Xianggong came from the mountains

Chapter 83 On the Right Track

Chapter 83 On the Right Track
Xia Qinghe needs people, and Er Gouzi and Da Huzi are doing this to help her.

She immediately rejoiced and said, "It's a good relationship. With Aunt Chu and Aunt Yuan's help, I can go faster. The wages are twenty cents a day to take care of the meals. The sun rises until the sunset, and I can rest when I'm tired."

She knew that the clerks in the town only paid fifteen yuan a day, and twenty yuan was considered a relatively good wage.

Da Huzi and Er Gouzi immediately became happy. They basically did a lot of digging on the mountain by themselves, and there were dangers in the mountains and forests. After all, they were men, so they ran faster when encountering any problems.

But the Chu family and the Yuan family are old after all. If they are in danger, they may not be able to take care of them. Although they tried to persuade them, it didn't work. Now such a good opportunity is in front of them. They all want to make money, and no one wants to let it go. Such a good time to make money.

But it's different now. If Xia Qinghe needs someone to help, and the wages are paid, and the wages are so generous, he will definitely be willing to stay, so that they will save a lot of trouble.

Xia Qinghe didn't let go of the expressions of the two of them, knowing that this is a good thing for mutual benefit: "You can tell your mother that although twenty coins a day doesn't seem to dig a lot of kudzu, but kudzu may be gone in a few days, but It’s okay for me to do things here for ten days and half a month.”

Dahuzi can't speak, Xia Qinghe explained this, and he felt that if he told his mother, his mother would definitely agree.

Sending the two away, Zhu Xiaochang felt sorry for Qian and said: "Qinghe, why do you spend so much money on hiring someone, I can help." Twenty Wen a day is a lot to him.

Xia Qinghe looked at Zhu Xiaochang's tangled appearance and couldn't help laughing: "You, you, don't be reluctant to give up money, people's customers are in a hurry to get things, and besides, the weather is good recently, so it's right to get them out in a hurry, so we can't ask for help. Take it easy, when do you think the kudzu root in that room will be available to the two of us?"

The firewood room has already piled up a pile of kudzu root, which looks like a hill.

Zhu Xiaochang had nothing to say, he was slow to react, and every time Xia Qinghe said it made sense, he didn't know what to say at all.

"You're right. I'm so tired. I'll go to bed after I eat jelly. I'll get up early tomorrow morning to make stone rollers."

The two of them ate a bowl of jelly and went to bed.

The donkey was kept in the chicken shed where Xia Qinghe gave the donkey good fodder.

Xiao Hei was running around in the yard like having fun. He was very unhappy.

After closing the door and checking, she went to rest with peace of mind.

In the past two days, the village has been very quiet. Everyone probably wants to make money, so they rest late.

The next day, Dahuzi, Ergouzi, and Zhu Xiaochang went to the foot of the mountain to move a lot of stones, and put the stone rollers back with great effort.

Both the Chu family and the Yuan family came, and they wore aprons to help. The donkey had to pull the grinder all the time, and was afraid of trampling the mud on the ground, so Da Huzi and Er Gouzi thoughtfully found a lot of flat stones to bury. on the ground.

It was already noon when everything was done, Xia Qinghe felt very sorry, thought for a while and said, "Brother Huzi, brother Gouzi, don't dig kudzu roots today, just help me with the day's work."

Da Huzi and Er Gouzi were unwilling. They knew what Xia Qinghe meant, and they probably felt sorry for them because they had been busy all morning, so they wanted to pay them, but they voluntarily helped in the morning.

After the two declined, they went directly to the mountain with their backpacks on their backs.

Aunt Chu and Aunt Yuan couldn't stay idle in the yard, so they hurriedly said, "You have to make arrangements for Qinghe and what we should do."

Xia Qinghe asked Zhu Xiaochang to pick up the kudzu root, and then harnessed the donkey. The stone roller immediately rolled, and the kudzu root that was put down was easily crushed. The slag is finer than that of a hand hammer, and more powder is produced.

Xia Qinghe blinked and looked at the crushed kudzu root, and couldn't help sighing: "This stone roller is too powerful. I couldn't hammer it so thin before when I hammered it with my own hands."

"No, Qinghe is still smart and knows how to use a stone mill." Zhu Xiaochang also looked at the kudzu root on the millstone in surprise.

Looking at the big wooden basin at the side, Mrs. Chu immediately knew what to do, called Mrs. Yuan to start driving the donkey, and then took advantage of the stone mill turning to the other side to quickly get out the crushed kudzu root, and then threw it away without grinding it. The crushed kudzu root goes in.

The stone mill is only this big, and Chu and Yuan are enough. Zhu Xiaochang is responsible for picking kudzu from the woodshed.

She finds time for herself to cook.

After crushing for an hour, there are already several baskets of kudzu root, and the meal is to filter the starch.

The Chu family generously borrowed her family's wooden basins and wooden barrels to filter and wash the starch. The four of them worked in full swing.

It is roughly estimated that a hundred catties of kudzu root were crushed today.

Xia Qinghe felt that the pieces of kudzu root were fermented and could be fed to pigs, but there were no pigs in the village, and a piglet was so expensive that no one in the village would buy it anymore.

She can only ask Zhu Xiaochang to dump these pieces of kudzu root into the ground, and wait for the next year to become fertilizer.

The wooden basin in the bucket was full of starch-precipitated water, and Chu and Yuan were also tired. Xia Qinghe took a break and hurried to cook, thinking about keeping Da Huzi and Er Gouzi's family for dinner at night.

For braised pork with wild boar, the two fish raised in the tank were also killed, and they were directly made into pickled fish.

She had cooked all the meals, and the talents in the village sent kudzu root one after another. Yesterday, the Chu family and the Yuan family helped to select a lot of kudzu roots that were not cleaned. Everyone was afraid that their kudzu roots would be picked out, so today every one was washed clean.

Xia Qinghe was afraid that people in the village would be in danger when entering the deep mountains, so everyone reminded them, hoping to persuade them so that nothing would happen in time.

Granny Deng came with a basket on her back, and her son came with a basket. Some villagers who hadn't left were a little dumbfounded when they saw people from other villages selling kudzu.

Yang felt a little unhappy, she thought it was people from other villages robbing the business, and her face was dark and unfriendly.

Xia Qinghe saw it all, fearing that the villagers would be dissatisfied and cause unnecessary troubles, and said to the people who hadn't left: "It's okay if there are relatives in your family who want to sell kudzu. I need a lot of kudzu, you can bring me Buy them all, and I also need sweet potatoes, according to your usual selling price, I don’t bargain, but you have to wash them and send them over.”

Pueraria has already piled up a room, and she began to plan to buy sweet potatoes, so as to provide a steady stream of starch.

The villagers were in an uproar. They only knew that Xia Qinghe bought kudzu, but they didn't expect Xia Qinghe to buy sweet potatoes.

Every household has sweet potatoes, which can't be sold for money in the town. Suddenly, the villagers are active, and everyone is thinking about how many sweet potatoes to sell.

 I’m really sorry that I’m only updating now, taking care of patients is too troublesome, it feels so hard~ I have to pay attention to the infusion at any time during the day, I have to wait for the toilet, I have to wait for the meal, I have to find a nurse after busy work, I have no free time all day Come down, I finally breathed a sigh of relief after the infusion at night. I have time to sit down and code. I will try my best to update these few days. It is the end of the year, everyone should pay attention to your health~ ok, thank you dear ones for your concern, My heart is warm, happy new year~
(End of this chapter)

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