The Edge of Love and Pain: My Double Husband

Chapter 487 Pushing A Person Away

Chapter 487 Pushing Away Away
Frankly speaking, I feel very uncomfortable.The reason is simple: she treats him so cruelly, but he is reluctant to part with him, and now he is also so absent-minded.I have been trying my best to treat him well, but what I get in return is "What are you? You are worthy of being compared with her" - this is the original words of No. 1 grid many years ago. .

I figured the woman wasn't terrified enough by now, so I said, "I'm counting to three, and you better give me an answer."

She raised her head, naturally she was not afraid, she shrugged with a smile, and turned to look at Fanyin again.

I said, "One."

She still looked relaxed, and said: "You don't have to be too nervous, I can swear to you that you can get out of here easily, I don't mind you pointing a gun at..."

"Two." I interrupted her.

She froze for a moment, and finally looked at me squarely.

I put my finger in the trigger ring, hold the trigger with my index finger, and slowly press down.Over the years, I have learned from Fanyin an experience that seems to me to be close to telling the truth: if you want not to be restrained by others, you must be unscrupulous.And you can't pretend to be unscrupulous. In fact, in the eyes of smart people, you can't pretend to be anything.In fact, being a desperado is not a temperament, but a choice.

Therefore, the moment I drew the gun, I had already thought about it: If I can't achieve my goal, I will kill her, and even if I am shot into a sieve in the next step, I will admit it.

I start counting: "s..."

She finally felt my determination, and quickly interrupted me: "Of course it's your man."

"What do you want him to do?"

She looked down at the gun in my hand, and saw that my finger was still on the trigger, and any flick of it would risk ripping her open.Apparently she was starting to be scared, and everyone would be scared in this situation, she said softly: "He broke my daughter's arm, I want to talk to him."

"To be honest." The pink hair didn't look like a mixed race at all.

"It's true," she said. "She's my stepdaughter."

If they really are in this relationship, then this reason sounds quite logical.Although the little girl was reckless, she was the first to make a fuss, so we have to apologize and give money.But if that was the case, she didn't need to play tricks just now, let alone cost so many lives.I judged that she was lying [-]% of the time, because my gun was pointed at her stomach, and she was afraid that I would be emotional and my hands would shake and kill her. It was at least better than saying "because I want to catch up with your husband".

I didn't expose it either, because now was the opportunity, so I pointed my gun at the gunpoint and said, "Just mention this to me, what compensation do you want?"

She became more and more nervous, and her smile was a little stiff: "No need."

"No need?" I raised my eyebrows: "You want me to believe that you don't want a penny for arresting us so aggressively?"

"It's not that I don't want it, but..."

She stopped suddenly, looking a little embarrassed.My attention couldn't help but be attracted by her, but at the same time, I suddenly felt a chill behind me. It was an inexplicable feeling, as if an evil wind suddenly blew from the back of my head.And without thinking about it, I just instinctively pulled the trigger on fake Amelie.

At the same time, a figure bumped towards me, but it bumped into the fake Amelie instead of me.There was a gunshot, and I thought maybe I hit it, or maybe I didn't, I don't know, because I smelled blood, and felt a sharp pain and dizziness at the same time.

Passing out is actually a good experience, because during this time, I don't think about anything.Oh, no, in fact, when I fainted, it was as if someone patted me, my eyes went dark, and when I opened my eyes again, time passed.

When I opened my eyes, it was pitch black.

There was severe pain in the head, and the smell of blood and damp was in the air.I couldn't move my limbs at all, and I felt like I was tied to death by something.

I endured the severe pain in my head and recalled carefully, and all I could remember was the chaotic scene at the end, and I also completely remembered that someone knocked the fake Amelie away, it was Fanyin.

The fact that everything was happening at the same time proved that the people behind me had taken the time to get close to me.And Fanyin was standing next to me, so I should be able to see my back from the corner of my eye.He could choose to push away anyone, but he chose to push away fake Amelie.

Although judging the position is the most important thing right now, but at this moment, my heart suddenly hurts sharply, as if being clenched tightly by someone.I have to admit that although the grievances and grievances have been going on for a long time, I have long felt that my feelings for Xiao Tiantian have long been overturned.At this moment, it was still like being hit by a stick, and the past suddenly rushed back: I remembered the first time I met him, when I was young, only 17 years old, and that was the first time I fell in love with someone.My feelings towards Britney are always somewhat complicated, because the person I loved at the beginning was indeed him, and it was everything that that personality pretended to be.My feelings for him were much simpler and purer than those with No.1 later on. The two years after that, even when I recall them now, are rare happy times in my life.



At this time, a voice came from my ear: "Boss?" It was very weak, but I could fully hear that it was Assistant Zhou's voice.

I was overjoyed immediately and asked, "Assistant Zhou?"

"Yes." He asked happily, "Why didn't you call me when you woke up? Are you feeling okay? Your head is still bleeding."

"It's so dark in here, I can't see anything." I said, "My head still hurts a little, but I can bear it."

Assistant Zhou said "Oh", with a strange tone: "Yes, it is indeed too dark here."

I understood and said, "Are you all okay?"

He said: "Except for Ah Yao and Captain Zhao, everyone else is fine."

I said, "Captain Zhao is dead, where is Ayao?"

"They pulled him away." He said in a lonely tone.

I was speechless at first, but finally couldn't bear the sadness in my heart, and said, "I'm sorry..."

Assistant Zhou only said: "Boss, Mr. Fan was never brought in from the beginning."

I said, "Oh."

"We can still move," he said. "I'll move over and untie the rope for you."

"You guys solve each other first." I said, "Anyway, I can't see anything, it's just a waste of time to untie it first."

I was slightly taken aback when I heard Assistant Zhou's voice, and then quickly said: "Don't worry, your eyes are not injured, I believe it's only temporary."

"It's okay, I'm not worried." I'm really not worried, I've tried so many times to die, it's just blindness.I heard them rustling and started to move, and asked in a low voice, "What time is it? Where is this place?"

"It's like a warehouse here, but there are windows in the corner, so I can't see what time it is." He said, "But there is plenty of light. It looks like it's two to four o'clock in the afternoon."

"Is there anyone else here?"

"Yes." There was a timid girl's voice in the corner: "We are the staff here."

"It's a man and a woman. The man is in a coma. He has lost a lot of blood. His condition is not optimistic." Assistant Zhou said.

I asked, "What do you two do?"

"We are the warehouse manager of this warehouse. I am in charge of recording, and he is in charge of moving the goods." The girl asked, "Can you untie it for us too?"

"Yes." I said, "The premise is that you know the route here."

"Of course I know!" She said, "I have been with this company since I graduated from university, and I have worked here for four years, so I know the route very well!"

That's good, if you want to escape, you must at least know the route.Unfortunately, I no longer have a gun with me.

I asked, "Is the nearest exit far from here?"

"Of course not far." She seemed to be muttering: "It's just above the head."

"Uh..." I asked, "Is it easy to climb?"

"It's not easy to climb." Assistant Zhou said, "It's very high, and the windows seem to be sealed. I'm afraid the glass is not easy to break."

I was still interested, so I asked the girl, "Where is this window after going out?"

"It's the rooftop on the second floor."

"Second floor?"

"Yes." She said, "This warehouse is between the first and second floors."

The first floor of the mall is much higher than ordinary buildings.

"Then is there another way after reaching the rooftop?" Assistant Zhou also asked.

"Yes." She said, "You can go directly from the rooftop to the underwear area on the second floor."

I asked, "What's the second shortest way?"

"The second closest one is from the office area." The girl said, "I usually walk for about 10 minutes."

It's too slow, a group of wounded and sick, no weapons, with a blind man, and enemies everywhere, it is impossible to complete in 10 minutes.And even if it can be completed, it will take too long.

We can only consider this window.

I said to Assistant Zhou: "I think it is feasible to walk through the windows. It is impossible for them to arrange defenses in every corner of the mall. They mainly concentrate on the office area, and places like the rooftop should not be very strictly guarded."

Assistant Zhou said, "Okay, but how do we break the glass and get up there? There are no ladders here."

"Can you step on the shelf?" I said, "As for the glass...Miss, do you know how to open this window?" I don't think people who have never been up here will be so clear about where it leads.

"I know," she said. "Please untie me and let me open the window."

I said to Assistant Zhou, "Untie it for her."

I'm not afraid of her calculating us, because we really have nothing to be calculated.What's more, in terms of her situation described by Assistant Zhou, we are also overwhelming in terms of force.

At this time, I don't know how many people Assistant Zhou and the others have unlocked, but they haven't unlocked me yet.There was a rustle, and the girl said, "I'm going up, and then can you help me push my colleague up?"

"I'm afraid this can't be done." Assistant Zhou said: "As you can see, we are all injured, and no one has the ability to push this gentleman up, and even if we push him up, we can't carry him on. Run away. At least he doesn't bask in the sun here, but the rooftop is not as comfortable as here."

"Then I won't go." The little girl's voice was a little annoyed.

Assistant Zhou said, "Boss..."

"If you don't go, tie her up." I said, "Anyway, I already know the way."

(End of this chapter)

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