The Edge of Love and Pain: My Double Husband

Chapter 485 This Woman Is Unusual

Chapter 485 This Woman Is Unusual

The crowd was in a mess in an instant, and I was so nervous that my heart was about to jump out.Frankly speaking, if there is a gun pointed at me from the opposite side, I will not necessarily be afraid to be like this, because I can know who the gunman is and what his purpose is, so I still have room to maneuver.But being trampled to death in the chaotic crowd is simply too aggrieved, and Fanyin and I are already weak.

This is a corridor with only two directions, the front and the back. Gunshots came from the front and back respectively, proving that the road has been blocked.And I finally came to my senses: the police wanted to evacuate the crowd, why would they choose to open only such a small door?The mall is not without doors.

In such despair, the crowd gradually quieted down, and the pace of escape also slowed down.

Fanyin found an opportunity, moved to the wall with his arms around me, and wrapped me in his arms.In this way, my back is against the wall. Although there is nothing to grab, it feels more secure.

The crowd was chaotic, some people were moving forward, some people were going backwards, and some people were simply jumping up and down. Fanyin and I looked at each other, and I knew he had the same thought as me: let's go backwards.

The two of us leaned against the wall and slowly moved back.Maybe it's because the people around him feel more secure when they see Fanyin's tall and mighty stature?After all, there are more women than men here.Also followed us back, forming a small group, no pushing either.

It was considered to be quiet in this way, I looked at Fanyin in relief, he looked at me, seemed to have read my thoughts, lowered his head and kissed my forehead.I feel his lips are wet, firstly because the place is too cramped, secondly because he is already uncomfortable and his complexion has been bad all the time, thirdly because he wanted to protect me just now and prevent himself from being pushed down, he Already working very hard.

In this way, the way back will be much easier.I figured the pistol had six bullets in it and it was the only thing I could use to protect myself, luckily the pistol was still there, but my marksmanship was unflattering.

Finally, we came to the back edge.

Standing here are three men wearing cartoon masks. They may not look big, but they can be called burly.They carried rifles in their hands, and I don't know much about guns to judge its model from its appearance.Although the clothes of the three people are different, they are roughly the same color and style.Their masks cover half of their faces, and red snake-shaped tattoos can be seen on the exposed cheeks, chins, necks and hands.

It seems that it is also the Red Snake Gang that I have never heard of.

Although the other party is wearing a mask, it can be seen that the other party is not very old, at most a minor or just an adult.In fact, many gangs like to hire minors, pregnant women and other groups that can gain huge legal advantages, but most of these gangs have no deep roots, and compared with families like Fanjia, they naturally do not do much.This is because Fanyin and the others no longer need money, and upgrading is the direction. Although things like murder, arson, and drug trafficking are huge profits, the risks are also too huge, and there are countless businesses in the family that have similar profits but are less risky than this type of business. Therefore, it is only used as one of the means, not as a pillar type of business.Therefore, the use of minors and pregnant women as a means of damaging the family's reputation is not considered by the big family.

But that being said, at the moment we're still stuck with this little gang of "doesn't work".Fanyin just broke the girl's hand. From her tone, her father is probably a high-level or even the boss of such an organization. If he came for us, then... I hope Fanyin's hue can be used to the fullest. Think hard.

There were five corpses in front of the three of them, all of them were men, and they were obviously guests in their clothes, some of them were even gorgeous.The crowd here is already very frightened, afraid to speak out, trembling.

We just had a good look around when we found Fanyin conveniently. The gangster wearing a red charizard mask pointed at us with a rifle: "You, come here." The accent was similar to that of the pink-haired girl.

I followed, and as soon as I walked out of the crowd, the fire-breathing dragon's voice became cold: "Women go back."

Before we answered, the man with the green frog head on the far left bared his teeth at me: "Come here, woman."

Everyone knew that this smile had bad intentions, I shrank away from Fanyin, but he was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, stretched out his hand to protect me, looked at the green frog, and said, "No."

The green frog sternly sternly grinned with the corners of his mouth down, showing an unhappy expression, and raised the rifle in his hand.

Fanyin stopped talking.

I sighed in my heart, quietly squeezed the pistol in my pocket tightly, and finally decided that I must never give him the gun: it is difficult to paint a tiger with its skin, and no matter how vivid the imitation is, it is not true after all.

I don't know whether we should listen to other people's arrangements, or what?Because I was worried about Fanyin and myself, I always felt that being together was a little safer.At this time, the gangster with the black bat mask in the middle said to the green frog: "Wait, this woman is not ordinary."


I just breathed a sigh of relief, but I heard the black bat continue to say: "It's so beautiful, I can't let you eat it alone, I have to play with my brothers."

I was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood. This sentence fully exposed the fact that they really didn’t seem to know me, or even Fanyin, and this situation was really too bad: if it’s revenge, that’s fine. If you don't want to seek revenge, but just want to flirt or have ordinary conflicts, you must be cautious if you know our identities, but obviously not now.

While speaking, the fire-breathing dragon pushed the muzzle of the gun forward and urged: "Hurry up, come here, man."

Fanyin remained motionless, his expression was tense, and he squeezed my hand tightly.

Others found out that this situation was aimed at us again, and they already rushed to other places. In this small area, only Fanyin and I were left.

I stopped Fanyin and said, "May I ask what you want him to do?"

The Charizard's tone was very calm, and his demeanor had a bit of the rational flavor of the Fei family. Compared with those two, he lacked the temperament of a desperado.Holding the gun, he said, "Don't be too wordy, come on."

I smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to resist, but although I am a woman, I still have a little money. If you brothers are tight, before the sun goes down today, any amount, any currency, any payment Form, as long as you can make friends like Guibang, it’s not a problem.”

With my level of negotiation, I can also talk about this.I don’t dare to speak too hard and get offended, and I don’t want to speak too softly so that the other party thinks we are easy to bully. In fact, revealing my wealth is also very dangerous. After knowing that I am rich, people can choose this way: pull me over It's the turn, take photos and videos, and then threaten me to give money continuously.As a woman of some status, she would rather pay than have her privacy exposed.

It's just that I have no other choice. With Fanyin's skill and IQ, I believe that it is not difficult to find a way out in this situation. The Lin family is so dangerous, shouldn't we also escape?It's just that Fanyin is scared, I just hope he won't tremble now.

The three of them were taken aback and looked at each other. It seemed that they really didn't know us very well.

I felt my words had an effect, and I asked the Charizard: "Let me go together, how about?"

The fire-breathing dragon was silent for a while, and said, "Come."

Fanyin pulled me forward, and the fire-breathing dragon held us like a prisoner with a gun behind us. After walking about five or six steps, we turned a corner. There stood two other cartoon masked men, also holding us. With a gun, also dressed in the same way, leading us in the front.

I was flustered when I came here, and I didn’t pay attention to it. Only now did I realize that this is actually a safe passage, and it seems to lead to the office area of ​​the shopping mall, so the road is a bit complicated.Although the corridor is not narrow, it is not wide either. According to visual inspection, it is wide enough to drive an ordinary car without obstacles.

There are actually only three people here, and two of them have their backs to us. Although the fire-breathing dragon is facing us, it has only one gun.I thought to myself that according to Fanyin's temperament, we must do it now. In this way, we have a pistol and a rifle, and we have a great chance of winning against them.

But "Fan Yin" next to me didn't move at all, and my skills were not much better than ordinary people, so naturally I had to give up this perhaps last chance for nothing.Thankfully, both my phone and pistol were still in my pocket and hadn't been found.After so many things, Meng Jiancong will definitely notice that it is unusual, and the mobile phone during the call can also be located. Before he comes, I hope that we can be hurt less and try to Zhou Xuan as much as possible.

We walked like this, and after turning two corners, the person in front led us to an office.

This is a very large office. It seems that there were many people working before the accident. The outside is the hall, and the inside is the independent director's office and secretary's office. There are no employees in the hall. office.My male bodyguards are all here, tied and kneeling on the ground, all injured to varying degrees, and there are bloodstains under everyone's knees.Assistant Zhou was the most injured, leaning against one of the bodyguards, his head was bleeding and his face was pale.

Beside them stood members of the Red Snake Gang with guns and masks.

The only female bodyguard, A Yao, disappeared, so I became worried.

The members of the Red Snake Gang who led the way led us into the innermost director's office. When passing by the secretary's room, I saw through the window squatting people in employee uniforms, all holding their heads. Naturally, there were also members of the Red Snake Gang. Hold the gun.

We have seen a lot of rifles since we came in. If this gang is not composed of a group of lunatics, then this gang is indeed not weak, because rifles are different from pistols. They have more legal problems than pistols, and transportation and hiding are more important than pistols. Difficult, so it is harder to buy than a pistol, and it is not easy to use if you buy it easily, let alone a shopping mall of this level.The legal problems and the pressure of my public opinion brought about by this are enough to make the highest level of the country directly order the removal of the entire gang.

However, since the other party has so many rifles, they have to contact the arms dealer. The arms trade in more than a dozen countries is controlled by the Fei family. home money.

(End of this chapter)

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