Chapter 30 Dog

Normal people would not agree to such a condition, right? They said it was a surrogate pregnancy, but Fanyin would be a surrogate through IVF?Isn't that the default that he cheated on his mistress?

"No," the female star became excited: "This is a very normal request!"

Fanyin smiled slightly: "So you are willing to help me?"

"As long as you need me." She said sincerely, "I really don't want the person I love to marry someone else."

Fanyin smiled, pulled her hand to her lips and kissed it, and asked softly, "Anything is fine?"

"Of course!" The female celebrity really wanted to marry him.

Fanyin smiled even more happily: "I know Holly is very infatuated with you, and I need your help with this."

The female star opened her eyes wide.

Who is Holly?I searched my memory carefully and found that there was only one fat man named Huo.

"It's very simple, you just need to ask him out alone, and I'll take care of the rest." He smiled and asked, "Are you willing?"

"This..." the female star panicked: "Even if he meets me, he will bring no less than six bodyguards, and they are all equipped with guns."

"So you can't do it?" Fanyin showed a helpless face: "I'm sorry, I can't convince my family."

The female star was in a tangle and asked for a while, "Will you kill me?"

"Honey, why should I kill you?" Fanyin asked with her arms outstretched, "What are you thinking? You are my favorite woman!"

She bit her lip.

It is nine times out of ten for a woman to seduce her suitor to come out alone and have sex.Only when doing this, will this man have no bodyguards, right?

But could that Hawley be so childish?
"You think about it carefully." Fanyin held her hand and was incredibly gentle: "If I just want to play with you, then I don't have to come today at all. If I intend to lie to you, why should I bring my fiancee to make you uneasy?" I hope you can understand that I am willing to talk to you about this in front of my fiancée because I can lose her and she can lose me. But I don't want to lose you easily, but you know, my family I need a woman who can help me, your family background is not prominent enough, your career is not glorious enough, but at least you love me sincerely, not for nothing."

Really sour.So much in love that you let him go to accompany other men?

Ghosts will believe him!

"Okay." The female star actually agreed: "I will do it."

Fanyin turned to look at me: "Go get me some wine."

I just didn't want to sit here, so I went to the wine counter to get red wine.When I came back, I found that the two were already sitting together, hugging each other as if they were fateful couples, and kissing like a raging fire.

I asked the waiter to bring the champagne and went back to get another glass.I just took a sip when a handsome, fair-skinned and frail guy came over and stared at my clothes with a light in his eyes.

I was very uncomfortable being stared at by him, so I reminded: "Sir?"

He just came back to his senses, raised his head and said with a smile, "Sorry, miss, I was rude."

"It's okay." I said, "You seem to be very interested in this dress."

"Of course, I'm a costume designer." He was immediately ignited by the topic, and his face showed excitement: "Your dress is really beautiful, and I'm sure I've seen it somewhere! Please wait a moment, I'm remember."

broken!If someone finds out that I'm wearing the clothes of a woman from before Fanyin, won't I be killed by a joke?
I hurriedly said, "Sir, you don't have to..."

"No, please don't talk!" He fell into deep thought, and suddenly roared excitedly after a long while: "I remember!"

I couldn't help taking a step back, feeling a little scared in my heart.

"At the designer competition in Milan ten years ago! It was the champion! Immediately after the competition, it was bought by a rich man, and it has never been seen again! This is the only one in the world, and I will never be wrong! "He asked excitedly: "How did you get it?"

Because his voice was too loud, there were already many women around us.

They all showed interest in the dress I was wearing because it was unique.While I don't think it's very pretty, it's expensive and rare, and that's the point.

I didn't know how to answer, so I could only turn my head frequently, hoping that Fanyin could see me.

But there were too many people, blocking my view.

Just when I was embarrassed, a voice came over: "Miss Su."

It's Ah Chang.

The crowd moved out of the way, and he came over and asked, "What happened?"

The designer explained to him what happened.

A Chang laughed after hearing this: "Sir, your question is really ridiculous."

The designer was taken aback.

Achang explained with a pleasant face: "This lady is Mr. Fan's fiancée, and her father's surname is Su. What she owns is not just such a dress."

The designer and the crowd were even more excited. It seemed that Fanyin was the most prestigious guest.They wanted to drink with me one after another, but Achang cleverly refused them, took me to a corner, and said, "Mr. Fan asked you to wait for him in the car."

I have more concerns: "Why do you say my father's surname is Su?" Did he check me?
"Your surname is Su, of course your father's surname is Su." Achang lowered his voice with a smile and asked, "Do you know the Su family?"

I thought about it and said, "I don't know."

"It's normal that you don't know. This family is very low-key, but they are rich and powerful." Achang smiled wickedly: "I didn't say that you are the daughter of the Su family. They misunderstood themselves."

I couldn't help asking: "Who is more powerful, the Su family or Mr. Fan?"

"That's not right. If you use a family to compare Mr. Fan alone, how can Mr. Fan compare?" A Chang didn't say any more, and urged: "Go and wait in the car."

As soon as she got into the car, Fan Yin was escorted out by the female star, and the two stood at the door of the car and kissed goodbye.

After Fanyin sat in, the female star waved goodbye to me.

The wind and snow outside are still strong, and the car drives very slowly.

Fanyin leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. He smelled of alcohol, apparently drank a lot.

I hesitated for a long time and asked at the risk of being beaten, "Who is Holly?"

"The fat man's only son."

His eyes were still closed, but his tone was calm.

Then I will continue to ask: "Do you have a festival with that Mr. Huo?"

"The Huo family is in charge of the notary for the verbal agreement, but the surname Huo took Pu Lan's money, so he deliberately favored Pu Lan during the notarization." Fan Yin explained quite clearly: "I never do business with a [-]-[-] split, let alone I don’t know who Pu Lan is.”

"Then why did you agree that day?"

He glanced at me, with clear contempt in his eyes: "The rule of notarization is that neither party brings anyone with us, the location is arranged by the surname Huo, and the safety is guaranteed by the Huo family. Therefore, the Huo family gave me and Pu Lan respectively. Mortgage, in case the Huo family is unfair, we can kill the mortgagor. But the mortgagor given to me by the surname Huo is a waste that their family has long wanted to kill. "

"You didn't know until after you went?"

"I knew it before."

I hurriedly asked: "Then you still dare to go, are you not afraid that they will kill you?"

"The 3000% profit is [-] million to [-] million. I have no reason to give up the [-]%." Fanyin said: "For the Pu family, no matter whether it is [-]% or [-]%, he will not pay. It has to be used to fill the sea. For the Huo family, five to five can get the benefits of the Pu family, and three to seven is the rule, and no one will do anything to him."

I understood, and couldn't help sighing: "How dare they offend you..."

"There are too many people who dare to offend me." He let out a warm smile.

"Then can you explain what happened today by the way?" It was rare for him to say so willingly.

Fanyin glanced at me: "What do you think?"

"Because Fatty Huo got you drunk, so you want that woman to kill his son."

He raised his eyebrows: "how?"

"You sold your color for this." I said, "And promised her to marry, the price is too high."

"It costs seven lives to fight directly, but it costs two lives to say a few nice words to her." He laughed: "Which one is less risky?"

"But he brought six bodyguards with him when he met her, obviously he doesn't trust her!"

"Then make a bet." He said in a good mood: "If you lose, go and accompany Pu Lan, and find a chance to do him."

"What if you lose!"

"I'll marry you." He said leisurely, "You can choose the size of the wedding."

"Where do you have such strong self-confidence?" I believe he would never want to hold a wedding with me.

"Because..." He put his arms around my shoulders and whispered in my ear, "She's very coquettish."

I couldn't help feeling sick, and pushed him away.

He was not angry either, looking at me and smiling.

"Don't you think it's a bit too much to judge a woman like that?"

He looked at me and said nothing.

"But she's with you after all..." I didn't want to say that word that made me uncomfortable.

"I didn't play for nothing." He said disdainfully, "I bought the villa where the party was held just now."

"I mean, shouldn't you be a little bit nice?" I think it's shameless to comment on someone who has slept with me behind her back, and it's obvious that the female celebrity loves him very much.If he says this about her in front of me now, he must also say that about me in front of others.Disgusting!

He suddenly pinched my cheek.

He didn't hit hard, but his index finger was right on my swollen part, so it hurt me a little.

"Since you said that," he mocked, "then please say respectful words to it every time you use the toilet, respect it, take pity on it, and touch it. Thank it for its excellent service and fall in love with it from the bottom of your heart. it."

I gasped involuntarily, held his wrist, and asked, "Then am I also a toilet?"

He let go, leaned back in the chair, and closed his eyes.

I have to hear the answer, even if he strangles me: "Don't keep talking, just answer me yes or no?"


My hanging heart relaxes slightly.

But he said, "You can at least be a dog."

Five minutes later, Fanyin suddenly pushed me.


"I like my dog ​​very much." He said solemnly, "So you better stop being so stern."


He smiled slightly: "You don't need to be too polite."

(End of this chapter)

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