Chapter 47
I also picked up the wine glass and asked, "Then what do you like?"

He tilted his head and asked with a smile, "Want to hear the truth and listen to lies?"

"Of course it's true."

"Then you may think I'm very utilitarian." He drank the wine, then put down the wine cup, with a very serious expression: "Anything you can't figure out, you can get the simplest answer from a child."

I still don't understand.

He further explained: "When most children first learn to beat others, they beat the people who treat them best, such as their mother who loves them the most. But when facing fierce outsiders, they immediately become obedient and obedient. Always Is it not human nature to bully the person you love the most and humble yourself, but submit to a powerful enemy? But which adult would behave so directly? He would make excuses for himself."

This angle is really dark, but interesting: "What else have you learned?"

"My nephew liked to look through drawers when he was one and a half years old. Grandma didn't allow him to look through drawers, but my mother allowed him. He would choose not to look at grandma's house, but to look at mother's house. When grandma came to his house as a guest, he would do it in front of grandma. Turn over the drawer and show grandma.” He smiled and said, “He doesn’t think he’s making a mistake, he thinks he’s won.”

I nodded: "Indeed, do you want to tell the police the same?"

"Yes, sometimes I tease them." He laughed and poured wine for me with a hip flask: "But I will lie to cover it up."

"You came up with all these yourself?"

"It's written in the books." He said very enthusiastically: "Do you know why children are so cute?"

"I know." It is indeed written in this book: "It seems that children are annoying, but being cute will make other adults like it and be taken care of."

"Beauty can make people tolerate many things." He held the vegetables with a relaxed smile on his face: "So, evolution has always been a utilitarian thing."

I asked, "Do you like children?"

He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why do you think people need to study, to have legal ethics?"


"It's just to get along better." He seemed to have drunk too much, and his face began to blush: "So why do I like those uncivilized little things that write utilitarianism on their faces?"

"Because children are simple and direct, and don't need to play tricks."

"Forgive me." He smirked: "People who are not capable of scheming like simple and straightforward. When children ask for it, many people will feel disgusted. The reason why you and I sit here and chat in harmony is also the result of each other's scheming How great, you and I have achieved what each other wanted, and we will have more benefits in the future."

Well, I found myself having very little to say to him.Because his point of view is too dark, it is impossible to refute it from his point of view.

After another moment of silence, the jug had bottomed out.Pu Lan took out a bottle again, opened it and poured it into the jug, and asked, "Do you want to eat dumplings?"

"Stop it." I said, "I'm exhausted."

He tilted his head to look at my stomach and said, "It's okay."

"I'm trying to suck it in." I said, "Silk can't hold it."

He laughed, got up and walked around the table and put my head on my head.

I was a little dizzy. Seeing him leaning down, he suddenly stopped and said softly, "Shall I take a bath?"

I hurriedly said: "I want to eat dumplings."

"Eat it." He frowned slightly: "But it smells like garlic."

"Then there's no need to wash it." What if he suddenly rushed into the bathroom?I think his drinking capacity seems to be not very good. If I successfully bring him down, it will be over for today, and I will talk about it later: "The clothes also smell, but there is no need to change them."

He let go, leaned against the table, tilted his head and said, "You don't want to do it."

I gave him a blank look: "No, it's just that I haven't drunk too much."

"If you drink too much, you won't be able to get hard." He smiled: "Be good, go take a shower."

"Is it okay not to go?"

"Not good." He pushed me: "Don't worry, there are not only locks but also latches in the bathroom, and there are clothes in the bedroom. Don't let me smell this smell again."

I found a new pair of home clothes in the bedroom. It was long-sleeved trousers for winter, and the style was very conservative.

When she came out again, Pu Lan was sitting in the restaurant making dumplings, laughing out loud at the cross talk show on TV.Although it is a bit strange to think so, at this moment, I really felt a sense of home.

Pu Lan's dumplings are beautifully made, a plate of goldfish dumplings, a plate of orchid dumplings, and a plate of Sixi dumplings.The plate with the most is the four-color ingot dumpling.

I asked: "You can eat so much?"

"My second sister will send someone to pick it up later." He said, "She only eats my bag."

"Your cooking is really delicious." I couldn't intervene, so I sat next to me and asked, "Did you learn it on a special trip?"

"Well, because I like to cook." He smiled and said, "Didn't you notice?"

"I just noticed that you like to eat."

"Because you like to eat, you must know how to cook. If you want to cook well, you must like it." He said proudly, "Go and burn high incense!"


"I haven't cooked for a long time." He said this, leaned over suddenly, pinched my jaw with flour-stained fingers.Sniffing, with a satisfied smile on his face, he said softly, "It's all for you."

"Thank you."

He still smiled: "Do you think it's a bit fake?"

True, but I still said, "No, very sincerely."

"I also think it's a bit fake." He let go, picked up a towel to wipe his hands, and sighed helplessly: "It's really difficult."

"What's so difficult?"

"In the past, I would take girls out for a meal, drink some wine and push them down. I don't know how to communicate with girls."

"What if you encounter someone who doesn't obey?"

"That's fine."

"Aren't you going to force it?"

"Divide the places. Rape cases are easy to handle in countries where they are forced to come. If it is not easy to handle, let it go. You can't cause big troubles because of this." He is really skilled in making dumplings.

"Is Germany a good place to deal with?"

"It's not easy to handle."

"Then you still wanted to rape me that day." That's right, I had prepared so much, and I was just waiting to ask this question.

"I thought you were the female killer he brought, and you were going to follow me and wait for an opportunity to kill me." He answered it as a matter of course.

"Then why don't you drive me away quickly?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me contemptuously: "Why do you want to drive away the beautiful girl who came to your door? It's never too late to drive away after you're asleep."

I asked, "Am I like a female killer?"

"It doesn't look like it, but it doesn't look like a real female killer either. How can a likeness assassinate?" When he said this, he paused strangely and said, "I can't figure it out."

"Can't figure out what?"

"It's strange to bring your own wife to negotiate, why give it to me?"

This is easy to explain: "He fooled around all day, I thought he went to flirt with women, and he insisted on going. He got angry and wanted to punish me."

He nodded and said nothing.

"Don't believe it?"

"I believe." He suddenly laughed again: "But the way you say this is so cute!"

I quickly straightened up, but it was already too late.He stood up and put his hand on my shoulder.The moment his lips touched, I still felt very strange.

In fact, I am not a conservative person, I always wanted to have sex with Fanyin before marriage.What makes me uncomfortable is this person I don't love, and this relationship full of utilitarianism.I felt that I was being humiliated, and I knew that the humiliation was not worth it.

I didn't want to respond, but he pried my teeth out anyway.His kissing skills seem to be similar to the gangster version, and his private life must be as corrupt as his.

I'm really at a disadvantage, whoever I'm with is a bad person.

I was thinking wildly when he suddenly let go.After a few seconds of silence, I grabbed my waist and threw it on the sofa nearby.

He pressed down and undid my buttons one by one with his teeth.I was very uncomfortable, and I used my hands to protect it, but he grabbed my wrist again and pressed it to the top of my head.

This is not the first time I have experienced the disparity in physical strength between men and women, but I still feel very sad. Being born as a woman, this alone cannot resist the most primitive aggression.

As the front was unbuttoned, the cold air invaded my skin, and there was that strange kiss, the smell of a stranger.I am getting more and more sad, more and more ashamed, more and more regretful, more and more afraid...

At this moment, he suddenly stopped, broke my jaw, and asked, "Uncomfortable?"

I don't know whether to shake my head or nod.I wanted to nod in my heart, but I was afraid that Fanyin would be killed by a single touch.

I'm also stupid. Even now, I still don't want to kill him.

I told myself: This is because if Fanyin dies, then as his wife, I will definitely be attacked, and the ending may be the same, or it may be worse.So, I'm not lying here because of him.

Pu Lan didn't say a word, she gently rubbed the thumb on my chin.I don't know what he is thinking at the moment, is he considering whether to use force on "Miss Su"?
During the stalemate, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Pu Lan breathed a sigh of relief, let go of the sofa, put on her belt, took a deep breath, and said, "I'll open the door."

I just came back to my senses, and quickly sat up and buttoned my buttons.As soon as the two ties were fastened, his face suddenly came closer, kissed my lips, and quickly reached into my clothes with his hands.

When I pressed it down, he had already started to pinch, with a wicked smile on his face: "It's so cute."

After pulling it out, he turned around and opened the door.

When the voice of a woman outside the door came, I had already tied up my clothes.The voice sounded familiar, but when she came in, I realized it was Luo Man.

She was dressed up radiantly, with a diamond ring on her hand, and a beaming face.

"Miss Luo is here to help my second sister get the dumplings." Pu Lan said to me, "You chat with Miss Luo for a while, and I'll cook the dumplings right away."

Pu Lan turned and went to the kitchen.Luo Man leaned over and asked gossipingly, "Did you do it?"


"Just asking." She said with emotion on her face, "What's the size?"

"I don't know." I was very upset: "Don't you think it's strange to ask such a question?"

(End of this chapter)

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