Xianggong came from the mountains

Chapter 30 Zhu Shuangjiang's Entanglement

Chapter 30 Zhu Shuangjiang's Entanglement

Zhu Xiaochang admitted to death, although he knew that Xia Qinghe didn't want to be his wife, but Xia Qinghe said that she could be his younger sister when she was younger than him, and said with a cold snort: "Qinghe is my younger sister."

Xia Qinghe didn't like Zhu Shuangjiang very much, and there was always a little treachery and cunning in her eyes, which made her feel very bad. She didn't think about staying in the village for a long time, and naturally she didn't want to have contact with such people.

There was inevitably a touch of impatience in the words: "I thank you for your kindness first, and I also said that my house was not stolen, and I said that it was ransacked by bandits. Is there anything worth stealing there? Don't worry, please come back if you have nothing to do."

The fish had been out of the water for too long and was already dead. She cut open the belly of the fish, and she was already thinking about going there to find rock ears tomorrow.

Zhu Shuangjiang didn't give up. It's good for Xia Qinghe to ignore him. It's challenging to ignore him. If he really talks to him suddenly, he won't find it interesting.

He didn't get close to Xia Qinghe anymore, knowing that Zhu Xiaochang would be very angry, he simply squatted down and watched Xia Qinghe dissect the fish from a distance.

"Qinghe, look at how you can do these tasks with your skinny skin and tender flesh. Get out of my way to help you." He said with a playful smile.

Zhu Xiaochang snorted and threw the pole in front of Zhu Shuangjiang, scaring Zhu Shuangjiang back again and again.

"Are you going or not?" Zhu Xiaochang was furious. This guy thought he couldn't see that he was teasing Xia Qinghe, but it really didn't make sense, he dared to make such a bold move in front of him.

Xia Qinghe glanced at it from time to time, but didn't even want to look at Zhu Shuangjiang.

Anyway, with Zhu Xiaochang hanging out, Zhu Shuangjiang didn't dare to do anything, after all, no one is afraid of a fool going crazy.

Zhu Shuangjiang gave a "bah" unconvinced, and said very dissatisfied: "Sooner or later, I will deal with you."

Zhu Xiaochang picked up the pole and immediately chased Zhu Shuangjiang, scaring Zhu Shuangjiang to run away.

Zhu Xiaochang closed the courtyard door and went back to Xia Qinghe seriously: "From now on, if Qinghe pesters you and beats you to death, he is not a thing. He used to come to my house often, Chunhua, and Chunhua was caught by the bandits. After walking for a long time, he will start to trouble you, do you think he is a thing!"

Xia Qinghe was surprised to find that Zhu Xiaochang's speech was much smoother than before. He used to open and close his mouth with "my mother" and so on, and he knew that there was something wrong with his mind just by looking at it foolishly.

But ever since she told Zhu Xiaochang that his parents would never come back and that he had to rely on himself in the future, Zhu Xiaochang seemed to have changed. He was willing to do whatever he was asked to do. Express yourself, although there are good times and bad times...

She deeply suspected that Zhu Xiaochang must have been too spoiled by Mrs. Han before, so that she didn't teach her well!

Xia Qinghe cleaned up all the fish in the basin, looked at Zhu Xiaochang with a slight smile and said, "Don't be angry, we have little chance of meeting him. I will go to the mountains often from tomorrow on. Anyway, I don't have anything at home. You can take firewood." Knife and hoe follow me to the mountains, you know?"

It is necessary to make money. If it weren't for the Dendrobium today, she would not be able to sell much. If she couldn't make ends meet, she even spent the ten or so pennies she found under the bed before. Now she can be said to be penniless.

Zhu Xiaochang didn't do anything before. Although he was poor, he was born with pride. He found it interesting to do things with Xia Qinghe these days.

Xia Qinghe said that he must learn to take care of himself. Only when he knows how to take care of himself can he take care of the people he cares about. He thinks that Xia Qinghe treats him very well. It is not a disadvantage to him to eat food. I bought him four big warm buns, and I don't know how grateful I am to Xia Qinghe.

He wanted to make money, and when he was rich, he could take good care of Xia Qinghe, and when he was rich, he could go to his two older sisters.

He nodded without thinking, "From now on, I will follow you into the mountains to find herbs."

The fish soup in the pot was boiled until the soup was whitish. The white thick soup looked very appetizing. She put some pepper and salt into it, scooped it up and tasted it. The taste was really aftertaste long.

Scoop up the soup, and then make delicious white rice. As soon as Zhu Xiaochang smelled it, he couldn't help but burrow into the stove.

Seeing Xia Qinghe pour in more than half of the rice he bought today, he licked his lips and said greedily, "Qinghe, why did you pour all of it in? Our family used to eat so much rice for many days."

Xia Qinghe remembered the corn and rice cooked by Mrs. Han before, and the soup was waterless.

She rinsed the pot and poured out the water in the ladle: "Today we eat white rice, fragrant white rice. Anyway, if we stay at home, someone might steal it. It's better for us to eat it ourselves, at least we don't have to worry about it." .”

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was a stupid way to eat sweet potatoes in the past few days. She should have just taken out the food in the sack and ate it. Anyway, it still went into her stomach, and it turned out to be cheaper for others.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, she gritted her teeth and said viciously: "Next time I will punish the thief who steals."

When Xiao Chu came, he brought a jug of wine, Xia Qinghe hurriedly brought out the prepared meals. If there was no table, he had to put all the dishes on the stools, so he had to squat down to eat. It was okay a few days ago, Xiao Chu Chu Zhuo thought that he would eat at Xia Qinghe's place in the future, so he simply asked Xia Qinghe to wait for him to move the three-legged table out of the house, and found a suitable table leg in the firewood room and nailed it.

After the table was repaired, Xia Qinghe was overjoyed, and was finally able to sit down and eat in an upright manner.

Xiao Chu was a little surprised to see Xia Qinghe scooping up a large bowl of white rice by himself, and Xia Qinghe's eyes changed: "Is it sold for money today? How can you be willing to buy such good rice to eat?"

Xia Qinghe took a bite of the rice, it was really delicious.

She ate two bites in a row before answering Xiao Chu: "It's not how much it sold, I just want to eat a delicious meal of white rice. I don't know when I will eat it next time. Rice is too expensive. Fragrant rice is more expensive than meat." .”

Xiao Chu took a sip of the wine and put a fish in his own bowl. Although the fish didn't use any oil, but Xia Qinghe didn't know how to cook it, it didn't smell fishy at all, and the spicy taste was very delicious. He was tired of eating fish, but fell in love with eating fish little by little.

"This rice is a bit expensive. It's normal for the imperial court to tax heavily so it's expensive. You can buy inferior rice. It's not as white or as fragrant. The price is much cheaper. Are you going to keep picking herbs?" He asked. After asking too much, it was the first time I saw such a desperate little girl, her whole body seemed to be exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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