Chapter 483 I Have Been Uneasy

Although she was wearing heavy makeup, she couldn't hide the tenderness on her face. In my judgment, she wouldn't be much older than Xing Xing.Some girls are very strange, they are obviously very young, but they like to dress themselves up as old-fashioned.She walked over and called out in broken Mandarin: "Handsome guy." At the same time, she patted Fanyin's shoulder with her hand, but she obviously hadn't practiced it before, so her movements were naturally not fast. empty.

Fanyin looked at her suspiciously, but didn't answer.

The little girl didn't notice, she reached out to pat again, this time Fanyin raised her hand and squeezed her wrist, and asked solemnly, "Miss, what's the matter with you?"

She was not driven away because this floor only sells some outdoor and other special items, and there are very few people wandering around. That is to say, most of the people who come to this floor can afford the things inside.Although these children are dressed in weird ways, they all have a few accessories that are obviously expensive.It can be inferred from this that these children have a certain background.We are not locals, and naturally it is not good to make enemies in other people's territory, so although we dislike the child's hands-on behavior, we still give a certain amount of tolerance.

The little girl understood a little now, and raised her hand stiffly for a while, with a embarrassed face: "I want to meet you. Handsome guy."

Fanyin simply ignored her.

Of course I could see that Fanyin disliked her, but I didn't think I needed to intervene, and I really wanted to see Fanyin's performance, so I didn't ask to help him.

Seeing that he did not speak, the little girl was not annoyed, but stretched out her hand and said, "Here, would you like to give me a cigarette?"

Fanyin looked at her hand, there was a thin bloody snake tattooed on her tiger's mouth.

He opened the cigarette case, and the girl stretched out her hand to squeeze one, held it in her mouth, smiled and winked at her little friends, and then asked Fan Yin: "Lend me the lighter!"

Fanyin looked at her and handed her the lighter.

She smiled and took it and lit a cigarette, and started to strike up a conversation: "Are you here to buy fishing gear?"

Fanyin nodded and said, "Accompany my friend."

He only answers and doesn't ask questions, which will naturally make people understand that he has no desire to chat.But this little girl is very talkative, asking: "Where are you from?"

"Where are you from?" Fanyin didn't want to answer at all.

"A local."

"Your accent is not the same," Fanyin said.

"Oh, you're so amazing." The girl smiled immediately, and said with a red face, "I just transferred here this year. Hey, handsome guy, I'm the one who asked you first, where are you from?"

Fan Yin still didn't answer, but asked, "How old are you?"

"17 years old. Hello!" The little girl was a little displeased: "I asked where you are from? Why do you always ask me?"

Fanyin looked at her with a lazy expression on his face, knocked on the cigarette ash, and stopped talking.

The little girl was deflated, and her expression was a little displeased. Naturally, her friends who were not far away could see it and gestured at her to make fun of her.

I looked over there, and the children pretended to look elsewhere.

The pink-haired girl is obviously a hot-tempered master. In fact, if she dared to come here to do these things, she knew that this girl should have never been angry, and she didn't know how to judge her face, she didn't have any scheming, and she didn't know how to judge people.

At this time, she raised her voice and put on a straight face: "Hey! You are a shameless person!"

Fanyin glanced at her, but so far there was still no sign of anger.On the contrary, he was very listless from the very beginning, in a bad mood and anxious.

"Hey!" The little girl stretched out her hand and pushed towards Fanyin ignorantly, cursing, "Do you know who I am! Have you ever heard of the Red Snake Gang?"

I have never heard of it.

It wasn't just me. Although Fanyin avoided it at the first time, a dazed look appeared on his face, probably because he hadn't heard of it.

From my experience, those who are called the XX gang are usually small groups that do not have a good reputation, because the gangsters are getting bigger and bigger, and they are being watched nervously by the police. First of all, we must pay attention to the name of the organization. The name must be clean and there is no gangster. suspicious.

Although Fanyin dodged away, the little girl became more and more angry and took another step to push him.Fan Yin took another step back, and the little girl rushed forward again, asking, "Do you know who my father is? Huh? What are you being so arrogant about?"

Fanyin finally couldn't bear it any longer, showing boredom, reached out and pinched her wrist.I thought it was too late to stop her, and after a muffled sound, she screamed.

Fanyin threw her to the ground like throwing trash, and continued to stand there smoking.

The boys and girls over there rushed over immediately, some helped the pink-haired girl, and some stood in front of her, staring at Fanyin.But just now everyone clearly saw that Fanyin broke her arm with one hand. Gundam, but not burly in clothes.

Fanyin was not in the mood to smoke anymore, so he put out the butt and turned around to go in.

I asked Assistant Zhou to stay and deal with it, and went in too.

Smoking a cigarette can cause this kind of trouble, and Fanyin's complexion is even worse.I was also not interested, so I asked, "Shall I go back?"

Fanyin raised his wrist to look at his watch and said, "It's only nine o'clock."

I looked at him and saw that he wasn't looking at me, so I stopped and turned to look at Assistant Zhou.At this moment, we haven't left the gate too far, at most five or six meters, and we can still see Assistant Zhou on the other side, but we didn't expect that there was already a fight there.

We only brought six bodyguards because there were too many to be conspicuous, and as it turned out, those six were quite conspicuous.

Two stayed with Assistant Zhou to handle the matter, and four came in with us.My bodyguards are not as ruthless as Fanyin, but they are not ordinary people either. They should be able to handle several children one at a time.But from this point of view, it was obviously a scuffle, and the fight was very strenuous!
I was about to rush in, Fanyin immediately grabbed my arm, probably afraid that I would run away, then hugged me again, and dragged me to the nearest store.

The shopping guide lady came over with a smile and asked, "Is there anything Madam likes?"

I just looked around and found that it was an underwear store.

Fanyin also showed embarrassment, but quickly looked out.Four bodyguards dutifully followed in, one of them was a woman who pretended to be a customer picking underwear.Fanyin arranged in a low voice for the one closest to me to take another person to rescue Assistant Zhou, so that we only had two bodyguards left.

The shopping guide kept asking me, so I took one casually and said, "I'll try it." Then I said to Fanyin, "Come with me."

The shopping guide said, "I'll help you."

I asked, "Can't my husband go in? I'm not used to strangers."

"Uh..." This young lady is quite meddling, she took a look at Fan Yin, she might think he looks rather fierce, and said, "Of course it's okay."

That's fine, I was about to go in with her, but Fanyin said behind me: "Wait a minute."

I stopped and saw him reach out to me.I didn't react, he gestured several times, asking for the underwear set in my hand.

I handed it to him, and he hung it back, picked a black one in the other row, and followed up with the right size.

I looked at the style and couldn't help looking at him.

He licked his lips and smiled.

Of course I didn't really want to try on underwear, I just thought there was something wrong with it and wanted to have a private chat with Fanyin.

Naturally, the fitting room was relatively safe. Fan Yin came in and checked, but found no monitoring equipment.When I saw him finish the inspection, I immediately asked, "Do you know that Red Snake Gang?"

"I've never heard of it. It's definitely not a local organization." Fan Yin said, "But it should have a strong background."

"Does it feel like she's reaching out when you break her arm?" I asked.

"Not good." Fanyin said, "But the rest of them are good."

"How do you know?" We hadn't started fighting when we left.

"Just look at her posture." Fanyin said in a low voice, "Otherwise I would have kicked her away long ago."

"Then what should we do now? Should we stay here, or go out?" I was a little anxious.It's strange that those kids are so good at fighting.I just felt that my people were weak. Assistant Zhou seemed to have been beaten and lay on the ground, and Fanyin sent reinforcements to confirm this.Even a gang young lady who knows some self-defense skills can't beat my experienced bodyguard like this at such a young age.There is definitely something wrong with this.

"No rush." ​​Fanyin tilted her head, picked up the dress and said, "Try on the clothes first."

"Who wants to try on this kind of clothes with holes everywhere?" I glared at him and said, "Speak seriously, don't try to keep it a secret."

"To be honest, I've been uneasy since I came in." He bit his lip and said, "But because I get nervous every time I go to a public place, I don't think too much about it."

"And then?" I knew he was upset.

"Then the unease grew," he said. "There might actually be something going on."

"What about the Red Snake Gang?"

"I don't know," he said, "but you can ask Huaixin now."

"Then what are you doing in a daze?" I ordered: "Ask!"

He was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "I don't have a mobile phone."

Uh... I took his cell phone away.

I took out my phone and looked in the phone book to find Fei Huaixin's number.Fan Yin said in a cool tone beside him, "It's not the style of a qualified boss to panic when something happens."

I finally found it. I ignored him and handed over the phone first.

After dialing the number, he put it to his ear, but quickly took it off and said, "He's busy."

I also put the phone to my ear, and sure enough, it said that I was talking.I had no choice but to hang up first, my heart was even more confused, and I heard Fan Yin from the side say: "Don't be afraid."

I didn't speak, and Fanyin also fell silent, which made the cramped dressing room even more depressing.

I don't know how long it's been like this, and suddenly someone hugged me.Only then did I realize that I had been in a daze just now, and it was only at this moment that I came back to my senses.

The one who hugged me could only be Fanyin.

He put his arms around me, stroked my back, and said, "Don't shake, it's not as bad as you think. I can't get to know all the gangs in the world, and they obviously don't come to seek revenge. In fact, in my experience, The more the name is like that, what kind of organization is it called dragon, tiger, snake..., the less successful it will be."

(End of this chapter)

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