Chapter 490 I Take You

"I don't need your scruples." I admit that my attitude is a little bit angry, but why isn't it true? "Just don't hold me back."

He said, "I should..."

"Don't you should. If it wasn't because of you, I would have left long ago. It is also because of you that I became like this. Where do you have the confidence to think that I am holding you back?" I said: "Either listen to me, or take your gun and go yourself."

"What if they all want to come with me?" He tried to enlist me.

"Then let's go." If that's the case, I can't kill them, and I can't stop them: "There's no need to come back."

Did not hear him speak.

I felt that this place had been discovered by the muzzle on the opposite side, and we couldn't stay for long, so I urged: "You decide quickly."

"Then what else to decide?" He suddenly hugged him and said, "I know you're afraid, so I'll take you with me."

Oh, I'm not that scared.This is the end of the matter, and fear is useless.I'm just afraid that he will give me a favor. I don't want to find out which personality he is now. The point is that he has given me a favor.

But I didn't argue.

Next, we will deploy this thing.Just now their actions have been discovered by the gunmen on the opposite side, and they must communicate with each other. I am afraid that they have already discovered that their own person has been robbed of a rifle.And we have no way to escape, so we can only go back along the original road. In this way, we need to send someone to observe around the window first, so as not to be killed immediately, after all, there is still a certain shooting advantage at high places.This job is complicated, and no one has any objections. It requires a wealth of experience in sniping and courage and carefulness, which no one else has.Although I don't want Fanyin to hold a gun, because he is the first to kill me when he becomes abnormal, but there is no one who can do this. Thinking about it, I think my defeated soldiers may not be able to win against him. It did not stop.

Fanyin went, a bodyguard followed him, and the two went to watch in the other direction, lest someone from the store come out and steal our way.No one spoke during this time, and the little girl was trembling in my arms.I whispered to her: "Close your eyes if you are afraid, and don't scream." I understand how I felt when I saw a murderer for the first time.

She also whispered, "I closed my eyes."


I counted the time in my mind and realized that 10 minutes had passed.I have no one to ask, the little girl closed her eyes again, suddenly, a gunshot came.Even though I have heard it too many times, I still couldn't help but shiver, and I heard the little girl "ah", I quickly groped to cover her mouth, covered it, and at the same time touched the tears all over her face .

The intermittent gunfire meant that someone was down there.At this distance, I have reason to believe that Fanyin basically fired every shot. I counted the gunshots and found that there were at least seven or eight people downstairs. Of course, there was a gap between the time they came in.

Just then, the gunfire stopped and I felt someone approaching me.No matter who it was, I quickly grabbed it and asked, "Who?"

"Boss, it's me." Assistant Zhou's voice came.

"Oh." I looked at my nose and asked, "Where is the smell of gunpowder coming from? The gun is in your hand?"

This gun is not enough to smell gunpowder smoke everywhere, it is only stronger when it is nearby.

"Yeah." Assistant Zhou said in a low voice, "Mr. Fan went down and said he was going downstairs to pick up some guns. He gave me the gun building and asked me to go to your neighborhood to ensure your safety."

Fan Yin went down, which meant that there was no shooter downstairs for the time being.But he only went down to pick up the gun, which meant that, in his judgment, the downstairs wasn't really safe.He asked Assistant Zhou to protect us, which further confirmed this point.Just as I was thinking, I suddenly heard a gunshot coming from the underground, that is, the warehouse.I couldn't help but panic, and hurriedly tightened Assistant Zhou's clothes, and the little girl pinched me tightly.

There was the sound of a rifle being loaded next to him. It was probably Assistant Zhou. What was rare was that he was quite calm. You must know that he was young and had never seen life and death: "Boss, don't hold my pants. Got ripped off."

I quickly let go, knowing that Assistant Zhou was on the alert, so I quickly ordered the little girl: "Open your eyes, and show me what happened."

"The brother above is injured." Her voice was not only trembling, but even distorted: "He looks so painful... His leg has been bleeding, do you want to help him?"

"It's not urgent." There is no such time: "Describe the scene to me."

She didn't speak, she kept shaking.

Another gunshot came, and I raised my hand and slapped it up intuitively. It felt like I was slapped on the face. I whispered: "Why are you shaking? Talk quickly! It's time to be a coward!"

I don't know if the slap woke her up, she was silent for a short while, and then said very fast: "The brother next to the window is dead, the other brothers are fine, I can't see inside. "

The elder brother next to the window should be responding to Fanyin, the gun is not light, he takes it from above, it is unrealistic to run several times, someone needs to follow.

I asked, "How many guns do we have now?"

"Three." She really had more inspiration: "The other one is used by my brother with very short hair."

In other words, the three men above now have guns.I asked, "Where is the brother with short hair?"

"Ah... ah!" She called out again.

She yelled that my heart was paralyzed: "What's wrong!"

"The brother with short hair is dead!" She yelled uncontrollably, "Ah!"

Come on, I said to Assistant Zhou: "Leave one of you with me..." She was still screaming, making me speechless, and couldn't help but grabbed her hair and slapped her again, but this It didn't work the first time, and she still yelled endlessly.At this moment, there were constant gunshots downstairs, and it was obvious that there was a gun battle, and we only had Assistant Zhou and another injured bodyguard left.I couldn't see anything, and my heart was full of anxiety. If she called it like this, whether it would attract people was not the point, the point was that it was really annoying!I lifted her hair hard and pinched her chin so she couldn't scream for a while, but she was still shaking.I said, "Call again, and I'll kill you right away."

I don't know if she agreed or not, Assistant Zhou seems to be gone, I guess he must have gone to the window to support Fanyin.Fanyin can't climb up, because the process of climbing is the process of exposing his back and letting the opponent kill him.But for him, the bottom is an urn, which is very unfavorable.

I grabbed it for a while, repeated my order a few times, and then let go.She finally stopped barking, and although she was useless, I still had to rely on her and said, "Where is the body of the short-haired brother?"

She was trembling for a long time, and when I said "hmm", she was probably afraid that I would hit her again, so she whispered, "It's by the window."

"Go get me his gun," I ordered.


"Ah what?" I said, "Go!"

She was about to cry again: "There is shooting!"

It turned out that he was afraid of death.

Frankly speaking, I lost my patience with her just now when she yelled like that.Our roster is already too weak, and we don't expect her to be useful, but if she can't even do basic peace of mind and only screams to destroy our mood, then she will die.

I said, "There's shooting over there, you just watch out, if you don't go, you're useless."

I don't know what her expression is at the moment, it's probably quite pitiful.

After a while, she said, "Then sister... I'm going. Don't be angry, don't hit me..."

"Go." I said, "Come on, be careful, try to avoid windows, and crawl on the ground."

She agreed, but nothing happened.

There were gunshots all over there, and the floor under me was shaking a little. I don't know if such a battle can attract the police.I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't see anything, and I was helpless.If I die here, it will be really aggrieved, because I don't even know who the other party is.Hey...Meng Jiancong must have found us, but why is there no movement?

After a while like this, I suddenly heard a cry of "ah", like that little girl.I pricked up my ears, but I didn't really mind her death, I just wanted to know how she died.I'm worried about people coming from the store.

But none of this happened, and soon, the sound of stumbling footsteps was accompanied by the sound of dragging something on the ground, and the little girl's voice was panting: "Sister, I got it."

The same heavy long pole was placed on me.

I touched the gun, but the body was still sticky with blood on it.I asked, "What's wrong with you?" Her tone was weak.

"I was hit, it hurts," she said weakly.

"Where was it beaten?" I asked, "Leg or hand?"

"Leg." She got up sharply this time: "But don't worry, it's not in the thigh, it's just the calf, but it hurts..."

"Take off your bra." I said, "Take it to stop the bleeding."


"Don't forget to look around for me and report the situation in time."

"Well," she actually said, "I just took a look, and the brother you like is still alive, just down there."

I asked, "How did you see that?"

"I stretched my neck," she said.

I couldn't help laughing, thinking she wasn't too cowardly.

Next, the little girl became more emotionally stable, and told me that Assistant Zhou and another bodyguard who had been shot were at the window because it was really critical there.She just glanced at the situation below, and saw that Fanyin was not far from the window at that time, and she couldn't see the enemy.I'm holding a gun, but it's useless, and I can't see anything, how can I shoot?But the little girl can't be expected to use a rifle, so I'll have to.She watched for me to prevent people from coming from the store.

This process is naturally very tormented, because I can only hear the gunshots, but can't see anything.I was afraid that Fanyin would not be able to withstand it, and I didn't dare to think in this direction. I thought it would be fine if I didn't want to.I didn't even let myself act too flustered, because I knew there was no point in being flustered, but my heart kept beating.

(End of this chapter)

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