lun family is so scared!"

"Second brother, you are really powerful. You frightened this group of people into such a state without moving."

"Second Brother! You are Rong Rong's hero!"

Tang Er wryly smiled and looked at Ning Rongrong who was like a little white rabbit in his arms. This little witch is really devilish, but I like it!
Randomly set his sights on a few men in white robes who were about ten meters away from him!

"Hahaha, little girl, I only have my second brother in my eyes now! Grandpa has been standing here for so long, but he didn't notice it. Grandpa is so sad! Grandpa is the hero!"

The white-haired old man headed by the white-robed man walked over tremblingly, leaning on a cane!

The moment the old man watched, Ning Rongrong exclaimed excitedly, "Grandpa Jian!"

(End of this chapter)

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